| Laura Valentine - 1880 - 634 pages
...MEMORY OF MY BELOVED MASTER, WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE, AND WHAT HE HATH LEFT US. To draw no envy, Shakspeare, on thy name, Am I thus ample to thy book and fame; While I confess thy writings to be such As neither man nor Muse can praise too much. 'Tis true, and all men's... | |
 | Thomas Humphry Ward - 1880 - 528 pages
...Underwoods, but really from the First Folio edition of Shakspeare, 1623.] To draw no envy, Shakspeare, on thy name, Am I thus ample to thy book and fame ; While I confess thy writings to be such, As neither Man nor Muse can praise too much. 'Tis true, and all men's... | |
 | William Shakespeare, Henry Norman Hudson - 1880 - 570 pages
...beloved, the Author, Master WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, and what he hath left us. To draw no envy, Shakespeare, on thy name, Am I thus ample to thy book and fame ; While I confess thy writings to be such As neither man nor Muse can praise too much : 'Tis true, and all men's... | |
 | Robert Chambers - 1880 - 842 pages
...beloved, tlus Author, Mr. William Shdhtpeare, and what he hath left us. To draw no envy, Shakspcare, ou thy name, Am I thus ample to thy book and fame ; While I confess thy writings to be such As neither man nor Muse can praise too much. 'Tis true, and all men's... | |
 | Appleton Morgan - 1881 - 366 pages
...BELOVED, THE AUTHOR, MASTER WILLIAM SlIAKESl'EAKE, AND WHAT HE HATH LEFT US. To draw no envy, Shakespeare, on thy name Am I thus ample to thy book and fame; While I confess thy writings to be such As neither man nor muse can praise too much. 'Tis true and all men's... | |
 | George Gilfillan - 1881 - 744 pages
...MEMORY OF MY BELOVED MASTER, WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE, AND WHAT HE HATH LEFT US. To draw no envy, Shakspeare, on thy name, Am I thus ample to thy book and fame ; While I confess thy writings to be such As neither man nor Muse can praise too much, 'Tis true, and all men's... | |
 | Epes Sargent - 1881 - 1000 pages
...MEMORY OF MY BELOA7ED MASTER, WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE, AND WHAT HE HATH LEFT US. To draw uo envy, Shakspeare, on thy name, Am I thus ample to thy book and fame ; While I confess thy writings to be such As neither man nor muse can praise too much. • **•<*• I, therefore,... | |
 | Henry Troth Coates - 1881 - 1138 pages
...BELOVED, THE AUTHOR, MR. È7ëLiA.if SHAKESPEARE, AXD WHAT HE HATH LEFT US. To draw no envy (Shakespeare) confess thy writings to be siu-h, As neither man, nor muse, can praise too much ; 'Tis true, and all... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1881 - 304 pages
...beloved, the Author, Master WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, and what he hath left us. To draw no envy, Shakespeare, on thy name, Am I thus ample to thy book and fame ; While I confess thy writings to be such As neither man nor Muse can praise too much : 'Tis true, and all men's... | |
 | Matthew Arnold - 1882 - 522 pages
...Underwoods, but really from the Fir,t Folio edition of Shakspeare, 1623.] To draw no envy, Shakspeare, on thy name, Am I thus ample to thy book and fame ; While I confess thy writings to be such, As neither Man nor Muse can praise too much. Tis true, and all men's... | |
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