| William Shakespeare - 1788 - 316 pages
...of my beloved, the Author, Mr. WILLIAM SHAKSPERE, and what he left us. To draw no envy, Skakspere, on thy name, Am I thus ample to thy book, and fame ; While I confess thy writings to be such, As neither man, nor muse, can praise too much ; *Tis true, and all... | |
| Robert Anderson - 1795 - 912 pages
...monument to thcc. To tit Memory "f my I •:•-.:•{ Mr. William Stoi/ftart, aiul wkat be bath lift til. To draw no envy, Shakfpeare, on thy name, Am I thus...and fame : While I confefs thy writings to be fuch, A> neither mai nor mufe can praife too much. ' Fi« trae, and all men's fuffrage. But thcfe ways Were... | |
| Octavius Gilchrist - 1808 - 74 pages
...BELOVED, THE AUTHOR, MR. WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE, AND WHAT HE HATH LEFT US. To draw no envy, Shakspeare, on thy name, Am I thus ample to thy book, and fame; While I confess thy writings to be such, As neither man, nor muse, can praise too much; Tis true, and all men's... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1809 - 390 pages
...beloved, the author, Mr. William Shakspeare. and -what he hath left ys. To draw no envy, Shakspeare, on thy name, Am I thus ample to thy book, and fame; While I confess thy writings to be such, As neither man, nor muse, can praise too much; 'Tis true, and all... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1809 - 394 pages
...helmed, the author, Mr. WiUtam Shakspecrre, and -.11/111 1 he hath left at. To draw no envy, Shakspeare, on thy name, Am I thus ample to thy book, and fame; While I confess thy writings to be such, As neither man, nor muse, can praise too much . "Tis true, and aH... | |
| Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - 748 pages
...MEMORY OF MY BELOVED MR. WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE, AND WHAT HE BATH LIFT I i. To draw no envy, Shakspeare, on thy name, Am I thus ample to thy book and fame: While 1 confess thy writings to be such, As neither man nor Muse can praise too much. 'Tis true, and all... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1812 - 542 pages
...BELOVED, THE AUTHOR, MR, WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE*, And -what he hath lift Us. TO draw no envy, Shakespeare, on thy name, Am I thus ample to thy book, and fame; While I confess thy writings to be such, As neither man, nor muse, can ptaise too much; Tis true, and all men'«... | |
| Ben Jonson, William Gifford - 1816 - 482 pages
...MEMORY OF MY BELOVED MASTER WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE, AND WHAT HE HATH LEFT US. To draw no envy, SHAKSPEARE, on thy name, Am I thus ample to thy book and fame ; While I confess thy writings to be such, As neither man, nor Muse, can praise too much. Tis true, and all men's... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1826 - 548 pages
...MEMORY OF MY BELOVED MR. WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE, AND WHAT HE HATH LEFT US. To draw no envy, Shakspeare, on thy name, Am I thus ample to thy book and fame: While I confess thy writings to be such, As neither man nor Muse can praise too much. 'Tis true, and all men's... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1831 - 542 pages
...MEMORY OF MY BELOVED MR. WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE, AND WHAT HE HATH LEFT US. To draw no envy, Shakspeare, istols,* thai none shall issue out; otherwise you might sli confess thy writings to be such, As neither man nor Muse ran prai.se too much, 'Tis true, and all men's... | |
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