| 1875 - 526 pages
...of Ely. Professor HELMHOLTZ on the THEORY oí Music. Preparing for publication, in One Volume, ' On the ' Sensations of Tone, as a Physiological Basis for the ' Theory of Music.' By H. HELMHOLTZ, Professor of Physiology, formerly in the University of Heidelberg, and now in the... | |
| Henry Bellyse Baildon - 1875 - 160 pages
...Edition, reedited by the late WT Brande (the Author) and Rev, G. W. Cox, MA 3 vols. medium %vo. 6y. On the Sensations of Tone, as a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music. By H. Helmholtz, Professor of Physiology in the University of Berlin. Translated by AJ Ellis, FRS \_Nearly... | |
| William Stigand - 1875 - 506 pages
...Philosophy in the Royal Institution of Great Britain. New Edition. [Just ready. Professor HELMHOLTZ on the SENSATIONS of TONE, as a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music. Translated by AJ ELLIS B AFR SFSA &c. 8vo. price 36s. London, LONGMANS and CO. 39 PATERNOSTER Row,... | |
| Friedrich Max Müller - 1875 - 654 pages
...by the late WT Brande(theAu/Iwr)and Rev. GW Cox, MA. New Edition, revised. 3 voh.mdiuip 8vo. 635. On the Sensations of Tone, as a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music. By H. Helmholtz, Prothe University of Berlin. Translated by A. 7. Ellis, FRS fessor of Physiology in... | |
| Frederic Harrison - 1875 - 470 pages
...Edition, reedited by the late WT Brande (the Aut/ior)andRev.G. W. C'ox, MA. 3 vols. medium 8z'o. 63:. On the Sensations of Tone, as a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music. By H. Hclmholtz, Professor of Physiology in the University of Berlin. Translated by A. 7. Ellis, FRS... | |
| Serjeant Cox - 1875 - 108 pages
...reedited by the late WT Brande (the Author)andRév. G. W. Cox, MA • 3 vols, medium 8vo. 6¡s. On the Sensations of Tone, as a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music. By H. Heimholte, Professor of Physiology in the University of Berlin. Translated by AJ Ellis, FRS [Nearly... | |
| Sir George Cornewall Lewis - 1875 - 362 pages
...the late WT Brande(theA uthor) and Rev. GW Cox, MA New Edition, revised. 3 vols. medium 8vo. 6$s. On the Sensations of Tone, as a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music. By H. Helmholtz, Professor of Physiology in the University of Berlin. Translated by AJ Ellis, FRS Bvo.... | |
| Stanley Taylor Gibson - 1875 - 440 pages
...the late WT Brande(theA uthor)and Rev. GW Cox, MA Neio Edition, revised. 3 vols. medium &vo. 63*. On the Sensations of Tone, as a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music. By H. Helmholtz, Professor of Physiology in the University of Berlin. Translated by AJ Ellis, FRS %vo.... | |
| Henry Dunning Macleod - 1875 - 574 pages
...Crown Svo. 7*. M. 10 WORKS published by LONGMANS &- CO. Professor Helmholtz on iA TextBook of Systethe Sensations of Tone, as a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music. Translated by AJ ELLIS, FRS 8vo. 36.?. Professor Helmholtz' Popular Lectures on Scientific Subjects.... | |
| Alexander John Ellis - 1875 - 482 pages
...and which are published almost at the same time as the present pages. Helmholtz's great treatise, On Sensations of Tone as a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music (shortly to be published by Longman and Co., from my English version, with notes and additions), contains... | |
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