The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Volume 5Society of English and French Literature, 1903 |
From inside the book
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Page 47
... Bard . ' Faith , I ranne when I saw others runne . Prin . Tell mee now in earnest , how came Falstaffes Sword so hackt ? Peto . Why , he hackt it with his Dagger , and said , hee would sweare truth out of England , but hee would make ...
... Bard . ' Faith , I ranne when I saw others runne . Prin . Tell mee now in earnest , how came Falstaffes Sword so hackt ? Peto . Why , he hackt it with his Dagger , and said , hee would sweare truth out of England , but hee would make ...
Page 48
... Bard . Choler , my Lord , if rightly taken . Prin . No , if rightly taken , Halter . Enter Falstaffe . Heere comes leane Jacke , heere comes bare - bone . How now my sweet Creature of Bombast , how long is't agoe , Jacke , since thou ...
... Bard . Choler , my Lord , if rightly taken . Prin . No , if rightly taken , Halter . Enter Falstaffe . Heere comes leane Jacke , heere comes bare - bone . How now my sweet Creature of Bombast , how long is't agoe , Jacke , since thou ...
Page 53
... Bard . O , my Lord , my Lord , the Sherife , with a most most monstrous Watch , is at the doore . Falst . Out you Rogue , play out the Play : I have much to say in the behalfe of that Falstaffe . Enter the Hostesse . Hostesse . O , my ...
... Bard . O , my Lord , my Lord , the Sherife , with a most most monstrous Watch , is at the doore . Falst . Out you Rogue , play out the Play : I have much to say in the behalfe of that Falstaffe . Enter the Hostesse . Hostesse . O , my ...
Page 72
... Bard . Sir John , you are so fretfull , you cannot live long . 1 fall off 2 kind of apple 3 condition Falst . Why there is it : Come , sing me a bawdy Song , make me merry : I was as vertuously given , as a Gentle- man need to be ...
... Bard . Sir John , you are so fretfull , you cannot live long . 1 fall off 2 kind of apple 3 condition Falst . Why there is it : Come , sing me a bawdy Song , make me merry : I was as vertuously given , as a Gentle- man need to be ...
Page 73
... Bard . I would my Face were in your Belly . Falst . So should I be sure to be heart - burn'd . Enter Hostesse . 50 How now , Dame Partlet the Hen , have you enquir'd yet who pick'd my Pocket ? Hostesse . Why Sir John , what doe you ...
... Bard . I would my Face were in your Belly . Falst . So should I be sure to be heart - burn'd . Enter Hostesse . 50 How now , Dame Partlet the Hen , have you enquir'd yet who pick'd my Pocket ? Hostesse . Why Sir John , what doe you ...
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Common terms and phrases
anon art thou Bard Bardolfe Bardolph Bish bles blood Brother Captaine Collevile Const Constable of France Cousin Crowne dayes death do'st Dolph doth Dowglas Duke Earle Eastcheap England English Enter Exeunt Exit Falst Falstaffe Father feare France French give Glend Glendower God-Q Gower Grace Harry Harry Percy hath heare heart Heaven heere Henry Henry IV Honor Horse Host Hostesse Hotsp Kate Kath King Knave Lady Liege looke Lord Majestie misprint morrow Mortimer never Night Noble Northumberland Orleance Peace Percy Pist Pistoll Poin pray prethee Prince of Wales Quarto Rogue Scana Scene selfe Shal Shallow shew Sir John Sir John Falstaffe Sonne Souldiers speake Sunne sweet Sword sylla tell thee thinke thou art thou hast three syllables unto Warre wee'l Westmerland wilt Zounds