BOMBAY CHURCH: OR, A True ACCOUNT of the BUILDING and FINISHING the ENGLISH CHURCH At BOMBAY in the EAST INDIES; With a LIST of The BENEFACTIONS Contributed thereunto, From the YEAR it was Begun 1715, The YEAR it was Finished 1718: Also the First RISE of the CHARITY-SCHOOL Proposed to be ERECTED There 1719; With a few REMARKS on the INDIAN LETTERS. By RICHARD COBВЕ, М.А. Late Chaplain to the Honourable East India Company. LONDON: Printed by J. and W. OLIVER in Bartholomew-Close. M DCC LXVI, BODL 110.j. 330. TO THE Honourable Court of DIRECTORS For AFFAIRS of the United Company of Merchants of England, Trading to the East Indies. May it please your Honours, N acknowledgment of the many I favours received at your hands, particularly in choofing me your Chaplain, how unworthy foever, to your Factory at Bombay in the East Indies, anno 1714, I make bold to present you with this short but true account of the Building and Finishing the new Church there, encouraged thereunto by your Honours generous benefaction and approbation; hoping it may be of use and fatisfaction to the future as well as prefent flourishing state of that ifland; A 2 confidering confidering likewise the unsettled and oftentimes turbulent situation of affairs in other Factories under your Honours direction, this of Bombay, for which I have still a very great respect, may be looked upon as the safest place of retreat and harbour, as being, under his Majesty King GEORGE, your own terra firma; and the Church not the least safeguard and ornament thereof, and therefore not unworthy your Honours care and protection. Be pleased, Gentlemen, to accept this small tribute, the account of Churchwork, in return for the many fignal favours conferred on, HONOURABLE SIRS, Your most obliged humble Servant and Chaplain, Wint. Whitchurch, Dorsetshire, 1765. Richard Cobbe. N the good ship Katharine, burden 450 tuns, 32 guns, 90 men, Capt. Edward Godfrey commander, in company with the Thistleworth, Capt. Daniel Small commander, both in the service of the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies, and both bound for Bombay, we fet fail, by God's permission, from Deal, March 29, 1714, with a profperous gale, and in high spirits towards our intended port; but had the misfortune of lofing our Captain and Chief Mate, before we made the Cape of Good Hope, a very boisterous and turbulent fea coaft, |