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GLUMER (GER.) Gratulatio Jo. Giul. Engebrecht. fol. Ilfeld. 1712.

GLUSING (JOH.) Tabulæ Anatomicæ. fol.

De Dysenteria. 4° Tr. ad Rhen. 1692.

GLYCAS (MICH.) Annales a Mundi Excidio ad Obitum Alescii Commeni. Gr. & Lat. fol. Par. 1660.

Lat. per Jo. Leunclavium. 8° Bas. 1572. GLYK (JOH. GEO.) De Lumbricis. 4o Jen. 1685.

GLYN (MR.) Reply to the Earl of Strafford's Defence. 4° Lond.



Report on the case of the Vintners. fol. 1641.

Speech on the breach of Priviledges. 4° Lond.

Speech on the accusation of Mr. Herbert the King's Attorney. 4° Lond. 1642.

GLYTZ (JOH. GEO.) De morbo convulsivo a viso Spectro. 4° Jen. 1682.

GMELIN (G. FR.) De Gonorrhoea virulenta utroque in sexu vulgo "Drüpper" et la Chaudepisse. 4o Tub. 1700.

GMELIN (J. G.) Flora Sibirica. 2 tom. 4" Petrop. 1747.

Sermo Academicus de novorum vegetabilium post crea

tionem divinam exortu. 8° Tub. 1749.

GMELIN (PHIL. FR.) De Hypopyo. 4° Tub. 1742.

GNAPHEUS (GUL.) Comoediae et Tragoediae aliquot ex Novo et Vetere Testamento desumpta. 8° Bas. 1542.

GNESELIUS (BERNH.) De Quantitate seu Continuo. 4° Lips. 1626.

GNODALIUS (PET.) Seditio repentina Vulgi præcipue Rusticorum anno M.D.XXV. per Germaniam exorta 80 Bas.

1570. GNOMICORUM SCRIPTORUM COLLECTIONES, v. ANTHOLOGIA, COMICORUM GRÆCORUM SENTENTIÆ. MUSÆUS. POETÆ. Gnome Monastichoi ex diversis Poetis secundum ordinem Alphabeticum: et Poematium Musæi. Gr. 4o LITTERIS MAJUSCULIS. EDIT. PRINCEPS [sine unno, loco, et Typographi nomine, sed Florentiæ impr. circ. An. MCCCCXCVI.]

Scriptores aliquot Gnomici. Gr. 4° Basil. ap. Joan Froben. 1521.

Gnomicorum Vetustissimorum Poetarum opera. Gr. 4° Par. 1553.

Virtutum Encomia: sive Gnomæ de Virtutibus, ex Poetis et Philosophis utriusque Linguæ. Gr. Lat. cum Interpretatione H. Stephani. 24° ap. H. Stephanum. 1573.

Sententiæ Vet. Poetarum a Gergio Majore collectæ. 24° Ant. ap. C. Plant. 1574.

Gnomici Poetæ Græci. Ad optimorum exemplarium fidem emendavit R. F. P. Brunck. Gr. Lat. 8° Argent.


GOAD (CHR.) Refreshing drops and scorching Vials, 4° Lond.


GOAD (JÓH.) Astro-meteorologica, or Aphorisms and Discourses of the Bodies Coelestial, their Natures and Influences. fol. Lond. 1686.

Astro-Meteorologia sana, sive, Principia physicomathematica, 4° Lond. 1690.

GOAD (THOMAS) Stimulus orthodoxus, sive Goadus redivivus. A Disputation concerning the Necessity and Contingency of Events in the World, in Respect of God's Eternal Decree. 4° Lond. 1661.

GOBART (LAUR.) De Barometro. 8o Amst. 1703.

GOBBI (AGOSTINO ALUNNO) Scelta di Sonetti e Canzoni de' piu eccellenti Rimatori d'ogni Secolo. 3 Part. 8° Bol. 1709


GOBEL (J. M.) De Lacte ejusque vitiis. 4° Lug. Bat. 1684. GOBERT (M.) Traité pour la Pratique des Forces mouvantes qui fait connoistre l'impossibilité du mouvement perpetuel. Et une supputation de la pesanteur du Globe de la Terre. 4° Par. 1702.

GOBIEN (CH. LE) Histoire de l'Edit de l'Empereur de la Chine en Faveur de la Religion Chrestienne. 12° Par. 1698.


Ital. dal P. Carlo Giacinto Ferraro. 8° Torin.

Histoire des Isles Marianes. 12° Par. 1700. GOBILLON (M.) Vie de Mademoiselle le Gras, Fondatrice des Filles de la Charité servantes des pauvres malades. 12° Par. 1676.

GOBINET (c.) In Obitum cl. viri Car. Gobinet e Societate Sorbonica doctoris Epicedium. 4°

GOBRAT (JANUs) Palladis chymicæ Arcana detecta. 120 Gen. 1678.

GOCH (MATT. VAN) De Acido, ejusque usu et noxa in corpore humano. 4° Lug. Bat. 1723.

GOCKELIUS (CHR. LUD.) De Convulsione. 4" Jen. 1683.

De Hydrope. 4° Jen. 1685.

De Incubo. 4o Jen. 1708.

De serpentaria Virginiana. 4° Jen. 1710.

GOCKELIUS (EBERHARD) De Peste, et de Venenis. 8° Aug: Vind. 1669.

Consilia et Observat. med. 8° Aug. Vind. 1683.. Gallicinium Medico-practicum sive Consiliorum et curationum medicinalium Centuriæ duæ. 4° Ulm. 1600. GOCLENIUS (J. c.) Philobiblion Sacrum. Germ. 8o Lips.


GOCLENIUS (LUD.) De Febribus. 4° Lug. Bat. 1661.

16° Amst. 1670.

GOCLENIUS (RODOLPH.) YTXOAOTIA: hoc est De Hominis Perfectione, &c. 8o Marp. 1594.

8° Marp. 1597.

Theses Philosophicæ. 4° Marp. 1587.

Aphorismi Chiromantici. 8° Licha. 1597.


GOCLENIUS (RODOLPH.) R. Goclenii Analyses in exercitationes aliquot J. C. Scaligeri de Subtilitate, edit. ab Joh. Schrodero. 12o Marp. 1599.

Observationes Linguæ Latinæ. 12° Franc. 1601.
Problemata Grammatica. 12° Franc. 1601.
Disputationes Physicæ. 12° Marp. 1602.

Cosmographiæ, seu spheræ mundi descriptionis, hoc est Astronomiæ et Geographiæ Rudimenta. 8° Lemg. 1603. Adversaria ad Exotericas aliquot Jul. Cæs. Scaligeri Exercitationes. 8° Marp. 1006.

De Luxu Conviviali, Oratio. 8° Marp. 1607. Tractatus de Pestis Febrisque pestilentis causis. 12° Marp. 1607.

Miscellanea Theologica et Philosophica. Partes 1, 2, 3. 12° Marp. 1607-9.


Physiologia Crepitus Ventris, et Risus. 8° Franc. Oratio apologetica in promotione XX Candidatorum Philosophici Magisterii. 4° Murp. 1608.

De Vita proroganda. 8° Mogunt. 1608.

Oratio de Vulnere curando peculiari unguento. 12°

Marp. 1608.

Uranoscopiæ, Chiroscopiæ, Metoposcopiæ, et Ophthalmoscopiæ Contemplatio. 16" Franc. 1608.


8° Franc. 1621.

Conciliator Philosophicus. 4° Cassel. 1609.
Astrologia generalis. 4° Marp. 1611.

Apologeticus pro Astromantia, Discursus. 4° Marp.

Idea Philosophiæ Platonicæ: Specillum naturalis Ra diaturæ, i. e. Optica: Motus Solis: Cometarum natura: Tonitruorum et Fulminum memorabilia. 12° Marp. 1612.

De magnetica Curatione Vulnerum et de luxuriosis conviviis nostri seculi. 8° Franc. 1613.

8o Franc. 1618.

Laimographia. 8° Franc. 1613.

Urania, cum geminis Filiabus. 8° Franc. 1615.
Synarthrosis Magnetica, opposita infaustæ anatomiæ J.

Roberti. 8° Marp. 1617.

Acroteleution Astrologicum. 4° Marp. 1618.

Morosophia Joh. Roberti in refutatione Synarthroseos Goclenianæ, in qua mendaciorun convincitur. 12° Francof.



Physiognomica et Chiromantica specialia. 8° Marp.

80 Hall. 1652.

Mirabilium naturæ liber. Adjecta est defensio magneticæ curationis vulnerum. 12° Franc. 1625.

Memorabilia Experimenta, et Observationes Chiromanticæ. 12° Hamb. 1651. COCLENIUS (THEOD. CHR.) De Ileo. 4° M. Catt. 1682. VOL. III.



GOD. God's goodness and mans ingratitude. 4° Lond. 1641. Treatise of the judgment of God. Translated from the German for a warning to this Nation. 4° Lond. 1642.

The fulnesse of God's love manifested by L. S. 12° Lond. 1643.

The great mysterie of God: or the Vision of the Evening and the Morning opened. 4° Lond. 1645.

God and Mammon a Poem, by S. S. 4° Lond. 1646. A philosophical Essay on the Being and Attributes of God. The immortality of the Soul. The truth of Scripture, by S. W. 12° 0xf. 1652.

4o 1655.

12o Oxf. 1655.

The innocency of the righteous seed of God cleared.

Means to prevent perishing. Or the usefulness of the saving knowledge of God, by W. S. 4° Lond. 1658.

Remarks on T. D.'s Discourse of God's Prescience. 8° Lond. 1678.

Discourse of God's Foreknowledge and Man's free Agency. 8° Lond. 1687.

Discourse of the love of God. 12° Lond. 1696.

Two Discourses, one of the Power of God, the other of a Future State. 4° Lond. 1699.

Love of God towards Mankind in the work of Redemption. By G. G. 8° Lond. 1712.

A distinction between the Presence of God as our Maker and Preserver, and His Presence as our Redeemer and Sanctifier. 8° Lond. 1713.

The Argument a priori of God's Existence, and its importance to Virtue and Religion stated and considered. 8° Lond. 1737.

Thoughts concerning the Argument, a priori, occasioned by Mr. Knowles's Discourse entitled "The Existence and Attributes of God not demonstrable a priori." 8° Lond. 1748.

Demonstration of the will of God by the light of Nature. 8° Lond. 1748.

The true knowledge of God and Man of the great Sabbath, and of the Restoration of all things. 8° Lond. 1797. GODALL (CAR.) De Hæmorrhagiis Scorbuticis. 4° Lug. Bat. 1670.


Of Insects, translated by Dr. Lister. 4o York, 1682. GODARTIUS (P.) Lexicon philosophicum. 4° Par. 1675. Manuel Astronomic. 4o Rouen, 1678. GODDAM (ADAM) Super IV. Libros Sententiarum.


fol. Par.

GODDARD (EZECHIEL) Petition in Behalf of the Woollen Manufactory. 4° Dubl. 1700.

Proposals to Parliament touching Newcastle. fol. GODDARD (JAC.) De Animi perturbationibus. 4° Lug. Bat. / 1735.


GODDARD (JONATHAN) A Discourse on the unhappy Condition of the Practice of Physick in London, and offering of Means to put it in a better. 4° Lond. 1670.

GODDARD (M.) No proof in Scripture of an intermediate state of happiness or misery between Death and the Resurrection. In answer to Mr. Goddard's Sermon. 8° Lond. 1756. GODDARD (R.) Funeral Sermon on. 4° Lond. 1659. GODDARD (T.) The mercy of God to this Church and Nation exemplified in several instances from the Reformation to the present time. A Thanksgiving Sermon. 8° Lond. 1710.

The Guilt, Mischief and Aggravations of Censure, a

Sermon. 4° Lond. 1710.

GODDARD (WILL.) A satyrical Dialogue between Alexander and Diogenes. 4°

GODDICH (CHRIST.) De natura et constitutione temporis. 4° Hafn.

GODDIN (NIC.) La Chirurgie militaire. 12° Gand. 1553.

12o Anv. 1558.

GODEAU (ANT.) Eveque de Grasse. De la Tonsure Clericale. 12° Par. 1651.


La Vie de St. Augustin Eveque d'Hyppone. 4° Par.

La Vie de St. Charles Borromée. 8° Par. 1693. GODEAU (M.) v. villiers.


GODEFROY (DENYS) Histoire de Charles VIII. Roy de France. par Guillaume de Galigny, Andrè de la Vigne et autres Historiens et enrichie de plusieurs Memoires par D. Godefroy. fol. Par. 1684. GODEFROY (D.) Advis presenté à la Royne, pour reduire les Monnoies a leur juste Prix & Valeur. 8° Par. 1611.

Response a l'Advis de Godefroy tendant à empescher le surhaulsement de prix de nostre Escu & le reduire à sa juste valeur. 8° Par. 1613.

GODEFROY (THEOD.) Discours sur l'Origine des Roys de Portugal, yssus de la Maison de France. 4° Par. 1612.

Memoires concernant la Préséance des Roys de France sur les Roys d'Espagne. 4° Par. 1613.

Entreveues de l'Empereur Charles IV. du Roy Charles V. de Louis XII. & de Ferdinand d'Arragon. 4° Par. 1613. Histoire du Chevalier Bayard et de plusieurs choses memorables advenus en France, Italie, Espagne et es Pays-bas. 4° Par. 1619.

Le Ceremonial de France. 4° Par. 1619.

Histoire d'Artus III. Duc de Bretagne. 4° Par. 1622. GODELMANNUS (J. GEOR.) De Magis, Veneficis, et Lamiis, deque his recte cognoscendis et puniendis. 4o Franc. 1591,

4o Franc. 1601.

GODENIUS (JOH.) De æterna Filii Dei generatione. 4o Jen. 1670.

GODERIS (CORN.) De Syncope, 4° Lug. Bat. 1678.


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