£43 £23 gilt edges, Paris, de L'Imprimerie de Monsieur, 1785, royal 4to. (869) 6583 Florio (John). Essayes of Montaigne (The Tudor Translation), 3 vol., buckram, uncut, 1893 £11 105. 6584 Folk Lore Society's Publications, from 1878 to 1901, a complete set (with the exception of No. 20, The Handbook of Folklore), 47 vol., cloth, uncut (1 vol. in numbers, with cloth case, and I sewed), 8vo. (595) 6585 Franklin (B.) The Way to Wealth, or Poor Richard Improved, portrait, LARGE PAPER, printed on vellum (only 6 copies so issued), morocco, gilt edges, Paris, 1795, 8vo. (844) £25 6586 Vallance (Aymer). The Art of William Morris. A Record, with Reproductions in colours from designs by William Morris, facsimiles of the Kelmscott Type, portrait and many other illustrations, and a Bibliography by Temple Scott (limited to 220 copies), buckram, uncut, Chiswick Press, 1897, folio (600) £10 55. 6587 Whitman (A.) Masters of Mezzotint, 60 illustrations, LARGE PAPER (only 50 copies so printed), half vellum, gilt top, uncut, 1898, 4to. (599) [JULY 16TH, 1902.] PUTTICK & SIMPSON. A MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION, INCLUDING SOME PRESENTATION COPIES OF LAMB'S WORKS SOLD BY DIRECTION OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE NORTHAMPTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. (No. of Lots, 343; amount realised, £930 Is. 6d.) 6588 America. Les Nouvelles et Antiques merueilles, plus un traicté des douze Cesars, half calf (some leaves wormed), Paris, 1554, 12mo. (3) Stephen, £1 10S. ["Le Livre des Nouvelles Isles" is on the discoveries of Columbus, and the preface contains a reference to "Americ Vespuce."-Catalogue.] 6589 America. Narrative of the Transactions of the Fleet under the command of Lord Howe, Sir Henry Clinton, Earl Cornwallis, calf, with ex-libris of Adam Smith, 1783, 8vo. (4) Edwards, £2 17s. 6d. 6590 Aristoteles. De Animalibus lib. ix. interprete Theod. Gazæ, printed capitals, editio princeps, russia (some leaves wormed), Impress Venet. per Johannem de Colonia, 1476, folio (226) Quaritch, £7 6591 Arnold (M.) The Strayed Reveller and other Poems, first edition, cloth, 1849, 12mo. (6) Maggs, £3 6592 Blagrave (John, of Reading). The Mathematical Jewel, shew original calf binding (back repaired), in the writing o Handel's pupil and amanuensis, J. Christopher Smith 1712 1795). These volumes are one of the four full scores know: to have been written by him. One of the copies is in the Hamburg Public Library (formerly in Mr. Schoelchers possession), another belonged to the late Mr. H. E Leonard, and another, the "Dublin" score, is at St Michael's College, Tenbury, formerly the property of Sir F Gore Ouseley, 1712-1795, folio (343) Goldschmidt. [This copy is believed to have been used by Handel various performances, as is shown by the pencil-notes r the fly-leaf of each volume; and, judging by the autograp signatures inside the covers, it appears that it was at uce time in the possession of Dr. William Hayes (1707-1777 Catalogue.] 6607 Haywood (Eliza). Works, consisting of Novels, Poems an: Plays, 4 vol., calf, 1724, 8vo. (54) Dobell, £2 155 6608 Herbarius (Germanicé), printed in bold gothic type, with many woodcuts (coloured by hand), old oak boards (some leaves in MS., sold not subject to return), Augspurg, 1485, fole (274) Quaritch, £4 6609 Hissey (J. J.). Drive through England, illustrated by the author, cloth, 1885, 8vo. (58) F. Edwards, £3 25. bd. 6610 Johnson (C.) Chrysal, or Adventures of a Guinea, 12 coloured plates, 3 vol., boards, uncut, 1822, 12mo. (65) Maggs, £2 & 6611 Jonson (Ben). Workes, portrait by Vaughan and engraved title, old calf, 1640, folio (280) Dobell, £4 7s.bc 6612 Keats (John). Poems, first edition, half calf, C. and J. Ollier. 1817, 12mo. (68) Robson, 125 [With autograph inscription on the fly-leaf, "John Clare. Helpstone, 1820."-Catalogue.] 6613 Keats (John). Endymion, a Poetic Romance, first edition. half calf, Taylor and Hessey, 1818, 8vo. (69) Sotheran, £14 [With autograph inscription on the half-title, “John Clare. Helpstone, 1821."-Catalogue.] 6614 Keats (John). Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes ard other Poems, first edition, half calf, Taylor and Hessey, 1820, 12mo. (70) Dobell, £13 55 [With autograph inscription on the fly-leaf, "John Clare. Helpstone, 1820."-Catalogue.] 6615 Lamb (Charles). Prince Dorus, or Flattery put out of Countenance, a Poetical Version of an Ancient Tale, illus trated with a series of 9 coloured engravings, first edition, original covers, M. J. Godwin, 1811, 12mo. (75) Sabin, £52 6616 Lamb (Charles). Works, 2 vol., first edition, original boards. uncut, C. and J. Ollier, 1818, 8vo. (76) Dobell, [With inscription on the half title of vol. I in the authors handwriting, "For Mr. Clare, with C. Lamb's kindes: remembrance."-Catalogue.] 6617 Lamb (Charles). Elia. Essays which have appeared under [JULY 21ST AND FOUR FOLLOWING DAYS, 1902]. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE. A SELECTION FROM THE LIBRARY OF COLONEL CRANMER BYN AND OTHER PROPERTIES. (No. of Lots, 1738; amount realised, £3,537 6s.) 6628 Alpine Journal (The), a Record of Mountain Adventure and Scientific Observation, by Members of the Alpine CA vol. i. to xix., vol. xx., Ños. 147-53, 3 odd numbers and Catalogue of the Library, unbound, 1864-1901, 8vo. 383 W. Ford, 6629 Armstrong (W.) Gainsborough and his place in English A 62 photogravures and 10 lithographic facsimiles in color Heinemann, 1898, folio (228) E. Parsons, £8 s 6630 [Barker (M. H.)] Greenwich Hospital, a series of Naa Sketches, descriptive of the Life of a Man-of-War's Ma by an Old Sailor, first edition, with coloured etchings George Cruikshank, original impressions, half morocco 1826, 4to. (512) Braun, 6631 Beaumont (Fr.) and John Fletcher. Comedies and Traged a never printed before, first edition, portrait of Fletcher Marshall (bottom margin shaved), old calf, H. Robinson and H. Moseley, 1647, folio (881) Dobell, 17 & 6632 Bell (Malcolm). Edward Burne-Jones, a Record and Review. portrait and numerous illustrations, uncut, t. e. g., isso limited to 390 copies, 1892, 4to. (137) Shepherd, £345 6633 Besler (B.) Hortus Eystettensis, medallion portrait, e graved titles and about 360 plates, best edition, with the 7 plates of the Classis Hyberna often wanted, veli (Norimberga), 1613, large folio (1281) Wesley, £3 s 6634 Blake (William). Songs of Innocence, first edition, 15 leaves printed on both sides of the paper, before Blake c templated the issue of the "Songs of Experience,” three which are incorporated in this edition, and when issued together in vol. in 1794, were then printed for the firs time on one side of the paper only; this copy, to be que complete, should include "A Dream, Little Girl Lost and Little Girl Found,” occupying 4pp. on 2 leaves, unbourd The Author and Printer, W. Blake, 1789, 8vo. (396) E. Parsons, £19 108 6635 Boccaccio (G.) Il Decamerone, 5 vol., portrait, engraved titles and 110 plates and vignettes by Gravelot, Boucher. Cochin and Eisen, half russia, uncut, Londra (Paris, 175′′ 8vo. (272) Cox, £5 5s 6636 Boydell (J. and J.) History of the River Thames, 2 vol., w t 76 large engravings of the most famous scenery, seats mansions, etc. on its banks, coloured like drawings, with ar extra title in vol. i., "Views and Scenery on the River |