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Hudibras - Continued.

Part ii. Canto i. Line 23.

Some force whole regions, in despite


O' geography, to change their site
Make former times shake hands with latter,

And that which was before come after.

But those that write in rhyme still make
The one verse for the other's sake;
For one for sense, and one for rhyme,

I think 's sufficient at one time.

Part ii. Canto i. Line 297.

Quoth she, I've heard old cunning stagers Say, fools for arguments use wagers.

Part ii. Canto i. Line 465.

For what is worth in any thing,

But so much money as 't will bring.

Part ii. Canto i. Line 843.

Love is a boy by poets styled;

Then spare the rod and spoil the child.

Part ii. Canto ii. Line 29.

The sun had long since in the lap

Of Thetis taken out his nap,

And, like a lobster boiled, the morn

From black to red began to turn.

Part ii. Canto ii. Line 79.

Have always been at daggers-drawing,

And one another clapper-clawing.

Hudibras - Continued.

Part ii. Canto ii. Line 503.

And look before you ere you leap;
For as you sow, y' are like to reap.*

Part ii. Canto iii. Line 1.

Doubtless the pleasure is as great
Of being cheated, as to cheat.

Part ii. Canto iii. Line 261.

He made an instrument to know
If the moon shine at full or no.


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prove that she's not made of green cheese.†

Part ii. Canto iii. Line 580.

You have a wrong sow by the ear. ‡

Part ii. Canto iii. Line 923.

To swallow gudgeons ere they 're catched,
And count their chickens ere they're hatched.

Part ii. Canto iii. Line 1067.

As quick as lightning, in the breach
Just in the place where honor's lodged,
As wise philosophers have judged,
Because a kick in that place more
Hurts honor than deep wounds before.

* See Tusser, ante, p. 92.

"The moon is made of a green cheese." He has the wrong sow by the ear.

Jack Jugler, p. 46.

(Every Man in his Humor. Act i. Sc. 1.)


Hudibras -Continued.

Part iii. Canto i. Line 3.

As he that has two strings t' his bow.

Part iii. Canto i. Line 481.

As men of inward light are wont

To turn their optics in upon 't.

Part iii. Canto i. Line 687.

Still amorous and fond, and billing,
Like Philip and Mary on a shilling.

Part iii. Canto i. Line 1293.

Cause Grace and Virtue are within
Prohibited degree of kin;

And therefore no true saint allows
They shall be suffered to espouse.

Part iii. Canto i. Line 1313.

Nick Machiavel had ne'er a trick,
Though he gave his name to our Old Nick.

Part iii. Canto ii. Line 175.

True as the dial to the sun,

Although it be not shined upon.

Part iii. Canto iii. Line 243.

For those that fly may fight again,
Which he can never do that's slain.*

*That same man that runnith awaie,

Maie again fight an other daie. — ERASMUS.

He that fights and runs away

Maie live to fight another day.

From the Musarum Deliciae.

Hudibras - Continued.

Part iii. Canto iii. Line 547.

He that complies against his will

Is of his own opinion still.



Love breathing Thanks and Praise.
I preached as never sure to preach again,
And as a dying man to dying men.




And yet, as Angels in some brighter dreams

Call to the soul when man doth sleep,

So some strange thoughts transcend our wonted theams, And into glory peep.



Essay on Translated Verse.

Immodest words admit of no defence,
For want of decency is want of sense.




Line 15.

None but the brave deserves the fair.

Line 60.

Sweet is pleasure after pain.

Line 66.

Soothed with the sound, the king grew vain;

Fought all his battles o'er again;

And thrice he routed all his foes; and thrice he slew the


Line 78.

Fallen from his high estate,
And weltering in his blood;
Deserted, at his utmost need,
By those his former bounty fed;
On the bare earth exposed he lies,
With not a friend to close his eyes.

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