Macbeth-Continued. Act iii. Sc. 2. Things without remedy, Should be without regard: what's done is done. Act iii. Sc. 2. We have scotched the snake, not killed it. Act iii. Sc. 2. Duncan is in his grave! After life's fitful fever he sleeps well. Act iii. Sc.. 4. But now, I am cabined, cribbed, confined, bound in To saucy doubts and fears. Act iii. Sc. 4. Now good digestion wait on appetite, And health on both! Act iii. Sc. 4. Thou canst not say, I did it: never shake Thy gory locks at me. Act iii. Sc. 4. Thou hast no speculation in those eyes Which thou dost glare with! Act iii. Sc. 4. What man dare, I dare. Act iii. Sc. 4. Take any shape but that, and my firm nerves Shall never tremble. Macbeth-Continued. Act iii. Sc. 4. You have displaced the mirth, broke the good meeting, with most admired disorder. Act iii. Sc. 4. Can such things be, And overcome us like a summer's cloud, Act iii. Sc. 4. Stand not upon the order of your going, But go at once. Act iv. Sc. 1. Double, double, toil and trouble. Act iv. Sc. 1. Black spirits and white, Act iv. Sc. 1. By the pricking of my thumbs, Act iv. Sc. 1. A deed without a name. *These lines occur also in "The Witch" of Thomas Middleton, Act 5, Sc. 2; and it is uncertain to which the priority should be ascribed. Macbeth - Continued. Act iv. Sc. 1. I'll make assurance double sure, And take a bond of fate. Act iv. Sc. 1. Show his eyes, and grieve his heart! Act iv. Sc. 1. What! will the line stretch out to the crack of doom? Act iv. Sc. 1. The flighty purpose never is o'ertook, Unless the deed go with it. Act iv. Sc. 2. When our actions do not Our fears do make us traitors. Act iv. Sc. 3. Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell. Act iv. Sc. 3. Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak, Act iv. Sc. 3. What, all my pretty chickens, and their dam, Act iv. Sc. 3. I cannot but remember such things were, That were most precious to me. Macbeth - Continued. Act iv. Sc. 3. O, I could play the woman with mine eyes, Act v. Sc. 3. My way of life Is fallen into the sear, the yellow leaf; Act v. Sc. 3. Not so sick, my lord, As she is troubled with thick-coming fancies, That keep her from her rest. Act v. Sc. 3. Canst thou not minister to a mind diseased; Act v. Sc. 3. Throw physic to the dogs: I'll none of it. Act v. Sc. 3. I would applaud thee to the very echo, Macbeth-Continued. Act v. Sc. 5. Hang out our banners on the outward walls; Act v. Sc. 5. To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow, the stage, Act v. Sc. 5. Blow, wind! come, wrack! At least we 'll die with harness on our back. I bear a charmed life. Act v. Sc. 7. Act v. Sc. 7. That keep the word of promise to our ear, And break it to our hope. Act v. Sc. 7. Lay on, Macduff; And damned be him that first cries, Hold, enough! |