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Arm. The words of Mercury are harsh after the songs of
Apollo. You, that way: we, this way.

919, 920. The words... Apollo] In Q I printed in larger type. that way: we, this way] omitted Q 1. (written ante 1590), III. iv.: “To whit, to who, the owle does cry; Phip, phip, the sparrowes as they fly." Nashe has it in the Song of Ver in Summer's Last Will (1592). Compare, again, Lyly's Endymion, III. iii.: "There appeared in my sleep a goodly owle, who sitting upon my shoulder, cried twit, twit, and before mine eyes presented herselfe the expresse image of Dipsas. I marvailed what the owle said, till at last, I perceived twit, twit, to it, to it."

909. keel the pot] cool the pot, as a cook does by "stirring, skimming, or pouring on something cold, in order to prevent it boiling over (New Eng. Dict.). Steevens quotes from Marston's What You Will (opening of the play), 1607: "Faith, Doricus, thy brain boils; keel it, keel it, or all the fat's in the fire." And see Marston again, Bullen's edition, i. 77. There is a good example in A Twelfe Night Merriment (Narcissus) (edited M. Lee, 1892, p. 32), 1602: "If the cookes heare that the porridg pott of my mouth runnes over soe, they will keele it with the ladle of reprehension." This writer's adherence to Shakespeare has been noticed at III. i. 66 (note). Skeat has a note on "keel" in his edition of Piers the Plowman (ii. 270). He quotes Kelyn, or make colde, frigefacio" (Prompt. Parvulorum). 914. crabs] crab-apples. See A Midsummer-Night's Dream, II. i. 48. Nares quotes from the old song in

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920 [Exeunt.

920. You,

Gammer Gurton's Needle, Act ii.: "I
cannot eat but little meat, I love no
roast but a nut-brown toast, Or a crab
laid in the fire." Steevens refers to
Nashe's Summer's Last Will (Grosart,
vi. 151), 1592: "Loves no good deeds
and hateth talke, But sitteth in a corner
turning crabbes, Or coughing a warmed
Pot of Ale "-into which the wild
apples were put when roasted. Malone
quotes from The Famous Victory of
Henry the Fifth (Hazlitt's Shakes. Lib.
p. 338), circa 1585: "Though we be
so poore Yet wil we have in store, A
crab in the fire, With nut-brown ale
That is full stale Which will a man
quaile And laie [him] in the mire."
Both of these passages are incorrect in
Steevens (1793). Other illustrations
are given in Nares. And Malone's
remark that "What is called lamb's
wool is produced' is confirmed by
Peele, Old Wives Tale (Routledge,
p. 446), 1595: Lay a crab in the fire
to roast for lamb's wool" (spice and
sugar being added). See Greene's
Never Too Late (Grosart, viii. 186-187).
914, 915. bowl . . . owl] For the
rhyme see Iv. i. 137 (note).
919, 920. Mercury Apollo] Ar-
mado's meaning is that the most
eloquent prose is unacceptable after
such divine music. Lyly has the same
comparison in Mydas, v. 2: "Pipenetta.
Apollo will help me, because I can
sing. Licio. Mercurie me, because I
can lie."

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I. i. 55-58


Biron. What is the end of study? let me know.

King. Why, that to know which else we should not know.

Biron. Things hid and barr'd, you mean, from common sense?
King. Ay, that is study's god-like recompense.

New English Dictionary has this as the only illustration of the meaning for "common sense; ordinary or untutored perception." A passage in Golding's Ovid (xv. 80), 1567, makes it seem likely that Shakespeare may have had his Numa in his thoughts, the philosopher-king who retired to the country to devote himself to literary pursuits. Numa

"Was glad

Too make himself a bannisht man. And though this persone weere
Far distant from the goddes by site of heaven: yit came he neere
Too them in mynd. And he by syght of soule and reason cleere
Behild the things which nature dooth too fleshly eyes denye.

He taught his silent sort

The first foundation of the world.

What shakes the earth: what law the starres doo keepe theyr courses under
And what soever other things is hid from common sence.

He also is the first that did injoyne an abstinence

Too feede of any lyving thing."

Iv. i. 65. Mr. Craig gives me an early reference to Cophetua and the beggar, from T. Deloney's The Gentle Craft (1597-98), edited by A. Lange, 1903, p. 36: "Most aptly is the god of love by cunning painters drawn blind, that so equally shoots forth his fiery shafts: for had he eyes to see it were impossible to deal in such sort as in matching faire Venus with foul Vulcan, yoking the imperiall hearts of Kings to the love of beggars as she did to Cofetua."



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