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Suffolk Institute of Archæology, 6061


sactions, 2001

Archæology (continued):

Surrey Archæological Society.

Surtees Society, The, 776

Sussex Archæological Collections, 775
Tanner (T.) Notitia Monastica, 3981
Tod (Jas.) Rajasthan, 2370

Tuer (A. W.) History of the Horn
Book, 1660

Vetusta Monumenta, 3984
Walpole's Miscellaneous Antiquities,4493
Wyon (A.) Great Seals of England,

Archery. See Shooting

Adam (R. and J.) Works, 1248
Architectural Publication Society, 1467,

Cotman (J. S.) Architectural Remains,

Decker (P.) Architectura Civilis, 5625
Dollman (F. F.) Ancient Domestic
Architecture, 1480

Du Cerceau (J. A.) Bastiments de
France, 5642

Du Cerceau (J. A.) De Architectura,

Förster (E.) Monuments d'Architecture,

Gailhabaud (J.) L'Architecture, 1437
Jones (Owen). Alhambra, 2409

Knight (H. G.) Ecclesiastical Archi-
tecture, 554

Le Pautre (J.) (Euvres, 3285

Morris (W.) Gothic Architecture, 402-3
Parker (J. H.) Glossary of Gothic
Architecture, 6026

Parker (J. H.) Glossary of Terms,

Penrose (F. C.) Athenian Architecture,

Petrie (G.) Ecclesiastical Architecture
of Ireland, 4924

Piranesi (G. B. and F.) Architectural
Works, 564

Revoil (H.) Architecture Romane, 1451
Rickman (T.) Gothic Architecture, 2426
Ruskin (J.) Nature of Gothic, 380
Ruskin (J.) Seven Lamps, 75
Ruskin (J.) Stones of Venice, 76
Saint-Sauveur (J. G.) L'Antique Rome,


Sharpe (E.) Architectural Parallels, 573
Street (G. E.) Gothic Architecture, 1333
Studio d'Architettura Civile, 985
Turner (T. H.) Domestic Architecture,

Viollet-le-Duc (M.) Dictionnaire Rai-
sonné, 1501

Vitruvius De Architectura, 5824

Vogué (M. de). Syrie Centrale, 1196
Armorials. See Genealogy
Arms and Armour:

Meyrick (Sir S. R.) Critical Inquiry
and Engraved Illustrations, 1323, 3224


Blundeville (T.)

Theoriques of the

Seven Planets, 5556

Copernicus. De Revolutionibus Orbium,


Fine (O.) Les Sept Planetes, 6366
Flamsteed (Jno.) Historia Cœlestis
Libri, 5657

[blocks in formation]

velle, 3003

Saxton's Maps, 763

Tennyson (Lord). School Atlas, 1188
Autography. See Penmanship
Ballads. See Music and Musicians

Allibone (S. A.) Dictionary of English
Literature, 474

Almack (E.) Bibliography of Eikon
Basiliké, 523

Ames (Jos.) Typographical Antiquities,

Beloe (W.) Anecdotes of Literature and
Scarce Books, 4773

Bibliophiles Contemporains, Les, 1354
Bibliotheca Americana, 2537

Bigmore and Wyman. Bibliography of
Printing, 2615

Book-Prices Current (Slater), 10
Bradshaw Society. Publications, 481
Brunet (J. C.) Manuel du Libraire,

Brydges (Sir E.) Censura Literaria-
British Bibliographer, etc., 484
Catalogue of Early English Literature
(Collier), 6217

Fry (F.) Editions of the N. Testament,

Gay (J.) Bibliographie des Ouvrages
relatifs à L'Amour, 2494

Griffiths (A. F.) Bibliotheca Anglo-

Poetica, 6250

Harrisse (H.) Notes on Columbus, 5438
Heron-Allen (E.) De Fidiculis Biblio-
graphica, 293

Humphreys (H. N.) Works on Typo-
graphy, 3333

Huth (H.) Prefaces, Dedications, etc.,

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Bindings (continued):

Holmes (R. R.) Bindings at Windsor,

Quaritch (B.)

Catalogue of Books
remarkable for their Bindings, 322
Wheatley (H. B.) Remarkable Bindings,

Agrippa (Julius). Vita (Tacitus), 731
Anne of Austria. Memoires (Motte-
ville), 2811

Apostolic Fathers (Lightfoot), 502
Artists of Spain (Stirling-Maxwell), 1332
Asclepius. Vita (Champier), 4099
Bellamy (G. A.) Memoirs, 3459
Biographie Universelle, 4779

Blake (W.) Life of (Gilchrist), 1091
Blake (William). An Essay (Swinburne),

Blood (Col.) Life and Death of, 3472
Bolingbroke (Viscount). Memoirs (Gold-
smith), 4645

Bourgogne, Les Ducs de. Histoire
(Barante), 4769

Brandon (Richard, the Executioner).
Confessions, 3522

Bruce (Robert). Life (Barbour), 3448
Bucaniers of America (Esquemeling),


Burne-Jones (Edw.)

Review (Bell), 705

A Record and

Byron (Lord). Life (Moore), 272
Camoens. Life of (Adamson), 1891
Carew. Bampfylde-Moore, Life of, 50
Caroline (Queen). Memoirs (Adolphus),

Casanova (Jacques). Memoirs, 3507
Caxton. Life (Lewis), 3510

Cellini (Benvenuto). Life, by J. A.
Symonds, 1829

Chancellors, Lives of the (Campbell),

Charles I. (Skelton), 334

Charles V. Cloister Life (Stirling-
Maxwell), 1332

Charles VIII. Memoires (Commines),

Charles Edward, Prince (Lang), 6664
Christian Biography (Smith), 84
Clarendon, (Earl of). Life, 4804
Clarke (Mrs.) Authentic Memoirs
(Taylor), 92

Colet (Dr. J.) Life of (S. Knight), 4866
Condé (Prince de). Life of, 4885

Constable (Jno.) Memoirs (Leslie), 1316
Cosway (Richard, R.A.) Memoir (Wil.
liamson), 2272

Cox (David). Memoir (Sally), 2364
Cresap (M.) Biographical Sketch, 5416
Cromwell (Oliver). Life (Gardiner), 287
Cruikshank (G.) Life (Jerrold), 6523
D'Artagnan. Mémoires, 3558

Davies (Mrs. C.) Life and Adventures
(De Foe), 3564


Declaration of Independence.
graphies of the Signers, 5499
D'Eon de Beaumont (Chevalier). Let-
tres, Memoires, 1201

Dibdin (C.) Professional Life, 179
Dickens (C.) By Pen and Pencil (Kitton),

Dickens (C.) Life of (Forster), 5136
Dictionary of National Biography, 355,

Biography (continued):

Digby (Sir K.) Private Memoirs, 3577
Diodorus Siculus. Historiarum libri,

Diogenes Laertius. Vitæ Philosophorum,

Don John of Austria (Stirling-Maxwell),

(Strype), 4956

Memorials and Lives

Elizabeth (Queen). England's Eliza.
beth (T. Heywood), 3644
Elliston (R. W.) Memoirs (Raymond),

English Humourists (Thackeray), 1421
English Martyrologie (J. Watson or
Wilson), 1202

Erasmus, Life of (Knight), 4866
Essex (Robert, Earl of). Apologie of,
Practices and Treasons (Lord Bacon),

Evelyn (Capt. W. G.) Memoir (Scull),

Fairfax (Lord). Memorials, 4833
Fathers. Vite de Santi Padri (St.
Jerome), 903, 1693

Faustus (Dr.), Damnable Life of, 3596
Friedrich II., History of (Carlyle), 6121
Fuller (Thos.) Abel Redivivus, 3613
Fuller (Thos.) Worthies of England, 3614
Garrick (David). Memoirs (Davies), 4198
George III. Memoirs (Walpole), 4973
Georges, The Four (Thackeray), 1422
Gibbon (Edward), Life of (Milman), 4839
Gordon (John, of Glencat) Memoirs,

Grace (G. D.) Journal during the French
Revolution, 1372

Grammont (Count). Memoirs, by
Hamilton, 2282

Granger (J.) Biographical History, 34
Greville Memoirs, 203

Grimaldi (Joseph). Memoirs (Dickens),


Gronow (Capt.) Recollections, 206
Gwyn (Nell), History of (Cunningham),

Halliwell (J. O.) Book of Characters,

Harding's Biographical Mirror, 627
Hellier (Thos., a Murderer). Life and
Death, 5444

Herbert (George), Life of (Walton), 3054
Herbert of Cherbury (Lord). Life, 3641
Hooker (Richard), Life of (Walton), 6326
Italian Poets (Rossetti), 511
James II., Life of, 2791

Joan of Arc. Memoirs (Ireland), 3645
John of Barneveld (Motley), 935
Joséphine (Empress). Memoirs (Ducrest),


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Biography (continued):

Loyal Martyrology, The (Winstanley),

Maintenon (Mdme. de). Mémoires, 3692
Manley (Mrs.) Memoirs (New Atlantis),

Marescotti (G.) Vita, 2808

Marguerite de Valois (Queen of Navarre).
Memoires, 3696

Marie Antoinette, La Morte et l'Apothé
ose, 5188

Marie Antoinette, La Vie de (Nolhac),

Marriott (Mr., of Gray's Inn, a Glutton).
Life, 3139

Mary Queen of Scots. Lettres et
Mémoires, 4893

Mather (Cotton). Memoirs, 5478

Mathews (Chas.) Memoirs, 4299
Medicis (Catherine de).

and Behaviour, 3508

Lyfe, Deedes

Medicis (Marie de). Memoirs (Pardoe),


Biography (continued):

Prince Consort, Life of (Martin), 559
Princesses of England, Lives of (Green),

Queens of England (Strickland), 88
Queens of Scotland (Strickland), 89
Queensbury (Marquess of). The Picca-
dilly Ambulator (Hurstone), 1779
Raphael, his Life and Work (Crowe and
Cavalcaselle), 171

Reynolds (Frederick). Life and Times,

Reynolds (Sir Joshua). Life and Times
(Leslie), 1642

Reynolds (Sir Joshua). Memoirs (North-
cote), 1399

Richard III.

Memoirs (Jesse), 1782

Robinson (Mary). Memoirs, 3780
Rogers (Major R.) Journals, 5496
Roman Emperors, Lives of the (Sue-
tonius), 5807

Romney (Geo.), Life of (Haylev), 804
Rose (H. J.) Biographical Dictionary,


Rowlandson, the Caricaturist (Grego),

Russell (John, R.A.) Memoir (William-
son), 2271

Russell (Rev. J.) Life, 6991

Saint-Simon (Duc de). Mémoires, 962
Saints. Catalogus Sanctorum (Natalis),

Saints. Flowers of the Lives of the
Saints (Porter), 1811

Saints, Lives of the (Baring-Gould), 2379
Saints, Lives of the (Capgrave), 4089
Saints. Vita Sanctorum Hiberniæ (Mes-
singham), 3343

Sanderson (Bp.), Life of (Walton), 3897
Scanderbeg, Life of, 839

Scott (Sir Walter). Life, by Lockhart,


Memoirs of *****. 3713

Monk (Maria). Awful Disclosures, 6283
Monks of the West (Montalembert), 560
Montespan (Madame de). Memoirs
(Ducrest), 2732

More (Sir T.), Life of (Cresacre More),


More (Sir T.), Life of (Roper), 3726
Moreland (Henry, Earl of). The Fool
of Quality (Brooke), 482
Morland (Geo.) Life (Hassell), 1309
Mytton (John). Memoirs, by Apperley,

Journal (Las Casas), 3732
Life (Hazlitt), 548

Napoleon I.
Napoleon I.
Napoleon I.

Life (Sloan), 3734

Napoleon I.

Life (W. H. Ireland), 174,

Napoleon I.

Mémoires (Bourienne), 851
Napoleon I. Memoirs (Montholon), 1009
Napoleon 1. Napoleon in Exile
(O'Meara), 1009

Nash (Richard). Life (Goldsmith), 3625
Nelson (Lord). Life (Clarke and
McArthur), 3208

Nelson (Lord). Memoirs (Pettigrew),

Newcastle (Duke of). Life (Duchess of
Newcastle), 4685

Newport (Colonel). Memoirs (De Foe),

Nollekins and his Times (J. T. Smith),

Norths, Lives of the (Hon. R. North),

Nouvelle Biographie Universelle, 4468
O'Kelly (Denis). Memoirs, 6465
Ormonde (James, Duke of), Life of
(Carte), 4793

Painters. Lives (Vasari), 521

Parnell (Thos.) Life (Goldsmith), 4646
Philobiblon Society. Publications, 6292
Philosophers. De Vitis Philosophorum

(Diogenes Laertius), 5635

Pitman (H.), Strange Adventures of, 5492
Pitt (Wm.), Life of (Stanhope), 518
Plutarch's Lives, 1410

Popes of Avignon, The (Baluzius), 1260
Pretender, The Young, 2793-94
Pretenders, The. Memoirs (Jesse), 217
Prince Consort. Biography (Grey), 544

Selwyn (George) and his Contemporaries
(Jesse), 6256

Shakespeare (W.), Life of (Malone), 1930
Shelley (P. B.), Life of (Hogg), 3823
Sheridan (R. B.) A Biography (Kae),


Sheridan (R. B.) Memoir (Smyth), 4948
Siddons (Mrs.) Life (Campbell), 6309
Stevenson (Thomas). A Biography (R.
L. Stevenson), 3029

Stothard (T.) Life (Bray), 1417
Sully (Duc de). Mémoires, 3852-53
Sutton (Thomas), Historical Account of
(Bearcroft), 4584

Tennant (Thos.) Literary Life, 1407
Thomas à Becket. Vita et Processus,


Titian. His Life and Times (Crowe and
Cavalcaselle), 172

Turkey, The Emperors of (Young), 2101
Turner (J. M. W.) Memoir (Cunning-
ham), 2305
Tussaud (Mdme.)


Memoirs (Hervé),

Urbino, The Dukes of (Dennistoun), 6411
Valois (Margaret de). Memoirs (Du-

crest), 2732

Veronica (St.) Vita, 2841

Vestris (Mdme.) Private Adventures, 92
Victoria (Queen), Life of (Holmes), 295
Walpole (Horace). A Memoir (Dobson),


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Mather (Cotton). Memoirs, 5478
Mathews (Chas.) Memoirs, 4299
Medicis (Catherine de). Lyfe, Deedes
and Behaviour, 3508

Medicis (Marie de). Memoirs (Pardoe),


Memoirs of
Monk (Maria). Awful Disclosures, 6283
Monks of the West (Montalembert), 560
Montespan (Madame de). Memoirs
(Ducrest), 2732.

More (Sir T.), Life of (Cresacre More),

More (Sir T.), Life of (Roper), 3726
Moreland (Henry, Earl of). The Fool
of Quality (Brooke), 482
Morland (Geo.) Life (Hassell), 1309
Mytton (John). Memoirs, by Apperley,
Napoleon I.

Napoleon I.
Napoleon I.
Napoleon I.


Journal (Las Casas), 3732
Life (Hazlitt), 548

Life (Sloan), 3734
Life (W. H. Ireland), 174,

Napoleon I. Mémoires (Bourienne), 851
Napoleon I. Memoirs (Montholon), 1009
Napoleon I. Napoleon in Exile
(O'Meara), 1009

Nash (Richard). Life (Goldsmith), 3625
Nelson (Lord). Life (Clarke and
McArthur), 3208

Nelson (Lord). Memoirs (Pettigrew),

Newcastle (Duke of). Life (Duchess of
Newcastle), 4685

Newport (Colonel). Memoirs (De Foe),

Nollekins and his Times (J. T. Smith),


Norths, Lives of the (Hon. R. North),


Nouvelle Biographie Universelle, 4468
O'Kelly (Denis). Memoirs, 6465
Ormonde (James, Duke of), Life of
(Carte), 4793

Painters. Lives (Vasari), 521

Parnell (Thos.) Life (Goldsmith), 4646
Philobiblon Society. Publications, 6292
Philosophers. De Vitis Philosophorum
(Diogenes Laertius), 5635

Pitman (H.), Strange Adventures of, 5492
Pitt (Wm.), Life of (Stanhope), 518
Plutarch's Lives, 1410

Popes of Avignon, The (Baluzius), 1260
Pretender, The Young, 2793-94
Pretenders, The. Memoirs (Jesse), 217
Prince Consort. Biography (Grey), 544

Biography (continued):

Prince Consort, Life of (Martin), 559
Princesses of England, Lives of (Green),

Queens of England (Strickland), 88
Queens of Scotland (Strickland), 89
Queensbury (Marquess of). The Picca-
dilly Ambulator (Hurstone), 1779
Raphael, his Life and Work (Crowe and
Cavalcaselle), 171

Reynolds (Frederick). Life and Times,

Reynolds (Sir Joshua). Life and Times
(Leslie), 1642

Reynolds (Sir Joshua). Memoirs (North-
cote), 1399

Richard III.

Memoirs (Jesse), 1782
Robinson (Mary). Memoirs, 3780
Rogers (Major R.) Journals, 5496
Roman Emperors, Lives of the (Sue-
tonius), 5807

Romney (Geo.), Life of (Haylev), 804
Rose (H. J.) Biographical Dictionary,


Rowlandson, the Caricaturist (Grego),

Russell (John, R.A.) Memoir (William.
son), 2271

Russell (Rev. J.) Life, 6991

Saint-Simon (Duc de). Mémoires, 962
Saints. Catalogus Sanctorum (Natalis),

Saints. Flowers of the Lives of the
Saints (Porter), 1811

Saints, Lives of the (Baring-Gould), 2379
Saints, Lives of the (Capgrave), 4089
Saints. Vita Sanctorum Hiberniæ (Mes
singham), 3343

Sanderson (Bp.), Life of (Walton), 3897
Scanderbeg, Life of, 839

Scott (Sir Walter). Life, by Lockhart,

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