England, black letter (title and leaf at end as to the price of [The June issue of King Edward VI.th's first Prayer-Book. -Catalogue.] 940 Prayer. Booke of Common Prayer, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England; with the Psalter after the translation of the Great Bible, pointed, black letter (title and next 2 leaves in facsimile, half of O 5 in facsimile, corners and margins of several leaves mended and one slightly defective, with all faults), morocco extra, gilt edges, R. Barker, 1604, folio (2247) Quaritch, £4 [The second Prayer-Book of King James I. as settled at the Hampton Court Conference.—Catalogue.] 941 Prayer. The Book of Common Order. The Psalmes of David in Prose and Meeter, with their Whole Tunes in foure or more parts; Whereunto is added many Godly Prayers and an exact Calendar (some leaves soiled and mended, margins frayed, sold with all faults), morocco gilt, gilt edges, Edinburgh, Heirs of A. Hart, 1635, 8vo. (2252) Hopkins, £3 942 Presbyterian Review (The) and Religious Journal, 21 vol., half calf, Edinburgh, 1832-48, 8vo. (2253) Reya, £2 943 Prescott (W. H.) Works, Conquest of Mexico and Peru, Ferdinand and Isabella, Charles V. and Philip II, library edition, II vol., portraits, calf gilt, m. e., Bentley, 1848-59, 8vo. (2255) Hopkins, £55s. 944 Primer. This is the Prymer in Englysh set out a longe, with dyvers additions, black letter (Calendar in red and black), woodcut title and 2 leaves slightly defective, Imprinted at London by Rycharde Kele, dwellynge at the longe shop in the Poultry, n. d. [1542]-The Gospelles and Pystles of all ye Sondayes & Sayntes dayes that are rede in the churche all the whole yere, black letter (last leaf defective, some leaves slightly wormed), Richard Grafton, 1540, in 1 vol., contemporary limp vellum, the volume with all faults, 8vo. (2258) Quaritch, £20 10s. 945 Primer. Thys Prymer in Englyshe and in Laten is newly translatyd after the Laten texte, black letter, in red and black, fine woodcuts, device of Jehan le Marchant on title, calf, a rare edition, Imprynted at Rowen (Rouen), 1538, 8vo. (2259) Leighton, £16 946 Primer (The) in English and Latin after the Salisbury Use, with an Exposycyon upon the LI. Psalme by Hierom of Ferrara, black letter, red and black, woodcuts (imperfect, commencing with "The Symbole of Athanasius" (2 leaves), followed by signatures A-P in 8's, the Exposition of Savonarola (which is perfect) commences the vol., and has "imprynted by me Nicolas le Roux " at the end, sold with all faults), half bound [Rouen, N. Le Roux, 1538], 8vo. (2260) Bull, £2 25. 947 Primer. The Prymer both in Englyshe and Latin anno MDXL., prynted in the house late the Graye Freers by Rychard Grafton and Edward Whytchurche, cum privilegio ad imprimendum solum, with the Pystels and Gospels of Sondayes and holydayes in Englysshe, newly corrected and amended, black letter, red and black, some headlines in the Epistles slightly shaved, blue morocco, gilt edges, Grafton and Whitechurch, 1540, 8vo. (2261) Quaritch, £26 10s. [A very rare edition. It had the following note on title: "This Book being pirated by other Booksellers, was the occasion of the First Patent being granted by K. Henr. 8, dated Jan. 28, 1543, Wm. Baynton, Grays Inn."-Catalogue.] 948 Primer. The Primer in Englishe and Latin set forth by the Kynges Majeste and his Clergie to be taught, learned and read, and none other to be used throughout all his dominions, black letter, red and black, woodcut initials, russia, gilt edges, in morocco case, Imprynted by E. Whitchurche, IX. Jan., m,d,xlviii. (1548), 8vo. (2262) Quaritch, £10 2s. 6d. [A perfect copy of an edition of Henry VIII.'s Primer, probably the last one issued. It is not mentioned by Lowndes. The recto of last leaf reads "geven at Grenewiche XXVIII. day of May, in the XXXVII. yere of our reigne."-Catalogue.] 949 Prudentius (Aurelius). Opus rerum diurnarum in usum pie Juventutis editus (Hymni), Lips., N. Faber, 1533-- Melodiae Prudentianae et in Virgilium Magna ex parte nuper natae et par. Nic Fabrum typographum expressae (with musical notes for four voices), ib., in 1 vol. vellum, 8vo. (2266) Ellis, £2 950 Psalter. Icy Cômence le Psaultier de David contenāt cent et cinquinte Pseaulmes aveca. leurs titres leallement translate de latin en franchois (sic), lettres bâtardes, title and capitals in red, vellum, Impressum Parrhiis (sic) Anno dni. 1513, mēsis Julii per Thomam Kees Wesaliensem et mora trahente post Carmelitas i domo rubea. Et Venüdantur in civitate Tornacen, 8vo. (2268) Ellis, £26 5s. [Exceedingly rare. Brunet could only cite it from Panzer after Gesner, and calls it "livre rare que nous n'avons jamais vu."-Catalogue.] 951 Psalter. Les Choses Contenues en ce Present Livre. Une Epistre comment ou doibt prier Dieu. Le Psautier de David, Argument brief sur chaque Pseaulme, etc., lettres bâtardes, red and black, original limp vellum, gilt and gauffered edges, in new morocco case, a fine, large and clean copy, Paris, Simon de Colines, 1525, 8vo. (2269) Quaritch, £12 5s. [A rare edition of this French version of the Psalmes, not mentioned by Brunet, who notes an edition of 1523 by the same printer. Catalogue.] 952 Psalter. Les Pseaumes mis en rime Françoise par Cl. Marot et Theodore de Beze (avec les airs notés), suivies des Prières Ecclésiastiques, printed throughout within fine ornamental woodcut borders of arabesques, grotesques and mythological subjects, old French morocco gilt, gilt edges, fine copy, Ex Libris of Sir M. M. Sykes, Lyon, par Jan de Tournes pour [This was David Laing's copy, which sold in his sale in 1879 for £45. It was said that the only other copy known is that of M. Revillod of Geneva. The remarkable borders, Brunet says, had already been employed by J. de Tournes for the Metamorphoses of Ovid in 1557.-Catalogue.] 953 Psalter. Les CL. Pseaumes de David, mis en rime Françoise par Clement Marot et Theodore de Besze (avec le Kalendrier), les airs notés, contemporary limp vellum, with blind stamped ornaments, gilt gauffered edges, in new mor. case, S. 1. par Abel Clemence, 1564, 64mo. (2272) Ellis, £5 2s. 6d. [A scarce little edition not mentioned in Brunet. On the fly-leaf is a contemporary inscription showing it to have been given to Wolfgang Christopher Scheber by Fr. Camerarius in 1566.-Catalogue.] 954 Psalter. Les Pseaumes de David, mis en rime Françoise par Clement Marot et Theodore de Bezae, avec le prose en marge, woodcut title, old Lyonnese calf, with elaborate stamped gilt ornaments and initials T. B. in centres, gilt edges (from Heber's library), Geneve, A. Rivery, 1576, 8vo. (2273) Hazlitt, £11 [This was originally Theodore Beza's own copy, and has an inscription at end in his handwriting: "Theodorus Beza Genuae scripsi VI. Martii anno ultima Die et Servatoris nostri Domini Patientiae, 1597." The initials on the binding are his. He died in 1605.--Catalogue.] 955 Psalterium Hebræum, Græcum, Arabicum et Chaldæum, cum tribus latinis interpretationibus et glossis, edidit Aug. Jus tinianus, old MS. notes in margins, ancient MS. on parchment as fly-leaf, vellum, Geneva, P. Porrus, 1516, folio (2511) Maggs, £3 10s. 956 Psalterium Davidis Latine, printed in large gothic letter, long lines (19 to a full page), without marks (162 leaves), rubricated capitals, large ornamental initials finely painted and illuminated, margins of 3 pages decorated, morocco, gilt edges, Impressum per Fridericum Crewsner de Nuremberga, s. a., 4to. (2445) Ellis, £14 15s. 957 Psalterium Hebraice, cum commentario D. Kimchi, editio princeps, the first and another leaf mended, some leaves shorter than others, S. 1. per Magistrum Joseph et Filium ejus Chaim Mordachai et Ezechiam Montro, 1477, 4to. (2443) Ellis, £8 [First edition of any portion of the Bible printed in Hebrew characters.--Catalogue.] 958 Psalterium. Psalterion [Graecum cura Justini Decadyi], printed in red and black, ornamental initials and divisions, 2 pages within ornamental borders, (first and last leaves slightly stained), blue morocco, gilt edges, Venet., Aldus Manutius (circa 1495), 4to. (2444) Ellis, £4 17s. 6d. 959 Psalmes. The Whole Book of Psalmes in Prose and Meeter, with an exact Kalender and morning and evening prayer, and many other godly prayers, etc. (with musical notes), title within woodcut border, old Scotch morocco, with gilt ornaments (worn), Edinburgh, Jas. Bryson, 1640, 24mo. (2278) Ellis, £7 15s. 960 Psalmes. The Booke of Psalmes in Metre, close and proper to the Hebrew, smooth and pleasant for the Metre, plain and easie for the Tunes, with musical notes, etc. (by Wm. Barton), (worm-hole throughout), M. Simmons for the Stat. Co., 1644 -The Choice and Flower of the Old Psalms, collected by John Hopkins and others, now revised and amended by Wm. Barton, G. Miller, 1645, in 1 vol., old calf, a leaf" upon Mr. William Barton's elaborate Translation " pasted in end cover, 8vo. (2279) Ellis, £1 10s. 961 Psalms of David in Meeter (The), allowed by the Authority of the generall assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, first edition of the present Scotch use (margin of title and Aii mended, last leaf of table wanted, with all faults), morocco gilt, gilt edges, autograph of D. Laing, Edinburgh, E. Tyler, 1650, 8vo. (2280) Leighton, 1 18s. 962 Quaritch (B.) General Catalogue of Books, 1874, with the Supplement to 1877, 2 vol., half morocco, 1874-77, thick 8vo. (2288) Britwell, 1 IOS. 963 Ranke (Leopold von). History of England in the 17th Century, 6 vol., Oxford, 1875, 8vo. (2301) Harding, £2 2s. 964 Ravenscroft (Tho.) The Whole Booke of Psalmes, with the Hymnes Evangelicall and Songs Spirituall, composed into 4 parts by Sundry Authors, with such severall Tunes as have beene sung in England, Scotland, etc., never before in one. volume published, the first edition, autograph and note of T. Park, calf, Stat. Co., 1621, 8vo. (2303) Ellis, £4 15s. 965 Rawlinson (Sir Geo.) The Five (and the Sixth and Seventh) Great Monarchies of the Eastern World, maps and illustrations, 5 vol., calf extra, m.e., 1873-76, 8vo. (2304) Quaritch, £6 966 Rebellion, 1745. A Full Collection of all the Proclamations and Orders of Charles Prince of Wales since his arrival in Edinburgh, Sept. 17, 1745-A Full Collection of all Poems upon Charles Prince of Wales-The Congress of the Beasts, 1748-Advantages to England by the Hanover Succession, 1745-Account of the Battle of Gladsmuir between Prince Charles and General Cope, 1745-Account of the Battle of Falkirk, and 2 Broadside Ballads, etc., a scarce collection, in 1 vol., half calf, 8vo. (2305) Dunthorne, £3 5s. 967 Reynard the Fox (the most delectable History of), newly corrected and purged, augmented and enlarged, with a Second Part, and the Shifts of Reynardine, black letter, woodcuts, bottom margin of Part I. slightly mended, the 3 parts in 1 vol., calf gilt, r. e., all clean copies, rarely found complete, E. Brewster, 1701-1681-1684, 4to. (2469) Quaritch, £3 12s. 6d. 968 Richardson (M. A.) The Borderer's Table Book, many hundred woodcuts, 8 vol. in 4, Newcastle, 1846, royal 8vo. (2317) Harding, 2 969 Ridley and Latimer. Certein godly, learned and comfortable conferences, betwene the two Reverende Fathers and holy Martyrs, D. Nic. Rydley and M. Hughe Latimer, during the XIII. 7 tyme of their emprisonmentes, 1556-A Brief declaration of the Lordes Supper, written by Nicholas Ridley, a litel before he suffred deathe for the true testimonie of Christ, anno 1555-The Copy of Certain Lettres sent to the Quene and also to doctour Martin and doctour Storye, by Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Cantorburye, from prison in Oxeforde, head inserted, 1556, all three works printed in the same types, in black letter, probably abroad, in 1 vol., half vellum, 8vo. (2320) Bull, LI IIS. 970 Rogers (Sam.) Italy, a Poem; and Poems, numerous fine vignettes by J. M. W. Turner and T. Stothard (some slightly foxed), first editions, 2 vol., morocco, gilt edges, Cadell, 1830-34, 8vo. (2334) Edwards, £2 19s. 971 Rome. Here begynneth a booke, called the faule of the Romyshe Church, wyth all the abhominations, etc., black letter (23 leaves), calf, No place or date (1545?), 8vo. (2337) Maggs, £2 2s. [At the end of this volume were 12 leaves of contemporary MS. dated 1553, beginning, "Whether Christian Faith maie be kept secret in the Hert without Open Confession thereof to the World, finis qd. John Hoper" (Bp. John Hooper, published at Rouen in 1553); followed by the "Genealogie of Antichrist" and a Dialogue between Stephen Gardiner and Judge Hales.-Catalogue.] 972 Roxburghe Club. Proceedings in the Court Martial held upon John, Master of Sinclair, for the Murder of Ensign Shaw, etc., 1708, half morocco, Edinburgh, 1828, 4to. (2488) Ellis, £3 6s. 973 Roxburghe Club. The Decline of the Last Stuarts. Extracts from the Despatches of British Envoys to the Secretary of State, half morocco, London, W. Nicol, 1843, 4to. (2489) Ellis, £3 974 Roxburghe Club. Literary Remains of King Edward VI., edited from his Autograph MSS. with notes by J. G. Nichols, 2 vol., half bound, uncut, J. B. Nichols, 1857, 4to. (2490) Ellis, £1 16s. 975 Roxburghe Club. Basilikon Dōron; or his Majesties Instructions to his dearest sonne Henry the Prince, Written by James I., Reprint of the Edition of 1599, for presentation to the Roxburghe Club, new russia gilt, with Scottish arms, t. e. g., 1887, 4to. (2493) D. Reeves, £2 6s. [The first edition of the Basilikon Dōron published in England appeared at London, 1603, 8vo. The first edition of all was privately printed at Edinburgh in 1599, and is now exceedingly rare.-ED.] 976 Ruding (Rev. Rogers). Annals of the Coinage of Great Britain, third (and best) edition, corrected, enlarged and continued, numerous plates, 3 vol., calf gilt, m. e., J. Hearne, 1840, 4to. (2493) Harding, £5 5s. 977 Ruskin (John). Notes on his Collection of Drawings by J. M. W. Turner, 35 plates and maps, half morocco, t. e. g., uncut, Fine Art Society, 1878, 4to. (2497) R. Ward, £1 14s. |