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GOD, my King, Thy might confessing,
Ever will I bless Thy Name;
Day by day Thy Throne addressing,
Still will I Thy praise proclaim.

All Thy works, O LORD, shall bless Thee,
Thee shall all Thy saints adore;
Kings supreme shall they confess Thee,
And proclaim Thy sovereign power.

Full of kindness and compassion,
Slow to anger, vast in love,
GOD is good to all creation,

All His works His goodness prove.

Still, JEHOVAH, Thee confessing,

Shall my tongue Thy praise proclaim;
And may all mankind with blessing,
Ever hail Thy holy Name.





No. I

JESU, priceless treasure,
Source of purest pleasure,
Truest friend to me ;

Ah, how long I've panted,
And my heart hath fainted,
Thirsting, LORD, for Thee!
Thine I am, O spotless Lamb,

I will suffer nought to hide Thee,
Nought I ask beside Thee.

No. 2

ROMANS Viii. 1. So there is now no condemnation unto them which are in JESUS CHRIST, them who walk not by the flesh corruptly, but as the Spirit leads.

No. 3

In Thine arm I rest me,
Foes who would molest me
Cannot reach me here;

Though the earth be shaking,

Every heart be quaking,

JESUS calms my fear;

Fires may flash, and thunders crash,
Yea, and sin and hell assail me,
JESUS will not fail me.

No. 4

ROMANS viii. 2. Thus, then, the law of the Spirit of life in CHRIST abiding, now hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

No. 5

Death, I do not fear thee,

Though thou standest near me ;

Grave, I calmly spurn thee,
Though to dust thou turn me!
Strong in hope and faith,
Rising up and singing,

I shall, heavenward winging,
Soar, and vanquish Death,
And with the blest

Shall for ever rest.

He that reigns will rend my chains:

Earth may vanish, Heaven may sever,

GOD is GOD for ever!

No. 6

ROMANS viii. 9. Ye are not of the flesh, but of the Spirit, if in your hearts the Spirit abideth.

If JESU's Spirit be not yours, ye are not His.

No. 7

Hence with earthly treasure,

Thou art all my pleasure,

JESU, all my choice;

Hence, thou empty glory,
Nought to me thy story,
Told with tempting voice;

Pain, or loss, or shame, or cross,

Shall not from my Saviour move me,
Since He deigns to love me.

No. 8

ROMANS Viii. 10. If therefore CHRIST abide in you, then is the body dead, because of transgression, but the Spirit liveth, because of righteousness.

No. 9

Fare thee well, that errest,
Thou that earth preferrest,
Thou wilt tempt in vain ;
Fare thee well, transgression,
Hence, abhorred possession,
Come not forth again.

Past your hour, O pride and power,
Worldly life, thy bonds I sever:
Fare thee well for ever.

No. 10

ROMANS Viii. II. If by His Spirit, GOD, that upraised JESUS from the dead, dwell in you, He that raised CHRIST up from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies, by His Spirit that dwelleth within you.

No. II

Hence, all fears and sadness,
For the LORD of gladness,

JESUS, enters in;

They who love the Father,

Though the storms may gather,
Still have peace within;

Yea, whate'er I here must bear,
Still in Thee lies purest pleasure,
JESU, priceless treasure.





No. 1 Symphony.

No. 2

LORD my GOD, my spirit was in heaviness and deep affliction. But, LORD, Thy consolations have my soul restored.

No. 3

Sighing, weeping, sorrow, need, anxious longing, fear of death, rend my troubled heart in twain: I am torn by grief and pain.

No. 4

Why hast Thou then, O GOD, in this my need, in this my fear and anguish, thus quite forsaken me? Ah! know'st Thou not Thy child? Ah! hear'st Thou not the mourning of those who to Thyself in faith and truth are bound? Thou hast been my delight, and now I see Thee not. I seek for Thee in ev'ry place; I call, I cry to Thee alone. My grief and woe are full, when Thou, O GOD, regardest not.

No. 5

Fast my bitter tears are flowing,
Find I none to comfort me.
Waves and storms are o'er me going,
All this dark and troubled sea
O'er my fainting spirit rolleth;
Mine affliction none consoleth.

Floods of sorrow close me round.

Where can light and help be found?

No. 6

Wherefore grievest thou, O my spirit, and art so unquiet in me? hope thou in GOD, for to Him I will give thanks; for He is the help of my countenance, and my GOD.

No. 7

LORD JESUS, my Repose, my Light, where art Thou gone?

Behold, O spirit, I am with thee.

With me? but here is only night!

I am thy faithful Friend, that watcheth in the might, when evil is abroad.

Then comfort with Thy light and radiance enter in! The hour is coming soon, when, all thy conflicts o'er, thou shalt a sweet reward secure.

No. 8

(Come, my Saviour, and restore me,
Yea, I come, and will restore thee,

Shed Thy grace and gladness o'er me,

Shed My grace and gladness o'er thee,

O'er this spirit that shall perish,

Yea, thy spirit I will cherish,

That shall its continual sorrow never vanquish,
Nor beneath continual sorrow shalt thou languish,
(But shall still in sorrow languish.

But shalt all thy sorrow vanquish.

Yea, ah yea, I am rejected.
Nay, ah nay, thou art elected.
Nay, ah nay, Thou hatest me.

Yea, ah yea, I care for thee.

(LORD JESUS, Thou bringest me joy and salvation. Soon thou for thy sorrow shalt find consolation.

Come, my Saviour, and restore me,

Yea, I come, and will restore thee,

(Shed Thy grace and gladness o'er me.

Shed My grace and gladness o'er thee.

No. 9

Now again be thou joyful,

O my spirit; thy reward is of thy God.
Of what avail our bitter sorrow?

Of what avail our pain and grief?

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