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forsake me for the very enemy! God! thou art a right woman to say this, and I will give thee thy reward! and he took his sword, and in a moment smote her head from her body. Then, after a minute's thought, he cried, Ah, wretch! I have slain the thing in the world that I loved best! and he ran himself through before any one could stop his hand. In the uproar that this occasioned, none thought of following Amadis; and though Dardan was so brave a knight, yet most who were present now rejoiced at his death, for his strength had always been unjustly and tyrannically employed.

CHAP. XV.-Of the funeral which King Lisuarte gave Dardan and his Mistress, and what Amadis did meanwhile.


ING LISUARTE then commanded two monuments to be placed upon lions of stone there, in the place where the battle was fought, and Dardan and his mistress were interred therein, and their names were inscribed on the monument, and all that had chanced; and afterwards, when the king knew the name of the conqueror, that also was written there.

But now the rumour being appeased, Lisuarte asked where was the stranger? none could give tidings of him, save only that he had ridden full speed toward the forest. Well were he, quoth the king, who should have such a man in his company, for, strong as he is, he is right gentle; ye all heard the insolence of Dardan, yet would he not slay him when he was in his power, though Dardan would have shewn no mercy if the conquest had been his. Amadis, mean

time, had entered the forest; it was late when he reached the tents, where he found Gandalin and the damsels who had made their meal ready; and when the cloths were removed, he took Gandalin apart, and bade him go to the town and secretly speak with the damsel of Denmark, and learn from her how he should proceed. Gandalin, that he might go more privately, went on foot, and entering the town, made toward the palace, where he had not awaited long when he saw the damsel, who was watchful for him. Follow me, said she, and if you are questioned, say you bring a message from the Queen of Scotland to Oriana, and that you are come to join Amadis in this country, for so shall you appear in his company without suspicion. They then entered the queen's palace, where Oriana then was, to whom the damsel came, and speaking somewhat loud, said, here is a squire sent to you from the Queen of Scotland. Oriana rejoiced thereat, but greater was her joy when she saw it was Gandalin, who knelt before her and said, Madam, the queen salutes you as one who loves and prizes you and whom your welfare will make glad. May the Queen have a fair fortune! replied Oriana; I thank her kindness: come with me to this window, and tell me the rest. Then they retired, and she made him sit by her, and asked him, Friend, where did you leave your master? In the forest, whither he went after the battle. Tell me how he fareth, so may God prosper you. Even so, quoth Gandalin, as the man that is altogether yours, and dies for you, and his soul suffers so as never knight endured, and then he wept. Lady, he will not break your command for good nor for ill that may befal him; for God's sake have compassion on him, for if he lives he will be the

best knight that ever bore arms, but good fortune failed him when he saw you, and he will die before his time; and better had he died in the sea, where he was thrown before his parents knew him, for now they see him perish, and can give him no relief. Oriana wept, and clasping her hands and interlacing her fingers one with the other, she cried, for God's sake, Gandalin, say no more; you blame me, because you know his feelings and do not know mine. She then showed him the garden under the window ;-go to your master, and tell him to come secretly to-night into this garden; the chamber wherein I and Mabilia sleep is underneath this, and it has a grated window near the ground, there can we speak to each other, for Mabilia knows my heart; and she took a ring from her finger, and bade him give it to Amadis, as the jewel which she most prized. Then she called Mabilia to see the squire who brought tidings from her mother; and Mabilia, seeing Gandalin, understood how it was.

Oriana went to the queen, who asked her when the squire would return, for she would send presents by him to the Queen of Scotland. He is come, said the princess, to seek for Amadis, son of the King of Gaul, the good knight of whom there is so much talk. He saith it is more than ten months since he heard that knight was coming here, and marvels that he finds him not. Now trust me, replied the queen, right glad would I be to see such a knight in the king my husband's company, great aid would he prove to him; and I tell you that if he come, he shall not depart for want of any thing that he can ask and that King Lisuarte can give.

So Gandalin returned to Amadis with his tidings,

and after the hour of rest they took their arms and rode to the town. They tied their horses in a tuft of trees adjoining the garden, and entering through a way made by a watercourse, came to the window, and Gandalin called in a low voice. Oriana, who did not sleep, heard him and rose and called Mabilia, for here, said she, is your cousin. My cousin? quoth Mabilia, that indeed he is, but you have a nearer interest in him than all his lineage; then they both went to the window, and placed candles there that gave a great light, and opened it. By that light Amadis saw his lady, and she appeared more beautiful than man could fancy woman could be. She had on a robe of Indian silk, thickly wrought with flowers of gold; her hair was so beautiful that it was a wonder, and she had covered it only with a garland. Amadis trembled all over with the great delight of seeing her; there they conversed till daybreak, and Oriana bade him remain with her father if he should intreat him, and at dawn Amadis returned to the tents.

When it was morning, Amadis sent Gandalin into the town, and he remained in the tent with one of the damsels, for the other had gone to the town. Soon she returned in haste upon her palfrey, weeping aloud. Sir knight, said she, the lady for whom you did battle is detained by the king, who will not let her depart till her champion appears. He is wrath with her, thinking that she has concealed you, and he has sent to seek you in all parts. Tell her, said Amadis, that if the king will demand of me nothing against my will, I will appear before him to-morrow at the hour of tierce. With this bidding she returned. The news spread thro' the palace and the town, and all greatly rejoiced that they should see the good knight who had subdued Dardan.

CHAP. XVI-How Amadis made himself known to King Lisuarte, and the other knights of his court.


HAT day Amadis made cheer with the dam

sels; the next morning they rode with him to the apartment of the dame their cousin, who seeing her champion, knelt to him and said, Sir, all that I possess you have given me! Lady, said he, let us go to the king that he may discharge you, and may go my way. Then he took off his helm, and they all went to the palace, and there was a great cry, Here is the knight who conquered Dardan! The king heard it and came out to him, and said, Welcome, friend! for you have been greatly desired here! and Amadis knelt down, and said, Sir, God give you joy! The king took him by the hand,-So help me God you are a good knight! That praise Amadis heard thankfully, and he asked if the dame was free, and assured Lisuarte that she knew not till now who had been her champion. And when he saw her at liberty, he requested the king's leave to depart. Ah, friend, said Lisuarte, not so soon, unless you would do me great displeasure. That God forbid ! quoth he; I have it rather at heart to do you service, if I were worthy. Then I beseech you remain here, said the king; whereto Amadis assented, but he made no semblance that it pleased him. So the king led him to an apartment, and all the knights of renown who were there came to disarm him, for this was the king who most honoured good knights and had the greatest number in his house. And Lisuarte gave him a robe to cover himself withal, and calling King Arban of North Wales, and the Duke of Gloucester, bade them keep company with that knight, for he was a worthy

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