Laing (D.) Golagrus and Gawane, 726* Laingaeus (J.) Vita Lutheri, 808 Lamb (C.) Essays of Elia, 1194, 2134, 3056 Mrs. Leicester's School (1st ed., 1809), 2649* Laurentio Justiniano. Doctrina, 4839 Lawrence (Sir T.) Engravings from his Lawson (Jno.) Voyage to and History of Lebrun (J. B. P.) Travested, 6345 Le Caron (L. C.) Questions diverses, 5826 Rationalism in Europe, Romancero y Monstro Lee (O. A. J.) British Birds, 6089 Le Fanu (J. S.) Torlogh O'Brien, 4058 Legaré (G.) Livre des Ouvrages d'Orfev- Legende des Flames, La, 1681 Leger (J.) Histoire des Vaudoises, 4840 Prelacie, 812* Sion's Plea against the Le Laboureur (I.) Memoires de Michel de Leland (J.) Itinerary, 813 5828 The Art of Fair Building, Epistolæ, 2138 Description de l'Afrique, 4272 Leslie (F.) Early Races of Scotland, and Leslie (Jno.) Defence of Marie Queene of Lessons of Thrift, 6010 Letarouilly (P.) Edifices de Rome Moderne, Letarouilly (P.) Le Vatican, 3875 Lever (C.) Arthur O'Leary, 2140, 3756, Lasphrise (Capt.) Euvres, 5823 Lever (C.) Harry Lorrequer, 6318 Latham (J.) History of Birds, 221 Lever (C.) Luttrell of Arran, 2936 Lathy (T. P.) The Angler, 1323 Lever (C.) Nuts and Nut-crackers, 2935 Latimer (H.) Sermons, 811 Lever (C.) One of Them, 2936 Laudes Mariæ Virginis (Kelmscott), 216, Lever (C.) Tales of the Trains, 6320 Lever (C.) Works, 2937, 4061, 5636 Laujon (De.) Les A-propos de la Société, Lever (C.) Works (various), 3059 2931* Lewin (J. W.) Insects of N. S. Wales, 5070 Lewin (Wm.) Birds of Great Britain, 3528 | Loggan (D.) Cantabrigia Illustrata Lewis (M. G.) The Monk, 4062 Leybourne Church, Kent. Description of Liancourt (S. de). Le Maistre d'Armes, Liber Davitica (Psalms), 1768 Libro de Marchi de Cavalli (1569), 3649 Lichtenberger (J.) Prognosticatio, 4843 Liévre (E.) Les Arts Décoratifs, 1682 Life in London. See Egan Life of a Nobleman, 317 Oxonia Illustrata, 2656 Lombardus (Petrus). Glossa in Epistolas Longfellow (H. W.) Works, 3408 ton, 1205 Longus. Daphnis et Chloe : (1718, Paris), 2141, 2939, 3531,* 5157, (1745, Paris), 3758, 4847, 5485 Lord (J. K.) Island, 1325 Lilford (Lord). Figures of Birds, 2797, 3060, Loriquet (Ch.) Lilius (G.) Chronicon, 3757 Lilly (J.) Eupheues, 5486 Lilly (W., the Astrologer). Various Pamph- Lillywhite (F.) Cricket Scores, 3935 Linden (J.) Linden (J.) Lindley (J.) Lindley (J.) Lorris (G. de). Naturalist in Vancouver Tapisseries, 1687, 2549 Ladies' Flower Garden, Louis XI. La Chronique, 4848 Louis XV. Fêtes données par la Ville de Louis XVI. Sacre et Couronnement de, Scottish Heraldic Manu- Lover (S.) Treasure Trove, 4064 Low (D.) British Domestic Animals, 2550 Lowe (E.) Collectanea Botanica, 3299 Linton (W. J.) Masters of Wood Engraving, 4273, 4329 Lipscombe (Geo.) History of Buckingham, L'Isle (Fr. de). La Legende de Charles, Litta (P.) Famiglie Celebri Italiane, 3406 Livy. Historiæ, 1683-4, 2322, 5833 Locker (E. H.) Naval Gallery of Green Locker (F.) Lyra Elegantiarum, 6368 Lockhart (J. G.) Life of Scott, 3318, 4330 Lodge (E.) Portraits: (1821-34), 821, 3530, 5638 Ferns, 1207, 2799, 6902, 7050 Lower (Sir W.) Charles II. in Holland, Lowth (W. S.) Angling, 1326 Lozano (Don P.) Antiquedades España, 1688 Lubke (W.) History of Sculpture, 3227 (Venice, 1502), 4850 Lucan, Suetonius, and Sallust. Opera 1942, 2434, 3759 Lucretius. De Rerum Natura, 1690, 5158 Ludolphus de Saxonia. Vita Christi Lully (Raymund). Arbor Scientiæ, 1693 Lydgate (J.) See Lidgate Lyndewoode (W.) Constitutiones Lyra (Nic. de). Postilla super Nov. Test., | Marguerite (Reine de Navarre), Nouvelles Lysons (D.) Environs of London, 91,* 2658, Lysons (D. and S.) Magna Britannia, 223, Lysons (S.) Roman Antiquities, 4506 Macaulay (Lord). History of England : Macaulay (Lord). Lays of Ancient Rome, Macaulay (Lord). Works (Various), 318, 2551 Macaulay (Lord). Works, 833, 5639, 6718 Mackail (J. W.)" Biblia Innocentium, 196, 3102, 3154 Mackenzie (E.) Northumberland-New- Maclauchlan (H.) The Roman Wall, 5836 224 Maclean (Sir J.) Lives of the Berkeleys, 5945 Macrobius. Opera Varia, 3787 Magazine of Botany (Paxton), 3308 Magnus (J.) Historia Gothorum, 1696 Bericht de loblicher, etc., Publications, 837-41 Maitland (W.) History of Edinburgh, 841 Mallet (D.) Edwin and Emma, 5258 3876 Malton (J.) View of Dublin, 4276, 6627 Mandeville (Sir J.) Cose del Mondo, 1944* Manuale ad usum Ecclesiæ Sarisburiensis, Mappe-Monde. Old Maps, 4860*-2 March (J.) The Jolly Angler, 1327-8 (1871, Yule), 842, 6094 (Heptameron): (1558, 1st ed.), 3062* (1780), 2944 (1792), 94, 5640, 6095 (1894), 2095, 3303, Marguerite (Reine de Navarre). Les Sept Marguerites de la Marguerite, 6409 Maria. Defensio Virginitatis Mariæ, 1699 1700 Marius-Michel. La Reliure Française, 5489 Markham (G.) Compleat Angler, 1332 Markham (G.) Country Contentments, 1337 Markham (G.) Hunger's Prevention, 1330 Markham (G.) Pleasures of Princes, 1333-5 Marlborough Gems, The, 4508 (1850), 3064, 6667 Marmontel (J. F.) Contes Moraux, 5642, Marot (D.) Opera, 4864* Marozzo (Á.) Arte dell' Armi, 4865-6, 3650 Martial and Naval Achievements of Great Martin (H.) Histoire de France, 2947 Marvy (L.) Sketches after English Land- Marylebone Gardens, Portraits, etc., re- Works relating to: Copie d'une Lettre, 2144, 2224-7 La Rhétorique (Fouquelin), 3651* Successi d'Inghilterra (Rosso), 3654 Massinger (P.) Plays, 3655 3413 Masters (M. T.) Vegetable Teratology, 5066 Mather (Cotton). Various Works, Mather (Rich.) Various Tracts by, 5839 Mathews (C. J.) Life, 6324 Maurice (Thos.) Richmond Hill, 5644 Maurus Scotus (R. A. P.) Narratio Mortis, Maximilian (Rex.) Der Aller-Durleucht- Maximus (Valerius). Factæ et Dictæ, Maxwell (W. H.) Irish Rebellion, 320, Maxwell (W. H.) The Field Book, 1345 5490 Mayer (L.) Views in Egypt, 3584 Mayhew (Bros.) Whom to Marry, 322, 4191 3937 Meerut Universal Magazine, 3065 Meibomius (M.) Antiquæ Musica Auctores, Meigen (J. W.) Insecten, 5073 Meinhold (W.) Sidonia the Sorceress, 211, Mela (P.) Libri de Situ Orbis, 1703 Memoirs of a Woman of Intrigue (1787), Ménard (René). La Vie Privee, 2553 Mennher de Kempten (P. M.) Practique Mennis (J.) Musarum Deliciæ, 6411 Mercure de France, Le, 2143 Mer des Histoires, Les, 1705, 2135 Odds and Ends in Verse, Merry Medley, The, 5841 Meung (J. de). Testament (MS.), 1706 Meyrick (S. R.) Ancient Armour, 3409, Meyrick (Sir R.) History of Cardigan, 5646 Millais (J. G.) Game Birds, 6100 Mills (J.) Flyers of the Hunt, 327 Mills (J.) Sportsman's Library, 1346 Comus (1st ed., 1637), 859 Milton (John). Doctrine of Divorce, 863-4 Milton (John). Eikonoklastes, 868-9 Milton (John). Free Commonwealth, 870 History of Britain, 873 Judgement of Martin Bucer, Milton (John). 865 (1669), 872, 5495, 6573 (1695), 3534 (1741), 1707 (n. d., Doré), 5648 Milton (J.) Paradise Regained: (1671), 874, 6574 (1715), 3534 (1742), 1707 Milton (J.) Poems upon several occasions : (1695), 3534 (1785), 2662* Milton (J.) Poetical Works: (1645), 857 (1673), 858 (1697), 855 (1758), 5244-5 (1851), 856 Milton (J.) Sonnets (1883), 6414 Milton (J.) Tenure of Kings, 866-7 Milton (J.) Works in Prose and Verse, Milton (J.) Works (Various), 860-1, 875 Mirabilis Liber, 4874 Mirys (S. D.) Figures de l'Histoire, 2147 Monumenta Sacra Inedita (Lips., 1855-70), Moor (E.) Hindu Pantheon, 7051 Moore (A.) Annals of Gallantry, 6210 Missale Romanum, 876, 1211, 1950,* 3827, Moore (Jos.) Views near Rangoon, 3538 4879-80, 4881, 6908 Missale Sarisburiensis, 1210, 6909 Moore (Sir J.) England's Interest, 1260, 1330 Missale Secundum Usum Ecclesia Sancti Moore (T.) Ferns of Great Britain, 2957, Missale Trajectenum, 1712* Missale Vratislaviensis, 4882 Misselden (E.) Free Trade, 5496 3305, 7052 Moore (T.) Irish Melodies, 2555 Morant (A. W.) Armorial Bearings of the Mitchell (W. A.) Pleasure and Utility of Mordant de Launay. Herbier Général, 5498 Angling, 1347 Mitford (J.) Johnny Newcome, 329 Moderate Intelligencer, The, 5843 Modo de incoronare lo Imperatore, Il, 4885 Molière (M. de). Le Festin de Pierre, 2149* More Miseries of Human Life, 6349 More (Sir T.) Confutacyon of Tyndale's More (Sir T.) Glaubwurdige Anzaygung, 4888, 5845* More (Sir T.) More (Sir T.) More (Sir T.) Workes (1557), 97, 1954* Churches of Piemont, 883, Memoirs of Bartholomew (1666), 5497 (1682), 2148* (1734), 3057, 3757* (1773), 6415 (1788), 6910 (1821), 2950 (1873), 6719 Molitor (U.) De Lamiis, 1951, 4886, 6911 4954 Moncreiff (W. T.) Old Booty, and other Mone (F. R.) Hymni Latini, 6669 Monnet (J) Anthologie Françoise, 4155* (1580, Bordeaux), 6576 Montanus (R. G.) L'Inquisition d'Espagne, Montepin (X. de). Romans Français, 2955 Montesquieu (Baron de). Le Témple de Antiquities of France, 882 Morland (S.) 5846 Fair, 6178 5162, 5499, 6670 Morris (W.) Amis and Amile, 6472 (vellum) Morris (W.) Child Christopher, 3127, 3176, Morris (W.) Death of Jason, 1717 Morris (W.) Earthly Paradise, 214, 3141, Glittering Plain, 194, 3096, Morris (W.) Gothic Architecture, 6470 Morris (W.) Grettir the Strong, 4507 Morris (W.) King Coustans, 6473 (vellum) Morris (W.) Life and Death of Jason, |