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WOOD, HORATIO. Gofpel Truths. A Difcourfe preached before the Unitarian Society, lately established in Franklin and Salisbury, N. H., Nov., 1833. 8vo.

WOOD, JOHN. A General View of the Hiftory of Switzerland. With a Particular Account of the Origin and Accomplishment of the late Swifs Revolution. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1799.

A Full Expofition of the Clintonian Faction and the Society of
the Columbian Illuminati; with an Account of the Writer of the
Narrative, and the Characters of his Certificate Men, as also Re-
marks on Warren's Pamphlet. 8vo.
Newark, 1802.
The Hiftory of the Administration of John Adams, Efq., late
Prefident of the United States.
N. Y., 1802.
Narrative of the Suppreffion, by Colonel Burr, of the History
of the Administration, by John Adams; written by . . . By a
Citizen of New York. 8vo.
N. Y., 1802.


A Correct Statement of the various Sources from which the History of the Adminiftration of John Adams was compiled, and the motives for its Suppreffion by Colonel Burr; with fome Observations on a Narrative, by a Citizen of New York. Second Edition. 8vo. N. Y., 1802.

Antidote to [his] Poifon. By Warren. 8vo.

Various School Books. 12mo.

N. Y., 1802.

A New Theory of the Diurnal Rotation of the Earth, etc. 8vo. Richmond, 1809. WOOD, SAMUEL. N. Y., 1813. WOOD, SILAS. Letters addressed to the Electors of Reprefentatives of Congrefs for the First Electoral District in the State of New York. 8vo. N. Y., 1800.

A Sketch of the Geography of the Town of Huntingdon; with a Brief History of its Firft Settlement and Political Condition to the End of the Revolution. 8vo. Washington, 1824.

A Sketch of the First Settlement of the feveral Towns on Long Island; with their Political Condition, to the End of the American Revolution. 8vo., pp. 66.

Same. A New Edition. 8vo., pp. 184.

Brooklyn, 1824.
Brooklyn, 1828.

WOOD, WILLIAM. Survey of Trade, in Four Parts, with Confiderations on our Money and Bullion. Second Edition.

8vo. Lond., 1722.

WOOD, WILLIAM. New England's Profpect; being a True, Lively, and Experimental Defcription of that Part of America, commonly called New England, etc. Third Edition. Lond., 1639. 8vo. [Rep.] Boston, 1764. WOOD, WILLIAM. Addrefs, etc., before the Mechanics' Apprentices' Library Affociation, on its 24th Anniversary, February 22d, 1844. 8vo. Bofton, 1844WOODARD (CAPT.) DAVID. Narrative of, and Four Seamen, who loft their fhip, while in a boat at fea, and furrendered themselves up to the Malays, in the Island of Celebes, etc. Second Edition. 8vo. Lond., 1805.


Sermon before the General Assembly of Connecticut, Hartford, May 14th, 1752. 8vo., pp. 44.

New Lond., 1753.

WOODBRIDGE, B. Sermon occafioned by the Death of Deacon Job
Terrell. 12mo., pp. 32.
New Haven, 1756.
WOODBRIDGE, SYLVESTER, JR. Historical Difcourfe delivered Novem-
ber 29th, 1840, to the Dedication of "Chrift's First Church"
Chapel, in Raynor, South Hempstead, L. I. 8vo.

N. Y., 1840.

WOODBRIDGE, WILLIAM. Illuftration of Scripture on Abfolute Pre-
destination, in a Sermon. 8vo., pp. 22. Middletown, 1805.
WOODD, BASIL. Vifitation Sermon, in the Parish Church of St. Mary,
Aylesbury, June 27th, 1810. 8vo., pp. 30.
WOODD, HANNAH. Memoirs of Mrs.


Lond. in a Letter to the Rev. Lond., 1784.

Richard Conyers, LL. D. 8vo., pp. 23. WOODMAN, CYRUS. The Memoir and Journals of the Rev. Paul Coffin. 8vo. Portland, 1855WOODRUFF, GEORGE C. Hiftory of the Town of Litchfield, Connecticut. 8vo. Litchfield, 1845. WOODS, LEONARD. Difcourfe at the Funeral of Mrs. Thankful Church, Pelham, N. H., April 15th, 1806. 8vo., pp. 18.

Newburyport, 1806. Testimony against the Publications of Marcus, in feveral Letters, addreffed to the Author. 8vo., pp. 48. Newburyport, 1806. Artillery Election Sermon, Boston, June 6th, 1808. 8vo.

Sermon delivered before the Maffachusetts on their 13th Anniversary, May 26th, 1812.

Boston, 1808. Miffionary Society, 8vo., pp. 22. Boston, 1812.

Sermon, May 3d, 1812, at the Funeral of Samuel Abbott, one
of the Founders of the Theological Seminary in Andover. Svo.
Boston, 1812.

A Sermon delivered at the Tabernacle in Salem, February 6th,
1812, on occafion of the Ordination of the Rev. Meffrs. Samuel
Newell, A. Judfon, Samuel Nott, Gordon Hall, and Luther Rice,
Miffionaries to the Heathen in Afia. 8vo.
Boston, 1812.

Sermon preached at Haverhill, Mass., in Remembrance of Har-
riet Newell; with Memoirs of her Life. 8vo. Bolton, 1814.
Eulogy on the Rev. Samuel Worcester, D. D., delivered at Salem,
Mafs., July 12th, 1821. 8vo.

WOODVILLE, WILLIAM. Reports of a series of Inoculations for the
Variola Vaccinæ, or Cow-Pox, etc. 8vo.
Lond., 1799.
[WOODWARD, AUGUSTUS B.] Epaminondas on the Government of the
Territory of Columbia. No. V. 8vo. George-Town, 1801.
Confiderations on the Government of the Territory of Colum-
bia. No. VIII. 8vo., pp. 26. Washington, Jan., 1803.

Confiderations on the Subftance of the Sun

8vo., pp. 88. Washington, 1801.

WOODWARD, AUGUSTUS B. Representation of the Cafe of Oliver
Pollock. 8vo., pp. 69.
Washington, Feb. 12th, 1803.
Confiderations on the Executive Government of the United
States of America. 8vo.
Flatbufh, 1809.
WOODWARD, JAMES W. Sermon on the Death of Rev. Eden Bur-
roughs, D.D., preached at Hartford, Vt., May 24th, 1813. 8vo.
WOODWARD, JOHN. Foffils of all kinds, digested into a Method, fuit-
able to their Mutual Relation and Affinity. 8vo. Lond., 1728.
WOODWARD, JOHN. Opinion in the Cafe of the "St. Michaels" and
Cargo, of Baltimore, vs. The King of Holland. 8vo.
WOODWARD, SAMUEL. Sermon, October 9th, 1760, a Day of Thanks-
giving on occafion of the Reduction of Montreal and Conquest of
Canada. 4to., pp. 30.


Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. John Marsh, Wethersfield, Conn., January 12th, 1774. 8vo., pp. 30. New Haven. WOODWARD, WILLIAM. Oration at Hanover, N. H., January 9th, 1800, on the Death of General Washington. 8vo., pp. 17.

Hanover, 1800. [WOODWORTH, SAMUEL.] New Haven: a Poem, Satirical and Sentimental, etc.; with Notes, by Selim. 12mo., pp. 34.

N. Y., 1809.

Beafts at Law; or, Zoologian Jurifprudence: a Poem, Satirical,
Allegorical, and Moral, in Three Cantos, etc.

12mo., pp. 104.

N. Y., 1811.
Being a Collec-

N. Y., 1814-
Chief, etc.
N. Y., 1816.

-] Bubble and Squeak; or, a Dish of All Sorts. tion of American Poems, etc. 12mo. The Champions of Freedom; or, The Myfterious 2 vols., 12mo. WOOLEN MANUFACTURES. Statistics of the, in the United States, by the Proprietor of the Condenfing Cards. 8vo. N. Y., 1845. WORCESTER, NOAH. New Hampshire Election Sermon, Concord, June 4th, 1800. 8vo. Concord.

A Refpectful Addrefs to the Trinitarian Clergy, relating to their Manner of Treating Opponents. Second Edition. 12mo., pp. 56. N. Y., 1812. WORCESTER, SAmuel. Sermon before the Maffachusetts Miffionary Society, Bofton, 30th May, 1809. 8vo., pp. 43. Boston, 1809. [WORDSWORTH, CHRISTOPHER.] Six Letters to Granville Sharp, refpecting his Remarks on the Use of the Definite Article in the Greek Text of the New Teftament. 8vo. Lond., 1802. WORKMAN and KERR. The Trials of, before the United States Court for the Orleans District, on a Charge of planning and fetting on foot, within the United States, an Expedition for the Conqueft, etc., of Mexico. 8vo. New Orleans, 1807. to the War of the French Alexandria (D. C.), 1801. Second Edition. I 2mo., Charlestown, 1804.

WORKMAN, JAMES. Political Effays relative
Revolution, etc. 12mo.

Liberty in Louifiana: a Comedy.
PP. 103.

WORKMAN, JAMES. Effays and Letters on various Political Subjects. Second Am. Edition. 12mo. N. Y., 1809. WORKS OF THE LEARNED. The Literary Magazine; or, History of the . By a Society of Gentlemen. For the years 1735,'6, '7. (2 vols.) Part II. 1738. Part I. 1739 and 1740. (2 vols.), 8vo. Lond. WORRALL, JOHN. Bibliotheca Legum; or, a New and Complete List of all the Common and Statute Law Books of this Realm ... to Trinity Term, 1749. Seventh Edition. 12mo. Lond., 1749. WORTHINGTON, HUGH. Charge at the Ordination of Rev. Joannes Runnels, Daventry, February 25th, 1762. 8vo., pp. 44. Lond., 1762. WORTHINGTON, HUGH, JR. Sermon at Salters' Hall, June 16th, 1793, in behalf of the Charity School, etc. 8vo., pp. 47.

Lond., 1793.
WORTHINGTON, W. G. D. Speech on the Maryland Teft Act, 1824.
Baltimore, 1824.
WORTMAN, T. Oration on the Influence of Social Institution upon
Human Morals and Happiness, delivered before the Tammany
Society, at their Anniversary, 12th May, 1796. 8vo., pp. 31.
N. Y., 1796.
An Address to the Republican Citizens of New York, on the
Inauguration of Thomas Jefferfon, Prefident of the United States,
March 4th, 1801. 8vo.
N. Y., 1801.
WOTTON, WILLIAM. Reflections upon Ancient and Modern Learning;
with a Differtation upon the Epiftles of Phalaris, Themistocles,
Socrates, Euripides, etc., and fop's Fables. By Dr. Bentley.
Lond., 1697.
WRAXALL, NATHANIEL WILLIAM. The Hiftory of France, from the
Acceffion of Henry the Third to the Death of Louis the Four-
teenth, etc. Vols. I. II. III. 4to.
Lond., 1795.
Phil., 1845.

Historical Memoirs of my own Time. 8vo.
Pofthumous Memoirs of my own Time. (From the Second
Lond. Edition.) 8vo.

Phil., 1845.

WREN, ROGER. Sentiments of the Humours and Amusements of the Times; with Reflexions on Present Capital Disorders, their Real Source and Proper Remedy. 8vo.

WRIGHT, ALFRED. Holitopa Holiffo, etc.


Boston, 1763.

Utica, 1831.

WRIGHT, EDWARD. Some Obfervations made in Travelling through France, Italy, etc., in the years 1720, 1721 and 1722.

[Plates engraved by Vander Gucht.]

2 vols., Lond., 1730.

WRIGHT, FRANCES. Voyage aux Etats-Unis d'Amerique, ou Obfervations fur la Societe, les Mœurs, les ufages et le Gouvernement de ce Bays, recueillees en 1818, 1819 et 1820. Traduit de l'Anglais, par J. T. Parifot. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1822. WRIGHT, J. A Compleat Hiftory of the late War; or, Annual Register of its Rife, Progrefs, and Events, in Europe, Afia, Africa and America. 2 vols., 8vo.

Lond., 1765.

WRIGHT, JOHN C. Speeches on the Refolution, for Information rela-
tive to the Selection of Newspapers for the Publication of the
Laws. 8vo.
Washington, 1827.
Speech on the fubject of Retrenchment, in the House of Repre-
fentatives of the United States, February 6th, 1828. I2mo.
Washington, 1828.
WRIGHT, LUTHER. Funeral Sermon delivered at Medway, May 25th,
1806. (Cyrus Bullard.) 8vo.
Dedham, 1807.
WRIGHT (Rev. Mr.) A Stroke at Pulpit-Time-Serving, in a Letter to
the Rev. Mr. on his Thanksgiving Sermon, for the Peace.
With a P. S. to Dr. Samuel Chandler on a fimilar fubject. 8vo.,
PP. 22.
Lond., 1763.
WRIGHT, R. Extract from an Effay on the Neceffity and Utility of
Adhering to First Principles of Religion, etc. Salem, 1818.
WRIGHTMAN, JOSEPH M. A Companion to Electricity, comprising a
Brief History of the Science.
Bofton, 1843-
WYATT, JOSEPH. Reply to his Answer to an Appendix to a Religious
Colloquy. 8vo., pp. 8.
WYCHE, SIR PETER, KT. The Life of Dom John de Caftro, the
Fourth Vice-Roy of India. Tranflated from the Portuguese of
J. F. de Andrada. Folio.
WYCHE, WILLIAM. Treatife on the Practice of the Supreme Court
of Judicature of the State of New York in Civil Actions. Second
Edition. 8vo.
N. Y., 1794.


Lond., 1664.

An Effay on the Theory and Practice of Fines; with Precedents. 8vo. N. Y., 1794. WYCKOFF, J. N. Chriftian Example. A Sermon occafioned by the Death of Christan Miller, December 15th, 1844. 8vo. Albany, 1844. WYLIE, ANDREW. Sermon on the Designation of the Rev. Ludovicus Robbins, to the Work of a Miffionary, etc. 8vo., pp. 22.

Pittsburgh, 1823.

WYLIE, SAMUEL BROWN. Memoir of Alexander McLeod, D. D., of
New York. 8vo.
Phil., 1855.
WYNNE, JOHN H. A General History of the British Empire in Amer-
ica; containing an Hiftorical, Political and Commercial View of
the English Settlements, etc. 2 vols., 8vo.
Lond., 1770.
WYNNE, JAMES. Lives of Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of
America. 12mo.

N. Y., 1850

XENOPHON. Opera, cum Annotationibus Henrici Stephani, Gr. et Lat. Editio Secunda. 2 vols. Folio,


De Cyri Inftitutione Libri Octo, etc. Gr. et Lat. Editio
Decima. 8vo.

Cyropædia; or, the Inftitution of Cyrus.
Greek, by Maurice Afhley. 8vo.

See Avenant, Hutchinson.

Lond., 1797.

Tranflated from the

Lond., 1803.

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