73 Royal Microscopical Society, Journal of the, plates, 13 vol., cloth, 1878-90, 8vo. (709) George, 1 8s. 74 Rudder (S.) History of Gloucestershire, map and plates, half bound, 1779, folio (844) Bailey, £5 5s. [Two other copies of this work were disposed of at this sale for £4 and £3 5s. respectively (both calf). All three copies were bought by the same purchaser.-ED.] 75 Ruskin (J.) Seven Lamps of Architecture, first edition, plates by the author, cloth, 1849, royal 8vo. (61) Quaritch, £2 17s. 6d. 76 Ruskin (J.) Stones of Venice, 3 vol., first edition, plates by the author, cloth, 1851, 8vo. (62) Maggs, £9 10S. 77 Scott (Sir W.) Poetical Works, frontispieces and vignettes, 12 vol., half calf gilt, 1860, 8vo. (632) Hahn, £18s. 78 Shakespeare (W.) Comedies, Histories and Tragedies, second folio (wanted all before "A Catalogue of the Comedies" and after page 400, sold not subject to return), old calf, 1632, folio (801) Ridler, £5 79 Shakespeare (W.) Comedies, Histories and Tragedies, second edition (wanted title and several leaves, sold not subject to return), half morocco, 1632, folio (587) Barnes, £3 80 Shakespeare (W.) Works, fourth folio, 1685, fragment from "Troilus" to Locrine, containing many of the most important Plays complete, boards, folio (588) Barnes, £1 81 Shakespeare (W.) The Homes and Haunts of Shakespeare, illustrations, some coloured, complete in 5 portfolios, cloth, 1892, royal folio (253) Spencer, £3 10s. 82 Sharpe's British Classics, 24 vol., portraits and plates, calf, 1804, 8vo. (474) F. Edwards, £3 83 Shoberl (F.) The World in Miniature, 24 vol., half bound, Ackermann, n. d., 12mo. (35) W. T. Spencer, £2 12s. 6d. [Two volumes were imperfect. The series is complete in 43 vol., 12mo., with many coloured plates of costumes.-ED.] 84 Smith (Sir W.) Dictionary of Christian Biography, 4 vol., 1877, 8vo. (648) Hill & Sons, £3 7s. 85 Smythe (Sir John). Certain Discourses concerning the formes and effects of divers sorts of weapons and other very important matters Militarie as also the great excellencie of Archers, Richard Johnes, 1590, small 4to. (700) Pickering, £3 86 Soldier's Álbum (A), coloured frontispiece in the style of Rowlandson, boards, uncut, 1826, 8vo. (347) Bumpus, £1 87 Stories. A Hundred Merrie and Delightsome Stories, right pleasaunte to relate in all goodly companie, cloth, uncut, n. d., 8vo. (109) Blythe, £ 6s. 88 Strickland (A.) Lives of the Queens of England, portraits, 12 vol., cloth, 1842, 8vo. (677) 89 Strickland (A.) Lives of the Queens of Scotland, 8 vol., portraits, cloth, 1850, 8vo. (678) Hornstein, £2 125. ... Hornstein, £2 7s. 6d. [Another set also in cloth realised £2 25. at this sale (Lot 69).-ED.] 90 Suckling (Sir John). The Last Remains of, being a Full Collection of all his Poems and Letters which have been so long expected and never till now Published, fine impression of the Marshall portrait (2 leaves torn), original sheep, 1659, 8vo. (421) Dobell, 1 18s. 91 Swift (J.) Works and Letters, 24 vol., plates, calf, 1766-69, 8vo. (131) Ridler, £1 18s. 92 Taylor (Elizabeth). Authentic Memoirs of Mrs. Clarke, with the Intrigues of many characters in High Life and the Letters of the Duke of York, coloured portrait, original boards, uncut, 1809—Private Adventures of Madame Vestris, plates (409) Hornstein, £8 5s. 93 Thackeray (W. M.) Doctor Birch and his Young Friends, first edition, with coloured illustrations by the author, fancy boards, g. e., 1849, cr. 4to. (425) G. H. Brown, £I 14s. 94 Westmacott (C.) Points of Misery, or Fables for Mankind, illustrations by R. Cruikshank, fine paper copy, original wrappers, uncut, 1823, 8vo. (391) Denham, £1 95 Weyman (Stanley). House of the Wolf, first edition, cloth, 1890, 8vo. (494) Hornby, Li 96 Wotton (Sir Henry). The State of Christendom, or a Most Exact and Curious Discovery of many Secret Passages, and Hidden Mysteries of the Times, engraved portrait, first edition, original calf, Humphrey Moseley, 1657, folio (590) Denham, L1 155. 97 Yosy (A.) Switzerland as now divided into nineteen Cantons, 2 vol., 50 coloured plates of costume, half morocco, 1815, 8vo. (312) Hutt, L1 6s. [Published at £3 13s. 6d.-ED.] [OCTOBER 28TH, 1901.] J. C. STEVENS. A COLLECTION OF WORKS ON NATURAL HISTORY BELONGING TO THE LATE Mr. John Young. (No. of Lots, 204; amount realised, about £350.) [NOTE.-The Catalogue was so badly prepared that it was not reliable, and the prices realised were frequently considerably below the average. This Catalogue was not prepared by the Auctioneer. -ED.] 98 Annals of Scottish Natural History, edited by Harvie-Brown and others, complete set from the commencement to 1900, 36 parts and 5 cloth covers, 1892-1900, 8vo. (33) Sotheran, £27s. 6d. 99 Audebert (J. B.) and L. P. Viellot. Histoire Naturelle et Generelle des Colibris, Oiseaux-Mouches, Grimpereaux, &c., a fine copy, with the plates printed in colours and heightened with gold, 2 vol., calf, Paris, 1802, folio (142) Bumpus, £9 105. 100 Bentham (G.) Handbook of British Flora, 2 vol., cloth, 1865, 8vo. (51) Wheldon, £ 12s. 101 Booth (E. T.) Rough Notes on the Birds observed during Twenty Years' Shooting and Collecting in the British Isles, with coloured plates from drawings by E. Neale, 15 parts, in paper boards, Dulau, 1887, folio (148) Quaritch, £13 102 Buckler (W.) Larvæ of the British Butterflies and Moths, vol. 1 to 5, 86 coloured plates, Ray Society, original cloth Bumpus, £4 10s. New Zealand, with 50 guineas each, 1887-88, Pearson, £8 (86) 103 Buller (W. L.) History of Birds of plates, in 13 parts, published at 11⁄2 large 4to. (156) Captivity, 60 coloured 104 Butler (A. G.) Foreign Finches in Quaritch, £2 12s. 6d. 105 Couch (J.) History of the Fishes of the British Islands, 4 vol., coloured plates, original blue cloth, 1877, 8vo. (58) Jones, £175. 106 Curtis (Jno.) British Entomology. Illustrations and Descriptions of the Genera of Insects found in Great Britain and Ireland, containing coloured figures, from nature, of the most rare and beautiful species, and, in many instances, upon the plants on which they are found, 770 coloured plates, 16 vol. in 8, half calf, 1824-39, 8vo. (84) Sotheran, £11 5s. 107 David et Oustalet. Les Oiseaux de la Chine, with atlas of coloured plates, 2 vol., original red cloth, Paris, 1877, 8vo. (115) Bumpus, £5 108 Des Murs (O.) Iconographie Ornithologique, Nouveau Recueil Général de Planches peintes d'Oiseaux, first part, 72 coloured plates, half calf, Paris, 1849, 4to. (136) Bumpus, £3 12s. 6d. 109 D'Orbigny (Alcides). Aves de la Isla de Cuba, illustrated with a number of water-colour drawings of birds by Edouard Traviés, half calf, Paris, 1839, folio (133) Bumpus, £3 5s. 110 Dresser (H. E.) A Monograph of the Meropidae, or Family of Bee Eaters, 34 coloured plates, half morocco, 1880-86, folio (153) Wheldon, £2 10s. 111 Gray (R.) Birds of the West of Scotland, including the Outer Hebrides, original cloth, illustrated, Glasgow, 1871, 8vo. (18) Wheldon, £2 112 Harvey (W. H.) Phycologia Britannica, or History of British Seaweeds, containing coloured figures and descriptions of all the species of Alga inhabiting the shores of the British Islands, new edition, 4 vol., 360 coloured plates, original brown cloth, 1846-51, royal 8vo. (105) Quaritch, £3 113 Harvey (W. H.) Phycologia Australica, a History of Australian Seaweeds, comprising coloured figures and descriptions of the more characteristic Marine Algæ of New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and Western a, and a Synopsis of all known Australian Alyx, 5 Ecoloured plates, or g nal green cloth, 1848-63-10f Bumpus, £3.5s e Brown ar. 1 Buckley Vertebrate Fauna of Sutherland, es and West Cromarty, plates, or ginal cloth, 1887, Wesley, £4.45 at Harve brown and Buckley Vertebrate Fauna of the Outer des, plates, orginal cloth, 1988, 8vo 21 Sotheran, £2.5 Ha Frown and Buck'ev Vertebrate Fauna of the Orkney Sutheran, 138 Ha Brown and barkley A Fauna of the Moray Bavn, 2 iates, or a ma, cloth, 18,5. 8vo 23 LAKLI 188 · Hew tu as W ( Coloured Plustrations of the Eggs of hannað binds, third edit on, caif g it, 2 vol, 1856-40 H.. Quaritch, £4 48. Files Exot cæ Coloured Figures and Leser pton of Exoto Ferns, 100 coloured plates, orginal reen, cloth, 1956 roval 410 91 tres and Westwood Quaritch, £2.48. british Butterfles and Moths and her Iransformat ons, 3 vor, coloured plates, original FR Jones, £2 158. also con pere from third ser es, vol. 1, to enth series, 1**1 to 1201, 29 voc, half calf and 2 unbound the indexes to ser es 1 to 6, General Subject Index and List •sh kì rús, 4 voi, haf ca.f, un form, evo 38 Sutheran, £36 The Butters es of Europe, 2 vol, 82 coloured ng upwards of you f ̧ ares 85 Витрия, Е2 108 4 De ave General System of hotany, De and Ana.vt al, with Add tons, etc by Hooker, Quarit., £2 108. brish birds on their Nesting Haunts, illus **e Camera, vol 1 to 4, n 16 parts as issued, Lean, 25 Histore Naturelle des Perroquets, ates a few in.ad, 2 voi, haif calf, Parni, 1801 5, Bumpus, £3 39 Transactions, vol 1 to 7, com Pearson, £b t09. Tournai, vol 11 to 27 in parts, Iransactions, vol 1 to 5 parts, Fitzger and, LA Journal, vol. 16, Now and yo ***o 34 n parts, war ted vol 25, and y numbers, Fitzgerald, LA h are not yet pubished * History of British Birds, 5 vol, org nal Game bris ar 1. Shoot e Sartches, congred Quaritch, £5 a fine copy, with the plates printed in colours and heightened with gold, 2 vol., calf, Paris, 1802, folio (142) Bumpus, £9 10s. 100 Bentham (G.) Handbook of British Flora, 2 vol., cloth, 1865, 8vo. (51) Wheldon, £ 12s. 101 Booth (E. T.) Rough Notes on the Birds observed during Twenty Years' Shooting and Collecting in the British Isles, with coloured plates from drawings by E. Neale, 15 parts, in paper boards, Dulau, 1887, folio (148) Quaritch, £13 102 Buckler (W.) Larvæ of the British Butterflies and Moths, vol. 1 to 5, 86 coloured plates, Ray Society, original cloth (86) Bumpus, £4 IOS. New Zealand, with 50 guineas each, 1887-88, Pearson, £8 103 Buller (W. L.) History of Birds of plates, in 13 parts, published at 11⁄2 large 4to. (156) Captivity, 60 coloured 104 Butler (A. G.) Foreign Finches in Quaritch, £2 12s. 6d. 105 Couch (J.) History of the Fishes of the British Islands, 4 vol., coloured plates, original blue cloth, 1877, 8vo. (58) Jones, £175. 106 Curtis (Jno.) British Entomology. Illustrations and Descriptions of the Genera of Insects found in Great Britain and Ireland, containing coloured figures, from nature, of the most rare and beautiful species, and, in many instances, upon the plants on which they are found, 770 coloured plates, 16 vol. in 8, half calf, 1824-39, 8vo. (84) Sotheran, £11 58. 107 David et Oustalet. Les Oiseaux de la Chine, with atlas of coloured plates, 2 vol., original red cloth, Paris, 1877, 8vo. (115) Bumpus, £5 108 Des Murs (O.) Iconographie Ornithologique, Nouveau Recueil Général de Planches peintes d'Oiseaux, first part, 72 coloured plates, half calf, Paris, 1849, 4to. (136) Bumpus, £3 12s. 6d. 109 D'Orbigny (Alcides). Aves de la Isla de Cuba, illustrated with a number of water-colour drawings of birds by Edouard Traviés, half calf, Paris, 1839, folio (133) Bumpus, £3 5s. 110 Dresser (H. E.) A Monograph of the Meropidae, or Family of Bee Eaters, 34 coloured plates, half morocco, 1880-86, folio (153) Wheldon, £2 10s. 111 Gray (R.) Birds of the West of Scotland, including the Outer Hebrides, original cloth, illustrated, Glasgow, 1871, 8vo. (18) Wheldon, £2 112 Harvey (W. H.) Phycologia Britannica, or History of British Seaweeds, containing coloured figures and descriptions of all the species of Alga inhabiting the shores of the British Islands, new edition, 4 vol., 360 coloured plates, original brown cloth, 1846-51, royal 8vo. (105) Quaritch, £3 113 Harvey (W. H.) Phycologia Australica, a History of Australian Seaweeds, comprising coloured figures and descriptions of the more characteristic Marine Algæ of New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and Western |