RESOLUTION ON DEATH OF MR. M. L. ALEXANDER. 55 APPENDIX I. CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OF THE 65 APPENDIX II. BY-LAWS OF THE SOUTHERN FORESTRY 73 APPENDIX III. LIST OF PATRONS OF THE SIXTH SOUTHERN FORESTRY CONGRESS.. 76 APPENDIX IV. LIST OF REGISTERED DELEGATES ATTENDING THE SIXTH SOUTHERN FORESTRY CONGRESS....... 79 PROGRAM MONDAY, JANUARY 28 Invocation-Rev. W. A. Jonnard, St. John's Episcopal Church, Savannah. Address of Welcome-Hon. Paul E. Seabrook, Mayor of Savannah. Reply-Col. Joseph Hyde Pratt, President Western N. C. Inc., Asheville, N. C. President's Address-Bonnell H. Stone, Pfister & Vogel Land Co., Blairsville, Ga. Topic-The Naval Stores Industry: "Prolonging the Life of the Industry-the Producer's Part." Address by L. V. Pringle, Vice-President Gillican-Chipley Co., Inc., Biloxi, Miss. "Can the Factor Prevent Reckless Turpentining?" Address by H. L. Kayton, Vice-President Carson Naval Stores Co., Savannah. Discussion, led by Thomas Gamble, Editor Naval Stores Re Automobile tour of Savannah, followed by an oyster roast at the Savannah Yacht Club, and drive to Tybee Beach. 8:15 P. M. Illustrated Lecture-"What Goes on Inside a Turpentined U. S. Forest Service. TUESDAY, JANUARY 29 10:00 Α. Μ. Topic-Forestry and the South's Business: "Forest Fires-a Menace to the South Atlantic Ports." Address by Matthew Hale, President South Atlantic Maritime Corporation, Washington, D. C. "A Business Man's View of the Cut-Over Land Problems." Address by O. H. L. Wernicke, President Pensacola Tar and Turpentine Co., Gull Point, Fla. "Florida's Forests and Florida's Agriculture." Address by R. W. Bennett, Secretary Standard Container Manufacturers, Jacksonville, Fla. "The Surest Crop on the Farm." Address by H. M. Curran, Extension Specialist, Raleigh, N. C. "The Interest of Banks and Trust Companies in Forestry." Address by Eliot Norton, Interstate Trust & Banking Co., New Orleans, La. Discussion of each paper as presented. 2:00 Р. М. Topic-The Responsibility for Forestry: "Forestry-a Problem for Us All." Address by David L. Goodwillie, Chairman National Forestry Policy Committee, National Chamber of Commerce, Chicago, Ill. "The State's Part." Address by member of State Forestry Board, Alabama. "Can the Hardwood Manufacturer Practise Forestry?" Address by Phil D. Houston, Houston Bros., Vicksburg, Miss, "Forestry for the Pine Manufacturer." Address by J. M. Camp, Vice-President Camp Manufacturing Co., Franklin, Va. Discussion of each paper as presented. 8:15 P. M. Introductory Address-Hon. Clifford Walker, Governor of Georgia, Chairman. "The Newspapers' Interest in Forestry." Address by Major James A. Holloman, Managing Editor, Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Ga. "France Points the Way to America." Address by Col. Wm. B. Greeley, Chief Forester, United States Forest Service, Washington, D. C. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30 10:00 Α. Μ. Report of the Secretary-R. D. Forbes, New Orleans, La. Pratt; Finance, J. K. Johnson, Great Southern Lum- Resolutions. Elections. 2:00 P. M. Round Table Conference-State Delegations from South Caro lina, Georgia and Florida. Presiding Officers: South Carolina-Prof. Andrew C. Moore, University of Georgia-A. V. Wood, The Downing Co., Brunswick, Florida-W. L'E. Barnett, Mount Dora, President Florida Forestry Association. 4:00 Ρ. Μ. "The South's Opportunity"-Illustrated Lecture by Dr. Austin Cary, U. S. Forest Service, Washington, D. C. |