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Necessaries, what are? 144.

Newspapers: stamp duty, 167; public
and private enterprise, 229-30; (see
also Postal Arrangements).
Newton, Sir I., analogy from, 13.
New Forest, a loss, 132.

New York, local taxation in, 324 n.
New Zealand, and Colonial Office, 195,

Notes, bank, (see Currency).

Nuisances, suppression by State, 200.
Nutrition, (see Appetite, Food).

OBEDIENCE: necessity of, 413, 415; and
theft, 243-44.

Officialism: evils of, 131-33, 133-36; in
France, 134-35, 139; and regulation
of commerce, 137-40; Rowland Hill,
229; growth of, 315-21.
Opinion, feelings and intellect, 249-51.
Optimism, and life, 397.
Organization, law of, 121.
Oxford, and education, 167-68.

P. & O. Co., and postal arrangements,


Pain: result of non-adaptation, 28; and
man's freedom, 36-40; freedom and
injurious and beneficial acts, 42-44;
and sympathy, 50; and ill-doing,


Palace Court, favouritism in, 116.
Palmerston, Lord, restrictive legislation
of, 292.

Paper, (see Currency).

Parcels Delivery Co., and postal ar-
rangements, 229.

Parliament: rights and belief in, 54;
doorkeeper, 58; selfishness in, 97
and political rights, 91-93; ignorance
in, 103; badly built, 133; desire for
votes, 318-19; preparation for, 338;
divine right of, 381-87; (see also Acts
of Parliament, Law).
Patagonians, law of, 399.
Patents: a stimulus to manufacture,
68-69; term of, 72.

Paving, by private enterprise, 218-20.
Peace, and defensive duty of the State,


Pedlars' Act, 293.

Penn, William, colonization by, 198–99.
Pentonville Prison, crime and education,


Perception, and moral sense, 19-21; (see
also Intellect).

Persia, hero-worship, 242, 243.
Peru, officialism in, 332.
Pessimism, and life, 397.
Pewsey, gas company, 219 n.
Pharmacopoeia, publication, 291.
Physician, social analogy, 374.
Physics, interpretation by, 272-73.
Physiology and education, 180-81:

[blocks in formation]

Political rights, (see Rights).

Pollock, F., on law improvements, 396.
Polyps and socialism, 67; integration
in, 270, 271.

Poor: vices of rich and, 97-99; deserv-
ing and undeserving, 802-4.
Poor Laws: 144-55; discontent at,
12-13; right of maintenance, 144-46;
sympathy, 146-49; and adaptation,
149-53; increase distress, 158-55; and
education, 176-78; medical officers of,
202-3; demoralization of, 304; Rev.
T. Spencer, 304-5; present extension
of system, 304-8; effects, 309, 325-26,
352-53, 368-69; and insurance, 314.
Population, effect of adaptation, 31.
Porifera, individuation in, 255-57.
Postal arrangements, 229-31; and offi-
cialism, 350.

Poverty and crime, 366; (see also Poor

Power, worship of, 245-47, 247-49, 251-


"Practical" politicians, limited views
of, 308-12.

Praise, and education, 183.

Press, the, socialistic leaning, 319-20.
Prices fixing by the State, 211; social
effects, 359.

Printing: suppression of, 167; slow
growth, 170.

Progress, human, 265.

Property: sense of, 19; and acquisitive-
ness, 48; rights of, 62-64, 390-97, 410;
books on, 62-63; Proudhon on, 1, 65;
limit of State duty, 123-25; State edu-
cation, 156; sanitary supervision, 200;
authority, 245, 246; parliament, 370-
71; present safety, 394; of married
women, 396.
Protection, and aggression, 369-71.
Protestantism: and law of equal free-

dom, 37, 38; social anomaly, 132.
Prussia, election not desired in, 107 n.
Proudhon, M.,“ property is robbery,” 66.

Public houses, (see Licensing Acts).
Public School Association, zeal of, 185;
(see also Education).

Public works, State execution of, 231-


Punjaub, cost of, 192.

QUAKERS: and personal liberty, 54; in
Pennsylvania, 198-99.

Quacks, and State interference, 201,

RADICALISM, (see Liberalism).
Ragged schools, and crime, 172.
Railways: Hudson testimonials, 58;
English enterprise, 217; public and
private enterprise, 230, 231; and
inorality, 266; restrictive legislation,
294, 311; in Spain, 308; and demo-
cratic federation, 319; State owner-
ship, 326-27; "Morals and Policy,"
381-82; in England and France, 311,


Rates, height of, 370; (see also Taxes).
Rathbone, W., on local taxation, 324 n.
Reading, and education, 317-18.
Reason, and human guidance, 173-74.
Reform Bills, effect of, 284.
Religion: religious establishments, 141-
43; and dissent, 145; State teaching,
160; and education, 167, 179, 184-85;
and colonization, 190; and sanitary
supervision, 202; changes and organi-
zations, 254-55; and whig principles,
284; and liberalism, 289; science and
suffering, 303; and rights of majority,
384-85; amity and enmity, 416-17.
Rent, and Metropolitan Buildings Acts,

210 n.

Republics, and monarchies, 312.
Research, endowment of, 293.
Revolutions, and nature of citizens,


Rewards, and education, 183.
Richson, on education, 185.
Rights: instinct of personal, 49-51; per-
ception of others, 49-51; justice and
personal, 51-53; denial of, 53-54, 57-
59; and greatest happiness, 54; rela-
tive merits, 57-59; of property, 62-64,
890-97, 410; of property in ideas, 68-
72; of women, 73-79; of children, 80-
90; political, 91-94; and national edu-
cation, 156; natural, 387-90, 392-97;
individual and social, 397-401, 401-5,

Robbery, (see Theft).

Roman Catholicism, and law of equal
freedom, 37, 38.

Rome, republic unpopular in, 287-88.
Rote-learning, and memory, 182-83.
Rugg, H. H., on milk adulteration, 162.
Russia: dishonesty in, 101; and official-
ism, 134 .; morality, 243; assassina-

tion in, 262 and n.; official rank in,
316; serfdom in, 322.

striction of State interference, 200-1,
201-2, 218-19, 351-52; moral supervi
sion, 202-3; and natural selection, 203-
7; result of present legislation, 207-12;
inefficiency of boards of health, 212-
15; effect on character, 215-18; pri-
vate enterprise, 218-20.

Savage, and civilization, 238-39.
Scales, social analogy, 315.
Schelling, F. W. J., theory of life, 256 n.
Schools, (see Education).
Science: and universities, 168; religion
and suffering, 303; individual life,
397-401; social life, 401-5.
Scinde, cost of, 192.

Scotland, banking in, 223-24.
Sea-birds Act, 292.
Seed Supply Act, 289.

Selfishness: prevalence of, 95-97; at
fires, 263; and social affairs, 265–67.
Sensitiveness, individual and social,

Sentiment, development of, 126.

Servants: "thank you," 75; treatment
of, 372.

Sewage disposal of, 218-20; Chelten-
ham drainage, 218 n.; (see also Sani-
tary Supervision).

Shaftesbury, Earl, error of doctrine, 22.
Shame, and sympathy, 50.
Shipping, (see Merchant Shipping Act).
Shipwrecks, prevention, 353.
Silk-weavers, and legislation, 340.
Silver: hall-marking, 351; (see also Cur-

Sir, used by children, 82.

Slavery suppression in Africa, 11-12;
and Society of Friends, 52; cruelty of
emancipated slaves, 52; and educa-
tion, 87; recommended!, 129; and
sympathy, 239-40; in Jamaica, 240;
and religion, 250; and free men, 250;
in America, 262; slave valuation, 264;
and whig principles, 284; and sur-
render of liberty, 296-99; The Com-
ing, 302-33; suffering and responsi-
bility, 302-4; poor law system, 304-8;
and socialism, 321-22; effect of, 336.
Small-pox: and vaccination, 212-13,
291; cause, 267-68.
Smith, Adam: theory of moral senti-
ments, 49-51; money is wealth, 103.
Society knowledge of man and, 14;
condition to happiness, 33-35; govern-
ment and activity, 36-40; harmony of
political, connubial, and filial rela-
tionships, 77, 81, 82-84; regulation of
commerce and general state of, 137-
40; the right of maintenance, 144-46;
general morality, 265-67; and the in-

dividual, 267-73; a growth, 215-16;
371; structure, 241; division of labour,
268-73; interdependence of parts,
271-72; individuation, 272; benefits
to mature and immature, 359-60; gene-
sis and traits of, 373-75; individual
life, 397-401.

Socialism: and property, 65-67; propa-
ganda, 319; and slavery, 321; evils,


Social Statics, alterations in, 61.
Soldiers: sympathy at flogging, 50; and
policemen, 118; (see also Militancy,

Sociology, (see Society).
Soil, (see Earth).

Sovereign, the, Hobbes on, 378-80;
Austin on, 380.

Spain: justification for war, 74; and
colonization, 196.

Specialization, and organization, 121.
Special pleading, in Ireland, 101.
Species, continuance of, 359-63.
Spencer, Rev. T., and poor law, 304-5.
Spendthrift, instinct of, 19.
Sport, in England, 102.'

State, the constitution of, 95-108; pre-
valent selfishness, 95-97; vices of rich
and poor, 97-99; prevalent dishonesty,
99-102; ignorance of enfranchised,
102-5; democracy, 105-8; duty of,
109-20, 126-27; corrupt administra-
tion of justice, 109-10, 110-11; should
be well administered, 111-14; duty of
defence, 117-20; limit of duty, 121-
86; specialization of function, 121-23;
evils of administrative mechanism,
123-24, 126; difficulty of defining duty,
127-31; evils of officialism, 131-36;
and regulation of commerce, 137-40;
religious establishments, 141-43; and
trade interference, 161-62; education
and conduct, 170-76; religion and
education, 179-85; and voluntary edu-
cation, 185-87; regulation of currency,
221-24; as banker, 224-25; as coiner,
225-26; and postal arrangements, 228-
31; and execution of public works,
231-32; ethics of, and of family. 361-
63; landowner, 386; (see also Educa-
tion, Government).
Statistics, ignorance of, 207.
Statics, the term social, 233.
Stealing, (see Theft).

Stewardship, parliamentary analogy, 91.
Sumatra, customs in, 391.

Supply and demand, 215-16, 342-47.
Survival of the Fittest, (see Natural Se-

Sympathy and instinct of personal
rights, 49-51; justice, 51-53; exercise
needful to, 84; and poor laws, 146-49,
149-53; and disease, 206; for men
and animals, 234-36; and slavery,

239-41; with suffering, 302; and civ-
ilized life, 364; and struggle for ex-
istence, 365-69.

TAILORING: and State duty, 128.
Tannese, club law, 399.

Tasmanians, rights among, 399.
Tax-collector, effect of visit, 147.
Taxes: and selfishness, 96; limit of
State duty, 123, 124; and discontent,
135; and sanitary supervision, 200-1;
215-18; on bricks, windows, and ven-
tilators, 211 n., 344; restrictive legisla-
tion, 295-96; in New York, 324 n.; on
building, 343-44; and aggression,


Tay Bridge, failure of, 351.
Telegraphy: physical and moral force,
116-17; restrictive legislation, 292;
and Admiralty, 350.

Theatres: and State duty, 180; fires at, 263.
Theft and perfect law, 26; property in
ideas, 69; praised by Spartans, 74;
administration of justice, 109, 110-11;
and knowledge, 174; and loyalty, 243;
effect of, 401-5; rights of property,

Theory, truth of, 81.

Thiers, M., on railways, 404.
Timber, legislation and house-, 344.
Toryism: The New, 281-301; intrinsic

nature, 281-86; common to villages,
282; aim of, 283; and compulsory co-
operation, 299-300, 301.

Trade: "good for," 103-4; and State
interference, 127-31, 161-62, 289; and
crime, 172-73; and colonization, 190-
92, 192-94; and American independ-
ence, 194; English colonial, 196; sup-
ply and demand, 216; conduct and
law, 245-46; and affairs of society,
265-67; interdependence of, 271-72;
and democratic federation, 319; and
individual effort, 357-59; (see also La-
bour, Industrialism).

Trade Unions: coercion of, 297; Eng-
lish and foreign, 317; organization,
328-29; congress of, in France, 331.
Transition: stage of, unhappy, 364;
present social stage, 412; necessarily
gradual, 414-15.

Turkey, medical officers in, 203.
Tyranny and cringing, 243; and as-
sassination, 262.


UAPÉS: law of, 399.

Usage, precedes law, 298.

Usury, effect of laws, 128, 132, 339.
Utility, indefiniteness of phrase, 21.
Utilitarianism, and governmental au-
thority, 407-11.

VACCINATION and small pox, 212-13;
enforcement, 291.

Veddahs, rights among, 398.
Ventilation: tax on, 211 n.; and sani-
tary supervision, 203.
Vertebrata: vision, 268-69; number of
vertebræ, 269; locomotion, 269-70.
Vignoles, C. B., on railways, 404 n.
Vision: adaptation of, 29, 32; of insects
and vertebrata, 268-69; development
of, 286.

Votes, desire in politics for, 318-19.

WAGES: effect of law on, 12, 138, 246,
294; payment of, 264; poor law and
"make-wages," 305; effect of poor law,

Wakley, Mr., on counter-practice, 204.
Water-works, first in London, 217.
War: "just cause for," 74; and defen-
sive duty of the State, 117-20; Na-
ture's, 149; cost of English, 192; and
emigration, 198; authority of chief,
334; of lower creatures, 363; Boer,
366-67; genesis of society, 373-75
and sovereignty, 378-81; and will of
majority, 385; and subordination, 394-

95, 413-14 and retaliation, 416–17 ;
(see also Militancy).

Wealth and property in ideas, 70; and
moral worth, 97-99; and colonization,

Weavers' wages, 12.
Whig, (see Liberalism).
Wife, (see Women).

Window Tax, effect, 211 n., 344.
Windsor Castle, built by impressed la-
bour, 101.

Wolf and lamb fable, 74.

Women: rights of, 78-79; ability, 73;
love and coercion, 75-77; and civiliza-
tion, 77, 81, 82-84; prospect of rights,
77-79; political position, 79; bargains
of, 102 and n.; restrictive legislation,
291, 293; property of married, 396.
Wool, industry, 402.

Work: and freedom, 41; and law of
nature, 303; (see also Industrialism,
Labour, Trade).

Working men, moral worth, 97.

YORKSHIRE industries, 402.

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