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We have had a number of suppers and teas, which have all been a financial as well as a social success. The raffling of a handsome silk quilt added a neat

sum to the treasury.

At the first meeting in De

cember the officers for 1905 were elected. We are looking forward with pleasure to an installation by our Grand President, Mrs. Moore, in the near future.

We are delighted with our new

increase in membership and justly expect the new year to bring us a corresponding increase in interest and loyalty.

Our new membership has not been gained without considerable work on the part of some of the Sisters, and we are deeply gratified; and yet with all this we have been worried and saddened by the continued and prolonged illness of Sister W. D. Anderson. She and Mr. Anderson returned a short time ago to Elkhart, as the southern climate did not agree with her We hope that among her old friends and neighbors she will regain her health and soon be among us again. Elkhart, Ind.


Editor Railway Conductor:

I send greetings from another new Auxiliary, which was organized Nov. 29th, 1904, and will be known as Wabash Auxiliary 201. Mesdames I. S. Rubey, and C. W. Fletcher, Grand Marshal, of Kansas City Division-two charming ladies, called the meeting to order and explained its features We are very proud indeed to start out with twenty-seven charter members, all enthusiastic workers.

In the evening the ladies tendered the conductors and their families an elegant banquet, served in six courses. Mesdames Ruby and Fletcher being the guests of honor. The hours passed rapidly amid the merriment and jests of all present. All had a most enjoyable time.

To the Brothers of Division 49, O. R. C., the ladies are deeply grateful for their kind assistance and encouragement. We feel with such well wishers as our Brothers our Auxiliary is bound to be a success, both socially and financially. Our meeting days are the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in the O. R. C. hall. We will be glad to welcome any visiting Sister who happens our way. Moberly, Mo. MRS. M. B. COWAN.


Editor Railway Conductor:

Through timidity and a likeness to stage fright (and I might add, for want of something to say) I have not had a letter in THE CONDUCTOR for some time.

A number from our Division attended a school of instruction in Chicago last October under Grand President Mrs. Moore, and in voice of all those present from 66 can say it was a'never to be forgotten trip." To derive the full benefit of a school one must be present. While it may be a sacrifice for some to attend still to see and hear the work gone through and discussed in a thorough manner, is worth far more to us than a mere reading of the facts. If we could all live up to our principles and the teachings Sister Moore lays before us, there would be no more grand or noble body of women in this universe. The most serious trouble that Division 66 has at present is a loss of some of

its best and ablest members. Our Division is as a happy family, and it fills our hearts with sorrow when they leave us. But we wish them well wherever they go, for we will always Have a Feelin' for you."

We had the pleasure of reading a letter in a recent CONDUCTOR from Brother J. T. L. Brooks. Juanita Division 66 send their best wishes. In regard to the G. A, to L. A. would say. The present season is not so successful as last as far as concerts and bouquets and presentations are concerned. Perhaps if his High and Mighty Job Lots should return and confer with his fellow officers, especially the treasurer, we would be able to have musicales and fine artists in the future.

The entertaining committee gave a pink tea on November 30th at the home of Sister Flomerfelt. The hours were from 2 o'clock to 5, and the committee are to be congratulated on the manner in which so many were royally entertained. A very neat sum was netted. We held our annual election on last meeting day. Only a few changes in our officers, as we are well pleased with them and their work. Installation of officers will be held first meeting in January. MRS. T. B. FOSTER. Bloomington, Ill.

Editor Railway Conductor:

Some of the Sisters have been after me for not having a letter in the September CONDUCTOR but really I had nothing to write about, as we suspended meetings in early summer and did not open until October; then it seemed as if all interest was on the wane, for it took a second trial to get a quorum. I saw only two or three of the Sisters all summer. I met our President, Sister Smith, and a few others while in St. Louis at the Fair.

I would have liked to have gone to Chicago to the school of instruction there. We had one here last winter with Grand President Sister Moore as instructress, and just let me say right here what she teaches is done so forcibly that you don't forget it soon. We speak from experience. One of our Sisters served as Junior Sister during our school, and at last meeting she did the floor work for an initiation, and really, the Sisters complimented her, and whatever there was in it was due to Sister Moore's instruction. Now don't understand me to say that we have only this one initiation this year I simply mean this is the only time our President has called on this Sister for this part of our work. Now I do not think it a good idea to suspend meetings through the summer. are just now getting things in shape.


We had a good meeting Monday and elected our officers to serve for the ensuing year. Most of our old ones were left in harness, as one of us very fitly remarked, "because they had done us good service during the past year."

The first Monday in January we will install our officers and would like to have all our members present. Can't you come out? How encouraging it would be to our President, who has worked so faithfully during the past year, and how much your correspondent would like to write, "the lodge room filled." You know she is always on the alert for something good and encouraging to say, so come out and help us. I think I heard something

in our last meeting about lunch at our initiation. Now, if we do have it, you will miss a good thing if you are not there, and maybe we will have invited guests, too. I think I heard the President say


I want to tell you that I think letter-writing a good thing, for as a Sister says, "People do find once in a while that we are living." Which reminds me of a little circumstance which happened this summer. While I was away, we met a party whom we had known several years intimately, and they had just found out that we were railroad folk by picking up THE CONDUCTOR, and upon looking through it found one of our letters. So you see sometimes our letters to the CONDUCTOR do remind people that we are living.

Sister Morris, we are glad to state, has almost entirely recovered from the effects of her accident.

Sister Frist, since our last meeting, has lost her mother, who was sick at the home of Sister Frist for some time before she was called away. We extend our sincerest sympathy to our bereaved Sister. MRS. JAMES W. KINABREW. New Orleans, La.

Editor Railway Conductor:

This will be the last letter from Division 86 in 1904.

At our next meeting we will elect our officers for the coming year.

Division 86 extend their heartfelt sympathy to Sister Moore, Grand President, in the loss of her. dear mother.

Sister Warren recently visited her home in Idaho. Sister Heagey enjoyed a two weeks' visit with Sister Chase in Denver.

Brother and Sister Holts and family spent Thanksgiving at Maquoketa, Iowa, visiting home


Please ask Brother Hacker if he did not have a good time at Sister Marshall's when she so royally entertained the Auxiliary of the O. R. C.

Sisters Marshall, Heagey and Walters all very charmingly entertained our ladies at Kensingtons. We hear talk that Brother Hoxie is going to try farming. Sorry to have them leave.

Sister Heagey and son Ted left the 1st of December for California to visit her two sons and try to regain her health. We are all very anxious for her and wish you both the best of health and a safe return.

With best wishes from 86.

Sisters, all come and join us and let's have the very best times we have MRS. F. B. KENYON. ever had.

Lincoln, Neb.

Editor Railway Conductor:

As this will be my last privilege to write before I will my worthy successor takes the pen from me, endeavor to give a review of our year's work. We do not wish the good Sisters to think we of Division 128 are dead, for indeed we find ourselves very much alive and in good working order.

We have enjoyed a very prosperous year, both socially and financially. By giving a ball last March, we added quite a sum to our treasury, which makes us feel quite independent.

Although we were sorry to lose some of our mem

bers by transfers, we have had the pleasure of being able to initiate others to fill the places thus made vacant. A Sister was granted a petition at our last meeting. Let the good work go on.

With the corps of good able officers elected for next year, we look forward to a great improvement every way, and trust we will be able to send our delegate to the Grand Convention well informed as to our needs and that which will be for the good of the Order.

We are pleased to note that nearly all our members are insured, and we are in hopes to see the day soon when we can report all members insured, for we certainly ought to do this much for our husbands when they do so much for us.

Division 128 extends sympathy to our Grand President, Sister Moore, in her great bereavement. Bucklin, Kans. MRS. FRANK GOULD.

Editor Railway Conductor:

The annual election of officers of Keystone Division 47 took place December 7th, with a large and enthusiastic attendance. There was a marked improvement in the work and attendance, which was very gratifying to the officers and members present. Your humble servant had the honor of being elected scribe for the second time. It is my desire to thank the Sisters for this honor, and it will be my earnest endeavor to please all and do credit to Division 47. No comment is necessary in our choice of President. She not only has the ability to hold the President's chair, but is a hard worker for the Auxiliary and a credit to Division 47. Our retiring President has our heartfelt sympathy in a recent painful injury, which disabled her and prevented her from filling her term.

We had a very intelligent, profitable address from Sister St. Baer, which will bring good results. In July I had the honor of visiting Columbian Division 40. I had many pleasant smiles and cordial handclasps. Our motto was very evident Harrisburg Pa. MRS. J. W. HOMAN.

Editor Railway Conductor:

Having been informed that it is nearly time for election, I hasten to write a few lines to let you know how Division 31 is getting along, for fear if I do not I will lose my office. We have not taken in any new members this year, but have not lost any, and the only thing we lack is interest We have been having dime socials after our meetings, and we have enjoyed them very much. Besides, it has added quite materially to our treasury.

Sister Moore, our Grand President, was here and held school of instruction, which was enjoyed by those who were lucky enough to be able to attend. I was not here, as I was west with my husband, who had the misfortune to lose his right limb on the 19th of June. However, we went to Denver and I attended the school there, which was very fine, and Sister Moore is certainly the right person in the right place, and I hope to meet her at Portland. We were entertained right royally by Division 23 and hope to meet all the dear Sisters again. Division 31 tenders Brother and Sister Shinn (Hot Tamales) their love and sympathy in this their sad hour.

We are planning a joint installation with Division 128 O. R. C. in the near future.

I enjoy the RAILWAY CONDUCTOR SO much and the letters from the Brothers as well as those of the Sisters, and always wish there were more.

I wonder what has become of the correspondent of Rawlins Auxiliary. I have not seen anything from there for a long time. Come Sister get in line and let's hear from you.

Division 31 extends to G. P. Sister Moore their love and sympathy at this time when the clouds seem dark but

How joyful is the thought that lingers
When loved ones cross death's sea
That when our labors here are ended

With them and God we'll ever be.

In October Sister Carley entertained the ladies of Division 31 at her home, in the afternoon. All had a very enjoyable time and came away feeling the afternoon was well spent. Refreshments were served and enjoyed very much by all

My term as correspondent is near its close, and I trust a more capable one will be elected next time. Cheyenne, Wyo. JULIA E. SNYDER.

Editor Railway Conductor:

Division 114 has had election of officers and with nearly all new officers in the chairs, we are looking forward to next year as our banner year.

As this is so near Christmas time-a time for joy and gladness, when all mankind should be happy and full of joy-in what better way can we celebrate than by sending a Christmas message to the Sisters of the Auxiliary through the columns of THE CONDUCTOR?

While this is a season of mirth and gaiety, it is also the time of reckoning. We can now make an inventory and see how much we have on the credit side. And, Sisters, while we are rejoicing at this time, there are many whose hearts are bleeding and torn as they watch the Yule-log burning. Don't let us forget, Sisters, that kind words and pleasant greetings cost but little, and oh, the world of good that we may do by giving them!

Quite a number of our Sisters had the pleasure of attending the school of instruction given in Milwaukee and Chicago in October, which all enjoyed very much. and to again have the pleasure of meeting our Grand President, Sister Moore.

May happiness and success attend every member of our noble order, and may we all go forward in our beloved cause until the Grand Chief Conductor shall call us one and all to meet around the great white throne, where all shall be harmony and peace and where we shall be united and our circle of friendship shall never be broken. MRS. F. H. SEYMOUR.

Green Bay, Wis.

Editor Railway Conductor:

After celebrating our second anniversary in a befitting manner with a banquet where nearly all of the Sisters of Victory Division, with their husbands, took part in entertaining a few invited guests, we start out on our third year with new vigor and encouragement for we see nothing but prosperity in our path.

Brother Dunfee of Division 10 was present and is to complimented on his timely remarks which

were received with the same spirit they were given, and goes far toward binding Brotherly and Sisterly love more firmly together and to help build up the orders we represent. Brother Wade of the same Division made a few remarks, telling us how he had just come down, in a very farcial and comic manner, which was pleasing to all and caused much merriment for the occasion. Remarks were made by others. Sisters Forbes' daughters furnished the music, both vocal and instrumental, which was very fine and appreciated by all present, making in all a very enjoyable time, and one long to be remembered.

We are sorry to hear of the sad bereavement of our Grand President by the death of her mother, and the heartfelt sympathy of our lodge is extended to her in her hours of sorrow. We are sorry to chronicle the untimely death of one of our dear Brothers, Will Templeton, who met his death by being run down and killed in the Coxton yard some time ago.

The daughter of Sister Curran, who has been ill for a long time, we are glad to learn is much improved.

Sister Armstrong is the mother of a beautiful little daughter, who has just come to gladden their home.

Sisters coming our way, we would be glad to have you stop and visit Victory Division and we will try to use you right. MRS. J. J. LEWIS.

Sayre, Pa.

Editor Railway Conductor:

As I am entitled to one more letter to THE CONDUCTOR and I have lost my position as correspondent for Narrows Division 140, I will try and say a few words for the good of the Order.

We are in quite a prosperous condition. Just closed a grand contest between Brother Kelley of Baltimore and Brother Norris of Brunswick for a silver lantern, which brought the nice little sum of one hundred and eighty-six dollars. Brother Kelley being the lucky man and being quite a large one, made quite a figure parading around Baltimore showing the prize he worked hard for. Narrows Division extends thanks to both candidates for their help.

The Division is in quite a prosperous condition having about twenty good standing members and all good workers.

Our school of instruction, which was to have been held in Martinsburg on the 18th of October, was postponed on account of Sister Moore's mother's death. Sister Moore has the sympathy of the whole District. Can not say just when we will have our school, but our District is in sad need of instruction, and a visit from the Grand President always does us good. MRS. C. H. SHIPLEY. Cumberland, Md.

Editor Railway Conductor:

It is near the close of the year, and as the columns of THE CONDUCTOR have not been burdened with letters from Okeema Division 171, I will do my best, for I see more efficient hands in the election of officers to wield the pen and write mightier words of success for our Division. This year has surely been a prosperous one for us. We have had

so many added to our membership and not one member lost by death, transfer or withdrawal card. The only regret we have is in some of our members living miles from us. We hope to have these Sisters with us again in the near future. The home Sisters all work together in such harmony that it is a pleasure to hear our President say, "Sisters. it is now time for this Division to convene for the transaction of business."


Our last social was at the home of Sister Richey. A very pleasant evening was spent at cards. October we had a "cooking sale" of good things to eat, and realized a neat sum from the sale. Our Division was not very well represented at the school of instruction in Kansas City November 16 and 17. At the last moment several of our Sisters were kept at home for various reasons. Sisters Bassett and Van Ness were there and came home; reported a fine time. Every one enjoyed the time spent and felt benefited by attending.

We hope to meet Sister Moore again in Portland (as that is the next great event to look forward to) and spend many pleasant hours listening to her good advice in the cause of charity and true friendship. We met so many happy, pleasant faces at the school and hope to meet and mingle together again in the near future.

We expect to give our second annual ball January 30th. Would indeed be glad to have our Sister Divisions attend. We will do our best for you one and all. MRS. H. A. VANNESS.

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Editor Railway Conductor:

Division 184 held its election Dec. 14. A joint installation with Division 386 was held Dec. 18. Our installation coming last, Sister Williams was installing officer and Sister Duyer as grand marshal. both from Div. 11.

After our installation we had some good music, and a good many pleasant remarks from different members and visitors. One among the many was Sister Newland from Division 11. And then we had something to eat. We were glad to see so many out at our election, but my good Sisters, don't go home feeling that you have done your duty for one whole year. Come again, and yet again. Let us remember Sister Moore's words: "There is not one among you who has not more or less influence over some one else." Your beaming face, or your pleasant words might make us feel glad with the whole world. Let us be live members, not dead. Don't let us make some other Sister think that at best we only submit to the force of circumstances. You and I don't want that Sister to believe that we have been drafted into the position of a member or officer and perform the duties exacted of us, just like some non-dancing man who has been persuaded to dance in order to fill the last place in a quadrille, and who dawdles listlessly through the figure and almost yawns in the face of his partner.

"We may not be the largest or richest Division" -as Sister Moore tells us-but we can be one among the best, "if each and every one does her part. We can spare a little time without neglecting our home duties, it is time we want things pleasant for the "good man" when he comes in,

all tired, from his long run. How he longs for that home; for a man's fireside is the same peaceful sanctuary, whether the hearth is gorgeous with costly tiles, and an Axminster rug or poorly covered with a scrap of faded Kidderminster, in some humble chamber where the firelight glimmers on the delf platters that adorn a cottage dresser.

We want to make that home gloriously happy for the man who gives the best years of his life to a railroad company.

But he wants you to do your duty to your Division, the same as he expects to do his duty to his own. He feels that in some way you help

him. But we have some who are awake, as our Division is hardly a year old, yet we have taken into our fold thirteen new members, thanks to Sister Scarlett and Sister Oaks.

So let us be up and doing, for in a few hours the noisy whistles and ringing bells will proclaim to the world that a New Year is born. And as we turn the new leaf, all white and clean, let us be careful of what we write thereon. Let us be very thoughtful, not hoping for too much, or giving too little in return. If any bitterness has dwelt in our heart, for another Sister, in the past year, let us stamp it out. Let us remember that circumstances have

a great deal to do with forming our lives. Let us be very careful that we never refuse to sit in a Division room with any conductor's wife because so and so said this or that, for you and I my dear Sister, poor, weak, frail woman that we are, form very small spots on the face of God's glorious, old world. If sinful-and that woman is then leave her sin with her and her God. Lift up but never drag down. Rather send a prayer to the great white throne. "Father forgive her, she knows not what she does." East St. Louis.



Editor Railway Conductor:
Mascot Division 59 wishes all the Brothers and
Sisters a Happy New Year."

Having been appointed to fill the position of correspondent and it being my first offence, kindly welcome me to your columns.

Our Division is certainly a thriving one and we are striving to make it the banner Division of the East.

This year, 1904, we have taken in twenty-two new members, and have so far perfected the Huntington floor work, as to be able to execute it, at the last two initiations and we hope to be able to have it more perfect for our Grand President, when it is her pleasure to visit us again.

In October our President, with a few faithful followers, organized a Division in Hartford, Conn. They had twenty-six charter members, and more ready to join, as soon as they can. Since then the president and secretary have visited us, and report being in a very flourishing condition.

In November we had the honor of being invited to a Golden wedding, that of Brother and Sister Mathes, and a very pretty affair it was. Quite a delegation went from Boston, as it was held in Readville, a distance of nine miles. Many choice gifts were displayed and the golden pieces numbered up in the hundreds.

Election of officers took place at our last meeting


and we are pleased to say, we have our same president vice-president and secretary. Our tendance is very good and all seem to be interested in all that goes to make our Division a success.

At our January meeting, we are to have a New Year's Greeting Party, when all the Sisters are to be remembered with a twenty-five cent limits and to those who can not attend a New Year's card will be sent. We have recently held a party and dance which netted nearly fifty dollars. In February we celebrate our Tin Wedding" it having been ten years since we were organized and we are looking forward to what it may bring forth. We are anxiously waiting for necessary arrangements to be made, that we may accompany our Deputy to New York, where she expects to institute a Division. So you see, Sisters, we are pushing things along on this line, and it is well worthy all our efforts. LAURIE.

Atlantic, Mass.

Editor Railway Conductor:

Another three months has passed and we of Eschscholzia Division No. 191 are proud to proclaim through the columns of the CONDUCTOR we are on the side of optimism and, consequently, progressive.

In numbers, we are thirty strong, we gave a ball-our maiden effort"-on the 21st of November and since have received many compliments upon our success socially. It was considered one among the nice social events of the season, and financially it was a decided success, hence, we are very, very much encouraged with our first attempt at entertaining the public.

We held our annual election of officers the first meeting night in December and the officers-elect for the next year will be installed the first meeting night in January.

The new correspondent will have so much to tell us in the next letter to the CONDUCTOR that I will close this one by wishing you all a very happy New Year. MRS. C. H. LUCE.

Kern, Calif.


Editor Railway Conductor:

Our President, Sister Mitchell, informed me last meeting that the correspondent had no more right to neglect her duties than the President. So I am ready to write a letter for 1904 and as the Auxiliary was not pleased with my work they did not re-elect me as their correspondent for the new year. But I think I had better write a letter anyway for fear they would think I had forgotten how to write. Our Division was never more prosperous than it is at the present time. We have twenty-six members; all real live ones. Five of our ladies live out at Eagle Grove. Sisters come home soon we want to see you in the Division


Our President has worked hard for the good of the Division as she has love in her heart for it. She was our delegate to the school of instruction at Cedar Rapids; she gave us a good report and many of our members regret that they could not attend. Our Division has been blessed with health and happiness this year and we have had many social gatherings which the conductors have attended.

We have had a tea, or a banquet, I guess I had better call them, at each member's home, which has been enjoyed by all. And now we are waiting to see what the conductors might do. We have taken in three new members this year. We have not a very large field to work in. We elected our new officers last meeting and are also going to take up the insurance as soon as our new members wish it, Sister Hammond is insurance agent. We look forward to a bright and prosperous year. If each member would realize she has a duty to perform and come to Division room with love and friendship in her heart what a beautiful circle of friendship we could have. Just think; there is no power in the world like friendship. But now

as the old year is going out and we are about to enter the new one, if there is any little cold indifference in our Auxiliary, would it not be better to cast it out? I am sure it would make better women of us If this letter creeps a little ways into 1905 I hope our new correspondent will pardon me for being slow for many times. It is better to be late than not to come at all. Eagle Grove, Iowa.


Editor Railway Conductor:


Division No. 1 has been busy since you heard from us last, with a few new members. At the last meeting Dec. 22nd, we had two Sisters, Clark and Oakley; three for our next meeting and more to get soon.

Our goat, is in good trim, he comes out in all colors of the rainbow, but he will harm no one, he is good to look on. There is plenty to write about this year, but I will not attempt to write much, as time and space will not permit. We had our election of officers and put all the old officers in for another year, which looks good for the officers. We have a new musician and will have good music for 1905, I know with Sister Sylvester in the harness; we are surely in luck to have good music most of the time.

Our delegate to the Grand Division for 1905, is Sister Marriott, you will find her all O. K., she is strange to most of you. I know you will make her feel at home amongst you, I want to go myself but may not; can't tell yet. we are still at the same old stand, string on the outside of the door. you come to our city.

Well, Sisters, with the latch Welcome when

We extend our sincere sympathy to Bro. Hot Tamales in his dark and lonely days; in our home we have felt the dark, sad days, four of our family in one year. and still we have much to be thankful for. MRS. J. H. ARCHER.

Cleveland, Ohio.

Editor Railway Conductor:

Knock and it shall be opened unto you; therefore I come knocking asking that Anna F. Conlisk Division 202, L. A. to O. R. C., be admitted to the columns of THE CONDUCTOR. This Division was organized at this place on the 5th by G. V. P. A. F. Conlisk of Fort Worth and G. I. Wood of Cleburne, assisted by the following visitors: Sisters Suit, Barton and Conway of Ft. Worth, and Sisters Parker, Kallert, Glenn, Linderwood Jackson. Johnson, Frame, Hile and Milton of Denison, and

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