8. Letters of Wm. Fitzhugh.......... 9. Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents.. 10. Genealogy-The Cocke Family.......... 11. Necrology.... 12. Historical Notes and Queries.. 13. Book Reviews...... 415 421 431 456 459 469 CHARGES AGAINST SPOTSWOOD. [LUDWELL MSS., VIRGINIA HIST. SOCIETY COLLECTIONS.] Virginia At a General Court held at the capitol Ap" ye 18, 1719. The Governor, Edmund Jennings, Robt. Carter, John Smith, PRESENT: John Lewis, Will Cock, Wm. Bassett, Mann Page, Esqr. country being returned The grand jury for the body of this into Court and Demanded if they had agreed on any bills or presentments, they answer no, they had none to make, but they had drawn up an address to the Governor which they presented into Court, and the same being read and being in the following words, viz: To the Honble Alexander Spotswood, his Majesty's Lieu: Governor and Comander in chief of the Colony and Dominion of Virginia; The Humble address of the Grand Jury of this Dominion, May it please your Honour: With deep concern we reflect upon the unhappiness of having a party of men in this Colony so great Enemys to their Country as to make complaint against so good a Governor. Therefore we think we ought not to let slip this opportunity of approaching his most sacred Majesty and of clearing our consciences in this case by an Address to him, which we begg your Honour to transmitt home to be presented in our and our Country's behalf. With unanimity we declare our almost dislike of a late Accusation against you, who through the whole course of your Administration have Exercised your authority over us by a conduct equally Just and mild. Particular Instances of which we have happily experienced in your Impartiall Dispensation of Justice so deservedly admired that a former grand Jury could not with patience hear your absence from this our Supreme Court, when you had too much reason not to be present. And those who have observed your penetration into the most difficult points that are argued before you, and your Integrity in giving your Judgment will readily Acquit you both of Misconstruing or perverting our Laws, of which you are wrongfully accused. Your wisdom and goodness in Improving our Infant Colony are so visible in the Effects, and your merrit in all Respects is so great with regard to the publick good that we are filled with astonishment at the bare offer of a complaint against you. With this knowledge of you we cherrish well grounded hopes that your virtue will not only surmount these party attempts but also in spight of the Ingratitude of some disaffected men amongst us, breed and Nourished in your mind Inclinations to continue to preside in the Government of this Dominion, still to advance its prosperity by the same Auspicious influence, under which it has flourished ever since it has been so fortunate as to be conducted by your honour; which Blessing that his Majesty may long grant us and you with the utmost satisfaction to enjoy are the most Earnest desires and hearty wishes of Your Hon" Most Obedient Humble Servants |