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3273 Combe (W.) History of Johnny Quæ Genus, coloured plates by Rowlandson, half calf, 1822, 8vo. (25)

Sotheran, £2 16s.

3274 Comic Almanack, from the commencement in 1835 to 1853, with hundreds of humorous plates and woodcuts, including 4 large coloured etchings by George Cruikshank, 19 vol., in the original wrappers, as fresh as when first issued, in a case, 1835-53, 8vo. (26) Tregaskis, £15

3275 Constable (John, R.A.) English Landscape Scenery, 14 India proof mezzotint engravings, 1830, folio (214) Leggatt, £82 3276 Cruikshank (G.) Omnibus, edited by L. Blanchard, 100 plates and woodcuts by G. Cruikshank, first edition, with leaf "Our Preface," 2 plates, half morocco, uncut, with the original wrappers, 1841, 8vo. (32) Maggs, £4 12s.

3277 Dibdin (Dr. T. F.) Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, plates, 3 vol., calf gilt, 1821, 8vo. (36) Tregaskis, £4 12s. 3278 Egan (Pierce). Life of an Actor, coloured plates by Theodore Lane and woodcuts by Thompson, boards, uncut, 1825, 8vo. (43) Skaul, £9 3279 Eisen (C.) Recueil de petits Sujets et Culs-de-Lampe, utile aux Artistes, engraved title and 83 vignettes and tailpieces by Eisen, old French half binding, Paris (vers 1770), 8vo. (174) Parsons, £6 1OS. 3280 Fêtes données par la Ville de Paris, à l'Occasion du Mariage de Madame Louise Elizabeth de France et le Dom Philippe, Infant d'Espagne, 13 large engravings with descriptions, French morocco, gilt edges, with the arms of the city of Paris on the sides, Paris, 1740, folio (180)

Quaritch, £9 15s.

3281 Gay (J.) Fables, 70 plates by Blake, Stothard, etc., 2 vol. in 1, old calf gilt, 1793, 8vo. (51) Maggs, £116s.

[The first issue, with the old form of the "s."-ED.] 3282 Gruner (L.) Fresco Decorations and Stuccoes of Churches and Palaces of Italy, in the XVth and XVIth Centuries, plates, some coloured, 1854, folio (163) Maggs, £2 10s. 3283 Heures à l'Usage de Paris, with 15 large woodcuts and numerous initial letters, painted and illuminated, printed on vellum, russia, gilt edges, Paris, Anthoine Verard, 1495, 8vo. (191) Tregaskis, £8 10s. 3284 Kip (J.) Nouveau Théâtre de la Grande Bretagne, plates of the Royal Palaces, Country seats, churches, maps, etc., 3 vol. in 4, old calf gilt, 1714-16, folio (189)

Maggs, £26 10s. 3285 Le Pautre (Jean). Euvres d'Architecture, contenant les Frises, Feuillages, Lambris, Plafonds, Bordures, Termes, Ornements de Panneaux, Escussons, Cheminées, Alcoves, etc., 787 plates of ornaments, 3 vol., half russia, Paris, 1751, folio (156) Quaritch, £34

3286 Lessons of Thrift, published for general Benefit, by a Member

of the Save-all Club, 12 plates by R. Cruikshank, coloured, first edition, half morocco, uncut, 1820, 8vo. (68)

Sotheran, £315s. 3287 Louis XV. Sacre et Coronation de Louis XV. dans l'Eglise de Reims, 1722, engravings of the Ceremony, figures in costume, etc., old French morocco, gilt edges, with the arms of Louis XV. on the sides, 1722, folio (179)

Quaritch, £15 3288 Malet (Captain). Annals of the Road, coloured plates, first edition, fine copy, original cloth, uncut, 1876, 8vo. (71) Spencer, £2 5s.

[Contains ten coloured plates and three woodcuts. The 'Essays on the Road," by "Nimrod," which form part of this work, first appeared in the form of letters to the Sporting Magazine.-ED.]

3289 Neale (J. P.) Views of the Seats of Noblemen and Gentlemen in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, both series, II vol., LARGE PAPER, fine copy, morocco extra, with borders of gold, gilt edges, 1818-29, 4to. (130)

Sotheran, £27

3290 Papworth and Morant. Ordinary of British Armorials, half morocco, 1874, 8vo. (133) Robson, £55s. 3291 Peter Schlemihl, from the German of Lamotte Fouqué, 8 etchings by G. Cruikshank, first edition, boards, uncut, with autograph of G. Cruikshank on the title-page, 1824, 8vo. (85) Spencer, £2 [One of the rare early copies, with Cruikshank's name on the title-page mis-spelt.-Catalogue.]

3292 Sentimental Travels in the South of France, coloured plates by Rowlandson, half calf, 1821, 8vo. (98A) Sabin, £4 4s. 3293 Shelley (P. B.) Poems, edited by Mrs. Shelley, 4 vol., 1839, 8vo. (100) Bumpus, £2 10s. 3294 Spitzer. La Collection Spitzer, with 338 fine reproductions, chiefly in colours, and 800 illustrations of the Works of Art in this celebrated collection, in 6 portfolios, Paris, 1890-92, folio (176) Sotheran, £27 10s. 3295 Sue (Eugène). The Wandering Jew, illustrations, 3 vol., calf gilt, 1846, 8vo. (104) Maggs, £2 8s. 3296 Surtees (R. S.) Jorrocks' Jaunts and Jollities, 16 coloured illustrations by H. Alken, 1869, 8vo. (105) £3 5s. “Ask Mamma," or The Richest Commoner in England, coloured plates by J. Leech, first edition, half calf, 1858, 8vo. (106)

3297 Surtees (R. S.)

£1 158. 3298 Sussex Archæological Collections, relating to the History and Antiquities of the County, published by the Sussex Archæological Society, from the commencement in 1848 to July, 1901-with the Index to vol. 1 to 25, numerous illustrations, 45 vol., cloth, uncut, 1848-1901, 8vo. (139)

Sutton, £15

3299 Tom Raw, The Griffin, a Burlesque Poem, 25 humorous coloured plates, half calf, 1828, 8vo. (114) Sabin, £3 7s. 6d. 3300 Whyte-Melville (J. G.) Works, a series of 49 vol., all first

editions (except Tilbury Nogo, 1861), original cloth, uncut (194) Saunders, £26 [The volume of "Horace," 1850, was inscribed to "T. J. Arnold, with his old pupil's regard," in the handwriting of Whyte-Melville.-ED.]

[MARCH 26TH AND 27TH, 1902.]



(No. of Lots, 584; amount realised, £752 18s.)

3301 Acosta (Joseph). The Naturall and Morall Historie of the East and West Indies, morocco extra, 1604, 4to. (476)

£5 17s. 6d. [This copy wanted, as usual, the leaf before the title bearing the signature A.- ED.]

3302 Acts of the Privy Council, new series, vol. I to 21, calf, 1890-1900, 8vo. (42) Harding, £3 15s. 3303 Alexis of Piemont, his Secretes, excellent Remedies against divers Diseases and Medicines, 3 vol. in 1, black letter, calf, 1562, small 4to. (434) £3 8s. 3304 Ammam (Jost.) Cleri Totius Romanæ, printed one side only, original edition, 102 spirited woodcuts illustrating various costumes, male and female, calf, by Lewis, Franckfort, 1585, small 4to. (439) Hill, £iios. 3305 Angelica Inamorata di M. Vicentio Brusantino, first edition, many curious woodcuts, morocco extra, gilt and marbled edges, by Derome, Vinezia, 1553, small 4to. (507)

Ridler, £110S.

3306 Austen (Jane). Emma, 3 vol., first edition, original half calf, uncut, 1816, 8vo. (421) F. Edwards, LII 3307 Bewick (T.) General History of Quadrupeds, fifth edition, LARGEST PAPER, half russia, 1807, imperial 8vo. (423)

Baron, £3 3308 Bewick (T.) History of British Birds, first edition, 2 vol., LARGEST PAPER, half russia, 1797-1804, imperial 8vo. (422) Brown, 10 5s. 3309 Boiardo (M.) Orlando Innamorato rifatto da M. Berni, morocco super extra, gilt fleurons, inside borders of gold, gilt edges, Capé, Venet., L. A. Giunta, 1545, small 4to. (511)

3310 Borrow (G.) Wild Wales, 3 vol., first

1862, 8vo. (412)

3311 Brandt (Sebastian). Stultifera Navis, good copy, few wormholes mended, Bergman de Olpe, 1497, 8vo. (458)

Johnson, £2 25. edition, cloth, uncut,

Maggs, £2 14s. numerous woodcuts, morocco, Basle, Jo. Maggs, £7 15s.

[This very rare small 8vo. edition is not mentioned by Harrisse in his "Bibliotheca Americana Vetustissima,” and it is quite distinct from another small 8vo. edition in the British Museum. The work contains one of the very earliest references to the American discoveries (vide verso of folio 76).—Catalogue.]

3312 Burton (Sir R. F.) Ananga-Ranga, or the Hindu Art of Love. Sir Richard Burton's copy, with his MS. corrections and additions for a third edition, photograph of the editor with inscription, inserted, parchment, uncut, 1885, 8vo. (425) W. T. Spencer, £3 3s.

3313 Burton (Sir R. F.) Kama-Shastra, or the Hindu Art of Love, translated and annotated from the Sanscrit by A. F. F. and B. F. R. The original rough proof sheets, with corrections and additions in the handwriting of Sir Richard Burton, half bound, n. d., 8vo. (424)

W. T. Spencer, £3

3314 Byfield (Nathanael). An Account of the late Revolution in New England, together with the Declaration of the Gentlemen, Merchants and Inhabitants of Boston and the Country adjacent, morocco extra, Ric. Chiswell, 1689, 4to. (478) H. Stevens, £7 5s. 3315 Cartwright (George). A Journal of Transactions and Events during a residence of nearly sixteen years on the Coast of Labrador, 3 vol. in 1, frontispiece and maps, half morocco extra, Newark, Allin and Ridge, 1792, 4to. (479)

J. Brown, £5 3316 Cassell. Picturesque Europe, 5 vol., numerous illustrations, half bound, n. d., 4to. (135) G. H. Brown, £1 25. 3317 Catechisme du Diocese de Quebec par Monseigneur Jean de la Croix de Saint Valier, Evêque de Quebec, vellum, Paris, Urbain Coustelier, 1702, 8vo. (459) Quaritch, £3 155. [Very rare. The first Catechism for Canada.—Catalogue.] 3318 Costeri (F.) Meditations de la Vie et Louanges de la Vierge Marie, fine copy, ruled in red, contemporary morocco extra, the back and sides elaborately tooled in leafy scrolls, “a petits fers," The Marguerite of the Queen of Navarre, gilt edges, a fine specimen of Clovis Eve, Anvers, 1590, folio (522) Leighton, £9 3319 Erasmus. Plutarchi Moralia, Senecæ, Luciani, etc., ornamental woodcut border to title and large printer's device by Hans Holbein, first edition, French calf extra, gilt edges, Basil, J. Froben, 1518, folio (516) Tregaskis, L1 IS. 3320 Erasmus. Testamentum Novum, cum Comment, D. Erasmi, 2 vol. in I, woodcut titles, borders and large letters by Holbein, morocco extra, the first of Erasmus's small Testaments, Romæ, 1518, small 8vo. (438)

Johnson, 17s. 6d.

3321 Franklin (Benjamin). A Narrative of the late Massacres in Lancaster County of a number of Indians, friends of this Province, by persons unknown, with some observations on

the same, unbound [Philadelphia], printed [by Anthony Armbruster] in the year 1764, 8vo. (463) Sabin, £5 15s. 3322 Franklin (Benjamin). Proposals relating to the Education of Youth in Pensilvania, half calf, Philadelphia, printed [by Franklin and Hall] in the year 1749, 8vo. (462)

H. Stevens, £2 155. [Although written anonymously, this is well known to have been written by Franklin. In fact, he tells us so himself in his Autobiography: "The first step I took was to associate in the design a number of active friends the next to write and publish a pamphlet entitled 'Proposals relating to the Education of Youth in Pennsylvania.' This I distributed among the principal inhabitants gratis; and as soon as I could suppose their minds a little prepared by the perusal of it, I set on foot a subscription for opening and supporting an Academy." The Academy was opened in 1750, incorporated in 1753, and flourished so exceedingly that in 1779 it was erected into the University of Pennsylvania. Catalogue.]

3323 Glanville (Barth.) Le Proprietaire des Choses, gothic letter, several large woodcuts, a leaf or two soiled, otherwise a large, sound copy, old French calf gilt, first edition of the French translation, Paris, J. Petit, 1518, folio (567)

Johnson, £4 3324 Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, from 1803 to 1899, in 461 vol., half bound and boards, library stamp on titles, 1803-99, folio (296) Quaritch, £46 3325 Harcourt (Robert). A Relation of a Voyage to Guiana, describing the climat, situation, etc. of that country, headlines cut into, few leaves mended and one or two restored, morocco extra, first edition, John Beale for W. Welby, 1613, 4to. (481) H. Stevens, £3 10s. 3326 Harcourt (Robert). The Relation of a Voyage to Guiana, etc., title and one leaf of dedication cut into at the bottom, but re-margined, otherwise sound copy in morocco extra, Edward Allde, 1626, 4to. (482) Leighton, £8 15s.

[This second and last edition is perhaps even rarer than the first. The "newly added necessary notes" are inserted in the text between index fingers. A new dedication to King Charles has also been added, the old one to Prince Charles being reprinted as well.-Catalogue.]

3327 Hardy (Thomas). Under the Greenwood Tree, 2 vol., first edition, cloth, 1872, 8vo. (418) W. T. Spencer, £1 18s. 3328 Heremite (Jaques 1'). Journal vande Nassauche Vloot, 8 folding maps and plates, vellum, Amstelredam, J. P. Wachter, 1643, 4to. (483) Maggs, £2 8s.

[Besides the Journal of the Voyage of the Nassau Fleet round the world, this edition has appended (pages 112 to 122) an account of the discovery of Australia by Pedro Fernandez de Quir.-Catalogue.]

3329 Hissey (J. J.) A Drive through England, cloth, 1885, 8vo. W. T. Spencer, £3 17s. 6d.


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