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required, subordinated to a county and state supervision (we think there should be the intermediate "normal district" supervision) may be made highly useful and reasonably uniform as well as effectual.

9. Better teachers and those more nearly equal

capacity will be secured.

This results obviously from the very nature and operation of the system.

10. That crying evil, a constant change of teachers and plans, may to a considerable extent be avoided. A somewhat smaller number of teachers would be needed, and acting on the principle that a good school of two or three months is far better than a poor one of four or six, a good corps of teachers, once secured, could be kept in constant employment. If the children were not long taught by the same teacher, still, what is far more important, they could at least be taught on a uniform system, administered by a competent town inspector, himself the principal if possible of the highest school. The teachers would act in concert and be brought into frequent personal and sympathetic contact.

11. This system, though apparently more expensive, and leading, as no doubt it would, to more generous expenditure, is in reality a most economical one— economical as a good tool costing five dollars, but well adapted to its purpose and durable, is cheaper than a poor awkward one, soon broken or worn out, for half the money. The mechanic understands this, but unfortunately it is very hard to make some people see in what true economy consists, when applied to the matter of public education. Here more than any where else, the cheapest is the dearest-the most expensive in the end.

The adoption of the Town System would not of course realize all these advantages at once, nor in an equal degree in all parts of the State; but all carefully observed experience and all respectable authority, so far as we know, shows that such a system tends very much more to secure them than is possible under the single district plan. It is but a carrying out of the "Union Graded School" system, so generally found in all large villages. Of course it is not so easy to do it in the country, with the people scattered on farms. But the school interests of the township may be made one although the school houses are six or eight instead of one.


In this connection the following sensible article may appropriately be read: "Our Puritan ancestors are entitled to our respect in many ways. Not the least of those characteristics for which we honor them is the high regard ever entertained by them for a systematic method of education, but their example in reference to this matter has often in latter years been too sadly forgotten. In their legislation was most clearly demonstrated an intelligent and enlarged view of the value of scholastic attainments. Not thirty years had elapsed after the first settlement at Plymouth before a law was passed binding every town of one hundred families to support a High School," whose teachers

should be able to fit youth for the University," under penalty of five pounds per annum. That old puritanic law culminated in the Public High School. But this system, so wisely inaugurated, soon fell into disuse. During the first quarter of the present century, academies and private schools began to flourish. That educational advantages were advanced under this new arrangement cannot be denied, but its effect upon the masses at large became painfully apparent. The wealthier classes soon monopolized the Academy, caring little for the Public Schools. Thus did the latter equally good and certainly more democratic system drag out but at the best a miserable existence. It is to Horace Mann, and those who so nobly associated themselves with him, that we are to-day indebted for the resuscitation of our Public School. It was the germ of gradation which they planted that has given rise and efficiency to these benefits to which we have alluded."-Racine Advocate.

EDWARD EVERETT.-This distinguished man, whose decease full of honors, is fresh in the recollection of our readers, is a striking illustration of the value of a symmetrical education, joined with a strong will. The Atlantic Monthly quotes him as saying of himself as a student: "If I had any strong point, it was that of neglecting no branch, and doing about equally well in all." Carrying this principle through life, he was successful and even distinguished, as Minister of the Gospel, Professor in a College, Public Lecturer, Member of Congress, Governor of Massachusetts, Minister to England, President of Harvard University, Secretary of State and Senator. He always made the amplest preparation for every task, and hence was always prepared for emergencies. He died one of our most successful literary men, and was perhaps the most finished and classical of all our orators. As just proportions in a large building prevent us from discovering its true size, so the very symmetry and completeness of Mr. Everett's intellectual attainments and achievements blind us to his real greatness.


Prize Medals.—Gov. Lewis has repeated his liberality to the State University by a similar donation-of $100 to furnish an annual Prize Medal—to the College at Appleton; and Anson Ballard, a citizen of that place, offers to give the institution $500 for the same purpose so soon as its debts are paid.

UNIVERSITY NORmal DepartmentT.-The Spring Term closed March 15. The number of pupils taught has been 140. The examinations indicated creditable progress and good work. Coming as the pupils do from all directions, and with various kinds and degrees of previous training, the material of such a school tries the best skill of the teachers. One lesson we are sure they are likely to learn-and that is that they must form the habit of thinking for themselves. We hear it rumored that Prof. Allen resigns his connection with the University at the close of next Term. If a Normal School goes into ope

ration elsewhere, his place would seem to be there. There are serious difficulties at present in the way of realizing the desired results from the Normal Department of the University, one of which is the want of opportunity for model and experimental schools.

RACINE. The Advocate gives very earnest expression to its appreciation of the Public Schools of the city, and to the gratitude due as it declares "to the more than a score of teachers who labor most patiently and zealously to impart to others that culture which only by years of study they themselves have acquired. Without in the least intending to detract from the merits of all our teachers, it is but just that the due measure of praise to which Mr. S. H. Peabody, the Principal, is entitled should be awarded him. Indeed, in noticing his untiring industry, unwearied patience, and high order of scholarship, we do perhaps but reflect the sentiments entertained in this city towards himself and all those with whom he is associated in the management of our Public Schools." Measures are being taken to obtain legislative sanction for a larger expendi ture by the city for school purposes.

SHEBOYGAN.-A friend sends us a pleasing account of the condition and progress of the Union School here, which is still in charge of S. D. GAYLORD as Principal and Superintendent. W. O. BUTLER has for some time been Principal of the Intermediate Department. Among the other teachers we recognize some of our old pupils of former days. Whole number 10.

FOND DU LAC.-The new High School Building is we believe completed and occupied. It accommodates 450 pupils altogether, and the whole cost is estimated at about $15,000. Mr. O. C. STEENBURG continues we understand very acceptably at his post as Principal, and the Superintendent, Rev. G. B. EASTMAN, has become quite identified with the progress of the schools. The whole number of teachers is 28.

MADISON.-W. M. Colby, late Principal and Superintendent of the Public Schools, has gone with the Forty Ninth as Sergeant Major, and J. T. Lovewell has been called to the place we understand. Mr. Colby has some excellent qualities as a teacher, and we hope he may return to the work, after a term with Uncle Sam. Mr. Lovewell has been principal of the Madison High School before, and has had long experience as a teacher, having for several years past had charge of a private Seminary at Prairie du Chien. Miss Emeline Curtis, previously assistant to Mr. Colby, has been in charge of the school during the last term. The changes of plan and policy and teachers in the Madison schools-which ought to be a model for the whole State-appear to be incessant, and it requires no prophet's vision to see that they will never take their proper rank until they enlist more public interest and supersede private schools and all necessity for a resort to the University as a High School.

RIVER FALLS.-A good Graded School has been for some time in operation here we learn, embracing about 200 pupils, in three departments. A number of the larger scholars are from the surrounding districts, in Pierce and St. Croix counties. The Principal is A. P. Weld, A. M. This School takes the place of the former Academy, and the community are pleased with the transformation, finding the interests of public education are better subserved by the present arrangement. This we think is generally found to be the case.

EAU CLAIRE.-On the east side' a fine new school-house has been built, and five teachers are employed, Rev. Mr. Barrett temporarily occupying the place of Principal. On the west side' Rev. Mr. Kidder, the present County Superintendent, is still in charge of the public school, assisted by his daughter. The Eau Claire Wesleyan Seminary, for some time in charge we believe of Rev. S. A. Hall, late County Superintendent, is now in the hands of S. M. White, A. B., lately of Waukesha, assisted by Miss Hall and Miss Sutcliffe, and is enjoying we hear a good degree of prosperity. Eau Claire, although a town of recent settlement, evinces a commendable degree of interest in educational matters.

PIERCE Co.-From a Circular of the County Supt., the Rev. Chas. Thayer, we learn that a Teachers' Institute will be held at Prescott, April 3-6, at the same time as the Examination of Teachers; the exercises of the Examination and Institute being interspersed. Institute exercises will also be interspersed with those of the Examinations at Ellsworth and Maiden Rock, April 10th, and 13th. Evening Lectures may also be expected. This is a good plan.

TREMPEALEAU Co.-Supt. Gilfillan writes: "While visiting the schools this winter, I have taken some pains to converse with the people upon a Town Organization of schools. I find a good deal of opposition, which, I think, arises mainly from a want of proper knowledge upon the subject, which can be remedied by more discussion."

WOOD Co.-An Institute was appointed at Grand Rapids, to commence March 20, and continue one week. Supt. McMynn was to lecture at a session of the County Association on the evening of the 25th. Dr. Witter, the Co. Supt., somewhat pointedly says in his Circular-we quote for the general good "We know that those teachers who properly appreciate the importance of their calling, and who are ever found ready both in and out of school to be up with the times, will not fail to be present and take an active part in all such exercises; but there are a few poor, lean, meagre, dyspeptic specimens of teachers, who are always absent on such occasions, upon the slightest pretext, unless actually forced into the service. Such always teach poor schools, and are always applying for certificates, even though they are of the lowest possible grade. We must get out of this method of doing business. We can and must have good teachers. Those who teach must be qualified."

BROWN CO.-We regret to learn that Supt. Hicks has been disabled for his duties in part during the past season by long continued illness.

FOND DU LAC Co.-An Institute is to be held for this county at Fond du Lac city, commencing April 3. We are glad to see the city and county uniting in the effort.

COLUMBIA CO.-Supt. Rosenkrans, as a strict and faithful administrator of the school-law, adds the following to his notice of the meetings for Examinations the present season:

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'Any person applying for examination and license as a teacher, at any time and place other than those herein appointed in pursuance of the provisions of law, will be expected to sustain his application by the written statement of the majority of a district board desiring to employ such person as a teacher; and no such application will be entertained during the progress of these meetings."

WAUKESHA Co.-We send so many journals to this county (upwards of 100) that we will give the schedule of Spring Examinations, which are as follows, some having already passed: at Hartland, commencing Thursday, March 16th; at Prospect Hill, commencing Tuesday, March 21st; at Eagle Centre, commencing Monday, April 10th, for Inspection District composed of Mukwonago, Genesee, Ottowa, and Eagle; at Menomonee Falls, commencing Thursday, April 13th, for Inspection District composed of Menomonee, Lisbon, Brookfield and Pewaukee; and a Supplementary Examination in the Court House, in Waukesha, commencing Monday, May 1st. Each Examination will commence at half-past 10, A. M. All applicants should be present at that time. Teachers from either Inspection District can attend the meeting that will best suit their convenience. Teachers will be entertained free of expense except at the Supplementary Examination.

The following very suitable suggestions are made to District Clerks, by Supt. Hendrickson:

"The examinations are held early, that it may not be necessary to engage teachers before they receive their Certificates. Be careful to examine the standing of your applicants before you employ them. You are requested to correspond freely with the undersigned on all matters relating to the interest of the school in your district.

WALWORTH Co.-Supt. Cheney having resigned to lead a Company once more-in the Forty Ninth-OSMORE R. SMITH, of Geneva, has been appointed by the State Superintendent to fill the vacancy. Capt. Cheney has been laborious and faithful, and has done a good work for Walworth.

GEORGE P. MARSH, American Minister at Turin, has presented to the United States Sanitary Commission the copyright of his new work, called "Man and Nature."

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