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such terms of gratitude and praise, that it seemed as if the brightest days which they recalled were not those of childhood, and not those spent with parents, or lovers, or husbands, but those passed at the feet of that noblest of educators and inspirers-Agassiz. Dr. Arnold was a great schoolmaster, simply because he was a great man. His 'fitness' for hearing recitations was the smallest part of his fitness for teaching. Indeed, it was nothing but what he shared in common with the most indifferent of his assistants at Rugby. His fitness for teaching consisted in his knowledge of human nature and of the world, his pure and lofty aims, his self-denying devotion to the work which employed his time and power, his lofty example, his strong, generous, magnetic manhood. That which fitted him peculiarly for teaching was precisely that which would have fitted him peculiarly for any other office in the service of men."

With the earnest labors of the teachers of Wisconsin I have been acquainted; of their self-sacrificing toil I have been a witness; to their devotion to their work I bear testimony; and yet I can find no more fitting advice than is comprehended in this brief sentence:

"The best way to improve one's condition is to improve one's self."

GO TO CHURCH.-There is no one thing which helps to establish a man's character and standing in society more than a steady attendance at church, and a proper regard for the first day of the week. Every head of a family should go to church, as an example to their children. Lounging in streets and bar rooms on the Sabbath is abominable, and deserves severest censure, because it lays the foundation of habits which ruin body and soul.

Many a young man can date the commencement of his dissipation, which made him a burthen to himself and friends, and an object of pity in sight of his enemies, to his Sunday debauchery. Idleness is the mother of drunkenThe Sabbath is generally an idle day; therefore, if it were not properly kept, it were better struck out of existence.


Go to church. If you are a young man, just entered upon business, it will establish your credit. What capitalist would not sooner entrust a new beginner who, instead of dissipating his time, his character and his money in dissolute company, attends to business on business days, and on Sabbath appears in the house of God. Go to church with a contrite heart, and, bending a knee at the throne of your Maker, pour out a sincere thank-offering for the mercies of the past week.

THOSE MEN who are of the noblest disposition think themselves the happiest when others share their happiness with them.

ONE EYE of the master sees more than four eyes of the servant.



Young Jonathan Jones went forth one day-
Having heard this one and that one say,
That he would have nothing to do but play-
To look for a school. It fell in his way
To meet Squire So-and-so, District Clerk.
Now the Squire was never known to shirk

In driving a bargain-in fact was selected
That the purse of the district might be protected,
And no extravagant tax collected.

Then Jonathan made his errand known;
The Squire looked up, and in miser's tone
Inquired at once, "What are your wages?
"The man who journeys by easy stages,
As does the teacher, must work very cheap, sir;
I'll not pay a high price-not by a heap, sir."

Now this was very consoling to John,

Very, indeed, for to school, off and on,

He had been for years-had attended the "Institute ”—
Had eclipses and almanacs learned to compute;

In short, could well fill the teacher's position,
And now to hear price made the only condition,

It seemed very strange; yet he smothered his feeling,

And tried to believe it a fair mode of dealing.

At length, after parley, by dint of good luck,

On these simple terms a bargain was struck : "The said John to receive per month thirteen dollars, And for bed and provision to live with the scholars !"

Or, in other words, he must "board around,"

Two words, for teachers, of ominous sound.

The morn soon came when he should begin
His pleasant labors, and he walked in

To the school-house; small, and very low,
With windows through which the snow might blcw,
And other surroundings which went to show

That the District Clerk was Squire So-and-so.

He found forty youths of all ages and sizes,

From twenty-five, down to the dear little prizes,

Whom their mothers had sent, to get out of the way;
A heterogeneous, incongruous array.

Teachers his troubles all can tell,
And how his spirits drooping fell

When he came to form his classes;

A little thing, it may seem to you,

But this forming of classes is hard to do;

As those well know who have had a view

Of the subject, through teacher's-glasses.

For there were forty different books,

And the parents told him, with scowling looks,
That they were opposed to a change;
"For," said they, it is very clear,

That with the many text books here
You will have a wider range,

To show an original cast of thought,

And that you should want any new books bought,

To us, sir, seems very strange !"

And so with classes of every degree,
From the Algebra down to A, B, C,
With books of the many kinds that be,
He settled his wrath with a jerk,

And striving the while forever to borrow
Strength for the day from the hope of to-morrow,
He himself settled down to his work.

It chanced, one night, that he went to stay
At a tottering tavern, down by the way,
And was forced to sit in the bar-room, there,
'Mid fumes of tobacco, and lager beer,
With idlers and topers over their rum,

Till he longed for the time to retire to come.
It came, at length, and Boniface said,
As the way to the attic-loft he led,
"Sir, you must sleep in the trundle-bed,
For with strangers to-night are we overrun,
And the beds are all taken except this one!"
Poor John surveyed it with anxious eye,
For it looked like a bed whereon to lie
Was not to rest, and, in very deed,
Of nourishing sleep he felt the need.

Two children were in the bed before,

And there seemed little room for another more;
Too short, by ten inches, the foot-board that bound it;
But he took a tack sidewise, and slept all around it.

He whipped little Billy Smith, one day,
And-I ask attention to what I say-

On the history of this transaction-
For whenever the story was told anew,

With, "Says she to him," and, "Says I to you-"

The ant-hill small, to a mountain grew,

Of hideous malefaction!

Mrs. A. had said to Mrs. B.,

Who" happened in "next night to tea,

She'd heard that day from Mrs. C.,

The master was awful inhuman;

For he whipped Billy Smith till his back was raw'Twas the worst looking sight she ever saw

She then went on a long yarn to draw,

After the fashion of woman,

How, with flashing eye, and doubled fist,

He had taken a club as big as his wrist,
And beat poor Bill, on the back and head,

Till the poor little fellow was almost dead;

That the wales on his head were as big as your finger,
That his coat was all cut to a string-or,

At least Mrs. C. had been told it was so

By the scholars, who saw it, and ought to know;

And for one, she thought he'd better go

And tarry a while at Jericho !

But I will close this rambling sketch,
For should I strive to recall and fetch
From the well remembered past,
All of his trials and tribulations,
The sterner griefs and petty vexations,
And stories told of sly flirtations,
With all their wonderful variations,

My rhyme would forever last.

My only object in writing this

Is to show their fancy leads them amiss,
Who suppose a life of superlative bliss
To be led by those poor creatures,
Who journey around, now here, now there,
Exposed to the ceaseless wear and tear,
That all of us more or less must bear,

But which is certain to be the fare,

Of strolling, itinerant teachers.

Their lives do not flow ever smoothly along,

And their will is stout, their nerves are strong,
Who get as reward, "per month, thirteen dollars,
And for bed and provision, to live with the scholars!"'

American Educational Monthly.


Ere on my bed my limbs I lay,
Grant me grace my prayers to say;

O God! preserve my mother dear,

In strength and health, for many a year;
And O, preserve my father, too,
And may I pay him reverence due;
And may my best thoughts I employ

To be my parents' hope and joy;

And O preserve my brothers both,
From evil doings, and from sloth;
And may we all love each other,

Our friends, our father, and our mother;

And still, O Lord, to me impart

An innocent and grateful heart,

That after my last sleep I may

Awake to my eternal day.-COLERIDGE.

For the Journal of Education.


"The common good is the first principal law."-FRANKLIN.

That illustrious philosopher and profound statesman, Daniel Webster, has left upon record his views of the importance of popular education, as provided for by law, as a means the most essential of preserving in their integrity the institutions of this country. He says, "I have no conception of any manner in which the popular republican institutions under which we live could possibly be preserved, if early education were not freely furnished to all by public law, in such forms that all shall gladly avail themselves of it." This opinion is one with which every intelligent and reflecting man will readily coincide. Indeed, the proposition requires but to be enunciated to be at once acquiesced in ; although, like not a few other valuable truths, it is sometimes apt to be overlooked. The value of it, therefore, together with such illustrations of the principle involved as circumstances may demand, cannot be too often urged upon the notice of those most interested: we mean the great body of the American people. A little reflection must convince all of us who have the least claims to patriotism, in its most catholic form, that there can be no object of legislation so vitally, so radically important as that which relates to the education and general mental elevation of the citizens of a free country. Most other subjects which engross the attention of legislators, however disproportionate a share of attention they may sometimes receive, and warmth of party feeling they may excite, are of a temporary or ephemeral nature chiefly, and comparatively trivial in their bearing upon the vital interests of the community at large. But this central subject of popular education, upon which legislation is from time to time necessary, must always be held to be paramount in its importance, whether it receives the amount of attention which is due to it or not. For does it not embrace every other subject of social interest and importance, pretty much as the sea may be said to embrace its waves, or the firmament its stars? Beyond all question, in the mind of every thinking man, it has the widest range and prospect of all others, affecting most vitally the welfare and happiness not only of the present, but of future generations, and even moulding and fashioning the character of distant ages. Manifold in its relations to all the varied interests of human society, popular education has an important bearing, likewise, upon the character of the higher institutions of learning; for as you widen the base of the pyramid, you can-nay, to preserve its symmetry and proportions, you must-raise its apex. Hence, with right good will, we hail every real improvement that may be suggested by experi ence in state educational arrangements; and as the "township system" appears to be a step in the right direction, a measure promising to be beneficial alike to parents, children and teachers, we trust it will ere long pass into a law, and in due time become embodied in the common school system of Wisconsin.

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