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NO. 11....NOVEMBER, 1846.....VOL. III.



The following Address, by the editor of the Well-Spring, was published in that paper for the last concert. But fearing it may not have been read in some of our schools, we have ventured to re-publish it in the Visiter, and we would request pastors and superintendents, if they approve of the article, to see that it is read to their respective schools, at the concert for the present month.

DEAR YOUNG FRIENDS:-Through your superintendents, I wish to say a few words to you directly and familiarly, as if I were present, beholding you face to face. In all I write as editor, and indeed in all that is printed in the Well-Spring, my wish is to speak directly to each of my many thousand youthful readers; for in each I feel a sort of paternal or pastoral interest. You know that your pastor, or minister, as you may call him, cherishes, and often exhibits, a special solicitude for the welfare of the lambs of his flock-the children` and youth of his congregation. This is not strange, for when he was solemnly ordained, it was to be the pastor of the children no less than of their parents. He was to feed the lambs no less than the sheep of his charge. For the same reason, the welfare of the young-especially those embraced




The Sabbath School Concert.

[Nov. in the Sabbath schools connected with the Mass. Sabbath School Society, is an object very dear to my heart. The Congregational churches have made me a sort of pastorthat is, shepherd, to aid them in feeding the lambs of the flock. Upon every one of these many thousand friends, I, therefore, look with some of the same interest that their ministers look upon them. Yea, may I not say, with some of the same affectionate regard with which their parents behold them.

Whenever you take up this little paper, to learn its instructions, please then imagine that your friend, the editor, is, through the words you read, as it were, addressing you with his own lips. Imagine too, that he is watching, with his own eyes, to see whether you receive his counsel and instructions with pleasure and benefit. If, as he speaks, he beholds in your countenances expressions of attention and interest, his heart is cheered. But should there be seen evidences of listlessness and indifference, his heart-like that of the parent or the pastor, under like circumstances-is pained within him.

My young friends will please remember, that the editor means not to be partial in the interest he feels in their welfare. All, of whatever age, and in whatever circumstances, are included in this regard. With those who weep he would ever weep, and rejoice with those who rejoice. With the orphan he would sympathise, and direct them to the Father of the fatherless, who, "when their father and mother forsake them, will take them up." By the bed-side of the sick, he would love to watch, to moisten their parched lips, to cool their burning temples, and tell them of the great Physician. To those who are passing through the dark valley of the shadow of death, he would be as the Saviour's "rod and staff," to comfort them. To the gay and thoughtless, kindly would he speak a word of exhortation and warning. Those burdened with a sense of sin, who wet their pillows with the

tears of sorrow, and inquire what they shall do to be saved, he would take affectionately by the hand, and lead them to the "Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world." And over those who have repented, with the angels of God, would he mingle his joy and rejoicings.

These being the feelings I profess to cherish towards all my young friends, no one will wonder at my wish, through your superintendents, to address you while assembled at the concert. Only a portion of your number am I permitted to address in my weekly visits through the Well-Spring. Were a copy of this paper introduced into all your families, then I could extend my instructions, and warnings, and exhortations, and counsels, to you all. And one thing that I wish to say to you at this concert, and the only one it will do for me to take time for saying now,-is, to express my desire to include, in my weekly visits, all your families. This desire is not prompted by personal, selfish motives. It is true that one way in which the Mass. Sabbath School Society is sustained, without calling upon the churches and Sabbath schools for contributions for this purpose, is by the small income from the Well-Spring; and every new subscriber aids. a little, as the drop helps to make the shower. But the great motive for wishing the Well-Spring taken in every family where any of you reside, is, that the way may be opened for me to labor for your good.

Some pastors have said, "it is their wish to introduce this paper into every family in their parishes, but they cannot succeed." Will not my young friends become agents in this work? If twenty copies can be sent to your school, the expense will be only twenty-five cents a copy! Cannot the brothers and sisters of every family, unite in earning or saving twenty-five cents to pay for a paper every week? We urge this by the special request of some of your pastors. They wish me to come into all of their families, every week, and assist them in watching for your souls. Shall their wishes and my own be granted?

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Tribute to Faithful Teachers.


But lest this may not be permitted, in the case of some of you, allow me now, in closing this address, to give you a word of exhortation.

Give heed to the instructions of your parents, your ministers, and your teachers. Honor and obey your parents; be kind to one another; love the Bible, the Sabbath, the Sabbath school, the sanctuary, the people of God, and above all things, love the Saviour, and keep all his commandments. Then you will grow in favor both with God and man. You will be a blessing in this world, and shine as a star in the world to come. That you may give heed to this exhortation, and that this may be your happy end, is the prayer of your sincere friend, THE EDITOR.


Read to the Mason Street Sabbath School, Boston, Sabbath morning, Dec. 14, 1815, and furnished for the Congregational Visiter. After some remarks on the subjects of Death and the Judgment, the writer proceeds:

And particularly are we called to these solemn thoughts, by the recent and lamented deaths of those formerly and recently connected with our school, and whose interest in it remained undiminished to the end.

I refer, in the first place, to the decease of the Hon. Thomas A. Davis-our late Mayor-who for some time was a judicious and most acceptable teacher among us. Also to the departure of Mrs. Ann B. Ackerman, whose two lovely daughters were connected for many years with our school, and who both died happy in the love of their divine Saviour.* In my visits to Mrs. Ackerman, recently, and at the latest periods of her daughters' sickness and death, she always ex

*For an account of one of these daughters, see "A Superintendent's Offering," published by the Mass. Sabbath School Society.-EDs. of Vis.


pressed the liveliest interest in our school, and undoubtedly ascribed much of the serenity and joy of her daughters, in the prospect of death, to the faithful instructions they had received from their teachers here. One of them, a teacher herself, when she died, discovered her interest in the class she taught by leaving directions for a neat pocket Bible to be presented to each of them, and dictated a few words to be written on a blank page in each, expressing her sincere affection toward the scholar. As an additional evidence of the mother's, Mrs. Ackerman's, regard for us, she sent me, the last winter, after the sermon by the Rev. Mr. Todd, in our behalf, the sum of five dollars, being detained by sickness from enjoying the public exercise. And still further, in her will she has directed her executor to pay fifty dollars for the use of the school, as the last mark of her benevolent regards.

And now I am led to refer to another and more recent death-that of Jane B. Watson-whose name I cannot repeat but with the tenderest emotion. I need not tell the teachers present, nor many of the scholars, of the excellencies of this female. I see before me, among the teachers, that favored one who introduced Miss Watson into these seats, and who has shared ever since in her toils, her efforts, and her Sabbath school pleasures. Happy teacher! You will be associated with her yet again in a purer, better world, where all the labors of time will be rewarded through a blessed eternity.

For nearly ten years Miss Watson has been connected with Mason Street Sabbath School. It may be literally said of her, that she was truly a Dorcas, full of good works and alms deeds. Among the poor, "the cause which she knew not, she searched out." "Eyes was she to the blind, feet to the lame," and the widow and the fatherless found in her the sympathising, efficient and active friend. Those present, who have labored with her for years, will testify, I doubt not, to the truth of these remarks.



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