see also Plantagenet, Richard RICHARD II, KING, King Richard II: Act I, sc. i, iii, iv; Act II, sc. i; Act III, sc. ii, iii; Act IV, sc. i; Act V, sc. i,
RICHMOND, Earl of, afterwards King Henry VII, King Rich- ard III: Act V, sc. ii, iii, v RICHMOND, EARL OF, see Henry, Earl of Richmond
RIVERS, LORD, brother to Lady Grey, King Henry VI: Part 3, Act IV, sc. iv; King Richard III: Act I, sc. iii; Act II, sc. i, ii; Act III, sc. iii
ROBIN, page to Falstaff, Merry Wives of Windsor: Act I, sc. iii; Act II, sc. ii; Act III, sc. ii, iii
RODERIGO, a Venetian gentleman, Othello: Act I, sc. i, ii, iii; Act II, sc. i, iii; Act IV, sc. ii; Act V, sc. i
ROMEO, son to Montague, Romeo and Juliet: Act I, sc. i, ii, iv; Act II, sc. i, ii, iii, iv, vi; Act III, sc. i, iii, v; Act V, sc. i, iii ROSALIND, daughter to the ban- ished Duke, As You Like It: Act I, sc. ii, iii; Act II, sc. iv; Act III, sc. ii, iv, v; Act IV, sc. i, iii; Act V, sc. ii, iv
ROSALINE, lady attending on the Princess, Love's Labor's Lost: Act II, sc. i; Act IV, sc. i; Act V, sc. ii
ROSEN CRANTz, a courtier, Ham- let, Prince of Denmark: Act II, sc. ii; Act III, sc. i, ii, iii; Act IV, sc. i, ii, iii, iv
Ross, nobleman of Scotland, Macbeth: Act I, sc. ii, iii, iv, vi; Act II, sc. iii, iv; Act III, sc. i, iv; Act IV, sc. ii, iii, iv, viii
Ross, Lord, King Richard II: Act II, sc. i, iii; Act III, sc. i ROUSILLON, COUNTESS OF, mother to Bertram, All's Well That Ends Well: Act I, sc. i, iii; Act II, sc. ii; Act III, sc. ii, iv; Act IV, sc. v; Act V, sc.
ROTHERHAM, THOMAS: see Arch- bishop of York, King Richard III:
RUGBY, servant to Doctor Caius, Merry Wives of Windsor: Act I, sc. iv; Act II, sc. iii; Act III, sc. i, ii
RUTLAND, Earl of, see Edmund, son of York
SALARINO, friend to Antonio and Bassanio, The Merchant of Venice: Act I, sc. i; Act II, sc. iv, vi, viii; Act III, sc. i, iii SALANJO, friend to Antonio and Bassanio, The Merchant of Venice: Act I, sc. i; Act II, sc. iv, viii; Act III, sc. i
SALERIO, friend to Antonio and Bassanio, The Merchant of Venice: Act III, sc. ii; Act IV, sc. i
SALISBURY, EARL OF, King Henry V: Act IV, sc. iii SALISBURY, EARL OF, King Henry VI: Part 1, Act I, sc. vi; Part 2, Act I, sc. i, iii; Act II, sc. ii, iii; Act III, sc. i, ii, iii; Act V, sc. i, iii
SALISBURY, Earl of, King John: Act I, sc. i; Act III, sc. i; Act IV, sc. ii, iii; Act V, sc. ii, iv, vii
SALISBURY, Earl of, King Richard II: Act II, sc. iv; Act III, sc. ii, iii
SAMPSON, servant to Capulet, Romeo and Juliet: Act I, sc. i SANDS, LORD, King Henry VIII: Act I, sc. iii, iv; Act II, sc. i; Act III, sc. ii
SATURNINUS, son to the late Em- peror of Rome, afterwards Emperor, Titus Andronicus: Act I, sc. i; Act II, sc. ii, iii; Act IV, sc. iv; Act V, sc. iii SAY, LORD, King Henry VI: Part 2, Act IV, sc. iv, vii SCALES, LORD, King Henry VI: Part 2, Act IV, sc. v SCARUS, friend to Antony, Antony and Cleopatra: Act III, sc. x; Act IV, sc. vii, viii, x, xii SCROOP, LORD, King Henry V: Act II, sc. ii
SCROOP, RICHARD, Archbishop of York, King Henry IV: Part 1, Act IV, sc. iv; Part 2, Act I, sc. iii; Act IV, sc. i, ii SCROOP, SIR STEPHEN, King Rich- ard II: Act III, sc. ii, iii SEBASTIAN, brother to Alonso, The Tempest: Act I, sc. i; Act II, sc. i; Act III, sc. iii; Act V, sc. i
SEBASTIAN, brother to Viola, Twelfth Night: Act II, sc. i; Act III, sc. iii; Act IV, sc. i, iii; Act V, sc. i
SELEUCUS, attendant on Cleopa- tra, Antony and Cleopatra: Act V, sc. ii
SEMPRONIUS, a flattering lord, Timon of Athens: Act III, sc. iii
SERGEANT, A French, King Henry VI: Part 1, Act II, sc. i SERVILIUS, servant to Timon, Timon of Athens: Act II, sc. ii; Act III, sc. ii, iv
SEYTON, an officer attending on
Macbeth, Macbeth: Act V, sc. ii, v
SHALLOW, country justice, King Henry IV: Part 2, Act III, sc. ii; Act V, sc. i, iii, v; Merry Wives of Windsor: Act I, sc. i; Act II, sc. i, iii; Act III, sc. i, ii, iv; Act IV, sc. ii; Act V, sc. ii
SHYLOCK, a rich Jew, The Mer- chant of Venice: Act I, sc. iii; Act II, sc. v; Act III, sc. i, iii; Act IV, sc. i
SILENCE, country justice, King Henry IV: Part 2, Act III, sc. ii; Act V, sc. iii
SILIUS, an officer in Ventidius's army, Antony and Cleopatra: Act III, sc. i
SILVIA, beloved of Valentine, The Two Gentlemen of Verona: Act II, sc. i, iv; Act IV, sc. ii, iii, iv; Act V, sc. i, iii, iv SILVIUS, a shepherd, As You Like It: Act II, sc. iv; Act III, sc. v; Act IV, sc. iii; Act V, sc. ii, iv
SIMONIDES, King of Pentapolis, Pericles, King of Tyre: Act II, sc. ii, iii, v
SIMPCOX, an impostor, King Henry VI: Part 2, Act II, sc. i
SIMPLE, servant to Slender, Merry Wives of Windsor: Act I, sc. i, ii, iv; Act III, sc. i; Act IV, sc. v
SIWARD, earl of Northumberland, general of the English forces, Macbeth: Act V, sc. iv, vi, vii, viii
SIWARD, YOUNG, Macbeth: Act V, sc. iv, vii
SLENDER, Ccousin to Shallow, Merry Wives of Windsor: Act I, sc. i; Act II, sc. iii; Act
III, sc. i, ii, iv; Act V, sc. ii, v SLY, CHRISTOPHER, a tinker, The Taming of the Shrew: Induc- tion, sc. i, ii; Act I, sc. i
SMITH, the weaver, follower of Jack Cade, rebel, King Henry VI: Part 2, Act IV, sc. ii, vi SNOUT, a tinker, A Midsummer- Night's Dream: Act I, sc. ii; Act III, sc. i; Act IV, sc. ii SNUG, a joiner, A Midsummer- Night's Dream: Act I, sc. ii; Act III, sc. i; Act IV, sc. ii SOLINUS, duke of Ephesus, The Comedy of Errors: Act I, sc. i; Act V, sc. i
SOMERSET, EARL OF, John Beau- fort, afterwards Duke of Somerset, King Henry VI: Part 1, Act II, sc. iv; Act III, sc. i, iv; Act IV, sc. i, iv; Part 2, Act I, sc. i, iii; Act III, sc. i, ii; Act IV, sc. ix; Act V, sc. i, ii; Part 3, Act IV, sc. i, ii, iii, vi; Act V, sc. i, ii, iv, v
SOMERVILLE, SIR JOHN, King Henry VI: Part 3, Act V, sc. i SOUTH-WELL, John, priest, King Henry VI: Part 2, Act I, sc. iv; Act II, sc. iii
SPEED, a clownish servant to Valentine, The Two Gentlemen of Verona: Act I, sc. i; Act II, sc. i, iv, v; Act III, sc. i; Act IV, sc. i
STAFFORD, SIR HUMPHREY, King Henry VI: Part 2, Act IV, sc. ii, iii; Part 3, Act IV, sc. i STAFFORD, WILLIAM, brother of Sir Humphrey Stafford, King Henry VI: Part 2, Act IV, sc. ii, iii
STANLEY, SIR JOHN, King Henry VI: Part 2, Act III, sc. iv STANLEY, SIR WILLIAM, King
Henry VI: Part 3, Act IV,
STANLEY, Lord, called also EARL OF DERBY, King Richard III: Act I, sc. iii; Act II, sc. i, ii; Act III, sc. ii, iv; Act IV, sc. i, ii, iv, v; Act V, sc. iii, v STARVELING, a tailor, A Midsum- mers-Night's Dream: Act I, sc. ii; Act III, sc. i; Act IV, sc. ii
STEPHANO, servant to Portia, The Merchant of Venice: Act V, sc. i
STEPHANO, a drunken Butler, The Tempest: Act II, sc. ii, Act III, sc. ii; Act IV, sc. i; Act V, sc. i
STRATO, servant to Brutus, Julius Cæsar: Act V, sc. v SUFFOLK, EARL OF, King Henry VI: Part 1, Act II, sc. iv; Act III, sc. i, iv; Act IV, sc. i; Act V, sc. iii, v; Part II, Act I, sc. i, iii; Act II, sc. i, iii; Act III, sc. i, ii; Act IV, sc. i
SUFFOLK, DUKE OF, King Henry VIII: Act I, sc. ii; Act II, sc. ii; Act III, sc. ii; Act IV, sc. i; Act V, sc. i, iii, v SURREY, DUKE OF, King Richard II: Act IV, sc. i SURREY, EARL OF, King Henry
IV: Part 2, Act III, sc. i SURREY, EARL OF, son to Duke of Norfolk, King Richard III: Act V, sc. iii
SURREY, EARL OF, King Henry VIII: Act III, sc. ii; Act IV, sc. i; Act V, sc. iii
TALBOT, JOHN, King Henry VI: Part 1, Act IV, sc. v, vi, vii
TIMON, a noble Athenian, Timon of Athens: Act I, sc. i, ii; Act II, sc. ii; Act III, sc. iv, vi; Act IV, sc. i, iii; Act V, sc. i
TITANIA, queen of the fairies, A Midsummer-Night's Dream: Act II, sc. i, ii; Act III, sc. i; Act IV, sc. i; Act V, sc. i TITINIUS, friend to Brutus and Cassius, Julius Cæsar: Act IV, sc. ii, iii; Act V, sc. i, iii Titus, servant, Timon of Athens: Act III, sc. iv Touchstone, a clown, As You Like It: Act I, sc. ii; Act II, sc. iv; Act III, sc. ii, iii; Act V, sc. i, iii, iv
TRANIO, servant to Lucentio, The Taming of the Shrew: Act I, sc. i, ii; Act II, sc. i; Act III, sc. ii; Act IV, sc. ii, iv; Act V, sc. i, ii
TRAVERS, retainer of Northumber- land, King Henry IV: Part 2, Act I, sc. i
TREBONIUS, conspirator, Julius Cæsar: Act II, sc. i, ii; Act III, sc. i
TRINCULO, a Jester, The Tempest: Act II, sc. ii; Act III, sc. ii; Act IV, sc. i; Act V, sc. i TROILUS, son of Priam, Troilus and Cressida: Act I, sc. i, ii; Act II, sc. ii; Act III, sc. ii; Act IV, sc. ii, iii, iv, v; Act V, sc. i, ii, iii, iv, vi, x
TUBAL, a Jew, friend to Shylock, The Merchant of Venice: Act III, sc. i
TYBALT, nephew to Lady Cap- ulet, Romeo and Juliet: Act I, sc. i; Act III, sc. i
TYRREL, SIR JAMES, King Richard III: Act IV, sc. ii, iii
VENICE, Duke of, The Merchant of Venice: Act IV, sc. i VENICE, DUKE OF, Othello: Act I, sc. iii
VENTIDIUS, one of Timon's false friends, Timon of Athens: Act I, sc. ii
VENTIDIUS, friend to Antony, Antony and Cleopatra: Act II, sc. ii, iii; Act III, sc. i VERGES, a headborough, Much Ado About Nothing: Act III, sc. iii, v; Act IV, sc. ii; Act V, sc. i
VERNON, of the White Rose or York faction, King Henry VI: Part 1, Act II, sc. iv; Act III, sc. iv; Act IV, sc. i
VERNON, SIR RICHARD, King Henry IV: Part 1, Act IV, sc. i, iii; Act V, sc. i, ii, v VENUS, Passionate Pilgrim, Ve- nus and Adonis VINCENTIO, DUKE, Measure for Measure: Act I, sc. i, iii; Act II, sc. iii; Act III, sc. i, ii; Act IV, sc. i, ii, iii, v; Act V, sc. i
VINCENTIO, an old gentleman of Pisa, The Taming of the Shrew: Act IV, sc. v; Act V, sc. i, ii
VIOLA, Twelfth Night: Act I, sc. ii, iv, v; Act II, sc. ii, iv; Act III, sc. i, iv; Act V, sc. i VIOLENTA, neighbor and friend to the Widow, All's well that ends well: Act III, sc. v VIRGILIA, wife to Coriolanus, Coriolanus: Act I, sc. iii; Act II, sc. i; Act IV, sc. i, ii; Act V, sc. iii, v VoLTIMAND, a courtier, Hamlet, Prince of Denmark: Act I, sc. ii; Act II, sc. ii
VOLUMNIA, mother to Coriolanus,
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