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dated 1738, as "Major Philip Rootes of King and Queen," and was a justice of that county in 1739, and a vestryman of Stratton Major Parish. Besides his estate in King and Queen, he owned lands in New Kent and Orange, and lots in Fredricksburg. He married Mildred daughter of Thomas Reade, and died in 1756. His will was dated Aug. 3d, 1756 and was proved in King and Queen, with John Robinson, President of the Council, Humphrey Hill and his sons Philip and Thos. Reade, executors. (See cases reported in 6 Call., 21; and 6 Mumford 87, and also will of Susanna Livingston.of Spotsylvania, who names several of his children. Issue. 2. Col. Philip2 Rootes, of "Rosewall," King and Queen, eldest son; was sheriff of that county in 1765. In June, 1787, was advertised for sale the land where Col. Philip Rootes, deceased, lived," in King and Queen Co., opposite West Point. He married, Dec. 2 1756, Frances Wilcox, (Middlesex Records), and was probably father or grandfather of Edmund Wilcox Rootes, a prominent lawyer and recorder of Richmond city, who died Feb. 11, 1836; 3. THOMAS READE; 4. John was a Captain in Byrd's (2d Va.) regiment, in the French and Indian War, and died before 1798, leaving an only son Philip, then alive ( Journal House of deligates) John Rootes lived in Gloucester in 1774, and it is probable that his son was the Philip Rootes of Gloucester, appointed lieutenant U. S. A. in 1800. John Rootes married, March 26, 1760, Sarah Reade, (Middlesex Records) daughter of his uncle Rev. John Reade, Rector of Stratton Major Parish; 4. Col. George,' removed to Northwestern Va., and appears to have been quite a prominent man in that section. He was a member of the House of Burgesses 1774, and member, from West Augusta, of the Convention of July, 1775; 6. Mildred, married Feb. 4, 1762, Augustine Smith, of "Shooter's Hill," Middlesex; 7. Elizabeth, married Rev. John Thompson, Rector of St. Mark's Parish, Culpeper; 8. Priscilla2 married Benj. Grymes, of Spotslyvania; 9. Mary,2 married, in 1772, Colonel Anthony Thornton, of **Ormsbey,” Caroline; county-lieutennant during the Revolution, and, probably, Lucy, who married Roger Dixon.


3. THOMAS Reade2 Rootes, married on Feb. 8th, 1768 (Middlesex Records) Maria daughter of John Smith of "Shooter's Hill," Middlesex, and had issue at least one son. (John Smith, of "Purton," Gloucester county, Va., married, February 17, 1680, Mary, daughter of Colonel Augustine Warner, of "Warner Hall," Gloucester, who was Speaker of the Burgesses, and Councellor, and died April 17, 1698. He was the grandfather of John Smith, of Shooter's Hill," Middlesex, who married Mary, daughter of Edward Jaqueline, of Jamestown, and his wife, Martha, daughter of William Cary, and granddaughter of Colonel Miles Cary, of Warwick county, also a member of the Council. John and Mary Smith were parents of Maria, who married T. R. Rootes.)

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10. THOMAS READE ROOTES, of "Federal Hill," near Fredericksburg, Va., and afterwards of “White marsh," Gloucester county. He

was born February 23, 1763, and died January 23, 1824; was a distinguished lawyer, and was member of the House of Delegates in 1793 and perhaps other years. He married, 1st, Sarah Ryng Battaile, born May, 1765, died March 13, 1811 [Family Bible, which also contains entry of the deaths of Miss Mary Robinson, maternal aunt of Mrs. Rootes, who died July 17, 1813, aged 83 years and 10 months; of Mrs. Lucy Thornton, sister of Mrs. Rootes, who was born October 24, 1767, and died without issue July 1, 1840; and of her husband, Boswell Thornton, born September 4, 1764, died June 16, 1799]. T. R. Rootes married, 2d, Mrs. Prosser, and had no issue by this marriage. Issue (1st marriage): 11. Martha Jacqueline; 12. Thomas Reade, 13. Mary Robinson, born November 21, 1788, died January 29, 1811; married, December 10, 1809, William Fitzhugh Gordon, of Albemarle county, Va.; member Congress 1829-35, and long a member of the State Legislature. No issue by this marriage; 14. Sarah Robinson," 15. Laura Battaile, born July 4, 1797, died unmarried October 25, 1817; 16. Edward Jacqueline Smith, 17. Serena Ryng

II. MARTHA JACQUELINE ROOTES, born September 28, 1786, married, 1st, on May 8, 1810, Howell Cobb,* of Georgia, captain U. S. A. and M. C. (born August 3, 1772, died May 26, 1818); no issue. She married, 2d, September 10, 1819, Dr. Henry Jackson, an Englishman, Professor of Philosophy and Chemistry in the University of Georgia, and younger brother of James Jackson, M. C. and Governor of Georgia. They were the parents of (1) Henry Rootes Jackson, of Savannah, distinguished as a lawyer, diplomatist and soldier, who served in the Mexican war and was brigadier-general C. S. A. His son, Henry R.' Jackson, Jr., is a distinguished lawyer of Atlanta, and married his cousin, a daughter of General T. R. R. Cobb; (2) Martha, married Colonel F. H. Erwin; (3) Sarah, married Oliver H. Prince.



12. THOMAS READE3 ROOTES, of Fredericksburg, Va., born January 18, 1785, died November 2, 1820. He was educated in Edinburgh, and

*It appears from various authentic records that Samuel. John and Edmund Cobbs, brothers, lived in Goochland county, Va., prior to the Revolution. The former married Mary, daughter of Colonel Robert Lewis, and was father of Robert Cobbs, who was a captain in the Revolutionary army from Virginia, and received land bounty for his services. He has descendants in Georgia. John Cobbs removed from Goochland to Georgia prior to 1784, as in the Goochland tax-list for that year appears the entry "John Cobbs (Georgia) 22 slaves, 38 cattle, 10 horses." John Cobbs, or Cobb (to which form the name was changed), married Mildred, daughter of Howell Lewis, of Granville county, N. C., son of Charles Lewis, of "The Bird," Goochland county, Va., and was the father of John Addison and Howell Cobb, named above. The three brothers, first named, had an uncle, Thomas Cobb, who also removed to Georgia, and was ancestor of Thomas W. Cobb, U. S. Senator from that State. Mary Willis Cobb, youngest sister of Howell and John A., married William Jackson, son of Governor James Jackson, of Georgia, and had a son, James Jackson, who was M. C., and died a few years since while chief justice of Georgia, and a daughter, Mildred Lewis Cobb Jackson, who married Colonel John D. Grant, and was the mother of Captain William D. Grant, of Atlanta.

was a lawyer; married, April 23, 1807, Anna (born April 1, 1791, died, Jefferson City, Mo., May 8, 1871), third daughter of Dr. George French, of Spotsylvania county, Va.

Issue: 18. Anna French, born January 27, 1808, died 1839; married, Fredericksburg, December 11, 1839, William Garret Minor, and left two sons; (1) Butler, married in San Francisco, and left one son, Butler; (2) Mann Page, born November, 1848, of San Francisco, unmarried in 1894; 19. Thomas Reade, 20. George French, 21. Edward Smith,ʻ born March 15, 1814, died September 21, 1820; 22. James, born October 25, 1817, died unmarried; 23. Lawrence Jacqueline.


14. SARAH ROBINSON' ROOTES, born September 20, 1792, married, April 11, 1812, Colonel John Addison Cobb (born January 5, 1783, died November 21, 1855). Issue: 24. Howell," born September 7, 1815, died October 9, 1868; married Mary Ann Lamar. Many years M. C. from Georgia, Speaker of House of Representatives, Secretary of Treasury under President Buchanan, President of the Provisional Congress, and major-general C. S. A. He left Judge Howell Cobb, of Athens, Ga., three other sons and two daughters, all married; 25. Laura Battaile," married, March 23, 1841, Professor Williams Rutherford, of Athens, Ga., and had a son, a distinguished lawyer, who died in 1891, and four daughters, living in 1894, viz: Mary Ann,' married Frank Lipscomb, Professor of Belle's Lettres in the University of Georgia at his death about 1874, and son of Dr. A. A. Lipscomb, Chancellor of the same University; Bessie, married George A. Mell, Chancellor of the University of Georgia; Millie, Principal of the Lucy Cobb Institute, Athens, Ga., and Laura Williams, married Joshua C. Hutchins, now of Athens, Ga.; 26. Mildred Lewis" of Atlanta Ga., married Col. Luther J. Glenn, and is mother of Thomas' Glenn, a distinguished lawyer of Atlanta, 27. Thos. Reade Rootes, regarded in his day as the most eminent lawyer of Georgia; Brigadier General C. S. A., and killed at the battle of Fredrickburg. He married Marian Lumpkin and left three daughters, all married, one of them being the wife of Hon. Hoke Smith, present Secretary of the Interior; 28. Mary Willis, married 1st, Col. F. H. Erwin, and 2d, Dr. John N. Johnson and had four children; 29. Martha, married Major John C. Whitner of Atlanta. 30. John Boswell, died 1894; married 1st, Mary Athena Lamar, and 2d Alice Culler, and left six children.


16. EDWARD JACQUELINE SMITH ROOTES, of Gloucester county, Va., born January 27, 1804; died July 20, 1840. Married Emily, daughter of Thomas Robins, of Gloucester county, and had issue: Thomas R. and Sarah A., married E. J. Thruston, of Gloucester.


17. SERENA RYNG ROOTES, born Oct. 5, 1802, died 1889, married Aug 5, 1828, Henry Clinton Lea, of Georgia, who removed to Alabama. Had issue: (1) Lucy, married Dr. J. N. Langhorne; (2.) Col. Sumter, a prominent lawyer of Birmingham, Ala. (3.) Henry C.6 married Bettie

Mosely; (4.) Martha, married Jas. A. Harwood; (5.) Mary Willis, married B. F. Harwood.


19. THOS. READE ROOTES, born Dec. 10, 1809, died—; commader U, S. and C. S. N., married Jan. 24, 1838 Mary Overton, daughter of Garrett Minor.

Issue: 31. Elizabeth T.' married Mann Page Minor, and had one child Fontain Meriwether, married, and living in Louisano, Pike Co., Mo., in 1894; 32. Thos. Reade,' born Apl. 3d, 1840, married Willie Sampson, San Jose, Cal., and had one child, Thos. Reade Rootes; 33. Ann Overton,' married Major N. C. Kouns; 34. Lawrence M.1 born Apl. 30, 1845, married his cousin Mary Rootes and had one son Felix; 35. George M. of Fulton, Mo., married Fannie Watson, and had one son, Francis Reade.8

20. GEORGE FRENCH ROOTES, born March 17, 1812, married and lived in Memphis, Tenn., and had issue (1.) Betty,' (2.) George, unmarried, living in New Orleans in 1894; (3.) William,' married and left a widow and three children living in Memphis in 1894.

23. LAWRENCE JACQUELINE ROOTES, married Betty Gathright, and had (1.) Anna,' married J. W. Howe; (2.) George, married but had no issue in 1894; (3.) Mary, married Lawrence Rootes; (4.) Bettie, married Winston Griffin; (5,) William,' married and had issue.

The account of the descendants of T. R. Rootes and Mary Smith, is derived chiefly from records in family bibles, with information from the family as to late generations.

[The Coat of Arms accompanying this article is published at the expense of a descendant in Georgia, and is from a book-plate believed to be that of Philip Rootes, first of the name.]



I. DESCENDANTS OF THOMAS COCKE, SON OF THOMAS COCKE.2 Thomas Cocke3 left six children: Thomas, James Powell, Henry, Brazure, Mary, and Elizabeth.*

1. THOMAS COCKE, born c. 1684; died unmarried 1711.

By his will, probated November 5, 1711, he leaves all his property to his three brothers. His appraisement was 147; appraisers, John Cocke, Joseph L. Royall, John Archer, John Worsham, Jr. Executors, Littlebury Eppes and Samuel Harwood.

He leaves the tract of land "on which his Grandmother now lives" (relict of Thomas Cocke2), called "Mawborn Hills" (note the pronunciation), to his brother, Brashaw Cocke, being the land given him by his grandfather. This property, the homestead, had been left to Margaret Cocke, widow of Thomas Cocke,2 for life, and she was still living in 1711.

Thomas Cocke' had been the executor of his father's will, and he was in loco parentis to his younger brothers. It appears from the settlement of his accounts that Brazure Cocke had been at a boarding-school.

His funeral sermon was preached by the Rev. Charles Anderson,* minister of Westover Parish. He is charged for this sermon, as also for attendance of "Dr. Cocke" and "Dr. Irby." Who was this "Dr. Cocke?" That is an interesting question which we cannot answer. Where did he take his degree? About the same time (1705) in the Henrico Records there is noted a payment to “Dr. Chastain," at Manakin Town. [These families subsequently intermarried.]

2. JAMES POWELL COCKE1 married Martha Anderson (?), born c. 1688, died 1747. Martha Anderson may have been sister to Rev. Charles

Anderson. Another member of this Anderson family at this time in Henrico was Henry Anderson, probably brother to Rev. Charles Anderson. His daughter, Anne Anderson, married Benjamin Ward' (died 1732), and they had issue: 1. Colonel Seth Ward," of "Wintopock," member House of Burgesses from Chesterfield about 1769; 2. Benjamin;5 3. Henry, of Amelia, alive 1746; 4. Rowland. Benjamin Ward had a daughter, Maria,' born 1784, who married Peyton Randolph. She was said to have been John Randolph's only love. See Virginia Historical Magazine, January, 1895, page 312.

His tomb is still standing at

He was minister of Westover Parish from 1694 to 1718 Westover. His daughters married John Stith, Henry Taylor, and Ellyson Armistead, all belonging to prominent families in Charles City.

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