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struments touched so sweetly, that he took great. delight in hearing them, and marvelled what it might be, knowing that in that place there dwelt none else than the Hermit and his nephews. He rose, and went softly towards the sound, and saw that there were two Damsels by a fountain, who, tuning their voices to their lutes, did sing a most pleasant song. He stood awhile listening, then advanced, and said, God save you, gentle Damsels, but your sweet music has made me lose my ma

poem is curious from its age; it is printed with these marks:

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tins They wondered who he should be, and said to him, tell us, friend, for courtesy, what place is this where we have landed, and who are you who speak to us? Ladies, he replied, they call it the Rock of the Hermitage, because of the Hermit that dwells here. As for me, I am a poor man, who bear him company, doing great and hard penauce for the sins that I have committed. Then said they, friend, is there any house here where our Lady could rest for two or three days? for she is very sick she is a Lady of high rank and wealth,. whom love hath greatly tormented. Beltenebros answered, here is a little cabin, it is very small, in which I lodge if the Hermit pleases, you shall, have it, and I will asleep abroad in the field, as I often use to do. For this courtesy the Damsels, heartily, thanked him. By this the day began to break, and Beltenebros saw under some trees the Lady of whom they spake, lying upon a rich bed; four armed Knights and five serving men, who attended her, were sleeping on the shore, and a well appointed ship rode at anchor. The Lady. was young and beautiful, so that he took pleasure in beholding her..


Beltenebros then went to the Hermit, who was robing himself to say mass. Father, said he,.

there are stangers here: it will be well to wait mass for them. So they both went out from the chapel. The Knights and serving-men were carrrying the sick Lady towards them, and her Damsels were coming with her, and they asked the Hermit if there was any house wherein they could place her.. He answered, here are two cabins: I live in the one, and by my will never woman shall enter that.. This poor man, who makes his penitence here, lodges in the other, and I will not remove him. against his will. To this Beltenebros replied, Father, you may well give them that, for I will rest under the trees, as I often do. They then entered the chapel to hear mass; but the sight of Knights and Damsels reminded Beltenebros of what he had been, and of his own Lady, and renewed in him his exceeding sorrow, so that he sobbed aloud, and kneeling down at the altar, besought the Virgin Mary to help him in his affliction. The Knights. and Damsels, who saw how he wept, held him for a man of good life, and marvelled how he could employ his youth and beauty, in that desert place, for any sin that he could have committed, seeing that the mercy of God may be obtained in all places alike, by such as truly repent. As soon as mass was ended, they carried the Lady into his sabin, and laid her in her rich bed, and she lay

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there weeping and wringing her hands. The Damsels went for their lutes to solace her, and Beltenebros asked them wherefore she appeared so distressed. Friend, said they, this Lady hath great possessions, and is of high rank and beautiful, though her sorrow doth now diminish her fairness, and we will tell you the cause of her sorrow, tho' it should not be told to others. It is excessive love that afflicts her she is going to seek him whom she loves at the court of King Lisuarte, and God grant that she may find him there! When he heard the house of King Lisuarte mentioned, and that the Lady was sick of love, the tears came into his eyes, and he said, I pray you, Ladies, tell me the name of the Knight whom she loves. They answered, he is not of this country, but is one of the best Knights in the world, excepting only two who are of the greatest renown. -By the faith you owe to God, I beseech you tell his name, and the name of those other two.-We will tell you, on condition that you in return tell us if you be a Knight, as you seem by every thing, and likewise what is your name. I am content, said he, that I may know what I ask.-Know then, the Knight whom our Lady loveth, is Don Florestan, brother to the good Knight Amadis of Gaul, and to Don Galaor, and son of King Perion

of Gaul and the Countess of Selandria. Now, quoth he, you tell me truly of his goodness, for you cannot say so much good of him as he deserveth.-Do you then know him?-It is not long since I saw him in the house of Briolania, for I saw the battle there of Amadis and his cousin Agrayes against Abiseos and his sons; after which Florestan arrived there, and I heard Don Galaor speak great things of his prowess, for they say he fought with him.-Yes, replied the Damsels, it was in that battle they knew each other, and then Florestan went away.-What! is this the Lady of the island where that battle was fought -The same. Her name is Corisanda. I do not now grieve for her so much, for he is so gentle and of such disposition, that well I know he will do whatever is her pleasure. Now then, said the Damsels, tell us who you are. Gentle Damsels, replied he,

I am a Knight who have had inore pleasure in the vanities of the world than falls to my lot now, for which I am now suffering, and my name is Beltenebros. God's mercy upon you! said they we must now go play to our Lady.

After they had sung to her awhile, they told her what Beltenebros had said of Florestan. Ah, call him here, cried she, he must be some good man,

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