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Grace before Meat.

Sanctify, we beseech Theres to Lord, thefe, Creatures

to our Ufe, and ourselves to thy Service; through Jefus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Grace after Meat.

OD's Holy Name be bleffed and praised for this prefent Refreshment; and for all his Mercies from Time to Time bestowed upon us; through Jefus Christ our Lord. Amen.


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Before going into the Church.

TAY here all worldly Thoughts, and all Vanities, that I may entertain Heavenly Meditations.

For a Child feating himself in the Church.

Lord, I am now in thy Préfence, grant me fuch a Measure of thy Grace, as may enable me feriously to attend to thy moft facred Word; and obediently to practife the fame; through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen.

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When Divine Service is ended.

ORD pardon the Coldnefs and Wanderings of all my Petitions; and deal with me according to my Needs, and thine own rich Mercies: Bless me this Day, and all the reft of my Life; and grant me thy Heavenly Grace, that I may ever hereafter serve Thee with a clean Heart, to thy Honour and Glory; through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen.


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