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some degrees above freezing in Russia and Sweden, they were skaiting and driving traineaux at Madrid through the whole of January, and several persons were frozen to death in the streets of Lisbon.

At Littlewood farm, between Bretherton and Croston, a robin, that had frequented the house during the winter, has this spring built her nest in a corner cupboard, and brought forth a young one, which she feeds chiefly with crickets that she picks up in the house, first carefully taking offall the insects' legs.

LAUDANUM.-An intelligent correspondent has communicated to the London newspapers, the following method of counteracting the fatal effects of taking laudanum. Lemon juice, taken immediately, acts as an emetic, and prevents the lethargic appearance of death, and consequently preserves life.

In the court of King's Bench, the Marquis of Westmeath has been sentenced to three months imprisonment, in the King's Bench prison, for a breach of the peace, towards Mr. Wood, in challenging him to fight a duel. The cause of the quarrel arose out of a late legal proceeding between the earl and his countess.

The following little circumstance illustrates the amiable and considerate character of his majesty. While Mr. Fawcett was lighting him up stairs, at Coventgarden theatre, on Friday night, the 17th ultimo, the king said, "Stop, Fawcett ; I want to speak to you. I have done a thing I am very sorry for. I went to Drury-lane the night of your

benefit here: I must have done you an injury. Had I known it at the time, I would not have done so on any account."

A public error exists with respect to the Princess of Denmark. The illustrious visiter is not Caroline, the princess royal, daughter to his Danish majesty, but the wife of prince Christian, first cousin to the king, and heir apparent. This royal couple have been long travelling on the continent, and are now returning home.

A person in the neighbourhood of Truro, finding that a row of wood paling, which fenced a field, diminished nightly, resolved on a novel experiment, to detect the thief. He broke down a few of them, bored and charged them with gunpowder, and scattered them on the ground. A few days after, he had the pleasure to hear that a baker had been surprised by the explosion of gunpowder in his oven, which had shaken it into ruins.

The burletta of Tom and Jerry, produced the sum of £1300, at the Dublin theatre, during the first seven nights; and for the benefit of Tom (Mr. Wrench) £345, were the receipts of the house.

POTATOE BRANDY.-A foreigner has established himself in London, for the purpose of distilling brandy from potatoes, by a process which he adopted in France, with astonishing success, but was obliged to relinquish it, the French government having prohibited it, in order to protect the vine-growers. This brandy is said to be very strong; and to possess the finest flavour.

The increase of the revenue

for the first five weeks of the present quarter, compared with the corresponding period of last year, is stated, on very good authority, to be nearly 360,000l.

By a paper presented to the House of Commons, it appears that this country paid last year for diplomacy, 265,9621. including 52,6421. for pensions. In 1792, the total charge was only 113,9897. including 11,4861. for pensions.

STAMPS ISSUED FOR NEWSPAPERS.-It appears, by an account laid before Parliament, that the London newspapers, printed in the year 1821, amounted in number to 16,254,534, and the provincial newspapers, in the same year, to 8,525,252, being a total of 24,779,786; the duty on which amounted to 412,9961. 8s. 8d. In the year 1801, the London and provincial papers were not near so numerous, amounting only to 16,084,905.

In the two years which have elapsed since the re-enacting of the Alien act, on the 24th of July, 1820, only four persons have been sent out of the country under its provisions. It appears by a parliamentary return, that 25,000, foreigners are now residing in this country.

EXECUTION. on Friday morning, the 24th ultimo, at the usual hour, J. Anson and Edward Ward

(two of the unfortunate persons respited on the Wednesday) underwent the awful sentence of the law, in front of the debtors'-door of the Old Bailey, for the commission of a burglary at Greenford, Middlesex. A few minnutes before eight, they were conducted into the Press-yard by Mr. Sheriff Venables, and their irons were knocked off; they both behaved with great firmness, and joined fervently in prayer with the Rev. Ordinary. Ward spoke to the Sheriff in a low tone, and requested that something which would be found in his pocket might be conveyed to a friend, which request Mr. Venables promised to comply with. They were then conducted to the drop, and ascended the steps with firmness. Ward seemed wholly abstracted; but the quivering lip, and uplifted eye, betokened that he was in ardent prayer. Anson affected a faint smile, and also prayed with great fervency. The usual signal being given, the drop fell, and they were launched into eternity. Anson died immediately, but Ward struggled very hard. At nine o'clock their bodies were cut down, and delivered to their respective friends for interment Desmond, who was to have suffered with the above, for burglary, has been reprieved.



The London newsprints of late, have repeatedly told us, that his majesty is on the eve of returning to the Pavilion; but, we fear,

there is no truth in the report, because not a syllable of communication upon the subject, from official authority, has been

received here. At this time, the Pavilion is under the work of improvement-it shews itself in almost every room; but that, of course, upon notice to such an effect, could be suspended, and the whole cleared and got ready for royal occupancy, in the course of five or six days: but no such notice has been received, and, what is more discouraging to the general wish, we cannot find that any such is anticipated at the palace.

Only one house, within the enclosure, of the range formerly called "Marlborough-row," is now standing, and which, though a let and nuisance to the design in process, his majesty, from a most benevolent motive, has commanded should remain-that of supporting a small tenement, without the fence, which, in all probability, would fall, were the other to be removed, and speedily become as a heap of rubbish. Thrice the value, or more, we understand, has been proffered for the tenement in question, to take it down, and incorporate the few square feet of ground upon which it stands, with the palace gardens, but which has been refused, in the ungenerous expectation, it is said, of obtaining a still higher price for it. Though good sense and justifiable liberality cannot comply with the latter, the privilege, in all that appertains to the liberty and interest of the subject, is respected, and brilliantly exemplified, as above mentioned, in the sovereign's command.

His majesty will hold a levee, on the 12th of June, and a drawing-room on the following day. His majesty went to the Operahouse, on Tuesday night, when,

it is needless to observe, he was received, by the fullest house this season, with every demonstration of respect and attachment.

THE KING'S GRAND PARTY TO RECEIVE THE PRINCE AND PRINCESS OF DENMARK.-It is scarcely necessary to say that every rarity and delicacy were provided at the dinner for the entertainment of the royal strangers on Thursday evening the 23d ult. The magnificent gold and silver state service was used upon the occasion. The second course was served up on the former. The whole of the state rooms were set apart for the evening party, with the exception of the grand drawing room used for the dining party and the room leading to it. They were brilliantly illuminated with wax lights, and most tastefully decorated with growing plants and blown flowers from the royal gardens of Kensington and Kew. A little before ten o'clock, a detachment of the royal horse guards arrived in Pall-mall, to regulate the carriages. Townshend, Sayer, and a numerous assemblage of Bow-street officers and patrol, were in attendance to preserve order. The private entrance, opened on levee and other public days, was opened on this occasion for the reception of chairs into the palace-yard. The company began to arrive a little before ten o'clock, and were conducted by the pages in waiting across the grand hall, through the octagon hall, to the state apartments. The band played occasionally, as the company arrived, who appeared in full court dresses. His majesty was dressed in a field-marshal's uniform, wearing several foreign orders, in compliment to the royal stran

gers, including the Danish order of the elephant. The Duchess of Kent, attended by General Wetherell and the Baroness de Spegth, was among the first who arrived. The Duke of Devonshire, also arrived early, and after making his obeisance to his majesty, left the royal palace, having a numerous party to entertain at Devonshire-house. The company were supplied with a profusion of choice fruits and confectionary, by the royal pages and other attendants in the octagon room. Card-tables were provided for the company, but they did not appear to have any attraction. At 12 o'clock, the Prince and Princess of Denmark took leave of his majesty, and left the palace; they were again saluted by the band of the first regiment of foot guards, with our loyal national anthem-"God save the King." The Princess Augusta and the

Duchess of Kent, followed directly afterwards, and the general company departed as soon as their carriages could he brought up.

It is said, that Mr. Egerton is likely to be the manager of our theatre the ensuing season.

The Earl of Rocksavage, after a lengthened sojourn at the Old Ship Tavern, departed on Wednesday, the 29th ult. for the Marquis of Cholmondely's

Lady M'Naughton and family, the Hon. Mrs. Murry and family, Major Hopkinson, Mr. Charles Rayner, Mr. Thellussion, Mr. Wayte, and Mrs. Judson and family, in the whole, upwards of thirty persons, landed in the Fox pilot-boat, from the Woodford East Indiaman, Captain Alexander Chapman, from Madras and Calcutta, and proceeded almosti mmediately, efter for London.



-This case involved a complaint MONDAY, MAY 20. of an elderly woman, of ungovernMagistrates-I. H. Bates, J. able temper, against her husband, Diggens, and T. R. Kemp, Esqrs. a fisherman, the owner of a boat Thomas Langton, a boy, nine and nets, and who, for sobriety years of age, was brought up, and quietness of disposition, had charged with stealing fowls, two many persons of respectability to cocks and a hen, the property of speak in his favour. The cause Mr. Chaffyn, the night before. of the present enquiry, and which The prisoner confessed his guilt, had given rise to scenes of great but said, that it was one Richard intemperance on previous occaPollard who stole the fowls, and sions, was jealousy; and the hushad prevailed on him to assist. band was now accused of having He was fully committed, and beaten his wife, and put her into Pollard, directed to be sought such a state of bodily fear, that for. she could but seek protection Harman v. Harman and Bonner. from the bench. It turned out,

however, that complainant, on finding her husband, a day or two before, in the Seven Stars publichouse, and the object of her jealousy, a decent looking woman, named Bonner, being in the same tap-room at the time, she gave instant battle to the latter, and received a few outset blows in return. The husband denied having interfered, or of having then struck his wife, or at any other period. Mrs. Bonner, who had attended by citement, was immediately discharged-but the other defendant, as the complainant still craved sureties of the peace, though she appeared any thing rather than afraid of her husband, was held in a recognizance of £10, to be of good behaviour for one year.

In consequence of a large Newfoundland dog, the property of Mr. Eales, of the King's Head Inn, having bit and done considerable injury to a person a few days before, Mr. Eales had been summoned to appear before the bench. The account which he gave of his treatment and care of the dog, fully released him from blame in what had occurred-he valued the dog, he said, at £50, but, finding from what had happened, that the animal was considered of a dangerous character, his worth had operated as nothing with him, and he had caused him to be shot. The bench expressed approbation of the latter event, and the summons was discharged.


to whom the defendant, his mother and family, for various acts of service, had been much indebted; defendant had been permitted to use a piece of ground belonging to the aunt, until he almost considered it his own-he erected a building upon it, which was eventually pulled down without his consent, when he threatened to set fire to the house in which complainant lived, and put her in no ordinary apprehension for her safety. To remove the materials of the building named, he had broke open a gate, and torn down ashed belonging to complainant's premises. His mother spoke forcibly to his very improper conduct, and no doubt as to his culpability remained with the Bench. He was fined 20s. for the damage he had done, compelled to enter into a recognizance of the peace, of £20, with a surety in £10, and then discharged.

Peter Hayward, John Burt, T. Hughes, James Wood, and T. Edwards, appeared to citements, they being severally accused of plying with carriages for hire, contrary to a Bye-law framed by the Commissioners of the town, grounded upon the Local Act of Parliament, without a license, by which each had rendered himself liable to a penalty of 20s.-The defendants, however, were severally discharged.

Cheeseman v. Mills-The complainant had hired defendant to bring a waggon-load of bricks from Arundel Barracks, and he had done so-4000, according to

Magistrates-T. R. Kemp, and the number deposited with com

I. H. Bates, Esqs.

Dunn v. Edwards.-This case originated in a family quarrel. Defendant was a nephew of the complainant, an elderly woman,

plainant. He, the defendant, had since discovered, that 7000 bricks had been put into the said waggon, and brought away from Arundel; and he produced a per

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