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But boast not, oh, boast not still too much that ye gained
O'er the sons of your fathers- the day!

"T was those old lion-fathers that taught ye, and trained
In red Victory's immortalized way.

Bless the hour!—be it blessed as the last one of wrath,
As the first of fair Fellowship's peace;

And press on-ye two mightiest of Lands!-in the path
Of those triumphs that never shall cease.

Science, Commerce, and Art! their proud triumphs in sooth
Shine all earthier achievements above;

While the victories of each seem as victories to both,
And defeat claims more homage and love.

In the dizzying magnificence ev'n of your flight,
While together ye sweep toward the sun,

In the far-soaring grandeur and pride of your height,
Still the awed nations shall see ye as One!

Like those stars* that so high overhead shine in power,
They seem mingled and merged to the sight,
Lo! Columbia and Albion the rest shall o'ertower,
Till they stream, in one blaze to unite!

Away with all whisperings of envy and hate,
All ranklings of injury or wrong!

Glorious nations!-apart, how transcendently great,
But combined, how invincibly strong!

Even now, great America! speeds to thy strand
One who seems like a guest from above;

In his high hallowed fame he has sought thy brave land,
To be met by a whole host of Love!

Mild ambassador!

conquerors and chieftains avaunt !

From the PRINCE of all Peace 't is he comes;

Th' everlasting green olives to waft and to plant

"Twixt two worlds-in your hearts, hearths and homes.

And e'en now a fair vessel from England speeds fast,

To bring greetings fraternal from far;

Blessings, prayers and kind wishes have flown with the blast, 'Stead of thunderings and threat'nings of war.

Ev'n this hour a proud vessel to England departs,
To bear on, o'er the blue tossing brine,

The hopes and the feelings of thousands of hearts,
Which in deep ties of friendship entwine.


And e'en now to the tones of a woman's meek voice*
How your noblest of hearts have throbbed high,
Lofty Land! From this moment you've bade us rejoice
In a new, dearer, soul-binding tie!

Hail! thou generous America! hail evermore;
Thus thou'st vanquished us, yet once again!
And thy high-minded sympathy thrills to the core
Of a land where 't will deathlessly reign.

In humanity's cause, what true zeal hath inspired,
Oh, how nobly thou 'st answered th' appeal;
For our heroes, what brave brother-feeling hath fired:
All praise to that truth and that zeal !

If we fettered thee once, thou hast fettered us now,
In the holiest and loveliest of bonds:
Lo! a voice from our homesteads!-
And this whole mighty nation responds!

-a voice soft and low,

Who can dream of past strifes? who can dwell on a thought
That could mar such a beautiful PEACE?

Be each hour with pure joys of fraternity fraught,
In perpetual, heaven-honored increase.

Then all hail to the star-spangled banner of pride,
The bright flag of the great and the brave;
For with England's own right-royal standard allied,
Still in concord and friendship 't will wave.

Ye might sever the links of the chain ye abhorred,
But, great Heaven! what can ever unbind
The electrical chain, and the heart-wreathing cord
That unites through the Soul and the Mind!

Of two proud, mighty people's great Love there is framed
One eternal, unchangeable yoke;

And magnanimous words have in thunder proclaimed
It shall never be loosened nor broke.

On the necks of Earth's two mightiest nations 't is laid,
To teach love, faith and peace to that Earth;
Till the last dread eclipse shall her regions o'ershade,
Can it fail in its weight or its worth?

Then away with all memories of bloodshed and wars!
Let them fade, from this day, from this hour;
On yon flag I will mark but the heav'n-glancing stars,
Not the earth-blazoned ensigns of power!


I will dwell not on themes of vain strife and distrust,

Seraph-tongues whisper themes far more fair; Seraph hands point where MATHEW, the sainted, the just, Is made glorious America's care!

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Hail! Americans, hail! honor, glory and praise
To the Lords of the New World be given:
Wave your star-spangled flag, for now fresh midst its rays
More direct shines the true fire from heaven!

And forgive the faint voice that is falteringly raised
In the midst of your whirlwind-acclaim,

To honor your far-flashing standard emblazed
With all trophies of glory and fame.

Let that voice from the Land of your forefathers greet,
(May no dream glance toward Her as a foe!)
Let this heart, that adores her, still venture to beat
With your own, in proud Sympathy's glow.

Starry Queen of th' Atlantic! for England and thee
Smiles One bright guardian-genius august;

Yours one language, one aim, O ye First of the Free!
Yours one mission, one charter, one trust.

Freedom, Progress, Religion and Knowledge still join
Your illustrious march through all time!

Till creation seems bade, by commandment divine,
Round your joint steps to flush more sublime.

Hail again to the star-spangled banner of pride,
That Firmament Flag of the Free!
While with England's magnificent standard allied,
Leagued-they queen it in pomp o'er the sea!

The Bunkum Flag-Staff and Independent Echo.



AUGUST 1, 1849.

No. 2.

WE must apologize for any deficiency happened. While he was a-talk

in The Flag-Staff to-day, as our wife has been sick, and we have had to cook our own vittels, as our help has gone to see her cousin in NewYork, and had not returned at the time of going to press; which will account for the lack of editorial, which our next number will remedy, and bring 'The Flag Staff' on its legs. We have

had to be cook, devil, bottle-washer and all.

N. B. We hope our delinquent subscribers will remember our forlorn estate. Corn, hay,

oats, grits and shorts taken in exchange. Only

to think, fellow citizens; if every subscriber would get five others in the circle of his acquaintance, the usefulness and vital energies of The Flag Staff' would be increased like a

Phoenix! Noux Vomica,' as the French say.

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ing about the American eagle, a tolerable-sized bird of that specie come and lit onto his crown. He at oncet took fire from his subjeck, which was inflammatory. His wife screeched, the band struck up 'Hail Columbia,' the ladies waved their hankerchifs, the old revolutionary sogers shed tears of joy, and amid the cries of Three cheers for our country!''Feed the bird!' 'Great American eagle !' Zachary Taylor!' Shoot him!' and so forth, and so forth, Mr. Jones stood up onto his legs, MR. JONES' FOURTH OF JULY stretched his arms out to their full ORATION took us all by surprise. capacities, and with his eyes burnWe knew he was a good school- ing like coals of fire, 'THE CONSTImaster, and kind to children, but TUTION OF THE UNITED'N STATES'N never gin' him credit for such Is SAFE!' says he. powers. We had not the least idea of it; but he proved himself AN ANECDOTE. -We dono when on that anniversary to be a rousing son of thunder; and we wonder We was ridin' into a stage-coach we was so amused as we was lately. the roof of his mouth was n't all t' other day, when all to oncet it dried up; and as we come out of the church we said to him, taking his head out the winder: What's stopt. One ole gen❜lman poked him warmly by the hand: 'T aint the matter?' says he. It was by gin' you the bronkeetis, has it?' To which he replied, confidently up; we never shall forgit his phiza tavern, and a beggar-man looked anticipating our congratulations, age: White swellin'!' says he. and returning the pressure of our hand with a look which indicated that he had done it: 'Dear Sir, very respectfully yours.' A mixture of humor and off-hand plea

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ANOTHER REVOLUTIONARY HERO GONE.- -There don't seem to be no end of these gen'lmen. We do n’t wish to hurry them off the stage; far from us; welcome to stay:

glad to see 'em; paternize them intuition would soon bend that to as long as they are here; but at least a warrantable degree of seems to us they do hang on. One curve. We say this without at all was drownded last week in Sa- meaning to reflect on Mr. Oüel, mon's mill-pond. He duv off a whose playing-hand no doubt conhigh post, and hit his head onto a scientiously follows the school in log. When he come up there which it was fetched up, and is war n't no life into him; and bu- far from meaning to do wrong. ried with military honors. Ano- To compensate this, his slide is ther who lives near to us died day wonderful; and in some instances before yesterday from eating cu- we thought he would be flat down, cumbers; and others are in the lapsing considerably beyond the poor-house. Sic transept gloriam slight tromulo which would have undi. been sufficient. We would recommend a shake-and-a-half more in the à fortiori passage of the caveat to Luscreechia, and a little more firmness in the cadenza; as this is only in accordance with the tictacs of the very best violinplayers during the last fifty years. It is, however, a mere shadow on the general sunlight of that exquisite caveat, for which we thank our friend for rendering it so well as he done it. In handling the instrument, M. Oüel is, in the upward stroke, firm and judicious; his downward stroke might be Praps a leetle whittled away, we think ; not, however, without danger to the equipoise. No musical arrival in the last year has produced so much excitement in Bunkum, the Puffingtons not excepted. We have only one fault to find with him: he wants tact. His short advertisement we could not print at the amount offered; but he sent us a free ticket.

MRS. BUTLER'S READINGS. This lady read a play to Bunkum a-Monday week. She done it with transcendant loveliness. Hampered as we are with incessant toil in our office for your instruction, kind readers, (delinquent subscribers included,) it was a soothing quietus to our jaded faculties. We rose on her inflections, sank in her die-away, startled at her terror, blackened in her scowl, palpitated in our heart at her cadences, and swelled to bursting with her rage; and rose, sank, floundered and foundered in the storm of her tumultuous passages. When we returned to our office we said to Mr. Thomas: Put us

to bed! coat!'

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We cannot take off our

MUSICAL CRITICISM. - On last night M. Screitch Oüel played the violin before a select few. The last time we heard this difficult instrument was in the hands of Cuffi. Apart from the ruddy MURDER is where a man is murflesh-color of the style of playing derously killed. Murder by poiso prevalent nowadays, we thought son is as much murder as murder we perceived a sombre cast of in- with a gun. It is the killing that tonation which marks the school makes murder, in the eye of the of Banjoelli. His fingering we law. Fellow-de-Sea is another thought a trifle defective in the thing. management of the second joint of the little finger, although some happy.


Be virtuous and you will be


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