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inftance the Rajpoots fhould fo far exceed the bounds of natural affection.

From motives of curiofity, he was induced to demand their reason for allowing of this horrid practice; the reply in general was, "it is our cuftom;" but when Mr. Thomas remarked that was but a bad plea for the commiffion of the horrid crime of murder, they would then urge the poffibility of their daughters meeting with bad husbands, who might hereafter bring difgrace and dishonour on their posterity; or, that the infants themselves might, at some future period, commit actions unworthy of the name of Rajpoots.. “Should this reasoning hold," faid Mr. Thomas, " and the Rajpoot "nation, in this particular, were to be all of "the fame mind, they would in the space of "one hundred years, or much lefs time, become "extinct." This argument enforced with pertinacity, had, for a time, the effect of carrying apparent conviction of the impropriety of a custom fo unnatural, and he had the fatisfaction to obtain frequent promises from some refpectable families in that country, that they would discontinue the practice in future. This

promise he afterwards learnt had, in fome instances, among their own relations been happily carried into effect.

With these exceptions the Rajpoots may be confidered as honourable, brave, and faithful; and few nations who are not in poffeffion of the advantages of education, or those benefits which arife from the refinements of civilized life, can be faid to be poffeffed of more good qualities, or benevolence of difpofition.

This benevolence of difpofition is exhibited in a peculiar manner towards the Jauts, who are cultivators of the foil, for though the Rajpoots keep them under the ftricteft obedience, and do not allow them more than is neceffary for their fubfiftence, deprive them of the honour of bearing arms, except it be on the actual invafion of their frontiers; notwithstanding these circumstances, apparently fo degrading, the farmer acknowledges that he lives happily under the government, and that his state of poverty is, by the mildness in manners exhibited towards him by his fuperiors the Rajpoots,

converted into content.

The rajah of Jypore, rich in refources of every kind, is in fact a very powerful prince; his cavalry may be computed at not lefs than thirty thousand men. He has twelve thousand infantry in his fervice, exclufive of five or fix thousand mercenaries. In this ftatement are not included the aids which he would be enabled to draw from his connections with the neighbouring countries of Joudpore, Oudepore, and Beykaneer, to whofe rulers he is allied by blood. His artillery is numerous, and wellappointed," and in fhort," fays Mr. Thomas, "an alliance with this prince, in cafe of neceffity, may be one day deemed not unworthy the precaution and forefight of the British "government in Afia.

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One thing only tends to mark a deficiency in the otherwife found policy of this prince, which is, the appointment of people of inferior rank to high commands in his army.

Naturally high-fpirited and haughty, a Rajpoot is, of all other people, most averfe to ferve under a person whom he confiders his inferior.

Hence arifes the impolicy of the rajah, who has of late years introduced into commands in his army, fervants, mechanics, and even flaves. These men, deftitute of talents or conduct, cannot be fuppofed to poffefs that independancy of spirit which alone excites to the performance of great actions. In justification of the rajah's measures in this inftance, it has however been afferted by fome, that the difference of caft and condition makes none in refpect to courage: which Mr. Thomas obferves may hold good with refpect to European troops, or even Indian troops disciplined and conducted by European officers, as, in that inftance, they may be confidered as a machine actuated and animated by the voice of the commander; but in an Indian army, where difcipline never exifted, little can be expected from chiefs who in their actions are not stimulated by a sense of perfonal ho


The Rajpoots, therefore, who composed the greater number of the troops in the Jypore army, deeming these commanders inadequate to perform the duties of their station, became confequently indifferent in their acknowledge


ment of authority: these men, moreover, from a constant residence at the court of a gay and luxurious prince, for such is the character of the reigning fovereign, have affumed the manners of courtiers, and indulge in too frequent ridicule on the plain and honeft fimplicity of Rajpoot manners; while the latter, from their haughtiness of fpirit, and the difguft conceived at this treatment, never fail, on the flightest token of difrefpect, to revenge the infult, by putting the aggreffor to instant death.

Among the recreations of the Kutchwah Rajpoots, the exercife on horfeback forms a distinguishing feature. If ever, by chance, they should be neceffitated to combat on foot, it is only in defence of their houses and families. Their arms confift of a lance and fabre; and though the rajah, of late years, has introduced the mufquet and matchlock, they make but

little ufe of thefe weapons.

They have, in

common with other Rajpoots, a thick quilted jacket, which, like armour, will refift with effect the ftroke of a fcymeter.

The country of Jypore is capable of yielding

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