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Help fuch Men as want help; and do not fin.


Помогай требующимъ помощи; и не согрѣшай.


Hurt no Man; and let He твори вреда ни

no Man hurt you.

Let thy Sins paft put you in mind to mend.

кому, и тебѣ да не

сотворитъ НИКТО

вреда. Прешедшіе


грѣхи да будутъ на




Send Aid to help me, O Господи Боже мой!

Lord, my God!

НиспосЛИ мнѣ по


Ufe not thy felf to tell He навыкай лгать.

a Lye.




My Son walk not in the Сыне, не ходи по пу-
Way of bat Men; but
walk in the Law of the

ти нечестивыхъ, ходи въ законѣ Господни.

He забывай Бога, ибо онъ твое укрѣпле


Let not God go out of
thy Mind, for he is thy
The Lord can tell what Господь
is best for me. To him
will I go for Help.

вѣсть все

мнѣ Во благое: къ нему ошъиду mpeбовать помощи.

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Words of Four Letters, Слова состоящія изб viz. A Vowel placed rembipexb бyкób, m: e: четырех буквб, between the two Letter uзb одной гласной Confonants. между последними

двумя согласными.

BLAB crab drab seab stab (swab). Crib. drib glib. Knob. Chub club drub grub fnub. Brad clad glad fhad Bred bled fled shed fped. Clod plod fhod trod. Stud. Brag drag flag fhag nag ftag fwag wrag. Grig fwig trig twig. Clog flog frog prog.

Drug plug flug fnug. Dram sham. Them. Brim grim fkim fwim trim whim. From (whom). Crum drum fcum. Bran clan plan fpan than (Iwan). Then wren. Chin grin fhin fkin spin thin twin. Shun stun. Chap clap flap flap fnap trap wrap (swap).

Step. Chip clip ship skip slip trip whip. Chop crop drop prop fhop flop ftop. Scar ftar, Blur fpur flur. This. Thus. Brat chat gnat flat plat that (what). Fret whet. Knit slit spit. Blot knot trot plot shot spot. Glut shut flut smut. Flax. Flux.

More ealy Le]fons on Еще легкія чтенія на the foregoing Tables предшедшія таблицы, confifting of Words not coстоящія изъ слово exceeding Four Letters, не болѣе како о четырехь буквахъ. ЧТЕНИЕ I.



THE Eye of God is on Око Божіе надъ твоthem that do ill.

рящими зло.

Go not from me, OGod! Боже, Боже мой! не

my God!

отстули ошъ мене.

The Lord will help them, Господь

that ery to him.


воліющимъ къ нему.

My Son, if thy Way Сыне, аще пушь твой is bad, lee that you развращенъ, да ис

mend it.


правиши оный.

When juft Men do well, Егда праведный бла

then ill Men fall.

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годенствуютъ, тог

да грѣшные низпадають.

Дабы не согрѣшать.,

= I will minl my Way, Соблюду пушь мой, = that I may not sin. He that doth go with Иже аще ходитъ со ill Men will fall. злыми, низпадешь. Do all that is Jufl; and Твори правду ; и да - let not ill Will be in не обитаешь злоба thy Mind.


Shun them

въ сердце твоемъ. ЧТЕНІЕ 3.

them that will Убѣгай могущихъ соhurt you, left you be дѣять тебѣ пакость, hurt by them. и да пребудеши цѣлъ.. My Son, walk not with Сыне не ходи CO them that are bad, left стропшивыми, да you be. fo too, but walk in the Law of the Lord, and God will help you.


не разврашишися и шы; но ходи въ законѣ Господнѣ, И Богъ поможетъ тебѣ.

Hold in the Lord, and Держись Господа, и lend an Ear to his внимай его словамъ. Word.



My Son, hold faft the Сыне крѣпися въ заLaw of the Lord. конѣ Господнѣ.


My Son, mind not thy Сыне, повинуйся не own Will, but the Will своей, а Божіей волѣ. of God.

My Son, mind the Law Сыне,

соблюдай заof God and you will конъ Божій, и бла

do well. My Son, call on the Lord, and he will help you.


LESSON Go from that Man, who will hurt you; and hurt no Man thy felf.

гое сотвориши. Сыне, призывай Господа, и онъ поможеть тебѣ.

ЧТЕНІЕ 5. Отъиди отъ человѣка, иже содѣешъ тебѣ пакость; и никому да несотвориши

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I will run the Way of Испытаю путь закоthy Law; O help me

in it.

на твоего; помоги мнѣ въ ономъ.

I am glad that the Lord Радуюсь яко Господь doth lend an Ear to приклоняешь ухо ко

[blocks in formation]

For this, will I call on чего ради, воззову къ нему, и воздамъ ему обѣшь мой.

him, and pay my Vow.



Words of Four Letters. Слова состоящія изъ viz. Two Confonants tembiреxь букеб, m2 e: and two Vowels; the изъ двухъ гласныхъ Letter Vowel ferving only u uзb дeуxb


to lengthen the Sound ныхъ; последняя дво of the former, except raemb eoлocó пpeäðuwhere it is otherwife дущія гласныя буквы


во произношеніи протяжнымъ, естьли не покрыта краткимб


BABE. Robe. Face lace mace race. Dice lice mice nice rice vice. Fade jade made wade. Hide ride fide tide wide. Rude: Safe. Life wife. Cage page rage fage. Huge. Bake cake make rake fake take. Like pike. Joke poke yoke. Duke puke. Gale pale fale tale vale.

File mile pile tile vile wile. Hole mole pole. Mule rule. Came dame fame game lame name same tame. Lime time. Come fome fome home. Fume. Bane lane mane pane. Dine fine kine line mine pine vine wine. (Dône)(gône) (nône). Bone hone tone. Tune.

Cape rape tape (gape). Pipe ripe wipe type. Cope hope mope pope rope fope. Care dare' fare hare mare pare. Here mere (were). Dire fire hire mire fire tire wire. Core gore more pore fore tore wore. Cure pure fure. Bafe cafe.

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