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Coiffure par Mr Lecomte, rue Cautbout. 32-Bonnets des Mins du Caméléon, r. de la Bourse 12. Robe en tulle des mir de M Maquaire et Baudot, r. Richelieu. 93.

Lady's Magazine. Dobbs and Page.publishers, uz, Fetter Lane London




Courrier des Salons.

Travestissements Nouveaux.

Coiffures par M. Ferd Hamelin, passage du Saumon, 21.

Boulevart St Martin, 61

Lady's Magazine. Dobbs and Page, publishers, 112. Fetter lane London

wrist. It is the fashion to trim the gloves with a double quilling; one of white satin ribbon, and the second, inside it, of white silk tulle. Some prefer a puffing of ribbon, or a row of small rosettes, made of narrow white satin ribbon; but, selon moi, the first is the prettiest. Buckles fastening the ceinture are quite out. In grande toilette, nothing is worn but a sash with long ends, tied in a rosette bow in front; in the centre of the rosette is generally placed a diamond, amethyst, or other ornament; and the ends of the sash are fringed, or unravelled and knotted.

For Cloaks, Hats, and Walking-dresses, in general, I refer you to my last letters. The hats have undergone no change this month.

Colours.-The prevailing colours for hats are pink, black, dark green, and grenat; for dresses, puce, browns, greens, and silvergrey.

Maintenant ma belle me voilà au bout de mon papier. Il faut te dire, adieu. Je t'embrasse tendrement. L. de F


(No. 3.) TOILETTE DE BAL.-Dress of Sitting Figure.-Robe of white tulle over satin; the corsage to fit tight to the bust; sleeves very short, and à double sabot; mantille of white blonde, and pink ribbon (see plate). The ribbon is double, and carried at its full width over the shoulders; it is brought to a point, and contained in form by a bow, in the centre of both back and front of the corsage. (See the plate.) The ribbon that goes over the right shoulder is left long, and is brought down to the waist in front, in a slanting direction, so as to meet

the back half, which passes beneath the arm to join it; it is then tied at the left side, in a small bow with two long ends the inner part of this ribbon, close to the neck, is trimmed with a narrow blonde, the outer edge with a deep fall of the same, very full on the shoulders, and going gradually narrower and plainer towards the waist. Short nœuds de page on the shoulders; the skirt of the dress is ornamented, up the front, with a circular trimming (see the plate), consisting of bows of ribbon, each bow retaining a small bouquet. The front is very much parted on the forehead, and in thick clusters of ringlets on the temples; the back is in high braids; a wreath of laurel, with a jewel in front and an arrow at back, composes the coiffure; parure of pearls, white kid gloves, black satin shoes.

Standing Figure.-Dress of satin; mantille in every respect similar to the one just described. Cap of blonde, the crown high, in two puffs (see the plate), ornamented with a wreath of full-blown roses. The borders of blonde come down at each side from the temples, and sit back off the face. A puffing of satin ribbon ornaments the entire front of the cap, and is placed at the back of the border. Cap with green ribbons, on the table, is the same as the one just described: second cap, with pink ribbons, is similar, except that the borders, in deep blonde, cross the brow, and are made to stand up stiff off the face. A full-blown rose is placed in the centre of the front.

(No. 4.) This pretty embellishment gives the interior of the Grand Opera at Paris, during one of the carnival balls.

The two principal costumes are Swiss and Spanish.

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