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Birth and parentage of Arthur Lee-Is sent to England-He goes through the Academic course of study at Eton-He becomes a student of the University of Edinburgh-His literary and professional studies at the University-He obtains a Diploma, and the degree of M.D., and the Botanical Prize-His Botanical Treatise in Latin is published by a Decree of the University-He travels through Holland and Germany, and returns to Virginia and commences the practice of MedicineLeaves the practice of physic, and returns to England-Studies law in LondonBecomes a practitioner of law with Dunning, Glynn, Alleyne-His literary and scientific friends, Jones, Burke, Price, &c.-Is made a member of the Royal Society-Becomes a popular writer on "American Questions"-His Letters Junius Americanus, and Monitor's Letters-Is made a Member of the "Society of the Bill of Rights"-Writes their Address to the People of England-His Address to the English People, signed "An old Member of Parliament"-His controversy with Junius, on the right of Parliament to tax America-Letter to his brother on public Affairs.

ARTHUR LEE was the youngest son of Thomas Lee and Hannah his wife, who were of the county of Westmoreland, and colony of Virginia. He was born on the 20th of December, in the year of our Lord 1740.

His ancestors were English; and the first of them, who came to Virginia, were among the earliest emigrants to that colony. Arthur was brother of Richard Henry Lee, of whose character and services his country is informed. Arthur was the youngest son of the family; and, according to the customs of that day, in regard to the younger sons, was left, until an advanced period of boyhood, with the children of his father's slaves; to partake of their fare, and to participate in their hardy sports and toils. Hence his body was early inured to hardship, and his mind accustomed to unrestrained exercise and bold adventure.

His father dying, when he was only ten years of age, Arthur was left to the care of his eldest brother. His early education was conducted by a private teacher, who, at the same time, taught his brothers, Richard Henry, Francis, and William, who, like himself, acted conspicuous and useful parts in our revolutionary struggle. His eldest brother, who had been educated in England, and was acquainted with the literary institutions of that country, sent him while yet quite young to Eton College, then considered the best grammar school in England. In this school, some of the greatest statesmen and scholars of England received their fundamental education. Many of them were cotemporaries and friends of Mr. Lee. It was at this time, and probably still is customary at the English seminaries, with the nobility and rich commoners, to employ the teachers to give their sons private lessons, on the subjects taught in the public course. Young Lee had not this advantage when he commenced his studies; but such were the eagerness and success with which he pursued them, that one of the principal teachers proposed to him to superintend his studies. He gratefully accepted the kind offer; and of the advantages it afforded him, he diligently availed himself. His father having always intended him for the medical profession, he was sent, as soon as he had completed his studies at Eton, to Edinburgh, and became a student of the University at that city. The chairs of this celebrated institution were then filled by the most learned men of their age. Among the most prominent stood Cullen, Munro, Black, &c.; imperishable names! Arthur Lee went through the course of general science and polite literature prescribed in that institution. He subsequently devoted himself to the several branches of the medical department. Among the many studious and accomplished scholars, who were graduated with him, Mr. Lee was distinguished. He obtained a diploma, approving him, as a general scholar, and conferring on him the degree of M.D. The chair of botany (which had been lately endowed) was filled by Dr. Black, so well known to chemists. At every commencement several of the most eminent scholars became competitors for a golden medal, the prize bestowed upon the author of the best treatise on some botanical topic. Mr. Lee entered his name as one of the competitors for this prize, and obtained it. The subject of his treatise was the botanical characters and medicinal uses of Peruvian bark. It was written in latin, according to the prescribed usage, and is a very respectable specimen of pure and correct latinity. It was so much approved that it was “decreed” to be published, under the direction and authority of the university.

Mr. Lee was always fond of the science of botany. His reputation for acquirements in it, gained him the acquaintance and correspondence of many learned men, among whom was the scientific French naturalist and academician, Adanson. The author found among the MSS. of Mr. Lee a letter from Adanson to him, enclosing a leaf of some recently discovered plant, and containing the expression of a hope, that Mr. Lee would become the Botanist of America.

The literary honour of a diploma conferred by the University of Edinburgh, at all times a great one, was particularly valuable and honourable at this period. On this diploma are the names above mentioned, together with those of Gregory, Young, Hope, Hunter, the two Robertsons, Ferguson, Blair, Stewart, &c.* The course of learning taught in this university was extensive, and was required to be thoroughly studied. The candidates for graduation and honours were strictly examined by the most eminent professors of their day.

While Mr. Lee resided in Edinburgh he became intimately acquainted with Lord Cardross, afterwards Earl Buchan. The well informed American will recognize this name. He will recognize it as the name of one of the earliest, warmest, and steadiest friends of the colonies, in their disputes with the mother country. This great man, so distinguished for his philanthropy, for his love of freedom and attachment to its assertors, it is well known, entertained the most generous wishes for the success of our republican systems of government, after the recognition of our independence by his nation. His letters, which the reader will find amongst the foreign correspondence of Mr. Lee, will certainly interest him. He will find that it had been the intention of the Earl of Buchan, to emigrate before the revolution, to Virginia, and reside permanently in that colony. Mr. Lee enjoyed the friendship and correspondence of this estimable man, until the period of the death of the earl.

* It is deposited with the rest of Mr. Lee's MSS. in Cambridge University, Mass. The names are autographic.

Previously to Mr. Lee's return to his native country, he travelled through Holland and Germany. A short sketch of his journey through Holland remains, and contains a very pleasing account of the appearance of that country, of the manners and customs of its inhabitants; of the principal cities, and of the many monuments which adorn their public squares, erected by a wise people, to the memory of their great and useful



Soon after Mr. Lee returned to Virginia, he commenced the practice of physic, in the city of Williamsburg, at that time the metropolis of the colony. this profession, he soon acquired reputation and practice. But, although he had found the study of medicine agreeable, the practice of it did not suit the peculiar bias of his mind, which inclined towards political subjects. The contest, which was soon to convulse an empire, was, even now, descried by many who were jealous of English liberty and rights. Mr. Lee's brothers, particularly his brother Richard Henry, were taking a part in the politics of the day, which had brought them into public notice, and evinced their decided purpose, to assert, through all dangers, the rights of their country. His ardent mind caught their enthusiasm. He determined to return to England; to fix himself in London, the centre of political inform


ation, and there to aid, by his utmost exertions, the cause of American liberty. For this end, he purposed to commence in that city the study of the law, a profession, which, while it might enable him to support himself, would make him acquainted with international law, and the peculiar structure of the British constitution, as well as of the municipal laws of England, and thus fit him to take an intelligent and useful part in the great political questions about to be so warmly discussed in that country and in the colonies. That this course of his life and studies, enabled him to become a powerful advocate of the rights of his native country, and a wise negotiator in the management of its concerns with foreign nations in its hour of trial and need, the subsequent part of this Memoir will afford honourable and interesting evidence.

In pursuance of the determination which Mr. Lee had formed of going to London, he left Virginia about the year 1766, and settled in that city. He immediately commenced the study of the law, as a student of one of the inns of court. Although he applied his mind to this study, with his usual application and vigour, he did not neglect his literary and political pursuits. While he was a student in the temple, he became an intimate friend and associate of Mr. William Jones, (afterwards the justly celebrated Sir William), who was, at this time too, a student of law. They were fond of literature, and agreeably diversified their professional studies, with the varied reliefs afforded by literary lucubrations, and scientific investigation. Mr. Lee always considered his acquaintance with Sir William Jones, one of the happiest incidents of his life; and his correspondence, as a source of his greatest gratification. Their intimacy continued throughout their lives, as the reader will see from the correspondence of Mr. Lee with his foreign friends, in the appendix of this work. From one of Sir William's letters,* the reader will learn, that he had intended, on his return from India, to travel through the United States, whose rights he early acknowledged, whose struggle he

* See Appendix.

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