editions printed in England. There is no copy of this edition in the British Museum.-Catalogue.] 1173 Spenser (Edmund). The Faerie Queene, Disposed into Twelve Bookes fashioning XII. Morall Vertues, first complete edition, 2 vol., morocco extra, g.e., Imprinted for William Ponsonby, 1596, 4to. (1401) Maggs, £24 Ios. [Vol. i. is the second edition (differing greatly from the first edition), vol. ii. is the first edition. Both volumes agree with the collation given in the "Grolier Club's Catalogue of Early Editions," 1893.-Catalogue.] 1174 Steele (R.) The Christian Hero, an Argument proving that No Principles but those of Religion are sufficient to make a great Man, first edition, in the original calf, Printed for Jacob Tonson, within Gray's-Inn Gate next Gray's-InnLane, 1701, 8vo. (1313) Maggs, £18 5s. [This book was written by Steele one morning after a night's conviviality, his hand shaking from the effects of the previous night, and his conscience rebuking him and depicting to his mind the good life of such a man as Addison, his firm friend, from whom probably the idea of the Christian Hero originated.-Catalogue.] 1175 Steevens (George). Twenty of Shakespeare's Plays, being the whole number printed in Quarto, edited by G. Steevens, 4 vol., a fine paper copy, old morocco extra, richly tooled, g. e., 1766, 8vo. (1316) Rowell, £10 IOS. [One of twelve copies printed on fine paper. Garrick's sold for £25 45. This copy belonged to Boswell (the editor of Shakespeare), who has added an autograph memorandum, "Plays on which some of Shakespeare's were founded" (1 page 4to.) -Catalogue.] 1176 Sterne (Laurence). Voyage Sentimental, suivi des Lettres d'Yorick à Éliza, en Anglais et en Français, nouvelle édition, dont la traduction française a été entièrement revue et corrigée sur le texte Anglais, 6 plates after Monsiau by Patas (proofs before the numbers), 2 vol., half morocco, uncut, à Paris et à Amsterdam, l'an vii. (1799), 4to. (1404) Isaacs, £2 125. 1177 Stevenson (R. L.) Father Damien, an Open Letter to the Reverend Dr. Hyde of Honolulu, from Robert Louis Stevenson, the very rare Sydney edition, privately printed (MS. corrections by the author on pages 7, 13 and 20), uncut as issued, in morocco case, by Rivière and Son, Sydney, 1890, 8vo. (1317) Denham, £1ο 1178 Stevenson (R. L.) Father Damien, an Open Letter to the Reverend Dr. Hyde of Honolulu, from Robert Louis Stevenson, the extremely rare Sydney edition, privately printed, with two MS. corrections on page 13, Sydney, 1890, 8vo. (1319) Denham, £10 1179 Stevenson (R. L.) Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes, first edition, frontispiece, original cloth, 1879, 8vo. (1318) W. Brown, £12 55. [Presentation copy from the author, with autograph inscription on half-title.-Catalogue.] 1180 Stevenson (R. L.) A Letter to Mr. Stevenson's Friends, "I have been writing for you these many years. me your hand, and welcome" [on title], For private circulation, uncut, 1894, 8vo. (1320) Give Maggs, £4 45. 1181 Stevenson (R. L.) An Object of Pity, or the Man Haggard, a Romance, by many competent hands. The characters in this Romance include Lady Jersey, Captain Leigh, R. L., etc., Imprinted at Amsterdam (privately printed), 1892Answer to the preceding, entitled, Objects of Pity, or Self and Company, by a Gentleman of Quality, Imprinted at Amsterdam, 1892 (the MS. corrections and alterations in the handwriting of Bazett Haggard), parchment, g. e., 8vo. (1321) Denham, £24 1182 Stowe (Harriet Beecher). Uncle Tom's Cabin, with 27 illustrations by George Cruikshank, first edition, in the 13 original parts with all the wrappers, 1852, 8vo. (1324) Rowell, £3 5s. 1183 Surtees (R. S.) "Ask Mamma," or the Richest Commoner in England, first edition, coloured plates and other illustrations by Leech, original cloth, uncut, 1858, 8vo. (1327) Edwards, £1 16s. [Originally published in 13 monthly parts, in red pictorial wrappers designed by Leech, and afterwards ut supra, demy 8vo., pp. x. 412.-ED.] 1184 Swedish Intelligencer, wherein is the truest and choysest information of the Wars of Gustavus Adolphus, with Elegies (23 pages in verse) on his Death, with the Supplements, parts i.-viii. in 12 parts, 1632-35, with scarce equestrian portrait of Gustavus Adolphus by G. Momatin, folding plan of the Invasion of Germany, with all the severall battels, skirmish and assaults of cities, townes and castles since 1618 to 1638, and plan of the battle of Lutzen, November. 6, 1632-The Swedish Discipline, 1632 (this alone sold in the Laing sale for £5 2s. 6d.) -The Famous Victory of Leipsick, n.d.-The Principall Passages of Germany, Italy, France, etc. to the end of 1636- Continuation of the Actions, Passages, etc., 1637-The Modern History of the World, 1637-The Second Part of the Modern History of the World, containing the Actions in Languedoc, Italy, Piemont, Montserrat, France, Holland, the West Indies, etc., and Marine Occurrences, 1638-A Supplement to the Sixth Part of the German History, 1634, in 2 thick vol., original old calf, 1632-38, 4to. (1405) Nijhoff, £13 15s. [Extremely rare, and probably one of the most complete copies known. The Gordonstoun copy sold for £18 10S., and Mr. Laing's, in I vol., about half the size of this collection, sold (not subject to return, as copies differ) for £25 IOS. This was also sold with the same condition.Catalogue.] 1185 Swift (Dean). Travels into several Remote Nations of the World, in 4 parts, by Captain Lemuel Gulliver, portrait 1186 Taverner (Richard). The Flowers of Sen[ten]cies, gathered [The British Museum copy is the only other known; it is, in fact, a very early school book, and its almost complete disappearance is thus explained. Collation A to B 4 in eights, the last leaf entirely occupied by the printer's mark. -Catalogue.] 1187 Taylor (Dr. Jeremy). The Rule and Exercise of Holy Living, and of Holy Dying, 2 vol. in 1, engraved frontispieces and plates, old English morocco extra, the sides elaborately tooled all over in gold to a very elegant pattern, g. e., with ex-libris of the Hon. Philip Gerrard, Lord Gerrard of Gerrards, Bromley, 1682, 8vo. (1338) Pickering, £1 35. 1188 Tennyson (Alfred, Lord). An Atlas of Ancient Geography, by Samuel Butler, D.D., maps, half bound, in new morocco slip case, 1822 (1341) Denham, £8 15s. [Tennyson's School Atlas of Ancient Geography, with his autograph, a list of his schoolfellows and a few sketches of heads.-Catalogue.] 1189 Thackeray. Jerrold (Douglas). Man of Character, with illustrations by Thackeray, first edition, 3 vol., uncut, 1838, 8νο. (1344) Maggs, £7 1OS. 1190 Thackeray (W. M.) Comic Tales and Sketches, edited and illustrated by Mr. Michael Angelo Titmarsh, first edition, tinted plates, 2 vol. (vol. i. in green cloth, vol. ii. in brown cloth), uncut, H. Cunningham, 1841, 8vo. (1345) Spencer, £8 5s. 1191 Thackeray (W. M.) Doctor Birch, coloured plates, first edition, original boards, 1849, 8vo. (1347) Hornstein, £1 25. 1192 Vadé (J. J.) Œuvres Poissardes; suivies de celles de l'Ecluse, four coloured plates by Clément, 300 copies printed, of which 100 were on LARGE PAPER, old French morocco, g. e., King Louis Philippe's copy, with his crowned initials within a wreath in centres, Paris, 1796, 4to. (1412) £12 55. [A large paper copy, in marbled boards, uncut, sold at this same sale (Lot 1413) for £11 155.-ED.] 1193 Versatile Ingenium, The Wittie Companion, or Jests of all Sorts, from Citie and Countrie, Court and Universitie, with an account of the Life of the laughing Philosopher Democritus of Abdera, by Democritus Junior, - fine copy in the original calf, Amsterdam, Stephen Swartz, 1679, 8vo. (1355) Maurice, £11 155. [At page 86 a similar story to the Jew in "The Merchant of Venice" is found. Bankes' performing horse is mentioned at page 95, and Ben Jonson's Sejanus at page 29. This is a fine copy of an excessively rare Jest Book-the British Museum has only the London reprint. -Catalogue.] 1194 Victoria (Queen). Leaves from the Journal of our Life in the Highlands, from 1848 to 1861, to which are prefixed and added Extracts from the same Journal, giving an account of Earlier Visits to Scotland, and Tours in England and Ireland, and Yachting Excursions, edited by Arthur Helps, frontispiece (view of Balmoral Castle), with illustrations in the text, and another view of Balmoral from the north-west, in the original morocco binding, g.l., as issued, Smith, Elder, 1868 (1417) Waters, £10 5s. [The present copy had the following inscription in the autograph of Her Late Majesty on the fly-leaf: "To dear Janie Ely in recollection of former happy Days from Victoria Reg. Osborne, July 29, 1868."-Catalogue.] 1195 Victories of the Duke of Wellington, 12 coloured plates from drawings by R. Westall, half bound, 1819, 4to. (1416) Maggs, £3 3s. 1196 Vogüé (Comte Melchior de). Syrie Centrale. Architecture Civile et Religieuse du premier au VIIe Siècle, the "avant propos" and the set of 150 plates, half morocco, t. e. g., 1865, 4to. (1419) Quaritch, £2 6s. 1197 Voltaire (F. M. A. de). La Bataille de Fontenoy, Poëme, Sixième édition, portrait by St. Aubin, after Houdon, morocco extra, à Paris, 1745 (1358) Topman, £41 [The original proof sheets, with numerous corrections in the autograph of the author. A list of these corrections is given in the auctioneers' catalogue.-ED.] 1198 Voltaire (F. M. A. de). La Pucelle d'Orléans, poëme en vingt et un chants, avec des Notes, frontispiece, and plates by Duplessis-Bertaux, 2 vol., LARGE PAPER, original French calf gilt, Cazin, 1780, 8vo. (1359) Rowell, £3 3s. 1199 Voragine (Jacobus de). Sermones, printed in a small but neat gothic letter, 60 lines to a full page, numerous woodcut initials, morocco extra, g.e., 1533, 8vo. (1360) Young, £1 8s. 1200 W. (J.) The Valiant Scot, first edition, old half binding, 1637, Pearson, £10 4to. (1421) 1201 Walpole. D'Éon (Chevalier). Lettres, Memoires et Negociations Particulières, Horace Walpole's copy, with his MS. notes, old calf gilt, with his arms impressed on the sides, 1764, 4to. (1420) Banks, £17 [Walpole's manuscript additions are of considerable interest. On the title-page he notes that the book was published in March, 1764, and his notes on the various persons mentioned by D'Éon are of value. In addition, this copy is illustrated by Walpole with an autograph letter and three proof portraits of the Chevalier D'Éon, and mezzotint portraits of Monsieur Treysac de Vergy, Duc de Nivernois, Comte de Guerchy, and the Duc de Choiseul.-Catalogue.] 1202 [Watson or Wilson (John).] The English Martyrologie, conteyning a Summary of the Lives of the Saints of England, Scotland and Ireland, with a Catalogue of the late Martyrs to 1608, by a Catholick Priest (preface initialed J. W.), title, next and last leaf mended, morocco, plain, by D. Cockerell, no place or name of printing (Doway) Permissu Superiorum, 1608, 8vo. (1368) Vivian, £2 25. 1203 Webster (John). Vittoria Corrombona, or The White Devil, a Tragedy, as it is acted at the Theatre Royal, by His Majesties Servants, calf, g.e., 1672, 4to. (1422) Bridges, £2 15s. 1204 Welby (Henry). The Phenix of these late times, or the Life of Mr. Henry Welby, Esq., who lived at his house in Grub Street forty foure yeares and in that space was never seen by any. Aged 84. Portrait of Welby by Marshall, 1637, 4to. (1423) J. Brooks, £7 155. [The above was an uncut copy in old calf. Several writers were engaged upon this work, which Dr. Bliss thinks may have been edited by Thomas Heywood.-ED.] 1205 Whitchcot (Captain Thomas). Plantagenetts Tragicall Story, or the Death of King Edward the Fourth, with the Unnaturall Voyage of Richard the Third through the Red Sea of his Nephew's Innocent blood to his usurped Crowne, metaphrased by T. W., gent., portrait by Marshall (inlaid), in the original black morocco gilt, g. e., 1649, 8vo. (1371) Rowell, £6 1OS. [Horace Walpole's copy, with his ex-libris. This volume of verse is illustrative of Shakespeare's Richard III.—Catalogue.] 1206 White (Gilbert). A Naturalists' Calendar, with observations in various branches of Natural History, first edition, coloured frontispiece, half calf, 1795, 8vo. (1372) Quaritch, £1 145. 1207 Whittington (Robert). A Frutefull Worke of Lucius Anneus Senecæ, called the Myrrour or Glasse of Manners and Wyssedome, bothe in latin and englysshe, black letter, woodcut on title, a large copy, morocco extra, g.e., Imprynted at the Sygne of Saynt George by W. Myddylton, 1547, 8vo. (1373) Bridge, £13 5s. [An extremely rare book. There are copies in the British Museum and Bodleian Libraries, but no others are recorded. This was originally designed as an educational manual by Robert Whittington, an Oxford man, and the master and predecessor of the famous William Lily. He was the first person who compiled a systematic grammar for use in schools, and his name is associated with many literary works now of signal rarity and value.-Catalogue.] 1208 Wicliffe Bible. A Portion of a Wicliffe English Bible, consisting of 90 leaves written on vellum in double columns of |