Page images

Princes, sweet aspect of, 63.
Print, pleasant to see one's name
in, 268.

Prior, what once was Matthew,

Prison make, stone walls do not
a, 105.

Procrastination is the thief of
time, 174.
Prodigal's favorite, 237.
Product of a scoffer's pen, 239.
Prohibited degree of kin, 135.
Prologues, happy, to the swelling
act, 44.

Promise, he makes his, good, 13.
-, keep the word of, 52.

Proof, give me ocular, 90.
Proofs of holy writ, 89.
Prophet not without honor, 16.
Prophets, pervert the, 268.

Proportion, curtailed of my fair,


Propriety, frights the isle from
her, 88.

Prose run mad, 165.

Prospect, so full of goodly, 128.
Proteus rising from the sea, 235.
Prove all things, 23.
Proverb and a by-word, 3.
Providence their guide, 119.

alone secures, 215.
Prouder than rustling in unpaid-
for silk, 310.
Prow, youth at the, 195.
Prunella, leather or, 157.
Psalms, purloin the, 268.
Pulse of life, 174.
Punishment greater than I can
bear, 1.

Pure, all things pure to the, 24.
Purpose, infirm of, 47.

took, 50.

-, flighty, never is o'er-
-, one increasing, 279.
Purse, put money in thy, 87.

--, who steals my, steals trash,

Push on, keep moving, 226.
Pyramids in vales, 177.

Quality, a taste of your, 80.
Quarrel, sudden and quick in, 41.
---, that hath his, just, 60.
Question, that is the, 81.

[blocks in formation]

wheat, 36.

Reasons are as two grains of Right, his can't be wrong whose

-'s whole pleasure, 156.

Reckoning, so comes a, 170.

Red spirits and gray, 49.

Rede, may you better reck the, Righteousness and peace, 5.

life is in the, 156.

divine of kings, 167.

Righteous forsaken, 5.

overmuch, 9.


exalteth a nation, 7

[blocks in formation]

Ringing grooves of change, 279.
Ripe and ripe, 40.


[blocks in formation]

River of his thoughts, 267.

Road, a rough, a weary, 223.

Roam, where'er I, 200.

Relic of departed worth, 260.

Robbed, he that is, 89.

Remedy, things without, 48.

Robbing Peter he paid Paul, 294.

Remember such things were, 50. Robes and furred gowns hide all,
Rubies, wisdom priced above, 4. Science frowned not, 197.

Remorse, farewell, 115.

Remote from men, 169.

-, unfriended, 200,

Repentance rears her snaky crest,


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

* Round about this great, 215.

Rout upon rout, 114.

Rowland for an Oliver, 307.

Rub, ay, there 's the, 81.

Scars, he jests at, 72.
Sceptre, a barren, in my gripe, 47
Schemes, best laid, 222.

Scholar, gentleman and a, 223.

--, where grew the, 103.

Ruin, majestic though in, 113.

upon ruin, 114.

or to rule the State, 139.

-, beauteous, lovely in death,


[blocks in formation]

Saints in crape and lawn, 158.

-, his soul is with the, 244.

Salt of the earth, 14.
Sampson, the Philistines be upon
thee, 2.
Sans teeth, sans eyes, 41.
Sapphire blaze, 195.
Sang, it may turn out a, 223.
Satan, get thee behind me, 16.
-, so call him now, 117.
finds some mischief, 180.

Satire's my weapon, 165.
in disguise, 305.

Saul and Jonathan, undivided in
death, 2.

Savage, wild in woods, the noble,


[blocks in formation]

Science, O star-eyed, 249.
Scoff, came to, 203.
Scorn, he will laugh thee to, 12.

-, what a deal of, looks beau-
tiful, 29.

of, 90.

fixed figure, for the time

-, laughed his word to, 213.
Scraps of learning dote, on, 178.
Screw your courage, 46.
Scripture, the Devil can cite, 36.
Scylla, your father, 37.
Sea, sunk in the flat, 122.

-, light that never was on, 238.
-, mysterious union with the,


---, first that burst into that, 241.
-, alone, alone, on a wide, 242.
like ships that have gone

down at, 255.

-, glad waters of the dark blue,

-, the open, 278.
Seals of love, 31.
Season, to every thing there is a, 8.
Seasons return with the year, 114.
Second childishness, 41.
Sect, slave to no, 158.
See oursel's as others see us, 222.
Seek and ye shall find, 15.
Seems, madman, I know not, 75.
Seigniors, most potent, grave, and
reverend, 86.
Self-slaughter, canon 'gainst, 76.
Sempronius, we'll do more, 149.
Senators of mighty woods, 27.
Sensations sweet, 233.
Sense, one for, 133.

want of decency is want

of, 136.
Senses, steep in forgetfulness, 57.
Sentence, he mouths a, 209.
Sentiment, pluck the eye of, 290.
Sepulchres, whited, 17.
Sermon, who flees a, 102.

-, perhaps turn out a, 223.

Sermons in stones, 39.

Saw the air, 82.
Scandal about Queen Elizabeth, Serpent sting thee twice, 37.
-, trail of the, 359.


[blocks in formation]

Shall I, wasting in despair, 100.
Shame, an erring sister's, 264.
-, blush of maiden, 284.
Shape, take any, but that, 48.

[blocks in formation]

-, dull, tame, 278.
Shot heard round the world, 285.
Should auld acquaintance, 223.
Shout that tore hell's concave,

Show, that within which passeth,

-, a driveller and a, 188.
-, this world is all a fleeting,

Shreds and patches, 84.
Shrewsbury clock, fought a long
hour by, 56.
Shrine of the mighty, 263.
Shrines to no code, 286.
Shut, shut the door, 164.
Sigh, passing tribute of a, 196.

no more, ladies, 207.
yet feel no pain, 256.

Sighed and looked again, 138.

things, 184.


Sign, dies and makes no, 60.
-, thou com'st in such a Sight, out of, out of mind, 93.

questionable, 78.


-, execrable, 114.


if shape it might be called,

Shapes and beckoning shadows,


[blocks in formation]

-, loved not at first, 93.
of vernal bloom, 114.

- -, a goodly, to see, 259, 260.
Silence is the perfectest herald of
joy, 32.



in love bewrays more woe,

-, the wings of, 121.
-, ye wolves, 167.

-, come then, expressive,

Siloa's brook, 110.
Siloam's shady rill, 257.
Simplicity a child, 166.
Sin, fools make a mock at, 6.
of the world, 19.
--, wages of, is death, 20.
-, no, for a man to labor in his
vocation, 54.

Sin could blight or sorrow fade, Sleep, tired nature's sweet re-


[blocks in formation]

Sins, charity shall cover the mul-
titude of, 25.

-, compound for, 131.

Sion hill delight thee more, 110.
Sires, few sons attain the praise
of their, 168.

-, green graves of your, 286.
Sirups, drowsy, of the world, 89.
-, lucent, 271.

Sits the wind in that corner, 32.
Six hundred pounds a year, 152.
Sixpence, I give thee, 226.
Skies, looks commercing with
the, 124.

-, raised a mortal to the, 138.
Skill, is but a barbarous, 106.
Skin of my teeth, 4.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

storer, balmy, 174.

-, undisturbed, 189.

-, blessings on him who in-

vented, 295.

-, the mantle that covers all
human thoughts, 295.
Sleeps, till tired he, 156.

Sleeve, wear my heart upon my,


[blocks in formation]

Snails, her pretty feet like, 104.
Snake, we have scotched the, 48.

-, like a wounded, 161.
Sneer, without sneering, 165.

-, laughing devil in his, 266.
Snow, whiter than the driven,

Snug as a bug, 298.
Soap, invisible, 275.
Society where none intrudes, 263.
Soil, to paint the laughing, 258.
Soldier, full of strange oaths, 41.
Solid men of Boston, 218.

Solitude is sometimes best society,

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