Morn from black to red began to Music hath charms to soothe, 152.
-, meek-eyed, 183.
Morrow, take no thought for the,
Mountain tops, misty, 74. -, robes the, 248. Mountain waves, her march is o'er the, 250.
Mountains interposed make ene- mies, 211.
-, Greenland's icy, 258. Mourned, the loved and, 261. Mourning, the oil of joy for, 11. Mouth, out of thine own, 19.
-, gift horse in the, 131, 294. put an enemy in their, 88.
Mouths a sentence, 209. Muck, run a, 165. Multitude of counsellors, 6. Murder, one, makes a villain, 208. Murmurs, hollow, died away, 198. Music the food of love, 28.
一, never merry when I hear,
the man that hath no, 38.
discourse most excellent,
sphere-descended maid.
-, his very foot has, 216.
-, instinct with, 230.
in my heart, 230.
of running brooks, 237. with its voluptuous swell,
of her face, 265. -'s golden tongue, 271. Musical as is Apollo's lute, 122. Muttons, to return to our, 293. Myself, awe of such a thing as I,
soft nurse, 57.
journeymen had made
chief masterpiece, 144. walks, 154.
sweet restorer, 174.. teachings, 284.
cockloft empty, 297.
Nazareth, can any good come out of, 19.
Necessity, to make a virtue of, 27. the tyrant's plea, 115. Need, deserted at his utmost, 137. Needful, one thing is, 18. Needle, true as the, 171. Never loved sae blindly, 224. Nests, birds of the air have, 15.
--, no birds in last year's, 288. Nettle, tender-handed stroke a,
and storm and darkness, 261. -, beauty like the, 269. azure robe of, 270.
Nights are wholesome, 75. Nightingale was mute, 283. Niobe, all tears, 76.
of nations, 262. Ninny, Handel 's but a, 171 No more of that, Hal, 56. pent-up Utica, 258. hammers fell, 257.
Nobility, betwixt the wind and his, 55.
Noble to be good, 281. Nobler loves, and nobler cares, 237. Nods and becks, 125. None knew thee but to love, 286. Noon to dewy eve, 112.
-, sailing on obscene wings athwart the, 243.
North, unripened beauties of the,
sharp it needs, 219.
Oracle, I am Sir, 36. of God, 110.
Orators repair, 120. Orb in orb, 118. Order of, going the, 49.
is Heaven's first law, 156. this matter in France, 299. Ore, and tricks with new-span- gled, 124.
Orient pearl, sowed the earth, 116. Ormus and of Ind, 112. Othello's occupation 's gone, 90. Out of mind, out of sight, 93. Outrun the constable, 132.
![[blocks in formation]](,220,373,442)
heart that never feels a, 191. to smile in, 178.
-, a stranger yet to, 194. -, to sigh yet feel no, 256. Pains, pleasure in poetic, 211. Painting, more than, can express, 153.
Palaces, gorgeous, 26. Pale, prithee, why so, 103. Palinurus nodded, 167. Palm, bear the, alone, 65. -, like some tall, 257. Palmy state of Rome, 75. Palpable, clothing the, 246. Pangs of guilty power, 189. Pantaloon, lean and slippered, 41. Paradisaical pleasures, 197. Paradise of fools, 114. -, opening, 197. -, walked in, 283.
Parallel, none but himself can be his, 146.
Pard, bearded like the, 41. Parent of good, 117.
Parish church, plain as way to, 40 Parson, there goes the, 215. Parthenon, earth proudly wears the, 285.
Parting is such sweet sorrow, 73. Partitions thin their bounds di- vide, 139.
Party, give up to, what was meant for mankind, 205. Passing fair, is she not, 27. Passion till our, dies, 106.
Phyllis, neat-handed, 125.
Pearl, sowed the earth with Physic to the dogs, 51.
Pearls before swine, 15.
did grow, how, 104.
-, who would search for, 141. at random strung, 217.
Peasantry, a bold, 202. Pebbles, as gathering, 120. Pen of a ready writer, 5. -, make thee famous by my,
Physician, is there no, 11.
-, heal thyself, 18.
Picture, look here upon this, 84. Piece, faultless, 161. Pierian spring, 161. Pigmies are pigmies still, 177. Pigmy body, fretted the, to decay, 139.
Pigs squeak, as naturally as, 130. Pilgrim shrines, such graves are,
Pillar of State, 113. Pilot of the Galilean lake, 123. Pinch, a hungry, lean-faced vil- lain, 44. Pink of courtesy, 73. Pines, silent sea of, 244. Pinto, Ferdinand Mentez, 153. Pin's fee, set my life at a, 78. Pitch, he that toucheth, 12. Pitcher be broken, 9.
Pitiful, 't was wondrous, 87. Pity, he hath a tear for, 58. 't is, 't is true, 79. -, challenge double, 94. melts the mind to love, 137. 's akin to love, 146. gave ere charity began, 203.
the sorrows of a poor old
Place, jolly, in times of old, 232. Places, lines in pleasant, 4.
Plague o' both the houses, 73.
-, doubling his, 276. Ploughshares, swords into, 12. Plummet, deeper than, 26. Poet soaring in the high reason of his fancy, 127.
Poet's eye in a fine frenzy, 35.
pen turns them to shape, 35. Poetic pains, there is a pleasure in, 211.
Poetical, I would the gods had made thee, 41.
Poets, in three distant ages, 142. intelligible forms of, 246.
Pole, from Indus to the, 166. 一, true as the needle to the, 171. Pomp, take physic, 70. -, lick absurd, 83.
Poor always ye have, 20.
-, simple annals of the, 195. -, laws grind the, 202.
thou foundst me, 204. Pope of Rome, more than the, 132. Poppies, pleasures are like, 221. Poppy nor mandragora, 89. Porcelain clay of human kind,
Porcupine, like quills upon the fretful, 78. Pot, death in the, 3.
Poverty, not my will, consents, 74. -, steep me in, 90.
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