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The deed was done :-between the earth and heaven
"THE MAN OF SORROWS," by his foes was hung;
The precious ransom, for a world was given:
"Good will to men," through heaven's high arches rung;
The bands of death were sever'd; and the grave,
Where he, who died with murderers, repos'd,
Burst all its bars, to God its treasure gave;-
"Twas thus, Redemption's wondrous drama closed.

"Go," said the God-man to the humble sew;
The witnesses of His victorious grace,-
"The keys of death and hell I give to you;
"Go loose from Satan's chain man's ruin'd race,
"Proclaim to all the world the ransom given,
"Say to the rebel race, Repent-Believe,
"Accept the message and be heirs of heaven;
*Reject it-and the second death receive."

So now, in these last days, THE PRINCE OF PEACE,
The King of Saints, his heralds sends abroad;
"The time is come-let Satan's empire cease
"On earth-bid rebels now return to God."
Go-say to Ethiopia's sons-" arise-
"Stretch forth your hands to God in humble prayer,
Bid the poor captive hush his piteous cries;
With mercy's beam dry up the mourner's tear.

Go to the regions of the icy north;

To bleak Siberia's plains-to Greenland's waste,
There let the gospel's gladd'ning sound go forth;
* Give up your idols-take the promis'd rest."
Go where Caffraria's hordes in darkness roam;
Call to the islands of the Southern Seas;
Say to the nations, "Keep not back, but come"-
* A Saviour's love accept-his vengeance flee."

Bid the wild Hindoo cast his gods of gold
To moles and bats-those gods can never save,
Nor all his cruelties and crimes, untold,
Be washed away in Ganges sacred wave.
"Bring home my chosen sons from every clime;
* My daughters, from the earth's remotest end;
* Mine shall they be beyond the bounds of time,


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