iv. sive to the enemies of truth, and should be more currently used and more highly esteemed by its friends. The name, indeed, they must bear; and the way to prevent its being a term of reproach, instead of a mark of distinction, is not timidly to disown it, but clearly to explain it, and honestly and unreservedly to state, elucidate, prove and defend the rational and scriptural system of doctrines and duties to which it is affixed. It is not apprehended, that the intelligent friends of real orthodoxy, will think the need of such a work, as the HOPKINSIAN MAGAZINE is designed to be, at all diminished; when they consider, how small a proportion the religious, periodical publications of the day, bear to those, which are merely literary or political, and that most of those of a religious character, are designed rather to convey intelligence, than doctrinal instruction; and that but very few are open to the free admission and discussion of all those points, which are viewed as essential in the true system of evangelical doctrine and duty.The taste of the religious public has been vitiated by the insipid and flatulent, or stimulating and narcotic aliment, which has been so plentifully administered, and can be corrected only by the sincere milk of the word, which is of all things, the most innocent, palatable and nourishing. The great inquiry is, for something new, or striking; while many nominal Christians turn away with indifference or disgust, from those plain, simple, solemn, searching truths of the gospel, which sustained the piety and kindled the zeal of Edwards and Bellamy, of West & Hopkins, & which are the proper nutriment of humility and submission, of patience and meekness, of self-denial and charity, and of every other Christian grace and virtue. These are the weapons, which are mighty, through God, to the pulling down of strong holds, casting down imaginations and every high thing, that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ?" By the propagation of these truths, must the Christian world be purified, and the Heathen world be converted to Christ. In vain do we send out missionaries to the ends of the earth, unless they carry with them the principles as well as the spirit of Brainard and of PAUL. In vain do we flatter ourselves, that the millennium is to be introduced, by a mode of preaching, which however eloquent and pathetic, gives no disturbance to the selfish heart-or by revivals of religion, which cannot bear the test of the whole counsel of God. The usefulness and even the continuance of this work, must depend upon the endeavors of the friends of undisguised truth, to circulate it, and furnish suitable matter for its pages. They have ample means and ability to do both, which, it is hoped, they will feel constrained to employ and exert. An increase of patronage & of the number of writers for the work, brightens the prospect of the second volume. The Editor feels his responsibility, and desires to unite with his readers, in frequent prayers, that he may be guided and supported in his arduous labors, and that they may receive saving benefit to their own souls, from the truths which he shall be enabled to set before them.. THE HOPKINSIAN MAGAZINE. VOL. II. SERMON. JANUARY, 1826. II. TIMOTHY, 2. 25.-In meekness instracting those that oppose themselves; if God, peradventure, will give them repentance, to the acknowledging of the truth. The eristles of Paul to Timothy, were designed to instruct him in his duty, as a minister of the gospel. They are the result of long experience and a deep acquaintance with human nature. And as they were written under the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and made a part of the canon of sacred scripture, they are not of any private interpretation, but are intended for the direction and admonition of the ministers of No. 1. of that patience, forbearance and compassion, which they ought to exercise towards them, may be inclined to treat them with neglect, or to deal harshly with them, and answer them according to their folly and malignity. Hence he gives the direction in the text, "In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God, peradventure, will give them repentance, to the acknowledging of the truth." We are naturally led by these words, to consider, I. The character of opposers. II. The proper manner of instructing them. And, III. The motive for instructing them. We are, I. To consider the character of opposers. Christ, in all ages of the Church. In the passage before us, the apostle teaches Timothy and all other ministers, how to treat opposers. By those that oppose themselves, He knew, that mankind are natu- the apostle evidently means such, rally averse to evangelical truth as make opposition to the truth, and duty, and that they are inclin- which it is the duty of the ministers ed to set themselves in opposition of the gospel to preach. This is to every preacher of the gospel, who faithfully declares to them the counsel of God, and urges upon them the duties which they are bound to do; and he also knew, that ministers are men of like pas⚫sions, and liable to be irritated with the opposition of "unreasona- preacher feels constrained to exble and wicked men," and instead hibit. evident from the last clause of the text, "if God, peradventure, will give them repentance, to the acknowledging of the truth." Opposers will not acknowledge the truth: they set themselves against that truth which every faithful It is the duty of every minister tion. Some are too ignorant to as of the gospel, to declare all the manifest the enmity of their hearts To the truth on these, and all other divine subjects, impenitent men are, at heart opposed. Every impenitent, uturenewed man, is an evil doer; and "he that doeth evil hateth the light." The hearts of unrenewed Lien, are opposed to the truth, because it condemns their principles and practices, sets their characters in an odious light, disturbs their false peace, anlawakens their fears of the wrath to come. But, though all impenitent men are, at heart, opposed to divine truth; yet they do not all openly express and act out their opposi that they are not themselves conscious of either love or hatred towar's the truth, nor do they manifest the feelings of their hearts towards it, in the view of others.Again, there are those who have too little belief of the truth of the gospel, openly to oppose it. They view it, as they do the the mythology of the poets or the legends of romance. There are others still, who have too much belief of the doctrines of the gospel, openly to oppose them. They are convinced, that the gospel is of God, that its peculiar doctrines are divinely true, and that they must cordially embrace them, in order to be saved. Hence they dare not make open opposit on to the truth. But when the impenitent and unrenewed hear and read the gospel with some attention, gain some understanding of its leading doc- those that oppose themselves ?- be they may prove true; then they 1 1 II. The proper manner of instructing those that oppose them selves. However unreasonable and absurd their opposition may be, and however base and malignant the disposition which they manifest towards the truth and them that are set for the defence of it; they are not to be abandoned, as incorrigible and hopeless. They must still be instructed. The truth must still be held up before them and intulcated upon them; whether they will hear or whether they will forbear. The preacher must not suffer himself to be induced by their opposition, to deviate from the word of the Lord, to say either more or less. He must go on, instructing tiem, and particularly in those points, which they most grossly pervert, and most bitterly oppose. But, in what manner must the preacher of the gospel instruct The apostle answers, ness of his sufferings, compared to However whole and safe they may those of the innocent and conde- think themselves; they are in the scending Savior, who 'suffered 'gall of bitterness and bonds of inthe contradiction of sinners against iquity.' The wrath of God abideth himself.' He should pity the op- on them; and except they repent, posers of divine truth, who often they will all perish. know not what they do; who are 2. Religious instruction is the always acting an unreasonable and criminal part; and who are unwisely and perversely exposing their own souls to destruction.With this spirit and temper, every minister of the gospel should proceed in explaining, establishing and enforcing the truth, with the utmost plainness, seriousness and engagedness, upon the understandings, consciences and hearts of his hearers, even of those, who most angrily and violently oppose themselves. He should preach under a solemn sense of duty, and with a sincere aim to profit the souls of his hearers. Which leads us to consider, III. The motive for instructing opposers in the manner described. If God, peradventure, will give them repentance, to the acknowledging of the truth." In order to perceive the nature and feel the force of this motive, it is necessary to consider, distinctly, the several particulars implied in it. And, It appointed means of bringing op- 1. The opposers of the truth need repentance. They are in an impenitent, unrenewed state. All their open opposition to divine truth, arises from the impenitency and hardness of their hearts. No one, whose heart was penitent, humble and holy, ever made opposition, understandingly, to the peculiar and fundamental truths of It is possible, that when opposthe gospel; for they are all doc-ers are meekly instructed, God may cause them to repent. They never will repent, without a specmal divine influence, bowing their wills and cleansing their hearts.Repentance is the gift of God, as trines according to godliness, and perfectly pleasing to all such, as have received the love of the truth, that they may be saved." Opposers, then, need repentance. |