did any harm in their да не дѣлали, не lives, would not make сталибъ такъ горьfuch dreadful Iamen-ко плакаться, естьtations, uniefs fome либъ имъ не оказы Violence had been of-вано было какое приferd to them; && kno-mѣсненіе; и зная что wing the sheed to be овцы without their guard, напали безъ обороны, на нихъ, И they fell upon them разорвали всѣхъ на them to pi-части. and tore eces. THE INTERPRETATION. Be always your guard when upon ТОЛКОВАНІЕ. пра Будь всегда остоan рожень, когда неEnemy is near. Не приятель недалеко. who has almays run He хранящій counter to the rules of вилъ Дружбы, Ни Friendship, will never когда не будешъ исbecome a true ftiend, шивный друг, хоshould тя бы ты обязалъ bind him by the ftron-его наикрѣпчайшими geft Engagements. обязательствами. though yon I went to а butchers ли въ лавку къ мясshop to buy fome me-нику покупать Мяat, but while the But-са. И какъ мясникъ cher was bufied with суетился около проother cuftomers, опе чихъ своихъ купцовъ, of them ftole a piece шо одинъ изъ нихъ of beef and gave it to укралъ часть говяhis fellow, who put дины, и опІдалъ it under his cloke. O ную своему товаришу, который спря ly miffed the meat and схватился этаго мяcharged them with the ca, не- винилъ ихъ вь кражѣ. Theft. But he that ftole it; Но укравшій боfwore by Jove, that жился именемъ Юпиhe had none of it; & перовымъ, что у неhe that had it, fwore го нѣтъ мяса; а приlikewife, he did not нявшій божился take it away. также, что онъ не браль. To whom the Burc- Мясникъ имъ оher replied: the Thief вѣчалъ: воръ мнѣ неto me is unknown, извѣстенъ, хотя Я tho'l believe it to be и думаю, что кто one of you; but he by нибудь это сдѣлалъ whom you have both изъ васт; но потъ, fworn, can tell & will кѣмъ вы оба клялись, reward you accordin- знаешь, и накажешь gly. васъ за это. THE INTERPRETATION. ТОЛКОВАНІЕ. God Almighty is B семогущій Богъ privy to all our acti- знаешь всѣ наши дѣons: and though we ла; и хотя мы нѣс1 may for a while dece- колько можемъ обive men, yet we ean манывать людей, но not escape his all feeing He можемъ избѣEye, who will reward жать его всевидяor pucish us according щаго ока, кое либо 1 as we deferve. наградишъ, или накажеть нась по заслугамъ нашимъ. As a Boy was looking Мальчикъ пасучи after fome sheep in а спадо овецъ въ поMeadow, he would of- лѣ, часто кричалъ въ ten times, in jeft, cry шушку, что волкъ out, that the wolf was въ стадѣ, На Котоamong them, which рый Крикъ землеmade the neighbouring дѣльцы будучи по Husbandmen come out близости, прибѣгаto his affiltance, & ли къ нему на поthen he would laugh мощь; увидя коихъ at them, for being fuck онъ смѣялся, и на Дураками за Fools as to come when зывалъ he did not want them. то, ЧІПО они при At laft the wolf ca ходять тогда, когда ему нѣтъ нужды въ нихъ. Наконецъ волкъ me in earneft; & the пришелъ заподлинно Boy began to cry out въ стадо; и мальчикъ as usual; but the hus- началъ кричать по bandmen, thinking that прежнему; Но земhe only wanted to ледѣльцы думая тоbelude them again, -гда, что онъ ихъ обver troubled themfel- манываетъ, ves about him, but let mрѣли на его крикъ. him cry on; & Co the И такъ овцы безь sheep became an easy препятствія погубPrey to the wolf, & лены были не смо отъ вол were deftroyed. THE INTERPRETATION. ка. толкоВАНІЕ. люди такъ Some men have fuch Иные faculty of jesting, that вольно шумять, что the moft important & самая важная и свяfacred truths can not щенная правда не escape them ; others избѣгаетъ ихъ посare as notorious for мѣянія; другіе же lying: the confequence привыкли чрезмѣрно of which is, a dislike лгать: to their company, & а ходишъ, total disrehard to eve-щенія изъ чего вы что сооб съ Шакими ry thing they lay: For убѣгаютъ, И ни въ when once the decei- чемъ имъ не вѣряшь; ver is known, his cre-ибо какъ скоро dit is loft,& he is for лжецъ сдѣлается изeyer derided in every вѣсшень, по довѣCompany. ренность къ нему Let envy alone and it He трогай зависть; will punish it Jelf. ибо Она сама себя An ill natured Dog, Злобная собака легlaid himfelf down in ала въ ясли, кои быmanger full of hay. ли полны сѣна. Prefently came an Вскорѣ послѣ сеOx to feed; but the ro пришель быкъ Dog, in a furly man-ѣсть; но собака серner, bid him be gone, дитымъ образомъ го ворила, чшобъ онъ отошелъ прочь. Well replied the Ox; Изрядно, отвѣчалъ thou wilt neither eat быкъ; когда ты саthe hay thyfelf, nor ма не ѣшъ и не доfuffer others to eat it; пускаешь другихъ; по there fore [tay there лежи шутъ съ своin this thy envious имъ завистливымъ humour, and kеер нравомъ, И всякаго away every Ox, & then быка отгонай, и то |