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Then fhall the Prieft receive the Eucharift in both kinds himself, and then proceed to deliver the fame in like manner to other Priests and Deacons, if be there prefent, in order into their hands.


And when he receiveth or delivereth the oblation, he fhall fay;

The Body of Christ.

And the perfon receiving fhall fay, Amen. And when he receiveth or delivereth the cup, he shall Jay,

The Blood of Chrift, the cup of life.

And the perfon receiving fhall fay, Amen.

After all the Clergy have communicated, the officiateing Prieft, or according to his direction any or all of the Priests or Deacons there prefent, shall adminifter the Eucharift in both kinds to the Deaconeffes, and then to the People in order into their hands, and laft of all to the children, according to the form above prefcribed.

Whilft the Faithful are communicating, the following Pfalms, one or more of them, may be fung or faid in this order: the 34th, the 45th, the 133d, the 145th.

When all have communicated; what remaineth of the confecrated elements fhall be reverently placed upon the Altar and covered with a fair linen cloth, or carried into the veftry by the Deacon ór Deacons. Then the Deacon being turned to the People, fhall fay, Aving now received the precious Body and now Blood of Chrift, let us give thanks to him, who hath vouchfafed to admit us to the participa



tion of his holy myfteries; and let us befeech him, that it may be, not to our condemnation but to our falvation, to the benefit of our fouls and bodies, the preservation of us in godlinefs, the remiffion of our fins, and obtaining the life of the world to come. Let us commend ourselves to the only un begotten God, and to his Chrift.

Anfw. Lord, have mercy: We befeech thee to hear us, good Lord.

Then the Prieft ftanding before the Altar, fhall fay the following thanksgiving, the congregation kneeling.

Lord God Almighty, the Father of Chrift thy

bleffed Son, who heareft those that call upon thee with an upright heart, and knoweft the fupplications of those who in filence pray unto thee : We give thee thanks for that thou haft vouchfafed to make us partakers of thy holy myfteries, which thou haft bestowed upon us for the entire confirmation of our faith, for our preservation in godlinefs, and the remiffion of our fins: For the name of thy Chrift is called upon us, and we are joined unto thee. O thou, who hast separated us from the fellowfhip of the ungodly, unite us with those who are confecrated to thee in holinefs; establish us in the truth by the power of thy Holy Spirit; enlighten our ignorance, fupply our defects, and strengthen our knowledge; preferve thy priefts unblameable in thy fervice; keep the kings of the earth in peace, the rulers in righteoufnefs, the air in good temperature, the fruits of the ground in plenty, and the whole world by thine almighty providence. Pacify


the nations that delight in war, convert thofe who are in error, confirm them that are newly converted, and fanctify thy people; preferve those who are in the state of virginity, keep them that are engaged in matrimony firm to the faith; and ftrengthen all who live in chastity; bring the infants to years of maturity, [inftruct the catechumens; and render them worthy of initiation, This is to be omitted when there are no Catechumens] and gather us all into the kingdom of heaven, through Jefus Chrift our Lord; with whom to Thee and the Holy Ghost be glory, honour, and adoration, world without end. Amen.

Then the Deacon being turned to the People, shall say, Bow down your heads to God through his Chrift, and receive the Benediction.

Then Jhall the Prieft fay the following prayer of Benediction, the People bowing their heads.

Almighty God, true, infinite, and above all comparison, who art every where, prefent in all things in an inexpreffible manner, but not circumfcribed by place; who doft not wax old with time, nor art terminated by the fucceffions of ages; who art not fubject to generation, and ftandeft in no need of prefervation, but art incorruptible, inva→ riable, and unchangeable; who dwelleft in light inacceffible, and art invifible by nature who art known to every reafonable creature that feeketh thee in uprightness, and art found by all that search after thee in love: O God of Ifrael, the God of thy people who believe in Chrift, mercifully hear me for thy name's fake, and bless these thy fervants who bow down their necks unto thee; grant unto H 2 them

them the requests of their hearts as may be most expedient for them, and fuffer none of them to be caft out of thy kingdom; but fanctify and keep them, protect, defend, and deliver them from the Adversary and from every enemy; guard their habitations, and preferve their going out and their coming in For to Thee belongeth all glory, praise, and majesty, worship, and adoration, and to thy Son Jefus, thy Chrift, our Lord and God and King, and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever, world without end. Amen.

And after a paufe, the Deacon fhall fay to the People,

Depart in peace.

The Bread for the Eucharift may either be unleavened or fuch as is ufual to be eaten, but the best and pureft Wheat-Bread that conveniently, may be got


And the Eucharift fhall be celebrated on every feftival at least for which proper leffons are appointed; and all the Faithful are to frequent it conftantly, unless fickness or other juft and urgent occafions hinder them.

Note, the Priest shall always confecrate more than is neceffary for the communicants; and the remainder of the confecrated elements he shall carefully referve for the ufe of the fick, or other persons who for any urgent caufe defire to communicate at their houses. But if there be not perfons enow to receive the reServed elements, the Prieft and Deacon fhall devoutly and reverently receive them, either together or jeparately, on one day or more, according to


their difcretion, always obferving that fome of the confecrated elements be conftantly referved in the Veftry or fome other convenient place in the Church under a fafe lock, of which both the Priest and Deacon are to have a key.

The money given at the Offertory being the free-will offerings of the People to God, and jolemnly devoted to him, the Priest shall take fo much out of it as will defray the charge of the Bread and Wine and the remainder he shall keep or part of it, or difpofe of it or part of it to pious or charitable ufes, according to the direction of the Bishop.


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