Science, Volume 293John Michels (Journalist) American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1717 |
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Page 2215
... species per genus Rain forest diversity . Histogram of the species diversity of tree genera in 25 - hectare plots representing two neotropical forest sites : Barro Colorado Island ( BCI ) in Panama ( 14 , 15 ) , and Yasuní in Amazonian ...
... species per genus Rain forest diversity . Histogram of the species diversity of tree genera in 25 - hectare plots representing two neotropical forest sites : Barro Colorado Island ( BCI ) in Panama ( 14 , 15 ) , and Yasuní in Amazonian ...
Page 2416
... species are present almost everywhere , so that the log range to log abundance plot is nonlinear , and the exponent of the power law is again rela- tively low . A similar pattern holds for the relation between range and local abundance ...
... species are present almost everywhere , so that the log range to log abundance plot is nonlinear , and the exponent of the power law is again rela- tively low . A similar pattern holds for the relation between range and local abundance ...
Page 2417
... species recorded tends to increase for two reasons : The larger number of indi- viduals that can be collected from a larger area and the wider variety of conditions that will occur within a larger area . These both contribute to the species ...
... species recorded tends to increase for two reasons : The larger number of indi- viduals that can be collected from a larger area and the wider variety of conditions that will occur within a larger area . These both contribute to the species ...
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ABC transporters acid Action Employer active analysis and/or antibody apoptosis areas assay associated BAFF BAFF-R binding Biochemistry bioinformatics Biol Cancer cell biology cellular Center Chem chemistry College complex conorii curriculum vitae Department disease drug E-mail encouraged to apply Equal Opportunity Employer evolution experience FACULTY POSITION function funded galaxy gene expression genetics genome graduate human images Institute interactions interview after interview invites applications laboratory letters of reference Medical membrane ment mice microarray molecular biology molecules mouse mRNA Neuroscience ORFs pathway Ph.D Phys POSTDOCTORAL POSITION protein proteomics quantum quantum computer qubits receptors research interests research program Science scientific scientists Search Committee send curriculum vitae sequence signal signal transduction species statement of research structure successful candidate teaching tenure-track three letters three references tion transcription transfection tryptophan undergraduate Univ University virus