The Works of William ShakespeareCambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009 - 206 pages This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1844. Excerpt: ... GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Abt and abide, ii. 432. 438. 441 Ache and H, ii. 238 Accost, to approach, iii. 332 Acture, action, viii. 550 Adam, calling a man, ii. 195 Addressed, ready, prepared, !! 456.512; Iv. 425; vii. 44 Affection, affectation, ii. 345. 365 Affectioned, affected, iii. 358 Affeer'd, confirmed, vii. 163 Affined, related, vi. 28 Affront, to front, to face, vii. 259 Affy, to trust, vi. 276 Aglet-baby, a point for fastening dress, iii. 1311 Aim, to cry, to encourage, i. 224; iv. 24 Aim, to give, to direct, i. 167; vi. 361 Alderliefest, dearest of all, i. eclxxxvii; v. 110. Ales, church, viii. 271 Alms basket, ii. 346 Ames ace, both aces, ii. 241 Amort, dead, dispirited, iii. 176; v. 60. Anchor, hermit, vii. 274 Ancient, ensign, iv. 309 Anheires, i. 205 Antick, death so called, iv. 167 i 82 Apperil, peril, vi. 517 Apple-John, a withered apple, iv. 379 Approbation, proof, iii. 458; iv. 471; viii. 154 Approof, approbation, iii. 216. See also "Proof." Approv'd, proved, i. 165 Arch, chief, leader, vii. 393 Argosies, large merchant vessels, ii. 475; v. 273 Aroint thee, vii. 103. 429 Articulate, iv. 319; vi. 169 Ascaunt, aslant, vii. 320 Aspersion, sprinkling, i. 64 Assinego, ass, vi. 42 Astringer, falconer, iii. 298 Atone, to agree, iii. 96; iv. 118; v 364; vi. 240. 589; viii. 32. 151 Attask'd, tax'd, taken to task, vii. 388 Away with, I cannot, iv. 404 Aweful, i. 145; iv. 414 Backare, an exclamation, iii. 139 Bajazet's mule, iii. 276 Bale, sorrow, vi. 146 Balk'd, ridged, iv. 227 Ban, to curse, v. 90. 148; vi. 556 Banbury cheese, i. 182 Bankes's horse, ii. 295 Banquet, dessert, iii. 194; viii. 50 Barbazon, iv. 484 Barber's forfeits, ii. 99 Baring, sharing, iii. 276 Barm, yeast, ii. 405. Base, a game, i. 100; viii. 235. 382 Basilisco-like, iv. 16. Basta, eno... |