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typal standard of its species, when it not only exhibits in the greatest perfection the attributes of life, but when it most bears the impress of mind, control

ling and spiritualising both." "The con

clusion which the foregoing considerations appear to warrant, may be now briefly stated as follows:-Character is relative beauty-Life is the highest character-Mind is the highest life."

We confess, in conclusion, that we are not yet disposed to admit, from any thing we have read, that Burke's "Sublime and Beautiful" is superseded. We can as readily believe that the sublime and beautiful may be reunited in one view, as that it is optional to separate them. The sublime and the beautiful both belong to us as human beings, making their sensible impressions all sources of pleasure, greatly differing in kind. It is inseparable from our condition to have a sense of a being vastly superior to ourselves: sublimity has a reference to that superior power over us, and to ourselves, as subject to it: while it renders us inferior, it lifts our minds to the knowledge of the greater. Beauty, on the contrary, seems to look up to us for aid, support, or sympathy. It thus flatters while it pleases, and, in

contradiction to the subduing influence of the sublime, it makes ourselves in some respects the superior, and puts us in good humour both with the object and ourselves.

We are loath to quit this most inWe thank Mr teresting subject. Eastlake for bringing it so charmingly before us. We feel that our remarks have been very inadequate, both with regard to the nature of the subject, and as "The Philosophy of the Fine Arts " may seem to demand. But we are aware that to do both justice would require larger space than can be here allowed, and an abler pen than we can command. We almost fear a complete elucidation of beauty is not within the scope of the human mind. It may be to us not from earth, but from above; and we are not prepared to receive its whole truth. Burke somewhere observes that "The waters must be troubled ere they will give out their virtues." The allusion is admirable, and justifies disturbing discussions. On such a subject, where the root of the matter grows not on earth, it may be added, in further allusion, that the stirring hand should be that of an angel.


Acting in China, 89.

Agriculture of France and England, com-
parison of, 3.

Alain family, the, extracts from, 560.
Algoa bay, settlement of, 159.
American thoughts on European revolu-
tions, 31.

American war, caricatures illustrating
the, 552.

Anne, queen, character of, 327.
Antwerp, a legend from, 444.
Arabian nights, the, 472.

Aristocracy, necessity of a, to Britain, 14.
Art, its prospects, 145-Eastlake's lite-
rature of, 753.

Art-unions, results of, 146.

Ashley, lord, on the juvenile population,

Ateliers Nationaux, sketches of the, 249.
Auersperg, count, 382, 532.

Australia, importance of, 66-demand for
emigration to, 67-Mitchell's researches
in, 68.

Austria, the revolution in, 519.

[blocks in formation]

Byron's address to the ocean, on, 499.
Cabrera, movement under, 630.
Caged skylark, to a, 290.
Call, a, by Julia Day, 625.

Canning, rupture of Castlereagh with, 620.
Canterbury tales, the, 466.
Cape, sketches of the, 158.

Caricatures of the 18th century, the, 543.
Caroline, queen, 331, 332, 334, et seq.
Carpentaria, gulf of, expedition to, 68.
Castlereagh, lord, memoirs of, 610.
Catholic priesthood, proposed endowment
of the, 638.

Cavaignac, general, 259.

Caxtons, the, Part IV. chap. ix., 40-
chap. x., 41-chap. xi., 43-chap.
xii., 44-chap. xiii., 48-chap. xiv.,
50-Part V. chap. xv., 171-chap. xv.,
179-chap. xvi., 181-chap. xvii., 182
- Part VI. chap. xviii., 315-chap.
xix., 317-chap. xx., 318-chap. xxi.,
ib. chap. xxii., 320-chap. xxiii., 321
-chap. xxiv., 323-chap. xxv. 324—
Part VII. chap. xxvi., 388 chap.
xxvii., 392-chap. xxviii., 395-chap.
xxix., 396-chap. xxx., My father's
first love, 397-chap. xxxi., Wherein
my father continues his story, 400-
chap. xxxii., Wherein my father brings
about his denouement, 402 — chap.
xxxiii., 405-chap. xxxiv., ib.--Part
VIII. chap. xxxv., 672-chap. xxxvi.,
674 chap. xxxvii., 677 chap.
Xxxviii., 680.

Chartism, classes among whom prevalent,


Chartist demonstration, feeling regarding,
in America, 35.

Chartists, sympathy between, and the
Irish, 261.

Chaucer as laureate, 224.

Cheremisses, the, 87.

Chesterfield, lord, 334.

China, Erman's travels in, 88.

Chuvasses, the, 87.

Cibber, Colley, 230.

Cinque Cento, the, 145.

Cleghorn's ancient and modern art, re-

view of, 145.

Cobden, Mr, reductions proposed by, 265,


Coercion, necessity of, in Ireland, 485.
Coercion bill, the Irish, 281.
Cologne, state of, 378, 521.

Colonial legislation, review of recent, 275.
Colonisation, 66.

Colours, Goethe's theory of, 759.
Compton, Sir Spencer, 329.
Commerce, statistics of, 496.

Commercial classes, rise of, to power,

Commercial crisis, the, 262.

Conciliation, failure of, in Ireland, 485.
Congress of Vienna, errors of the, 516.
Conservative union, 632.

Entail, the law of, 1-bill, examination

of the, 9.

Erman's Siberia, review of, 76.

Ernest, letter from, 31.

European revolutions, American thoughts
on, 31.

Eusden, Lawrence, 229.

Eusebius, letter to, on novels, 459.
Eustathius, the romances of, 472.
Excise bill, Walpole's, 336, et seq.
Exports, diminution of, 274.
Fashions in the 18th century, the, 554.
Female poetesses, on, 641.
Feudal law of succession, the, 5.
Few words about novels, a, 459.
Fielding's novels, on, 460, 466.

Constitution of the United States, the, Financial measures, recent, 263.

Continental revolutions-Irish rebellion

-English distress, 475.

Cossacks, the, 81.

Cottier system, the, 423.

Cotton manufactures, growth of, 409.

Crown security bill for Ireland, the, 283.
Currency, on the, 492.

Da Vinci, Leonardo, 760.
Dante's Beatrice, 220.

Danube and the Euxine, the, 608.
Davenant, William, 227, 228.
Day, Julia, "A Call" by, 625.
De Chatillon, Mrs Hemans', 652.
Deer forests and deer-stalking, 92.
Denmark, state and character of, 286-
sonnet to, 292.

Devonshire, the duke of, 329.
Dickens, the novels of, 468.
Dogs of Siberia, the, 86.

Doomster's first-born, the, chap. I., The
tavern, 447-chap. II., The lovers, 450
-chap. III., Father and son, 453-
chap. IV., The execution, 455.
Drama, decline of the, 648.
Dryden as laureate, 228.

Dudevant, madame, and her works, 568.
Dumas, Alexander, 557, 558, 695.
Dunbar, William, 226.

Eastern life, Miss Martineau's, reviewed,

Eastlake's literature of the fine arts, re-
view of, 753.

Economists, rise and doctrines of the, 408.
Egypt, Miss Martineau on, 185.
Eighteen hundred and twelve, a retro-
spective review, 190-part II., The
Moscow retreat, 359.

Electric telegraph in America, the, 31.
Emersonianism in America, 38.
Emigration, importance of, 66—from Ire-
land, necessity of, 663.

England, necessity of an aristocracy to,
14-under George II., 327-the history
of, illustrated by caricatures, 543-the
present position of, 477, 492.
English and French agriculture, com-
parison of, 3-laureates, sketches of,

Findhorn river, the, 96.

Fine arts commission, the, 148-East-

lake's literature of the, 753.

Fishing in Russia, 83.

Fitzgerald, lord Edward, 615, 616.
Fleming on the papacy, notice of, 710.
Fleury, cardinal, 332.

Fo, temple of, 89.

Foote, Samuel, 550.

Forty shilling franchise in Ireland, the,

Fox, caricatures of, 553.

[ocr errors]

France, agriculture of, compared with
that of England, 3-her law of real
property, succession, &c., 6, 11-feeling
in America on the revolution in, 31-
State of, June 1848, 51-the present
state of, and lessons from it, 476, 477
-pictures of, from Jérome Paturot, .

François le Champi, notices of, 568.
Frankfort, appearance of the town of, 525
-the insurrection in, 541-parliament,
the, 375, 380, 515.

Frederick-William, character, policy, &c.,
of, 518, 519, 523.

Free trade, progress of, 114-its influence
on shipping, 125-its failure, 264, 268
examination of its principles, 269, 409.
French actors, riots against, in London,
1755, 549-literature, recent, 557-
novels, on, 471.

Fur trade of Siberia, the, 84.
Gagern, Herr von, 381, 531.
Gaming in England, rage for, 554.
George I., accession of, 328.

George II., life and times of, 327-his
personal and public character, 329-
sketches and anecdotes of him, 334, et

George III., caricatures of, 552.
German novels, modern, 190.
Germanic confederation, the, 285.
Germany, objects of the revolutionary
party in, 373-and its parliament, a
glimpse at, 515-errors of the congress
of Vienna regarding, 516-democratic
character of the smaller states, 517-
first outbreak and rapid progress of the

movement, 518-objects of the demo-

cratic party, 536-state of the coun-
try, 538.

Gillray the caricaturist, 544, 553.
Glass, painting on, 156.

Glimpse at Germany and its parliament,a,


Godwin's novels, on, 466.

Goethe's Theory of Colours, 759.

Gothic architecture, rise of, 145.
Gower the poet, 224.

Grattan, close of the career of, 620.
Gravière's sketches of the naval war, re-
view of, 595.

Great Britain, importance of Australia to,
66-present state of, 479, 492.
Great Tragedian, the, chap. I., 345-

chap., II. 348--chap. III., 349-chap.
IV., 352-chap. V., 355-chap. VI

Greek sculpture, on, 154-romances, 472.
Green Hand, the, 743.

Gulielmus, the first English laureate,


Habeas corpus act, suspension of the, in
Ireland, 284.

Harrington, lord, 341.

Harrowby, lord, notices of Castlereagh
by, 621.

Heidelberg, first revolutionary assembly
at, 518-state of, 378.
Hemans, Mrs, 641.

Hervey's life and times of George II.,
review of, 327.

Heywood the poet, 226.

Jewish disabilities bill, the, 279-an
American on the, 36.

John, the archduke, 520.

Johnson, Daniel and Ben, 227.

Kaffirland, 158.

Kames, lord, on the law of entail, 3.

Karr, M., and his writings, 560.
King, lord chancellor, 339.
Kock, Paul de, 571.
Kosacks of the Ural, the, 81.
La Famille Alain, the, 560.
Lady tourists, on,
Laffan, archdeacon, 280.
Lamb plant, the, 79.
Lamoricière, general, 259.
Land, the laws of, 1.

Last Constantine, Mrs Hemans', 652.
Laurels and laureates, 220.
Law, John, career of, 546.
Laws of land, the, 1.

Lays of the Deer Forest, review of, 92.
Legend from Antwerp, a. Introduction,
444-The Doomster's first-born; chap.
I., The tavern, 447-chap. II., The
lovers, 450-chap. III., Father and son,
453-chap. IV., The execution, 455.
Leiningen, prince, 383.

Letter to Eusebius, a, on novels, 459.
Lichnowsky, prince,532-his murder, 533.
Life and times of George II., the, 327.
Life in the Far West, part II. 17-part
III., 130-part IV., 293-part V., 429
-part VI., 573-memoir of the author,

London, state of, under George I., 545.

Highway robbery, prevalence of, in 1720, Londonderry, lord, memoirs of Lord


Hoadley, bishop, 342.

Hogarth as a painter, 153-his first cari-
cature, 548-career of, 551.
Horse-dealer, the, a tale of Denmark, 232.
Huzzah for the rule of the Whigs, 112.
Imports, increase of manufactured, 273.
Income tax, modifications of, proposed,
421, note.

Intestacy, law of succession in, 5.

Ireland, agriculture and laws of property
in, 12-amount of immigration from, 261
-legislation of the session regarding,
279-its state, remedies proposed, &c.,
421, 423-the rebellion in, 480, et seq.-
proper government for, 489-state of,
before the union, 611-the rebellion of
1798,615-the union, 619-the miseries
of, and their remedies, 658.
Irish crime bill, the, 281.
Irkutsk, town of, 88.

Italy, Whig policy toward, 286-present
state of, 476.

Jacobitism, prevalence of, under George
I., 545.

Jahn, professor, 531,

Jane Eyre, remarks on, 473.
Jérome Paturot, review of, 687.
Jervis, Sir John, 599.


Castlereagh by, reviewed, 610.
Louis XV., character of, 332.

Louis Philippe, American estimation of,


Lyons, state of, 59.

Macculloch on the succession to property

vacant by death, review of, 1.
Madame de Malguet, remarks on, 474.
Maimachen, town of, 88.

Manufactures, state of exports and im-
ports, 273, 274.

Mariage de Paris, notice of the, 565.
Martineau's Eastern life, review of, 185.
Masquerades, prevalence of, during the
eighteenth century, 548, 550.
Mayence, state of, 525.

Memoirs of Lord Castlereagh, 610.
Menchikoff, a Russian favourite, 81.
Mery, M., the works of, 565.
Mill's political economy, review of, 407.
Mill, Mr, on the waste lands of Ireland
and their improvement, 668, et seq.
Miseries of Ireland, the, and their reme-
dies, 658.

Mississippi scheme, the, 546.

Mitchell, trial and condemnation of, 283.
Mitchell's Australia, review of, 66.
Modern tourism, 185.

Molesworth, Sir William, 271.

8 D

Monceaux, sketches in the park of, 249,

Monsieur Bonardin, review of, 687, 700.
Montemolin, the Count de, and his party
in Spain, 627.

More, Hannah, works of, 461.
Mormons, sketches of the, 577.
Mosaic law, the, relative to land, 3.
Moscow, the burning of, 79-the retreat
from, 359.

Moses, Miss Martineau's theory of, 183.
Muggite societies in London, the, 545.
Musset, Paul de, 567.

[blocks in formation]

the, 249, 691.

[blocks in formation]

Pye, Henry James, 231.

Pyramids, the, 186.

Queensberry, the duchess of, 335.
Rachel, mademoiselle, 693.

Raffaelle, the Madonnas of, 152-Passa-
vant's Life of, 758.

Ragged schools, statistics of, 67.
Reaction, dread of, in France, 56.
Rebellion, the Irish, of 1798, 615, et seq.
Records of Woman, Mrs Hemans', 653.
Reichsverweser of Germany, the, 520,

Rellstab, Lewis, 190, 359.

National workshops of Paris, sketches of Republican France, June 1848, 51-First-

Narvaez, the policy of, 627, 629.

fruits, 687.

Review of the last session, a, 261.

Naval war of the French Revolution, the, Revolutions of England, the, 327-on the


Navigation laws, the, 114.

Nelson, career and character of, 597.

Nicholson's The Cape and its colonists,

review of, 158.

Nijni Novgorod, fair of, 79.

Novels, a few words about, 459.
O'Connell, John, on-Ireland, 281.
Orange, the princess of, 339, 342.

Orval, the prophecy of, 704, 705, et seq.
Ostyaks, the, 82, 83, et seq.
Painting, Eastlake on, 757.
Painting on glass, on, 156.
Parcel from Paris, a, 557.
Paris, state of, 51-its supremacy, 53-
this beginning to fail, 55, et seq.-
sketches in, 248-a parcel from, 557-
pictures of, from Jérome Paturot, 688.
Passavant's Life of Raphael, notice of,

Peel, Sir R., on the sugar act, 276-the
adherents of, 633- his banking act,
suspension of it, 263.
Pericles, the age of, 155.
Petrarch's Laura, 220.
Philosophy of the fine arts, Eastlake's,

Poetry The Buried flower, 108-Huz-

zah for the rule of the Whigs, 112-
To a caged skylark, 290-Sonnet to
Denmark, 292-Danube and the Eux-
ine, 608-A Call, 625.
Poitiers prophecy, the, 708.
Polar bear, the, 85.
Political economy, 407.

Poor-law, long want of, in Ireland, 661-

that lately passed, and supplementary
measures required, 662.
Population, redundancy of, in Ireland, and
means of restraining it, 660.
Previsions of the solitary of Orval, the,
704, et seq.

Primogeniture, sketch of the history of, 3
-its advantages, 5.
Prisons, &c., expense of, 67, 75.
Prophecies for the present, 703.

Continent, the, 475-of 1830 and 1848,
coincidences between, 712.

Reybaud's Jérome Paturot, review of, 687.
Richardson, the novels of, 460.

Roads of Russia, the, 83.

Roman law of succession, the, 5.
Rowe, Nicholas, 229.

Rowlandson the caricaturist, 544, 554, 556.
Russell, Lord John, review of the policy
and measures of, 262, 270.
Russia, Erman's travels in, 78.

Ruxton, the late George Frederick, 591.
St John's Wild Sports of the Highlands,


St Maur, the national workshops at, 253.
St Paul's church, Frankfort, 530.
St Vincent, lord, 599.
Samoyedes, the, 85, 87.

Sand, George, and her works, 568.
Satires and Caricatures of the eighteenth
century, 543.

Saxon law of succession, the, 3, 6.
Sayer the caricaturist, 553.
Scarborough, lord, 334.

Scotch agriculture, effects of entail on, 3.
Scotland, the law of entail in, 7.
Scottish Deer Forests, the, 92.
Scrope's deer-stalking, 94.
Sculpture, Eastlake on, 756.
Seal-catching in the North, 85.
Session, review of the, 261.
Shadwell the laureate, 228.

Shipping, influence of the navigation laws
on, 116-statistics of, 118.
Siberia, 76-treatment of the exiles in

Sicily, the revolt of, 286.

Sigismund Fatello, chap. I., The opera,
714-chap. II., The masquerade, 718
-chap. III., The accusation, 724-
chap. IV., The captain's room, 734—
chap. V. The day after the wedding,

Silk, increased importation of, 274.
Simmons, B., To`a caged skylark, by,


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