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Sitting Bull and seven of his allies, together with six Indian policemen, were killed. The only other serious case of bloodshed was in the western portion of the Pine Ridge reservation, along a branch of the White river known as Wounded Knee creek. Troops were sent there to arrest Big Foot and his band. was made to disarm them they fired upon the soldiers, and in the fight which followed, about two hundred Indian men, women, and children, and about sixty soldiers were killed and wounded. This was called the "Battle of Wounded Knee," occurring December 29. 1890. Early in January, 1891, the hostile Indians surrendered and the troubles were ended. Save for a little "scare" in the western portion of the Cheyenne reservation in 1907, perfect peace and harmony have existed between the Indians and whites since 1890.

Indian Reservations. Marked progress has been made by the Dakota Indians. They all wear clothing like white people, most of them have very comfortable houses, and many are very prosperous. The younger generation is much more thrifty and industrious than the Indian of former days.

The Sissetons occupy citizen communities in Roberts and Marshall counties; the Yanktons, in Charles Mix county; and a portion of the Minnesota Santees, in Moody county. The other Indians of the state are located on the following reservations: Rosebud, Pine Ridge, Lower Brule, Crow Creek, Cheyenne River, and Standing Rock.


DAKOTAS DISPLACE REES. What Indians occupied this territory in 1700? What was the contest betwen the Dakotas and Rees called? What Dakotas secured the region around Big Stone lake? In the lower James valley? In the upper James valley? West of the Missouri?

GRAND RIVER MASSACRE. Give an account of this massacre and the punishment of the Indians.

CIVIL WAR MASSACRE. Give an account of the massacres during the civil war? What Indians helped protect white settlers. BLACK HILLS WAR. What treaty was made with the Tetons in 1868? This treaty was the result of what war? Where? Who was sent into the Black Hills country in 1874? What reports were sent out? Where was gold first discovered? What was the effect of the discovery of gold in the Black Hills? Tell what you can of the battles which resulted; about Custer's massacre. When was the Black Hills country given to the whites?

THE MESSIAH WAR. In what year did this take place? Tell what you can concerning the religious craze which possessed the Indians. Give an account of the death of Sitting Bull. Of the "Battle of Wounded Knee.''

INDIAN RESERVATIONS. What is said as to the progress made by Dakota Indians? Where are they now located?






Need for Government. All acts of people are regulated either by custom or by law. If you notice the reason why you do most things, you will observe that nearly everything is directly regulated by custom and only indirectly controlled by law. Custom controls, government guides. Nearly always the conduct of affairs in the home is controlled by the custom of the home itself. This is true also of the church, the school, and business activities. Self-control is the individual force which regulates custom. Law is the public force which must be applied when self-control and custom do not make the proper adjustment. Government exists to regulate those acts which custom does not adjust. There are two reasons why custom does not adjust all acts; (1) because some people are dishonest, untruthful and evil; and (2) because people make mistakes and misunderstand each other. Even though all people were good, we should still need government. It is an accepted saying even of the Better World, that "Order is Heaven's first law."

There is another reason for government. It is needed to provide means for carrying on many activities, such as mail service, money, roads, bridges, education, public health, etc.

Thus we see that

Government Means Guidance. government is not something to oppress people, as anarchists believe, but is for the good of mankind. The word "government" comes from the Latin gubernator, which means "one who guides a ship." The word, therefore, means guidance.

Monarchy. There are two forms of government among civilized people today; monarchies and republics. A monarchy (Gr. monos, alone archein, to rule) is

that form of government in which a king or queen is at the head. In an absolute monarchy the king is not restricted by law. Russia and China are the only absolute monarchies of importance. In a limited monarchy the king or queen has to obey the laws passed by the representatives of the people. In such monarchies as Great Britain the king has almost no governmental power, not nearly so much as the president in a republic, and the people as truly rule as in some republics. Indeed, there are few republics where the people rule so completely as in Great Britain. A monarchy of great extent is sometimes called an empire.

A Republic. A republic is that form of government in which representatives of the people make and enforce all laws. The chief ruler is called a president. The words republic (Lat. res, affair + publica, public) and democracy (Gr. demos, people + kratein, to rule), as we now use the words, mean very nearly the same. When we speak of a democracy we usually think of the people themselves as ruling. The voters of a township and of a common school district have meetings and decide upon

certain matters. Their government to that extent is a pure democracy.

Your Complete Address. Write your complete address, naming the principal governmental divisions. The author would write his as follows: Aberdeen city, Aberdeen township, Brown county, South Dakota, United States. To this might be added street, ward, school district, county commissioner district, judicial district, etc. It is not strange that foreigners often find our government hard to understand, since there are so many divisions for governmental purposes and each part has its own more or less separate method of government.

Two Governments. All of these may easily be classified as belonging to two groups, those controlled by the nation and those controlled by the state. We live under a twofold government-national and state. The national government is sometimes called federal.

Three Departments of the National Government. The federal government has a written constitution, which provides for (1) a lawmaking body, congress, (2) a President and other officers to enforce its laws, and (3) federal courts to try cases involving the constitution and laws of the United States and cases between states or citizens of different states. These are called the three departments of government: (1) legislative, or lawmaking; (2) executive, or law-enforcing; and (3) judicial, or law-applying. Any government must have these three departments, though in some kingdoms the same officers may exercise powers in all of them.

Congress, which meets each year at Washington, D. C., has passed laws regulating the mail service. If these laws are violated a United States officer, called a United States marshal, may arrest the one who is accused of the crime. A United States court will then try the accused, and if he is found guilty he may be imprisoned in a

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