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you may not possess all the advantages which are desirable in the attainment of any object, yet, if you faithfully pursue it with the means you do possess, you will, I have no doubt, attain the proposed end. And that they may always be virtuous ends which you shall pursue, and creditable to yourself, your friends, your country, and mankind, is the sincere wish of my heart. Your affectionate Father.


mine ear heard.

For the Mother's Magazine.


Mothers in Israel-Great is our privilege, and awful is our responsibility to God, in being permitted to live in the present age, The church of Christ is beginning to shake off her slumbers, and to realize that the great work of converting the world must be done through her instrumentality, in a little space of time. The mouth of the Lord hath declared that his gospel shall be preached to every creature. But by whom shall it be preached? From whence shall we look for these heralds of the cross? Mothers! Oh! mothers! your sons, your darling sons, are the individuals. God has only loaned them to you for the specific object of training for his service, in publishing his gospel to every And now, do you want motives to stimulate you to faithfulness and vigilance in performing this duty? Oh! consider, then, the worth of a soul; consider the deplorable condition of millions who know nothing of Jesus and his salvation. Much has been published respecting their wretchedness, but the half has never been told. I assert this from what mine eye has seen, and A slave they are to all the corrupt passions of a totally depraved heart. Oh! how galling the chains that bind them! A great portion of my life has been spent in their midst, and long have I been familiar with the heart sickening scenes of pagan superstition; and now that I am in the holy, though afflictive providence of God, separated from them, in what better way can I give vent to the fullness of my heart, than by imploring mothers to remember their never dying souls, and consecrate their sons to the service of Christ among the heathen? Those who are permitted to go in person, and live, and labor, and toil among the perishing pagans, are indeed those who are most highly distinguished in point of privilege; and next to these may faithful mothers be ranked. Come, then, lay your darling sons at the feet of Jesus, and with a prayerful heart tell them of those degraded groups yonder, who are shrouded in the darkness of ignorance; tell them too that they are waiting to hear the tidings of salvation through Jesus Christ; the great work is commenced; the morning has arisen in the distant east; the light of the gospel glimmers; every year the darkness of idolatry is scattered by its rays. With many tears, and in the sincerity of my heart, do I say, Oh! how I congratulate those who are permitted to engage in the work; how I long to taste again those choice drops of consolation that Jesus is so faithful to bestow upon his missionary servants.

What wonderful things hath God wrought for the poor heathen in the last twenty years! And now take hold of the promises of God, and encourage



your expectation from the signs of the times, and onward twenty years glance an eye; and Oh! where is the mother who loves the Savior, that would not feel subjected to a great privation in not having a son engaged in helping forward the triumphs of the cross among the heathen?

But, dearly beloved sisters, exhortation to faithfulness on this subject, from any source, will be in vain, unless your own souls are thoroughly imbued with it. Oh! let its amazing importance be most prayerfully considered, before you speak concerning it to your darling children; and when you have told them the story of redeeming love, and the miseries of those who are in total ignorance of it, remember that your duty is not done. You may be co-workers with God, in preparing your sons for missionary labor, by cultivating firmness of purpose, perseverance, sober consideration, and cheerfulness of temper. These qualities of mind are vastly important in a missionary, as well as the graces of the Holy Spirit, and they may be strengthened, or weakened, by the hand of maternal culture.

Perhaps some mothers pass over the missionary theme in conversing with their children, because it is a subject so great, and vastly momentous; those especially in the humbler walks of life, say, "I am unworthy, unlearned, and have no rank or influence in society; surely God does not call my sons into the missionary field." But consider more seriously, ye Christian mothers; is it not enough that the servant be as his lord, no matter how humble his origin? True, the office of a missionary of Christ to the heathen is honorable, and elevated; but if on that account you turn away from it, and plead unworthiness as an excuse, you may for the same reason turn your backs upon the glories of heaven, and deprive your sons of its glittering crowns.

Beloved sisters, another year of unfaithfulness and neglect of duty is about to close upon you. Oh! consider what stands recorded in heaven concerning you, in this momentous matter; and let mothers especially, on the approaching first Monday in the year, humble themselves before God for their criminal indifference and sordid selfishness in reference to the dying heathen, and awake, and repent now, Oh, ye mothers! who profess supreme love to the cause of Jesus, and redeem the time. The foundation stone of the great gospel edifice among the heathen is in your hands. Hasten, hasten, then, to roll it on, and lay it broad and sure, by resolving, at the feet of Jesus, that you will be more faithful in performing this part of maternal duty than you have been in times past; and in performing your vows, sure I am, the blessed consequences will be abundantly realized by the distant perishing heathen, as well as by yourselves.

Utica, Nov. 22, 1833.



"I would have a female qualified for her station as a wife, mother, and mistress of a family; but this is not all; for mental improvement should be associated with A CORRECT KNOWLEDGE OF HOUSEHOLD AFFAIRS. She who is to preside over a family, should be most intimately acquainted with



every thing that can preserve order or promote comfort. That must be an injudicious mother, who is not anxious to teach a daughter how to manage a family to the greatest advantage; and that must be a weak and silly girl who is not willing to be taught. All the time, therefore, must not be given to books; for learned ladies, without neatness, without order, without economy, without frugality,

'May do very well for maidens, or aunts,

But, believe me, they'll never make wives.'

"A husband's house should be rendered comfortable for himself and his children, or else they are both very likely to wander from home for comfort. Cleanliness, neatness, frugality, order, are all of great importance in the habits of a wife, mother, and mistress, for the want of which, no knowledge, however profound or extensive, can be a substitute. It is not requisite that a wife should be either an accomplished housemaid, or a perfect cook; but she ought to be able to judge of these qualifications in others; and the want of this ability has led many a man, who was blessed with a learned wife, to exclaim, with something between disgust and despair, 'I now find, to my cost, that knowledge alone is as poor a qualification for a wife, as personal beauty or external accomplishments." " HANNAH MORE.

For the Mother's Magazine.



I mean to be a Christian,


And have a heart quite new;

And when I can read my Bible,

I'll be a preacher too.

I'll go into the pulpit,

With my Bible in my hand, And preach the blessed gospel Through all my native land.

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I think I love the heathen,
And long to tell them so,
And morn and eve among them,
Most gladly would I go.
"I teach their little children
Around my humble door,
And welcome to my Savior
The wandering heathen poor.

Louisa, dear! a useful child
'Tis beautiful to see;

And you shall never hear a word

To check that mind, from me.

But, Oh! remember those who bear

The missionary name,

Must love the hallowed cross of Christ,
And daily bear the same.


To serve the cause of Jesus,
Where'er my lot is east,
Shall be my bless'd employment,
While life with me shall last.
No heart shall ache with sadness,
My hand or purse can reach;
But the notes of love and gladness
To all around I'll teach.

Oh, children! joy it gives my soul,
To hear your youthful strain;

I cannot bear to chill your youth,
With images of pain.

Your lot in life your God bestows;

Live like his own fair flowers;

Yield him in youth your fragrant thoughts,

In manhood all your powers.


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Entered according to Act of Congress, on the twenty-fifth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, by SAMUEL WHITTELSEY, as proprietor, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Northern District of New-York.

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