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To JOHN WILKES, Efq; Doles quod non refcribam: dolere define, jam refcribo. AMICUS.


N vain for me the warblers fing;
How vain the op'ning buds of spring!
The feather'd bands on every fpray,
The fleecy herds which sportive play,
Give pleasure to the finiling morn,
But never chear the wretch forlorn.

The breathing spring spreads forth her

Dy'd various by defcending fhow'rs;
The irradiating Lord of Day,
Darts on our orb his golden ray;
While equally to me are vain
The chearing beams, the fat'ning rain.
The bloom of fummer next fucceed;
Each herb adorns the verdant mead,
Rofes and fruits with fragrance hafte,
Of od'rous fmell, of pleasant tafte,
To court the Nymph and ruftic Swain,
Attending Plenty's wanton train,
Who now atone the vocal lay,
To hail the univerfal day.
But ineffectual and vain

The balmy juice, the foothing ftrain;
Nor fruits nor flow'rs of various hue,
(Thofe court the fun, these fip the dew)
of fairest form, of scents fo rare,
Ne'er each the dwellings of Defpair.
Next autumn's ripen'd fruits appear,
To fill the lap, to crown the year.
The Hind, who late inspired by hope,
With joy beholds his plenteous crop;
And fmiling heaps the fwelling horn
With golden fruits, with ricbeft corn:
But to the Captive Slave how vain
The former, and the latter rain?
Autumn's ripeness, plenty's train!
Oh! fhould the Monarch of the ifle
Superior on a Captive fmile;
Should pity move his gen'rous foul
To wipe the Blet, crafe the Scroll;
The gloomy winter's dreary form,
The eattern blaft, the fouthern ftorm,
The rattling hail-ftones fhould appear -
Smooth as the flakes which crown the

Calm as the zephyrs of the fpring,
While, filled with joy, he hails his boun-
teous King.
Newgate, Oct. 19, 1771. A CAPTIVE.

No Bleffing is equal to a GooD WIFE. Nobilitas fola eft atque unica virtus. Juv. In English thus:

"Virtue is Beauty"-where that dow`r is giv'n,

The Bridegroom is the Fav'rite of Heaven.

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The PIN and the NEEDLE.

A Pin, by various fortune toft,

Atlat, in Grefham-hall was loft ;
Well-picas'd, the turn'd her round about,
And fpy'd a rufty Needle out,
Up, fays the Pin;-for fhame be gone..
Lolling at cafe upon a stone.
Fool, fays the Needle, you don't know
What Virtues from my Partner flow;
The diftant world thro' us is known,
And both the Indies are our own.


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Otwithstanding the ministry con-

the French were concerned in fetting fire to the dock-yard at Portsmouth; and we can from undoubted authority declare, that a Frenchman, who for fome years paft refided in London, and who, it has lately appeared, was employed as a spy by the court of Verfailles, lately decamped a la fourdine: He is now in Paris, and declared to an Englishman, with whom he had been intimate fome years, before his departure, that there was an abfolute neceflity for his leaving this kingdom, as the miniftry had difcovered that he was concerned in the conflagration in question, and if he ftaid he fhould certainly be hanged.-Spies, it feems, had been employed to watch him, and they had difcovered his connections with the French Ambaffador, people in the dock-yard, &c. &c. &c.

Wednesday, Oct. 2. The fevere terms propofed by the Ruffians, have induced the Turks to imploie the affiftance of France and Spain; and, it is faid, the court of Spain have been making very confiderable naval preparations for fome time pat, with intent, it is faid, to oppofe the views of the Ruffians in the Mediterranean.

Thuriday two brothers who lived at Limehoute, having fome words together, concerning an uncle who had been a great benefactor to one of them, they went out into a marth near, and fought a confiderable time, when one gave the other fo violent a blow on the temples, that he expired almost inftantly; this catastrophe threw the furvivor into fuch an agony of mind, that he has continued ever fince raving mad.

In a letter received by a gentleman in town, from an Enghth officer in the Ruffin fervice, he tays that the Ruffian troops are equal to any in agility, difeipline, courage, and fuperior to all in bearing fatigue.

A few nights ago two labouring men were paffing by a printing-ground, where the watchman happened to be an Irishman: One of them chanced to stop at the gate, and the Irifliman, in order to be Jure of not letting a thief go unpunished,

or to fee whether he could hit a mark in cafe of neceflity, hot him dead on the wife and many helpless children.

A young couple went to be married last Wednesday at Tamworth church, when the clergyman coming to that part of the ceremony, Wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded wife, the inan replied, No, nor never will; he threw down the ring, and immediately ran out of the church.

Thursday Oct. 3. A rupture, it is pofitively afferted, muft certainly take place between the courts of Spain and Portugal, in confequence of an abfolute refu fal from the former power to evacuate a territory near Buenos Ayres, which belonged to the latter fome years ago. Extract of a Letter from Beauvais-lesParis, dated Sept. 17.

"A new-born child has been found drowned in a brook by fome reapers, and diligent fearch having been made after the mother, the daughter of an organift at Aumale was taken up on fufpicion, On being examined by the furgeons, the proved to be the mother of the infant, and confeffed her crime, which the faid The perpetrated at the inftigation of the Prior of Beaupré, his Attorney, and the Rector of Maifel, who ali three were intimate friends, and had debauched her. Thele villains, having had timely notice of the unfortunat girl's detention, abfconded; one embarked at Boulogne-furmer, and another at Calais; the Attorney was taken, and is now clofely confined at Beauvais. The officers of Ju-' itice went to the abbey of the Bernardines, of Beaupré, the revenues which amount at leaft to 60,000 livres a year, a fum fcance fufficient to maintain nine monks, which compote that abbey, but they did not find a fingle fol; the prior, who had escaped to London, caried off all the money. This affair makes a great noife, and it is hoped the court will not let this order of monks go unpunished, whofe immenfe riches give

a fanction to their crimes."


Friday, Of. 4. An Irish gentleman of the name of Meighan, fras lately been feized at Barcelona, and thrown into gaol at that place, for speaking contemptuously

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Foreign and Domeftic Intelligence.

mptuously of the military power of

Fxract of a Letter from Paris, date
Sept. 23.

"All the members of the Parliament of Rouen have received Lettres de Cachet, dering them to affemble in a body on Mutin's-day, to register the King's t for the fuppreffion of that Parliaent. The Duke d'Harcourt had been inated by the King to enforce the ftering of the edict, but as that Lord one of thofe who have protefted against taft bed of justice, he defired to be exed under pretence of illness, and the has appointed the Marthal d'Ar

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Orders are fent to the officers of the fom-houses in all the fea-ports and tier towns, not to fuffer any books to brought into the kingdom without beprevioully examined."

Monday, Oct. 7. Laft week the coach the Right Hon. the Earl of Denbigh unfortunately overturned upon the betwixt Harborough and Upping , in which were his Lordship, Lady high, and two Mifs Mundy's, Lord high was greatly bruiled, and ought back to Harborough infenfible; ls Denbigh was alfo much bruised; the two young ladies elcaped unhurt. e furgeons, on examining his Lord, found no contufion or bones broke, it is hoped he will speedily recover. On Saturday, about two o'clock in the fernoon, a fire broke out at Mr. Stew's cooperage, in Blackwall, which in art time confumed all the workshops, antity of timber, cafks, &c. fome fire left near fome chips by the workmen they went to dimer. It is faid this third time of its being burnt

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was found between the ining of his coat pocket. He declares, that, had he fucceeded in his attempt on the King's life, he was to have had 500l. per annum from the court of France.

Saturday morning, about three o'clock, the counting-houfe of the Hon. James Dormer, at No. 3, in Copthall-court, Throgmorton-ftreet, was broke open by fome villains, who ftole thereout feven bars of fiver, each about a quarter of a yard long (one broke) feven quarter dollars or pefetas, a filver falt ladle twifted in the handle, feven louifd'ors, two French crowns, and tome final! French, money, with which they made off undifcovered.

Wednesday, O. 9. Yesterday at Guildhall the Sheriff's made their return to the Court of Aldermen that the ma- * jority of hands had fallen on the Aldermen Nafh and Sawbridge. The Court of Aldermen made choice of Mr. Aldermen Nafh, upon which he was congratulated by the Court, and in a Thort speech thanked them for the honour they had done him, defired the kind affiftance of his brethren the Aldermen to go through that arduous office, and took notice how happy he was that the peace of the city had been fo well kept. Mr. Alderman Wilkes then obferved that his worthy colleague and himself had been very happy in the fuccess of their endeavours to preferve the public peace, that the Lord Mayor elect would find him an obedient Sheriff in all his lawful commands, that he was linked with no party, nor faction, that as long as the Lord Mayor elect made the public good the rule of his conduct, he would give him every fupport and affiltance in his power, that he had before his eyes the example of the prelent excellent chief magiftrate, who had greatly done his duty in the most trying circumftauces, but if the Lord Mayor elect deviated from fuch a line of conduct, either by figning prefs warrants, or by any other invation of the liberty of the fubject, he would become his public," zealous, and determined enemy, but he hoped better of the entiring mayoralty, and that his part would be to concur with the friends of his Lordship in fupport of every meafire, which had the welfare of the city for its object. The' Aldermen prefent were, Lord Mavor,. Ladbroke, Altop, Afgill, Stephenlon, Harley, Turner, Trecothick, Nath, Ha-. lifax, Eidaile, Shakespeare, Peers, Kennet, Wilkes, Towalend, Oliver, Saw



Foreign and Domeftic Intelligence.

bridge, and Bird. All the Court of Aldermen then came round, took the Lord Mayor elect by the hand, and wished him joy, as did likewife Mr. Sheriff Bull.

After the bufinefs at Guildhall was over, the Lord Mayor elect went to the Mantion-houfe in the state coach with the prefent Lord Mayor, where a grand entertainment was provided.

Monday night, about eight o'clock, a moft dreadful fire broke out at a corkcutter's, the corner of Ironmonger-row, Old-ftreet road; the wind being high, foon communicated the flames to the houte contiguous, from thence they fpread to the bowl and pin, and then to the houfes behind, which were damaged and destroyed to the number of about thirteen houles. No water could be procured for fome time in any degree fufficent to quench the flames, and had not the wind fhifted foon after the fire began, all New-street must have been confumed. As the flames were foon feen all over London, engines from the molt diftant parts attended, and a most amazing crowd assembled, many of whom were much hurt, and others had their cloaths much damaged, by tumbling in the wet and throng.

Same night, during the above fire, part of the wall which furrounded the church-yard of St. Luke's church, Oldtreet, fell down by the weight of the people that were upon it to fee the fire, when one man was killed, and several greatly hurt.

Within a few days paft near 100 noblemen and gentlemen, members of both houfes of parliament in Ireland, fet out for Dublin, in order to attend their duty therein pursuant to the notice given for their meeting yesterday the 8th inftant.

Wednesday died at Exeter, Dr. Bent one of the Phyficians to the Devon and Exeter Hofpital.

Monday died of a complication of diforders, at his apartments in Bloomsbury, Dr. Norris, aged 73.

Friday, Oct. 11. On Wednesday the place of Upper City Marthai, was fold before the committee of city lands to Mr. Teafdale, of Bishopsgate-street, at the price of 1900!.

Advice is received that the Spaniards had the latter end of Augult a fleet of men of war lying in the port of Almeria, which were ready to put to fea at a few hours notice; that they were to take on board a regiment of foldiers which had been there fome months in order to be

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properly exercifed, the letter adds, that moit of the officers are Irish, fately entered into that fervice, alfo that the fhips have on board, bombs, mortars, and every thing else which is ufed in befieging a place.

Wednesday night as a gentleman was going through Lincoln's Inn, he was. topped by a fellow who prefented a piftol to his breaft, and robbed him of his. watch and fix guineas.

An Effex Grazier, being in liquor, was last night decoyed into a house of ill fame in Fleet-lane, by two women,, who took from him a leather bag, in which were upwards of forty guincas.

Monday, Oct. 14. It appears from the letters of Mr. Whitefield, now publifhing, that for the ufe of the Orphanhoufe in Georgia, from January 1738-9, to February 1770, the fum of 15,4041. 2 s. 5 d. half-penny hath been receivedand expended; and towards the fum received Mr. Whitefield contribued no lefs than 3,9831. 195, gd.. No proof of his avarice.

It alfo appears from the aforefaid letters, that the lands granted by the Crowa to him and his heirs for the Orphanhoufe, are 1819 acres; for the College 2000 acres ; to which may be added 1000 acres more, left by a foreign clergyman, making in the whole 48.9 acres.

Lifton, Sept. 10. Laft Friday at noon. as the Marquis of Pombal, principal Minifter of his moft Faithful Majelty, was going out of the King's Palace, he was attacked in his carriage, in the midit of the horse-guards who accompanied him, by a young countryman almoft naked, who threw a ftone at hin with fuch violence, that it split the coach door againit which it happily hit; he had time to throw another, before he was feized by the guards, who would have cut him to pieces, had not the Mar quis forbid their hurting him. wretch did not endeavour to elcape, and, only feems to regret his not being killed by the guards; he was immediately carried to the prifon o the Jonquiere.


Tuesday, Oct. 15. A letter from Gibralter, dated Sept. 13, favs, "His Royal Highnets the Duke of Gloucester arrived here laft Saturday, attended by the Adjutant General, by Colonels Defaguliers and Rainford, and Major Haywood. His Royal Highnels has gone over every part of this place, and has reviewed the garrifon, which really made a fine appearance.


Foreign and Domestic Intelligence.

"His Royal Highness propofes to fail this evening, attended by the above officers, and Lieutenant Colonel Phillips, of the Artillery, for Minorca, to reI view that ifland."

Much damage was done on Sunday night among the fhipping in the river, occafioned by the violence of the wind; a Dutch veffel, lying a little below the Tower broke from her moorings, ran foul of a tier of fhips, and carried away part of the rigging belonging to feveral of them.

We hear from Shetland, that one Andrew Tait died at North Yell (one of the Shetland islands) in July laft, aged about 120 years. He was in the fervice of a gentleman of that ifland a ploughman in the year 1672.

Wednesday, Oct. 16. Monday mornabout eight o'clock, a duel was fought in High-Park between Major B- and Mr. T, a gentleman of great fortune in Yorkshire; when after discharging a pistol each, the latter received a wound in the fide, and was immediately carried in a coach to the houte of an eminent furgeon near Piccadilly.

It is faid the above difpute arofe from Mr. T having a few days fince in fulted Major B, for fhooting upon part of his eftate without being authoriied to do fo.

Thursday, O. 17. A letter from Bridport, Donetihire, October 14, fays, "We have had quite a hurricane for two or three days paft; a veflel going up the Channel was driven on fhore yelterday about three miles from our harbour, and immediately beat to pieces; every fqul on-board perifhed. She is uppofed to come from South Carolina, having on road rice, ftaves, &c.

Yesterday the five following convicts under fentence of death in Newgate, were executed at Tyburn, viz. james Allen, for stealing four watches out of the shop of Mefl. Websters, to whom he was a fervant; William Penn, for tobbing John Broadhurit of a gold watch, alio for roobing John' Ward on the highway, of his watch and money; Richard Thompson and John Hogan, for robbing Rice Price and Philip Moren, on the highway; and Mary Jones, for fteating 12 yards of lace out of the thop of Mr. Foot, in Ludgate-freet. Hogan fruck the executioner when he was put the cart. Alien made a fpeech exhorting fervants to be honeft so their matters, and to take warning by his untrudly end. Melf. Wilkes and Bail

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the new Sheriffs, attended for the fr time; Mr. John Reynolds, the Deputy Sheriff, likewife attended.

Friday, Oct. 18. Letters from Paris advife, that robberies are become fo frequent there, that within the compafs of ten days before the date of thofe letters, upwards of 140 thieves of different kinds had been taken up and fent to prifon. A few nights ago fome rogues broke into a fhop and packed up goods to a large amount, but being difcovered before they could carry them off, they fet fire to them. Among other robberies the church of the Dominicans, has been ftripped of its rich ornaments, and the rogues had the impudence to burn feveral of the rich habits of the Priests within the church, Thefe letters add, that the Count de Lowendal was lately married to Mademoiselle de Bourbon Charolois, a legitimated daughter of the Count de Charolois."

Advice is received by the last hips from Antigua that on a late_trial_there before the Hon. Stephen Blizard, Efq; Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, when the Jury had brought in their verdict, the Chief Juftice refufed to take the verdict, and found great fault with it. The Jury perfifting unanimously in the verdict they had given, he declared it should not be recorded; for that it was contrary to honour, honefty, and common fenfe. Whereupon the July immediately quitted the Court: And Mr. John Burke, one of the Coun-fel, and a member likewife of the Alfembly, declared in the Court, that he would impeach the Chief Juftice before the Council and Affembly of that ifland at the first meeting. The gentlemen of the Jury, who are the principal people of the island, have also inftructed Mr. Glanville, another young Counfel and a member of the Affembly, to affift Mr. Burke in the impeachment. It is fuppofed this matter will fhortly be difcuffed in England.

Saturday, O. 19. A letter from Philadelphia, dated July 12, afferts, that, about three weeks before, three men being in a canoe, fishing, near Damifcotte, a large thark came along aside, and after going feveral times round the canoe, came up and took the man standing in the middle overboard, bit him in two pieces, and fwallowed both parts; afterwards came up to the canoe again, when the other two, being greatly terrified, hove over all their fifh, and laid themfives down on the bottom, on

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