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minister, bless him in his thoughts, words and works, give him many souls for his hire here, and hereafter receive him into glory.


A SERIES of articles, of which the above is the theme, will commence to appear in our next issue (D.V,) from the pen of our talented brother, the Rev. J. C. S. Kroenig, of Holy Trinity, Hull.


WE feel grateful to those Christian Protestants who requested our highly esteemed Hebrew Christian brother, the vicar of Christ Church, Leicester, to reprint the excellent address-which he delivered at the meeting of the Yorkshire Branch of the Church Association-in the form of a pamphlet. Especially are we beholden to our gifted brother, the Rev. Albert A. Isaacs, for his noble protest against the romanisers in the Church of England, as well as for his staunch testimony to the eternal truth of God, and for his earnestness in contending for the faith once delivered unto the saints. There is scarcely a sentence in the address which may not be classified under one or another of the threefold characteristic of the brochure. Oh that the God and Redeemer of Israel would daily add to the army of Hebrew Christian Witnesses! We wish we had space at command to transfer the whole address to our pages, so important do we consider it. But we can only find room for the few concluding remarks:

"Finally, let me observe that no form of resistance can be so potent and enduring as that of light to darkness, of truth to error. At a crisis, such as the present, each of us has need to ask himself, "Am I, if a clergyman, a faithful minister of the everlasting covenant?" if a layman, “Am I spending my energies and strength in the service of my divine Master? Do I seek to be in all things a living epistle, known and read of all men? Is it my constant and anxious desire to spread the gospel at home and abroad, and to

be always abounding in the work of the Lord?" Without this, the weapons of our warfare would be little more than carnal, and they could not be mighty to the pulling down of these strongholds. It is under the banner of the Lord of hosts that we must fight; it is for His direction and help that we must wrestle and pray. The holy life, the diligent activity, the close walk with God, the spirit of prayer pervading all that we undertake, will exercise a power which will be felt and acknowledged. I am sure that we must in these times labour with the sword in one hand, and the trowel in the other; but we must ever bear in mind that our main object is not to fight but to build-not so much to put to flight the enemies of the truth as to be the humble instruments in the Lord's hands of raising up the walls and gates of our spiritual Zion.

"I do not assume to myself the character of a prophet, but I may be allowed, in conclusion, to say a few words as to what appears to me the probable issue of this great conflict in which we are engaged. None of us would attempt to disguise from ourselves the fact that ritualism, sacerdotalism, and the sacramentarian system have been making gigantic strides in our midst during the last few years. None of us can deny the acceptance which these receive, not only from a large body of the clergy, but from very many of our bishops and some of the chief officers of state. It is also worthy of notice that almost all the laity who are members of diocesan conferences are strong supporters of the sacerdotal theories. My own conviction is, that we shall see, not a diminution, but a growth, in these erroneous principles; and that whether the Church of England be established or disestablished, we shall live to see the Romanising system gaining the ascendancy, and exercising the tyranny and despotism which it invariably does when such an ascendancy is obtained. Thus it will apparently have accomplished its purpose, and we for a time -but only for a time-may have to suffer all the consequences of defeat and humiliation. God has a controversy with our land, and in this way He may execute His judgments on us. But my belief is that these men will be found to have paved the way for their own destruction. The English nation may be deceived, and may allow itself, in the pride of its self-sufficiency, to be

shorn by this meretricious Delilah. But events travel fast in these days, and the re-action will be great and terrible. Revolution may be the consequence, and such revolution as may destroy both the Church and the Crown. But the living God, who has made our Protestant country the channel of spreading the glorious gospel in all parts of the world, who has through us sent His Word into the dark places of the earth, will not permit us to continue long under the slavery of superstition and priestcraft, but will disperse these clouds and give us the blessing of a new Reformation. Then those who have unflinchingly stepped into the breach, and in connexion with such Associations as these, have been enabled to fight valiantly and well, will taste of all the fruits of victory, and find that their works of faith and labours of love have not been in vain in the Lord."

The pamphlet may be obtained of J. & T. Spencer, Market Place, Leicester.


[An extract from a letter addressed to us by an accomplished Jewish lady, now at the Russian capital.]

"To write fully upon the condition of the Jews in Russia, is scarcely possible for me to do. I do not mix amongst all classes; I only catch a glimpse of their varieties. I know that the very rich Jews, like the , live in the greatest intimacy with the most aristocratic Christian families. As for the poor Jews, I only know that all those who have trades can live as peaceably at Petersburg as if they were in Jerusalem, in her palmy days. As for those who have no trade or profession, they are obliged to hide themselves, or they would be driven away from here. There are two small synagogues, a few Jewish schools, and lately Madame W —, with the aid of some other ladies, has founded an asylum for orphans of both sexes, where they will be boarded, educated, and trained either for professions or trades, according to their respective capacities. Altogether, the Jews are quite as happy, and have about as much freedom here as anywhere else. Mr. W

has received three orders from the Emperor, and was named two years ago Conceiller de Commerce. Dr.

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Cyon, one of our friends, has been

elected, about a month ago,' Professeur de l'Academie des Sciences." I tell you all this to show you that there is no difference between Christian and Jewish merit, the one is as much appreciated as the other. As for me, I like Russia very much. I have some dear friends," &c. &c.


In reply to

PSALTERS AND HYMN BOOKS. DEAR MR FITOR, T. H. B., who wrote in your last month's "Witness" concerning a new Psalter, or Rhythmical version of the Psalms of David for Church use, it appears to me that as the Psalms are already rendered into good sound English verse by so many excellent writers, from Sternhold and Hopkins, Brady and Tate, Dr. Watts, Goode, and others, down to the present time, it would be almost superfluous to add to the versions which we already possess. There seems, also, less need for our Church hymn books to have complete renderings of the whole Psalms, since, in all our services, before we come to the singing of the hymns, we have already either said or sung portions for the day from the Psalms.

I may observe, for your friend's information, who appears rightly interested in the p almody of our Church, that in the new edition of my hymn book for St. Paul's, Dalston, about to be published with a new and copious appendix, and called "Lyra Sacra Anglicana," or, "English Hymnology," there will be found among nearly one thousand hymns, selections of the best versions from almost every one of the Psalms of David.

I shall be happy to send him and yourself a copy for inspection, as soon as it is printed and published. Believe me, yours faithfully, W. STONE, M.A. St. Paul's Vicarage, Dec. 17, 1872.


DEAR SIR,-I would desire, through your columns, to make a few remarks which may tend to remove the diffi culty felt by some in reconciling the present state of things in this country with the theory which maintains the

identity of our race with the lost house of Israel-restored to God's favour, as the Scripture affirms of those tribes, whilst cast out of their own land"allured by Him into the wilderness," and those "brought into the bond of the covenant," and "called by a new name."

Whilst recognising with sorrow the ominous aspect of affairs in Church and State, and having full sympathy with those who feel that "Ichabod" is written on the land that once bore so earnest a testimony for the truth, and protest against the very errors that are bringing darkness and judgment on this country-yet these circumstances, deplorable as they are, so far from militating against the fact of our Israelitish origin, would, on a careful examination of "the sure word of prophecy," rather confirm our belief in it -whilst tracing, by the light of that word, not only the circumstances which brought and established us in these "isles afar off," but those also which will eventually lead out thence (and that, the signs of the times seem to indicate, at no distant period), those who are waiting on the Lord for counsel and direction, in the midst of the widespread defection and apostasy around. For do not the Scriptures clearly intimate, concerning the place prepared for them in these "islands," where the people were to "renew their strength" (Is. xli.), and attain to the power and eminence described in that chapter, that the time would come when, because of abounding evils, they would be called to "depart" thence, as we read in Isaiah lii. 11, 12?

But, before we consider this passage, it may be well, for the right understanding of the time and circumstances to which it refers, to direct attention to two important rules, which will be found very helpful in the interpretation of the prophetic Scriptures.

First: The principle of recurrence. Take, for instance, the first vision in Daniel- that of the image representing the great fabric of Gentile power, under the four monarchies there named, and leading on to the time of their destruction, when smitten by the Stone which becomes a great mountain and fills the whole earth. No subsequent vision in the book goes beyond that culminating event. The succeeding visions are but the filling up of the period embraced in the first, retracing and enlarging on its chief features.

The Book of the Revelation, referring

to the most important portion of Daniel's prophecy-that concerning the fourth empire-and dwelling more particularly on its closing period of 1260 prophetic days, is written on the same principle; and much misapprehension and confusion cannot but result if we neglect a principle so obvious in the analogous prophecy of Daniel, and interpret the Revelation as if each vision followed in chronological order, instead of recurring to the same period, briefly sketched in the sixth chapter, the beginning of the properly prophetic portion of the book, and embracing from the preaching of the Gospel to the announcement of the great day of the wrath of the Lamb.

In like manner, with regard to the Book of Isaiah. Its first vision " concerning Judah and Jerusalem" depicts, in vivid colours, the failure of that people and their rejection of God; their "land left desolate," and themselves but "a very small remnant; closing with their restoration and blessing, when "Zion shall be redeemed with judgment, and her converts with righteousness."

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Another equally important rule for right interpretation, traceable in many parts of Scripture, but more especially in those connected with the second advent, is to notice that the closing scene of blessing is given first, before the details of sorrow and evil that precede it; particularly after a general introductory sketch has been given, such as those we have noticed; and, though the principle is sometimes obscured by the arbitrary division of chapters, yet can it be easily traced; as, for example, in the several visions relating to the millennial glories of Israel, in Isaiah ii., iv., beginning at verse 2; xi., xii., xxvi., xxxii., xl., xlii., li.; and when we come to chapter lii. we have accordingly first the exulting shout to "Zion and Jerusalem " to put on their strength and their beautiful garmerts the glad tidings of salvation published on the mountains of Israel; her waste places breaking forth into joy and singing; and all the ends of the earth called to see the salvation of our God. Then there is a sudden break, and a solemn call to "depart" (verses 11, 12), addressed to those" who bear the vessels of the Lord," i.e., to those who prize and uphold the truths signified by the vessels of the sanctuary, the charge of the priests and Levites, typical of the Church of God. They are called "to come out and be separate,


and touch no unclean thing ;" and the hopeless condition of things around is implied by the command to "depart and go out from thence," and that with deliberate purpose; neither "with haste nor by flight;" for "the Lord will go before them, and the God of Israel be their rereward."


We conclude, therefore, that the infidel and antichristian principles, coming in like a flood, are the very circumstances foreseen, and which lead to the predicted exodus from this once highly favoured, but now guilty and faithless land, leading back God's chosen ones to their own land, there to make ready a people for the Lord, chiefly from among our brethren of "Judah," who will "walk with Israel" (Jer. iii. 18), "returning" under our protection, "coming up together out of the land of the north to the land given for an inheritance to their fathers," the Israel of God publishing there the glad tidings of salvation and the coming of the Lord: so fulfilling the antitypical Elijah ministry which is to precede His glorious appearing.

Yes, we believe that, prompted by the same feelings and acting on the same principles which led our forefathers, on the revival of Popery under the Stuarts, to seek a home in the far distant West-the day is fast approaching when the faithful amongst us, though ignorant-many, if not most of them of our hereditary connexion with the Promised Land, will hasten there, availing themselves of the favourable circumstances which dispose its present rulers to welcome and encourage the settlement amongst them of the only people they can trust as faithful allies, giving them, as well as to our American and German brethren engaged in missions there, unprecedented liberty for the exercise of their religion, contrasting so favourably in their eyes with the idolatry of the Latin and Greek churches.

The weakening of the Turkish power, symbolised by the drying up of the waters of the Euphrates (Rev. xvi.) is, in the Lord's purpose, for the very object of "preparing the way of the kings of the East"-the people to whom He has promised the inheritance and sovereignty of that vast regionfrom "the great river, the river Euphrates, to the great, or Mediterranean Sea"-even to the seed of "Abraham his friend."

Settled in the land of their fathers, the believing portion of Israel, to whom

alone the promises are "Yea and Amen in Christ Jesus," will there lift up the ensign of the truth to all nations, attracted by the advantages those fertile lands will present when they shall have again become, as they are soon likely to do, the high road of the commerce of the East. But the day of the Lord will overtake the careless and ungodly in the midst of their schemes of worldly gain, when He comes to be glorified in His saints and admired in all them that believeexecuting vengeance on His enemies, and sending the fire of His indignation on them that "dwell carelessly or confidently in the isles "-rejoicing in the success of their evil designs, and on Gog and Magog and all their hosts, confederate against His people dwelling safely in their own land. (Ezek. xxxviii., xxxix.)

Gloomy, however, as are the prospects of this country, viewed in the light of the Scriptures, concerning the latter days of our sojourn in these once highly favoured isles, the dark picture is not without relief. For we gather from passages, such as Isaiah lviii., that, whilst a hollow ritualistic worship is being again set up in our midst, its deluded adherents forgetful of the glorious past, and how our emancipation from Rome and her corrupt doctrines and practices was purchased by the blood of a noble army of martyrs and confessors-yet is there a faithful band of witnesses in our midst, testifying against these things, and seeking to worship God in spirit and in truth, evidencing the fruits of a living faith by works of love and piety: feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, instructing the poor, relieving the burdens of the oppressed (ver. 8-12), delighting themselves in, and contending for the observance of that day (ver. 13, 14) which Romanists desecrate by their idolatrous service of the mass, and worldly pursuits and amusements, but which the Christian esteems it his privilege to set apart, as looking forward to the Sabbatismos, " the rest that remaineth for the people of God"observing the day not merely in passive rest from bodily toil and labour, as under the Mosaic economy, but in the activities of the new, the risen life, according to the typical character of the first, or resurrection day.

Such is the attitude and testimony of the obedient and instructed ones, who at the appointed time will be prepared to arise and depart hence, to fulfil their

mission to their own land, "Immanuel's land"-testifying in power with the Spirit poured on them from on high (Is. xxxii. 15; Joel ii. 28), "sowing beside all waters "-turning many to righteousness, kept in peace during the last solemn and glorious scenes of their marvellous history, knowing that their redemption draweth nigh; owned of God as "His witnesses," though so long "blind" as to who they are, whilst he has been faithful to His promise: "I will bring the blind by a way that they know not; I will lead them in paths they have not known. I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do, and not forsake them." (Is. xlii. 16.)

I trust that what has now been said, together with the several papers which have already appeared on the subject from so many contributors to your interesting and valuable magazine, may help to remove any remaining difficulties in the mind of honest inquirers into the truth of our Israelitish origin, however hopeless it may be to convince "minds proof against the evidence of Scripture, history, and logic," as it has been aptly expressed in your present December No.- by Sir Sampson Fitznun-whoever may be the original of that large-hearted, upright Hebrew Christian, superior to the narrow prejudices of race and party, and whose testimony is calculated to rebuke the pseudo-Judean partiality of those who, jealous on their behalf, and actuated by "a zeal without knowledge," refuse to acknowledge the tie which binds us to them, as equally with theirs of "the stock of Israel." But our God will yet manifest it in His own time, and great shall be the day of the "scattered seed, the seed of God." December 6.




[We have been requested to reprint the following letter which appeared in the July Number of the first series of "THE HEBREW CHRISTIAN WITNESS," page 108.]

To the Editor of the Hebrew Christian Witness.

DEAR SIR,-I have recently read, with absorbing interest, "Vestiges of the Historic Anglo-Hebrews in East

Anglia" (published by Messrs. Longman and Co.). I enter heart and soul into the author's plea for a Hebrew Christian College, which "might prove the nursery of purest literature and soundest science." I sincerely trust that the Hebrew Christians en masse will agitate till they attain the object of the author's aim.

"How do I propose to raise the money for the required fabric and endowment?"-the author asks, on p. 105, and bis answer is as follows:"By Act of Parliament! Repeal the Spoliation Act of Anno Primo Victoria Regina, cap. xlvi. Let the vast accumulated property of the 'Domus Conversorum,' in Chancery Lane, and Fetter Lane, be restored to its proper object; and a well-endowed Collegewith its chapel, and residence for professors, students, porters-is ready to hand. The new Public Record Office would not be a bad College to begin with. Why not add 'Sion College' to it?"

The paragraph which follows the one just quoted is so interesting, that I cannot forbear quoting it :-" When the Hebrew Christian, Sir Francis Palgrave, was appointed Master of the Rolls, some facetious humourist, at the time, put a question in the 'Notes and Queries,' to the effect,' How long since was it that the property of the Domus Conversorum had been restored to its original purpose?' When I read it, I could not help observing, ‘Many a true word spoken in jest.'"

I trust that you, as the mouth-piece of Anglo-Judæo Christians, will keep the subject constantly before the British Christian public till you recover that which indisputably belongs to you, as a body.

You will bear with this communication when I tell you that I have for many years felt a deep interest in everything connected with the spiritual welfare of the Hebrew nation. I am a firm believer that that nation will be restored to God's favour, and, moreover, that the Fig-tree is beginning to bud. My dear partner and myself are both one in the same faith and hope. It gives us profound pleasure to offer, as a gratuity, a piece of freehold land, as a site for a Hebrew Christian Collegiate Institution, which shall embrace -until the property of the Domus Conversorum be restored to you-an Anglo-Hebrew Christian Church, Hall for Lectures, Conferences, &c. This establishment, I propose, shall be en

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