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Concubuere, quia toro Aeneam vidimus accumbentem : quin et altera ratio, fcil. conticuere et ora tenebant, tautos logice dictum. In manufcripto perquam rariffimo in patris museo legitur, òre gemebant ; fed magis ingeniofe quam vere. Satur Aeneas, quippe qui jamjam a prandio furrexit: pater nihil ad rem.

11. VER. 3.

İnfandum, Regina, jubes renovare dolorem.
Infantum, Regina, jubes renovare dolorem.

Sic haud dubito veterrimis codicibus fcriptum fuiffe: quod fatis conftat ex perantiqua illa Britannorum cantilena vocata Chevy-Chace, cujus autor hunc locum fibi af civit in haec verba,

The Child may rue that is unborn.

III. VER. 4.

Trojanas ut opes, et lamentabile regnum
Eruerint Danai.

Trojanas ut oves, et lamentabile regnum

Mallem oves potius quam opes, quoniam in antiquiffimis illis temporibus oves et armenta divitiae regum fuerė, Vel fortaffe oves Paridis innuit, quas fuper Idam nuperrime pafcebat, et jam in vindictam pro Helenae raptu a Menelao, Ajace, [vid. Hor. Sat. ii. 3.] aliifque ducibus, merito occifas.

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Omnia tam audita quam vifa recta diftinctione enarrare hic Aeneas profitetur: multa, quorum nox ea fatalis fola confcia fuit, vir probus et pius tanquam vifa referre non potuit.

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V. VER. 7.

Quis talia fando

Temperet a lacrymis ?
Quis talia flendo

Temperet in lacrymis ?

Major enim doloris indicatio, absque modo lacrymare, quam folummodo a lacrymis non temperare.

VI. VER: 9.

Et jam nox bumida coelo

Praecipitat, fuadentque cadentia fidera fomnos.
Et jam nox lumina coelo

Praecipitat, fuadentque latentia fidera fomnos. Lectio, humida, vefpertinum rorem folum innuere vide tur. magis mî arridet lumina, quae latentia poftquam praecipitantur, Aurorae adventum annunciant.

Sed fi tantus amor cafus cognofcere noftros,
Et breviter Trojae fupremum audire laborem.
Sed fi tantus amor curas cognofcere noctis,
Et brevè ter Trojae fuperumque audire labores.

Curae noclis (fcilicet noctis excidii Trojani) magis compendiofe (vel, ut dixit ipfe, breviter) totam belli catastrophen denotat, quam diffufa illa et indeterminata lectio, cafus nofiros. Ter audire gratum fuiffe Didoni patet ex libro quarto, ubi dicitur, Iliacofque iterum demens audire labores expofcit: Ter enim pro faepe ufurpatur. Trojae, fuperúmque labores, recte, quia non tantum homines fed et Dii fefe his laboribus immifcuerunt. Vide Aen. ii. ver. 610, etc.

Quamquam animus meminiffe horret, luctuque refugit,

Quamquam animus meminiffe horret, luctusque refurgit.

Refurgit multo proprius dolorem renafcentem notat, quam, ut hactenus, refugit.


VII. VER. 13.

Frati bello, fatifque repulfi

Ductores Danaûm, tot jam labentibus annis,
Inftar montis Equum, divina Palladis arte,


Tracti bello, fatifque repulfi.

Traci et repulfi, Antithefis perpulchra ! Frati frigido et vulgariter.

Equum jam Trojanum (ut vulgus loquitur) adeamus; quem fi Equam Graecam vocabis, lector, minime pecces; folae enim femellae utero geftant. Uterumque armato milite complent-Uteroque recufo Infonuere cavas-Atque atero fonitum quater arma dedere-Inclufos utero Danaos, etc. Vox foeta non convenit maribus-Scandit fatalis machina muros. Foeta armis-Palladem virginem, equo mari fabricando invigilare decuiffe, quis putet? Incredibile prorfus! quamobrem exiftimo veram equae lectionem paffim reftituendam, nifi ubi forte, metri cauffà, equum potius quam equam, genus pro fexu, dixit Maro. Vale! dum haec paucula corriges, majus opus moveo.






Stradling verfus Stiles.

Le Report del Case argue en le commen Banke devant touts les Juftices de mefme le Bank, en le quart an du raygne de Roy Jacques, entre Mathew Stradling, Plant. et Peter Stiles, Def. en un Action propter certos Equos coloratos, Anglice, Pyed Horses, poft. per le dit Mathew vers le dit Peter.

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John Swale of Swale Hall, in Swale-Dale, faft Lerécitel by the River Swale, t. made his last will and del Cafe. Teftament: In which, among other Bequests, was this, viz. Out of the kind Love and Respect that I bear unto my much honoured and good Friend Mr. Mathew Stradling, Gent. I do bequeath unto the said Mather Stradling, Gent, all my black and white Horfes. The Ceftator had six black horses, sir white Horses, and six pred Horses.

Che Debate therefore was, Whether or no the said Mat

thew Stradling should have the said pped Horses by Le Point.

victue of the said Bequest.

Atkins Apprentice pour le Pl. mop semble que le Pour le Pl. Pl. recovera.

And first of all it seemeth expedient to consider what is the Nature of Horfes, and also what is the Nature of Colours; and so the Wzgument will consequently divide itself in a two,


fold way, that is to say the Formal Part, and Substantial Part. Horfes are the Subftantial Part, or thing bequeathed: Black and White the Formal or descriptive Part.

Horse, in a physical Sense, doth unport a certain Quadrupede or four-footed Animal, which by the apt and regular Difpofition of certain proper and convenient Parts, is adapted, fitted, and conftituted for the Ufe and Need of Man. Hea, so necesla, ry and convuçive was this Animal conceived to be to the Behoof of the Commonweal, that sundry and divers Acts of Parliament have from time to time been made in Favour of Horfes.

ift. Edward VI. Makes the Transporting of Horfes out of the kingdom, no less a penalty rhan tde Forfeiture of 40 1, 2d and 3d Edward VI, Cakes from Horse-stealers the benefit of their Clergy.

And the Statutes of the 27th and 32d of Henry VIII. Condescend so far as to take Care of their very Breed; These our wise Ancestors prudently foreseeing, that they could not better take care of their own Pofterity, than by also taking care of that of the Horfes.

And of so great esteem are Horfes in the Eye of the Com won Law, that when a Knight of the Bath committeth any great and enormous Crime, his Punishment is to have his Spurs chopt off with a Cleaver, being, as Master Bracton well obs fezbeth, unworthy to ride on a Horfe,

Littleton, Sect. 315, faith, If Tenants in Common make a Lease reserving for hent a Horse, they shall have but one Assize, because, faid the Book, the Law will not suffer a Horfe to be fevered. Another Azgument of what high Estimation the Law makerh of an hose.

But as the great Difference feeweth not to be so much touching the substantial Pazt, Horfes, let us proceed to the formal or descziptive Part, viz. What Hozses they aze that some with in this Bequest.

Colours are commonly of various Kinds and different Sorts; of which White and Black are the two Ertzemes, and conse quently comprehend within them all other Colours whatsoever.

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